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73.07% Reincarnated Into The Anime World / Chapter 56: 56 After Journey, Creating Brynhildr's New Body

Chapter 56: 56 After Journey, Creating Brynhildr's New Body

"Ummmm, you're not dead yet, Otto," Michael reassured, not appreciating Otto's jokes.

"Oh..." Otto felt a bit disappointed as Michael didn't seem to get his humor.

"Is he our father, brother?" Gabriel, standing beside Michael, asked. Otto's Divinity slightly resembled their creator's, causing her confusion.

"Mmm. I hope not..." Michael replied wryly. It was too soon to determine whether Otto was the reincarnation of the Biblical God. They weren't even sure if their creator would come back.

"Oh, no, I'm not," Otto said, still perplexed by their perception of him.

"So... why have you dragged me into Heaven when I'm not dead?" Otto asked arrogantly, confident that he wouldn't be sent to hell.

"We just want to ask a single question..." Michael said, trying to hide his discomfort around Otto.

"Hmmm, go ahead. But after the question, I hope you can send me back to Japan. I see this kidnapping as a minor inconvenience," Otto stated, prepared to create chaos in Heaven if they tried to detain him.

"Is there a reason for your sudden visit to Italy?" Michael asked cautiously. Otto had become someone they needed to watch, as Azazel had warned them.

After Azazel's first encounter with Otto, he had immediately sent a message to Heaven, warning them that Otto possessed a Divinity similar to their Creator. This was supposed to be impossible, as they had witnessed their Creator's death in the war.

As for reincarnation, it was impossible as there was already Jesus, who was the incarnation of God.

"A traveling vacation after a stressful week is good for you, no? Well, I doubt you angels would ever understand human needs," Otto stated.

"Otto, I don't think you should talk that way to an angel," Brynhildr whispered, noting the angels' confused expressions.

'Hmph, but what I said was true,' Otto silently agreed with his own words.

In this world, angels, devils, and fallen angels still acted like they were higher beings than humans, even though humans could be born with abilities that could mess up time, space, and reality.

Otto himself took precautions, developing his Dharmachakra to adapt to those powers and his Code: Unknown to destroy other abilities.

"Oh... Well, it seems like we have inconvenienced you that much. Thank you for answering our question," Michael bowed, and Otto was enveloped in radiant light once again.

'What a mess... I'm all over the place,' Otto complained but was secretly thankful for the free ride home after stealing the holy swords.

"Brother, was he really our father?" Gabriel asked Michael after Otto was transported back to Japan.

"No... We can't be certain," Michael replied, still feeling that something about Otto didn't sit right, which confused his view of him.

"Then, should we look into him a bit more?"

"No, we can't, or we might make an enemy of someone who's currently neutral," he replied. Otto seemed to already know a lot about them.



Back at Izumo Dorm, Otto let out a sigh of relief.

"Home at last." He exclaimed, feeling the comfort of familiar surroundings after spending three days in the Underworld and another day in Italy.

"Aren't you worried that Christian Heaven might come after you?" Brynhildr asked, her concern evident in her tone.

"Nah, they wouldn't. Michael is too smart to make an enemy out of someone like me." Otto replied confidently, trusting in Michael's discernment.

"Though Heaven does seem more boring than the Underworld. Then again... They could fall if they indulge too much," Otto mused, recalling that angels often maintained strict control to avoid falling from grace.

 "They have to keep themselves in check to avoid becoming fallen angels. It's a constant struggle between restraint and desire." Brynhildr nodded, understanding how the Christian God created them.

"So, when are you going to work on my body?" Her excitement was visible from her words.

"Now." He replied.

Going back to his room, Otto retrieved the Holy Swords he stole for the operation he was about to undertake. Brynhildr watched with eager anticipation as he meticulously prepared his basement, ensuring everything was in place for the procedure.

"Are you certain you want to watch?" Otto asked, glancing at Brynhildr to gauge her response.

He felt a deep sense of embarrassment as he prepared to extract his "white substance" to create an embryo. The thought of doing something so intimate in front of her made his cheeks burn with a mix of shame and nervousness.

"I've been waiting for this moment, so yes! I want to see you jerk off." Brynhildr replied, her voice brimming with excitement and anticipation.

Otto was momentarily speechless. He wondered if he had somehow influenced Brynhildr to develop such a bold attitude. He was quite sure that he hadn't exposed her to any horny-inducing media, yet here she was, eager and unashamed. He couldn't quite place when or how her curiosity had blossomed into such an overt fascination.


"Stop looking at me, please," Otto pleaded, his voice strained with embarrassment as he continued with his task.

"Hmmm, even though I've seen your body almost every day, I need to study it more clearly," Brynhildr replied, her eyes roving over Otto's form with unabashed curiosity.

"Shut it," he snapped, trying to maintain his focus despite her intense gaze.

"It seems you need some material. How about you call up Miya Asama or Nene Saikyou to help you?" she mischievously suggested, a sly grin playing on her lips.

"Shut up, will you?" Otto's breathing grew heavier, the combination of her presence and her teasing making the situation even more embarrassing for him.

Brynhildr paused, a glint of mischief in her eyes as a brilliant idea formed. She leaned in closer to his ear, her breath warm against his skin. "After all..." she began, her voice dropping to a whisper as she prepared to give him an intimate and suggestive NSFW ASMR experience.

"Ahhnn~ Do me harder Otto-kun." She did her best to mimic Nene's voice, putting extra effort into capturing the nuances and intonations to make her impression as accurate as possible.

"Is that—!?" Recognizing the voice she was attempting to imitate, Otto realized she was doing her best to mimic a certain loli, putting extra effort into capturing the nuances and intonations to make her impression as accurate as possible...

"Push it deeper inside me, student!" She whispered erotically, her voice dripping with sensuality.

"You can't be serious..." He said, realizing he was already too deep to back out now, as he continued to listen to her moans.

"Oh~ I'm serious about this. You like my tight pussy?" She whispered, noticing that Otto had closed his eyes.

"Fuck no, just shut up." His movement got faster until he finally wrapped it up in a clear canister imbued with a cold rune.

"Ooooohh! That's a lot. The more, the better. Who knows, maybe I'll get a sister," she said impressively, her eyes wide with fascination.

"..." Otto felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he listened to those strange moans.

"Come on, what's with the long face?" Brynhildr inquired, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Won't Nene be your teacher in the next school you'll be attending?"

"You just had to say that with her voice..." He sighed heavily, a mix of resignation and amusement in his tone, before carefully bringing the canister close to the test tube for the experiment.

The soft hum of machinery filled the air as he began the precise process, his movements deliberate and focused despite the distraction of Brynhildr's teasing.

"Hehe, just accept Nene already. I bet her pussy would be so tight with that body of hers." Brynhildr imagined how Nene would take Otto's huge club.

"She looks like a minor." Otto can't help but see Nene as a minor, no matter what her actual age might be, simply because of her petite stature and youthful appearance. To him, she always resembled a child.

"She is of legal age, you know," Brynhildr remarked, a hint of smugness in her voice as she reminded him of this fact.

"Tsk, whatever..." Otto responded dismissively, choosing to redirect his attention back to the homunculus he was working on. Despite Brynhildr's comment, he found it difficult to shake off Brynhildr's impression of Nene as he actually got off to it.


'Will the homunculus even be permanent?' Otto worried, concerned that all his hard work might be in vain after just a few months.

He began by breaking down the three holy swords into essences, which based on his knowledge in High School DxD lore, were originally fragments of the original Holy Sword Excalibur from the Arthurian Legend. These essences were then fused with the embryo that had formed in one of his test tubes.

"Look at that, the small thing is wiggling," Brynhildr observed as she watched the future body of the homunculus hovering inside.

She wondered if it would also inherit Otto's beauty as she had to admit that his beauty was on par with a god/goddess of beauty. Despite him being a human albeit with a divinity for some reason, which has grown in abundance in the past few years.

"It's like I'm creating a cursed womb..." Otto mused, contemplating why he hadn't attempted to make her body different.

"What's that?" Brynhildr asked, curious about his comment.

"Nevermind..." Otto dismissed the idea, realizing that such a drastic alteration would be too complex for him since he had not data, not to mention the messed up process.

Undeterred, he continued with the process and successfully merged the holy essence and the embryo using his authority.

"Hmmm? Is this development normal?" Brynhildr questioned as she noticed the embryo developing at a rapid pace.

"Yeah... Maybe? I don't know," Otto admitted, feeling uncertain as this was his first time working on such an experimental project.

"How am I supposed to go inside?" Brynhildr's excitement bubbled over like that of a child eagerly awaiting a gift from their parents.

"It's not quite finished yet, so please be patient," he replied, carefully examining the embryo that resembled a 4-week fetus in its development.

"It's so beautiful," Brynhildr exclaimed, unable to contain her amusement as she watched the time-lapse scene unfold before her eyes.

'So, this is how humans are slowly born,' She mused with a mix of curiosity and amusement, wondering how her life might have been different if she were human instead of a Valkyrie. However, she quickly dismissed the thought, knowing that if she were human, she might never have crossed paths with Otto in the first place.

"Hmmmm?" Otto concealed his true reaction, finding the process somewhat repulsive and wishing he could look away and let it progress on its own. However, he knew he had to keep a close eye on it in case anything went wrong.

In just two hours, the embryo had developed into a 10-week fetus, displaying faint traces of Cursed Energy, Mana, and Holy attributes.

'This is getting boring,' Otto thought to himself, finding the development tedious and weird compared to Brynhildr, who was eagerly anticipating more progress.

After an hour, the rapid development of the embryo picked up pace, resembling that of a 16-week fetus as the energies within it started to grow stronger and more pronounced.

'Oh my... Are my genes really that potent?' Otto pondered, surprised at the speed of the embryo's progress. A playful thought crossed his mind,

'Will it develop a stando like the Joestars?'

"You're becoming so strong, my love," Brynhildr remarked, noticing the intensifying energy within the developing entity.

"I think it's time to set up a Jujutsu Curtain here," she suggested, aware that the diverse and potent energies being emitted could attract unwanted attention.

"Okay." Otto quickly grasped her concern and proceeded to weave his peculiar curtain with a practiced hand sign, shielding the area from prying eyes.

As three more hours elapsed, the fetus had matured into that of a 23-week-old, its energies stabilizing under Otto's careful control.

"I believe it's safe for you to enter now," Otto tentatively stated, uncertain if everything was in order.

"Really?" Brynhildr eagerly hovered around the test tube, anticipating the moment when Otto would infuse her soul into the developing form with his authority, granting it life.

'I wonder if I should craft the body to have the most extraordinary physique within human limits...' Otto contemplated, testing the boundaries of human capability without relying on external enhancements like his Code: Unknown.

Otto grappled with the realization that he had used unconventional means—a unique gift called "Code: Unknown"—to achieve peak physical ability, feeling like a fraud for taking a shortcut. Despite this, he didn't care as it was also part of his hacks.

"See you? Maybe?" Brynhildr bid her farewell, unsure if her connection to Otto would persist now that she had gained a physical body.

"See you too?" Otto responded, puzzled by her cryptic statement.


-Chapter End-

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