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88.46% Reincarnated Into The Anime World / Chapter 68: 68 Brynhildr's Selection Match

Chapter 68: 68 Brynhildr's Selection Match

Three days had passed since Otto's encounter with Ikki and Shizuku, and Otto still hadn't managed to clear up any misunderstandings. Life for him continued with its usual rhythm.

"Hey honey~," Brynhildr lovingly called out to Otto, who was busy cooking food for her in their dorm kitchen.

"What?" he replied, turning slightly to glance at her.

"Do you want to try and fight? Just for fun?" she asked. Despite her initial lack of interest in the academy's events, she had been feeling increasingly frustrated.

"You want to try? But why? I thought you didn't have any interest in playing with the kids," he responded, recalling her previous dismissive attitude.

"You know... it's really frustrating that someone besides you is more famous than you, you know." She flatly replied, her irritation clear. She had been dealing with a barrage of negative comments on social media for merely being near Otto. People called her unworthy, a whore, a bitch, and every other insult they could think of.

"Sounds rough..." Otto felt a flicker of anger hearing about her situation.

"Yeah..." Normally, Brynhildr wouldn't care about such comments, but what annoyed her was that all these people were weaker than her—mere insects she could crush at any time.

"Alright then, request a match with me if that will help you fix your problem on social media," Otto said as he continued cooking. Unlike him, Brynhildr needed food like a normal human being.

"Okay!" Brynhildr happily complied, glad to have his support.

Just as Brynhildr was about to request a match with Otto, she suddenly received an important email from the school. She paused, opening it quickly.

Brynhildr stared blankly at the email, feeling slightly annoyed upon seeing the name of her opponent.

"You got a match request?" Otto asked, noticing her reaction, since he hadn't received any requests yet.

"I did... It's from the red-headed princess," Brynhildr sighed.

"Hmmm, I think that's a win, no?" Otto remarked, not too concerned about the plot now, since everything had gone awry from his initial plans at Hagun Academy.

"Won't you and I be in trouble if I beat the shit out of the princess?" Brynhildr looked at him, her eyes filled with concern. She didn't want to drag Otto into any trouble that might arise from her fighting a royal.

"Nah, she won't cause trouble. Even if she is royalty, she should know her place and when to use her authority as a princess," Otto said calmly, reassuring her that it wasn't as big of a deal as she thought.

"So don't sweat over it, and just fight normally..." Otto encouraged, even though he hadn't seen her fight since she obtained her new body.

"Mmmnn, sure?" Brynhildr's response sounded skeptical, but she decided to roll with it.


The day of the match arrived quickly. The arena was packed with students, buzzing with excitement at the prospect of watching Brynhildr, go up against Stella Vermillion, the academy's famous red-headed princess.

As Brynhildr casually walked into the arena, the crowd's chatter grew louder. Stella was already waiting, her confident demeanor unperturbed by the match.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer's voice boomed through the speakers, "On the very first day of the selection match! We have on one side, we have Stella Vermillion, the 'Crimson Princess'! And on the other, is Brynhildr Apocalypse!"

The crowd erupted in cheers as Otto watched from the sidelines, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed like an edgy anime character. He was curious to see how would Stella Vermillion handle herself against Brynhildr who has a lot of experience of fighting and used to be a Valkyrie in the past.

"Ready to get started?" Stella asked, her voice carrying a mix of friendliness and competitiveness.

"Let's see what you've got, princess." Brynhildr nodded, beckoning Stella with her index finger, a mocking expression on her face.

[Let's Go Ahead]

The match began with Stella summoning her device, a sword wreathed in flames, as she waited for Brynhildr to do the same.

"What are you waiting for?" Stella asked, confusion evident in her eyes. Brynhildr was just standing in one spot, refusing to summon her device.

"Don't mind me~ Just come and try me," Brynhildr said with an arrogant tone, her smirk growing wider.

"If that's your wish, then I won't be rude to refuse it." Stella nodded, steeling herself before launching a frontal attack towards Brynhildr.

Stella's fiery blade cut through the air, aiming directly at Brynhildr. The crowd held their breath, expecting Brynhildr to summon her weapon at the last moment. Instead, Brynhildr simply sidestepped the attack with a graceful ease, her movements fluid and unhurried.

Stella's eyes widened in surprise, recognizing Brynhildr's movements as eerily similar to Otto's footwork.

'Otto must have taught her...' she thought, not even considering that Brynhildr might have simply mimicked Otto's movements.

Each blow from Stella was met with the same effortless evasion from Brynhildr, who continued to mock her with nonchalance.

"Is that all you've got?" Brynhildr taunted, her voice dripping with superiority. "I expected more from the famous 'Crimson Princess'."

Gritting her teeth, Stella realized that Brynhildr was just toying with her. Deciding to go all out, she summoned a burst of flames around her, intensifying the heat and power of her attacks.

"That's your noble art, isn't it?" Brynhildr observed, her eyes narrowing as she analyzed the flames. Upon closer inspection, she could tell that the flames were dragon flames, and Stella wasn't even aware of their true nature.

The crowd gasped as the arena was filled with a blazing inferno, the sheer intensity of Stella's power on full display.

"It is..." Stella replied, focusing on her offensive, trying to take Brynhildr off balance.

'Although the flames are abnormally hot, it's nothing compared to my "Burning Love" (Disaster Flames),' Brynhildr thought, a fun idea forming in her mind.

"You're going to have to do better than that, princess," Brynhildr taunted once again, her tone growing colder. "Show me why they call you the best."

Stella's frustration was palpable, but she pressed on, her determination unwavering. She poured all her energy into her next attack, a fiery whirlwind aimed directly at Brynhildr. The crowd watched in anticipation, the air crackling with heat and tension.

Brynhildr, however, remained unfazed. She moved through the fiery onslaught with the same effortless grace, her eyes locked on Stella with an almost predatory focus. As the flames licked at her, Brynhildr decided it was time to reveal a glimpse of her true power.

With a subtle shift in her stance, Brynhildr finally decided to use her Curse Technique, Disaster Manipulation.

'Hmmm, a tsunami won't wreck the Academy, will it? I just need to cool down the hot-headed princess,' Brynhildr thought.

Unlike Otto, who made a binding vow to increase his curse energy output, Brynhildr had made a different vow. She had agreed to always maximize the amount of curse energy she used whenever she lent it to Otto, in exchange for exhausting it after one use. But if she were to use it for herself, her Curse Technique would only work at one-third of its original power.

This limitation was because she could have never imagined that Otto would actually create a body for her to transfer into.

"Let's get slightly serious, shall we?" Brynhildr muttered, ceasing her evasive maneuvers and allowing Stella's flames to engulf her entirely.

The crowd gasped in shock at Brynhildr's sudden, seemingly reckless action. They watched in suspense, unsure of what would happen next.

"Raging Tide," Brynhildr's voice echoed through the arena.

A sudden, powerful surge of water erupted from her, completely overwhelming Stella's flames. The roaring torrent doused the inferno, steam rising as the opposing elements clashed. The flames were extinguished in an instant, leaving Brynhildr standing unscathed in the center of the dissipating steam.

The audience erupted in a mix of awe and confusion, murmuring amongst themselves as they tried to comprehend what had just happened.

"Thunderstorm." Brynhildr raised her arm, summoning thunderous clouds that rapidly formed above the arena.

Stella, drenched and taken aback, stared at Brynhildr in disbelief. Her strongest attack had been nullified effortlessly, and now another threat loomed overhead.

"You see, princess, your flames are impressive, but they lack the ability to truly challenge me," Brynhildr said, her voice calm and composed despite the intense battle.

As the thunder clouds gathered, they crackled with energy, shooting out bolts of lightning toward Stella. Stella, now on the defensive, barely had time to react. She raised her device, trying to deflect the incoming strikes, but the relentless barrage was overwhelming.

One bolt narrowly missed her, singeing the ground at her feet. Another struck her blade, sending a shockwave up her arm and nearly knocking her off balance.

As Stella began to cast her ultimate technique, "Katharterio Salamand—", Brynhildr swiftly cut her off.

"Umbral Inferno!" Brynhildr stomped the ground with force, and geysers of disaster flames erupted from the earth, catching Stella off guard and searing her with their intense heat.

Stella cried out in pain and surprise, her ultimate technique interrupted as she was enveloped in the dark flames. The crowd gasped, witnessing the sheer power and ferocity of Brynhildr's attack.

The searing flames overwhelmed Stella, forcing her to her knees as she struggled to maintain her composure and focus.

Seeing Stella's pitiful look, a mischievous glint appeared in Brynhildr's eyes as she hatched a new plan.

'I don't really care about winning... But what I do care about is getting that princess pussy for Otto,' she thought, trying to hide her smirk.

Stella, determined not to let her country down, struggled back to her feet, using her device for support. She was not ready to accept defeat, especially not on the first day of the selection matches. The thought of losing and bringing shame to her nation fueled her resolve.

Meanwhile, Otto was chatting with the flirtatious Nene Saikyou, who was supposed to be one of the announcers for the match but had decided to ditch it to hang out with him and watch Brynhildr's selection match.

"Seems like I've underestimated Bryn by a lot..." Nene commented on the amount of destructive potential Brynhildr displayed, which was similar to Otto's.

"You did," Otto agreed, glancing at the screen as Nene sat on his lap.

"What's up~?" Nene said, rubbing her ass on his crotch.

"Can you not?" Otto said, bothered by her actions but trying to maintain his composure.

Back to the fight...

Brynhildr walked over, extending a hand to help Stella stand. "You put up a good fight, princess," she said, her tone dripping with an odd mix of sincerity and amusement, even though she had only enjoyed showing off to the audience, not the fight itself.

Stella looked at her, confused by the gesture but too exhausted to refuse the help. "I... I can't give up. My country... they're counting on me to win," she panted.

"You don't have to give up, Stella." Brynhildr leaned in, her voice a seductive whisper.

"What are you trying to say?" Stella asked suspiciously, confused by Brynhildr's sudden change in tone.

"How about we make a deal? You in?" Brynhildr whispered as Stella's face turned bright red as her proposed a deal, thinking that Stella was cute.

"W-wh-wha—ttt!?" Stella stammered, caught off guard by Brynhildr's proposition. Her thoughts raced as she tried to process what was happening.

Taking a moment to compose herself, Stella glanced around the arena, searching for Otto. However, he had already disappeared with Nene, seemingly uninterested in the outcome of the battle.

Turning back to Brynhildr, Stella cleared her throat and tried to regain her composure.

"What... What kind of deal is that?" she whispered, her voice still tinged with embarrassment.

"You know~" Brynhildr did a hand gesture that was hidden from the spectators.

Stella upon seeing Brynhildr's gesture, she knew exactly what it meant, making her blush at the strange proposal.

"Fine..." Stella thought, as long as no one knew, everything would be alright...

"Great~!" Brynhildr clapped her hands, before swiftly pressing Stella's womb area, marking it.

"What!?" Stella surprised at the sudden touch, felt her knees weak.

"I concede!" Brynhildr raised her arm, with a proud expression.

'Ohhhh— me and Otto will have lots of fun tonight~" Brynhildr thought while licking her lips, before leaving. As the crowd watched in stunned silence, not quite sure what to make of this unexpected turn of events.


(A/N: Ya know... Next chapter is 69... So I just had to.)

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