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60.25% Reincarnated Into The Anime World / Chapter 46: 46 Hagun Academy

Chapter 46: 46 Hagun Academy

"What you did was pretty impressive," Brynhildr complimented Otto, who had just managed to charm Edelweiss and melt her cold demeanor.

"In fact, this might be the first time I've seen you have a proper conversation with another woman besides Lavinia Reni, and you even managed it alone," she teased. "Are you planning to make her your girlfriend?"

"No comment," Otto replied as they arrived back in Japan.

"Hmph, why are you so passive when it comes to women? I wouldn't mind if you got involved with some attractive lady, as long as I can watch," Brynhildr added playfully.

Otto remained silent as he went through the security check, enduring the scrutiny of a female security officer.

"Clear," the female officer announced after her inspection.

"Thank you," Otto responded softly.

"Uh, no problem," she mumbled, hiding a blush as she gestured for him to move along.

"Tsk, look at you, seducing that poor lady who was just doing her job. Your charm is too strong, even when you're trying to keep a low profile," Brynhildr remarked with a smirk as they made their way to Hagun Academy.


"So, are you planning to enroll in Hagun Academy?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Yes," he replied, "To earn their trust, I need to complete a simple task they asked of me. Basically, I have to kidnap the Princess of Vermillion."

"Isn't that going to start a war?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening with shock.

"Obviously, yes," he responded nonchalantly.

"And you're actually going to go along with their scheme? You're going to be the one to start a war between the major powers in this world?" Her voice was filled with confusion and concern.

"No, you misunderstand," Otto said with a mischievous grin. "I'm not really going to start a war. I'm just going to gain their trust so I can steal all of their unique abilities."

After a deep conversation with Edelweiss, Otto had learned intriguing information about some members of the Rebellion and their abilities.

For instance, there was Big Baby, a five-year-old assassin with the power of Size Alteration, allowing him to change his size at will. Then there was Wallenstein, who possessed the ability to manipulate friction, a top-tier physical nullification skill. Finally, there was Carl Islands, whose Cell Manipulation ability was crucial for Otto's plans to create an artificial human body.

"Carl Islands is my main target," Otto explained, "His ability to modify cells is exactly what I need to create your body." He looked at Brynhildr's apparition, who seemed puzzled.

"You're not going to make a homunculus?" she asked.

"No, why would I?" Otto replied dismissively. "Homunculi are just disposable beings, mass-produced mostly for wars. They only last for 2-3 months before melting into a disgusting substance." He referenced the extensive research he had obtained from Edelweiss.

"Maybe your life essence is more potent," she suggested with a shrug.

Otto shook his head, determined. "I need something more sustainable. Something that won't just melt away. That's why Carl Islands' ability is so crucial. With it, I can create a body that lasts."

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, puzzled. Life essence used for creating homunculi was primarily blood, so her comment was unexpected.

Brynhildr's apparition sighed, her ethereal form shimmering slightly. "When I say 'life essence,' I don't just mean blood. I'm talking about the very core of your body, your energy, everything that makes you, you. It's far more potent and enduring than the mere blood used in typical homunculus creation."

Otto considered this, intrigued by the idea.

"So, you're saying that if I use my own life essence, the creation will be more stable and longer-lasting."

"Exactly," she replied. "Homunculi created from ordinary blood are unstable and have a short lifespan. But if you use a more potent life essence, you could create something much more resilient."

"So what is it?"

"Just like the governor general said, it's semen, obviously," Brynhildr explained, her tone matter-of-fact. "Your body is filled with so much life energy after you stabbed yourself with the arrowhead that even I, a spirit, can sense it."

Otto furrowed his brow, absorbing her words. "If that's the case... wouldn't I be your father?" he mused, cupping his chin thoughtfully. The idea of being a father to a spirit was both perplexing and bizarre.

"Yup!" Brynhildr replied immediately, her ethereal form radiating a sense of certainty.

"Then—" Otto started, but paused, the weight of the situation dawning on him.

"Yup!" Brynhildr replied immediately.

"How does that even work? How I'm theoretically going to be your father? And would that mean for us?"

"You're going to be my daddy of course~"



Otto gave her the face of disgust at the idea of her being his daughter and having a taboo relationship with each other

"You're mad," he said.

"Wouldn't it be exciting if that were the case? Hmm? Hmm?" She leaned in close to him, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"That idea sounds disgusting," he replied, shaking his head.

"Tsk tsk, you're too much of a vanilla type of person, my future husband," Brynhildr remarked, teasing him about his boring tastes.

'But I only like those on porns or hentais, I have never wanted those plots to be a part of my reality.' Otto thought inwardly.

"On the bright side, wouldn't it be good if I could get a body soon?" Otto pondered aloud as they approached Hagun Academy to enroll.

"Hmmm... I suppose so," he replied, his voice tinged with melancholy.

Coincidentally, Nagi Arisuin was also nearby, presumably having finished enrolling for the next school year.

"Does he know I'm also infiltrating?" Otto wondered, noting their differing goals—Nagi's aim was to dominate Hagun Academy's selection matches to join the next Seven Sword Art Festival.

"Does he even know that I'm with Rebellion too?" Otto observed Nagi's lack of reaction upon seeing him, unsure if it was an act or genuine ignorance.

"Don't mind that femboy. What do you think of the idea of you being my father?" Brynhildr interrupted his thoughts, waiting for his response.

"... If you enjoy it, then I'll give it a try," Otto reluctantly agreed. Brynhildr's face lit up with joy at his unexpected answer.

"Hehehe, I knew you'd do it for me," she said, cuddling up to his neck as they stood in front of the student council's room, which was still bustling with activity despite the school year coming to an end.


"Come in," a familiar voice immediately responded to the knock.

"Hello, President," Otto, disguised as Aizen, bowed in accordance with Japanese tradition.

"Oh, no need to bow, Aizen-kun," Touka Toudou said, lifting him up.

"No, no, Ms. President. You deserve all the respect," Otto insisted, shaking her hands respectfully.

"Haha, you're making me flustered, Aizen-kun," Touka said, scratching the back of her head in embarrassment.

"You faced the weakened version of Trailblazer in the semi-finals of the Festival. That alone deserves praise," Otto praised himself subtly, hinting at his own abilities.

"I lost though," Touka replied, thinking he was a fan of hers due to the compliments.

"Anyway, where do I enroll, Ms. President?" Otto pretended ignorance, even though there were clear instructions on the flyer from Hagun Academy.

"You're in the right place, Aizen-kun. The current director is unexpectedly being replaced by Kurono Shinguuji," Touka informed him.

"The World Clock? Wasn't she a former student here?" Otto acted surprised, although he was aware that the former director had become the new minister of Japan and was secretly planning Akatsuki Academy.

"Yes, and I heard she's trying to recruit her former rival, Nene Saikyou, as a teacher."

"Hmmm... the Yaksha Princess... Wouldn't this Academy become the best if those two were here?"

"We're getting ahead of ourselves here. Just hand me your documents, and I'll take care of the rest," Touka said, steering the conversation back on track.

As Otto handed over his fake registered ID, he couldn't help but notice the impressive setup of the student council room.

"Your office is quite impressive, President. It must be busy running the student council."

"Yes, it's a lot of responsibility, but I enjoy it. It's rewarding to see the students grow and excel." Touka nodded, her expression turning serious for a moment. 

"Speaking of students, I've heard about your achievements during the Festival, President," Otto said, trying to keep the conversation light.

"Your skills are truly admirable."

"Thank you, Aizen-kun. It's been a journey, but I'm grateful for the opportunities Hagun Academy has provided." Touka smiled warmly, appreciating the compliment. 

"Your stats are quite impressive. An A-Rank Blazer is a rare find." After reviewing Aizen's data, Touka remarked, 

"It's nothing really. I haven't even dueled yet. But I'm looking forward to the challenges here at Hagun Academy." Otto chuckled modestly. 

"No doubt you'll make a name for yourself," Touka replied confidently.

"Now, let me process your enrollment. Welcome to Hagun Academy, Aizen-kun." She warmly welcomed him.


After enrolling at Hagun Academy, "Aizen" encountered several familiar faces. One of the most notable was Ikki Kurogane, who was seen running around the campus, training his body.

"It's that boy again... To think that he would be accepted into an Academy with that almost non-existent amount of magic in his body, similar to the kid you ripped the boosted gear from," Brynhildr remarked, recognizing Ikki despite his scarce magical presence.

"Maybe that's a trend for a protagonist. A one-trick pony, sort of like becoming unrivaled in terms of physical abilities," Otto mused, observing Ikki, who was also being watched by Kurono Shinguuji from a distance.

"It seems like she's interested in the kid too," Brynhildr noted, sensing Kurono's gaze fixed on Ikki.

"Could it be..."

'The chances of Kurono Shinguuji having the ability to see the future might be high due to her time manipulation ability, which is broken as it can accelerate the time of people and items to a point they just basically die in one hit from old age. She has Retrocognition, meaning she could know that I was going to kidnap Stella Vermillion... and lastly, the chances of her having a time travel ability are high...'

Otto analyzed the possibility of Kurono possessing the ability to freely time travel between timelines, realizing that it could change the entire game.

As they observed Ikki and Kurono from a distance, Otto couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The presence of someone with such formidable abilities could significantly impact their plans. He wondered if Kurono's interest in Ikki was purely coincidental or if there was a deeper motive at play.

"It's something we need to keep an eye on," Otto murmured to Brynhildr, his mind raced with possibilities and strategies to counter any unforeseen challenges.

The more Otto thought about it, the more he realized the true challenge Nene faced against Kurono. It wasn't just about raw power; it was about dealing with Kurono's intricate time-based abilities, which proved to be a significant hurdle in their fight.

'If I were to fight Kurono, it would definitely be challenging, but not impossible to defeat her... I have Big Raga to adapt to the time... Hopefully,' Otto thought to himself. He was well aware of the Dharmachakra's ability to adapt to any and all phenomena in the world, as it could adapt to space.

Theoretically, this also meant that it could adapt to time, right? After all, space and time are relatively similar in certain aspects. They both represent dimensions in which events occur, albeit in different ways. This line of thinking gave Otto a glimmer of hope that he could navigate the complexities of Kurono's time-based abilities if push came to shove.

"Hmm, speaking of her... Don't you think that it's strange woman is really wary of you?" Brynhildr questioned, as the first time they met, Kurono acted like she knew Otto firsthand.

"Maybe she truly has the ability to see the future and foresaw me causing widespread destruction. That's why she's so cautious around me," Otto joked, finding the idea rather amusing.

"Haha," Brynhildr responded with a dry laugh, clearly not finding Otto's joke funny at all.

"I can't really tell if you're joking or not because, honestly, you're the type of person who might actually consider something like that," she remarked, her tone tinged with a hint of concern.


"Why don't you seduce her next, after lightning girl." She suddenly said as their conversation became awkward after his "Joke".

"But She has a husband..."

"Then cuckold her husband. Don't forget, he tried to go overboard with you when you accidentally groped her. You might be the first man who's been able to touch her breasts." Brynhildr suggested with a mischievous tone.


-Chapter End-

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