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Chapter 8: The Bellingham's

As Edward pulled up to the cafe outside the airport in his sleek BMW, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation.

Spotting Dan Ashworth already seated inside the cafe, Edward flashed a quick smile before stepping out of his car. With a sense of purpose, he made his way over to the table where Dan was waiting.

"Dan, good to see you," Edward greeted with a firm handshake as he took a seat opposite him. "Thanks for agreeing to meet on such short notice."

Dan returned the handshake with a friendly smile. "No problem at all, Edward. Always happy to chat about football," he replied, gesturing to the menu. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Water would be great, thanks," Edward replied, nodding as he settled into his seat.

Dan shuffled in his seat, his voice gaining a gentle tone as he spoke. "Also, I'm sorry about your loss, losing someone is never easy."

"Thanks, Dan," Edward responded, appreciating the gesture. "Yeah, it's been a tough time, but I appreciate your condolences."

Dan nodded sympathetically. "Of course, Edward." he said, his tone genuine. "I didn't know your father well, but from the meetings we had, he seemed like a decent man."

Edward nodded in acknowledgment, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, he was." he replied.

Dan nodded, a reflective look crossing his features. "It's clear that he had a positive impact on those around him," he remarked, his tone thoughtful. "Losing someone like that is never easy."

Edward's gaze softened, a sense of gratitude washing over him. spoke, he'll be missed," he said. "But life goes on, and we have to keep moving forward."

Dan nodded in agreement. "Absolutely," he replied, his expression supportive. "If there's anything I can do to help during this time, just let me know."

"Thanks, Dan, I appreciate that," Edward said.

Dan leaned forward slightly, his expression growing more earnest. "So, I heard you wanted me to join Brighton," he began, his tone curious.

Edward nodded, meeting Dan's gaze directly. "Yes, that's correct," he confirmed. "I believe your expertise and experience would be invaluable to the club."

Dan listened attentively, his brow furrowing slightly as he processed Edward's words. "You know, my father tried convincing me to join Brighton around 6 months ago," he admitted his voice. "But at the time, I wasn't ready to leave the FA."

Edward nodded, understanding Dan's hesitation. "I can appreciate that," he replied. "But now that Brighton has been promoted to the Premier League, I believe it's an opportune time to consider joining the club."

Dan sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I suppose you're right," he conceded. "But I have to be honest with you, Edward. I'm still not sure about leaving the FA right now."

Edward nodded sympathetically, acknowledging Dan's concerns. "I understand your hesitation," he said. "But I can assure you that Brighton has ambitious plans for the future, and I believe you could play a crucial role in realizing those plans."

Dan nodded thoughtfully, considering Edward's words. "You make a compelling argument," he admitted. "But I have to be realistic. Brighton just got promoted, and there's no guarantee that you'll stay in the Premier League."

Dan studied Edward for a moment, weighing his words carefully. "The, the only reason I agreed to this meeting was because I was interested in hearing your plans for Brighton," he confessed.

Edward nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "I appreciate your honesty, Dan," he said. "And I'm confident that once you hear my vision for the club, you'll see the potential for yourself."

Edward leaned forward, his expression earnest. "So, Dan, let me tell you about where Brighton stands currently," he started, his voice steady. "We've just been promoted to the Premier League, and while that's a significant achievement, we're well aware of the challenges that lie ahead."

Dan nodded, his attention fully on Edward as he listened intently. "Yes, getting promoted is one thing, but staying in the Premier League is a whole different ball game," he remarked, echoing Edward's sentiments.

"Exactly," Edward agreed. "And that's why I believe this approach is needed, I don't want to go out and buy a bunch of proven talents just for the sake of it. I want to build something sustainable, something that will last."

Dan nodded in understanding, his brow furrowing slightly as he processed Edward's words. "So, what's your plan then?" he asked, his tone curious.

Edward leaned back in his chair, considering his next words carefully. "Well, first and foremost, we need to hire a new manager," he explained. "Someone who shares our vision for the club and is willing to put in the work to see it through."


Dan nodded in agreement. "And do you have anyone in mind?" he inquired.


Edward nodded, a confident smile playing on his lips. "Yes, actually. I'm heading to Germany in a few hours to meet with Julian Nagelsmann," he revealed.

Dan's eyes widened in surprise. "Nagelsmann? Really?" he exclaimed, clearly impressed. "He came up in our reports when we were looking for staff four the under 21 team."

Edward nodded, a sense of determination evident in his gaze. "Exactly. And I believe he's the perfect fit for Brighton," he said. "He's young, ambitious, and has a proven track record of developing talent."

Dan leaned forward, his interest piqued. "So, you're looking to build a team around young talent then?" he asked.

Edward nodded emphatically. "Yes, absolutely. I believe that investing in young players with potential is the way forward for Brighton," he explained. "We may not have the budget to compete with the big clubs in terms of transfer fees, but we can certainly compete in terms of vision and ambition."

Dan listened intently, nodding along as Edward spoke. "I see what you're saying," he said. "It's a bold strategy, but if executed properly, it could pay off in a big way."

Edward smiled, grateful for Dan's support. "That's exactly my thinking," he agreed. "And with your expertise and experience, I believe we can make it happen."

Dan returned the smile, a sense of excitement building within him. "Well, Edward, I have to say, I'm intrigued by what you've laid out," he admitted. "And I'm looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds."

Edward nodded, acknowledging Dan's curiosity. "Certainly, Dan. Our goals for this season are ambitious, but I believe they're achievable," he replied, his tone confident.

Dan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "And what are those goals, exactly?" he inquired.


Edward took a moment to consider his response, his gaze thoughtful. "I want us to push for a top-10 finish in the Premier League," he declared.


Dan's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Top 10? That's ambitious," he remarked, his tone impressed.

Edward nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "Indeed, it is," he agreed. "But I believe in setting the bar high. It's the only way we'll reach our full potential."

Dan leaned back in his chair, considering Edward's words carefully. "I can appreciate that," he said. "But with your current squad, that would be a fantasy."

Edward paused, his expression serious. "I understand the challenges we face," he admitted. "But I'm confident that with the right strategy and the right signings, we can make it happen."

Dan furrowed his brow, his concern evident. "But what about team cohesion? Selling off over half of your current team could be detrimental," he pointed out.

Edward nodded, acknowledging the validity of Dan's concern. "You're right, team cohesion is crucial," he conceded. "But we'll go about it intelligently. We won't make any rash decisions that could disrupt the balance of the squad."

Dan considered Edward's words for a moment before speaking again. "So, how do you plan to handle it then?" he asked, his tone curious.

Edward leaned forward, his gaze steady. "It's simple. If the young players we sign are ready to step up, then whoever we want gone and is in their position will be sold," he explained. "But if not, we'll play the patient game. We won't rush into anything that could jeopardize our long-term success."

Dan nodded in agreement, visibly reassured by Edward's response. "That sounds like a sensible approach," he remarked. "Now, tell me, Edward, what do you envision for the club as a whole? What type of structure and culture are you looking to establish at Brighton?"

Edward leaned back in his chair, considering Dan's question thoughtfully. "At Brighton, I want to create a culture of success and hard work, but also one that values camaraderie and enjoyment," he explained. "I believe that a balance of dedication and enjoyment is crucial for fostering a winning mentality."


Dan nodded, impressed by Edward's vision. "I couldn't agree more," he said. "Unfortunately, not all clubs prioritize that balance."


Edward furrowed his brow, curious about Dan's statement. "What do you mean?" he inquired.

Dan sighed, his expression turning serious. "Well, you see, Edward, there are some clubs where the emphasis is more on fun than hard work," he explained. "I remember hearing a insider information about Manchester United, how during Louis van Gaal's tenure, the players were reportedly more focused on enjoying themselves than putting in the hard yards on the training ground."

Edward nodded, familiar with the reports of discontent during multiple managers' times at Manchester United, a problem that would become even worse in the following years. "Yes, I recall those rumours," he said. "It's unfortunate when a club's culture becomes more about enjoyment than dedication to success."

Dan nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And that's why it's refreshing to hear your approach for Brighton," he said. "It's clear that you understand the importance of fostering a culture where success and hard work go hand in hand.

As their conversation shifted to Brighton's finances, Dan brought up a critical point. "Speaking of finances, Edward, Brighton hasn't seen profit in recent years," he mentioned.


"How do you plan on managing the club's finances moving forward?"


Edward considered Dan's question thoughtfully before responding. "I understand the financial challenges we face," he replied. "But my approach isn't to cut costs; rather, I believe in investing to increase both revenue and value for the club."

Dan nodded, curious about Edward's strategy. "And how do you plan to do that?" he inquired.

Edward leaned forward, sharing his thoughts with Dan. "Well, Dan, I've been considering various partnerships and opportunities to increase Brighton's attractions and revenue streams," he explained. In his mind, Edward considered several potential partnerships, leveraging his knowledge of future trends to inform his thoughts.

"I'm thinking of venturing into esports, tapping into emerging markets, particularly in the USA," Edward continued, his mind racing with ideas. "Additionally, I see potential in forming partnerships with technology and space companies, as well as electric car manufacturers, to enhance Brighton's presence and attract new fans."

Dan listened intently, impressed by Edward's forward-thinking approach. "That's quite ambitious, Edward, unconventional industries," he remarked. "But it sounds like a solid plan to expand Brighton's reach and revenue streams."

They continued speaking, talking about Brighton's scouting, players, staff members, strategies and as Dan absorbed Edward's ambitious plans for Brighton, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement brewing within him. The prospect of being part of such a forward-thinking project was truly enticing.

"Edward, I have to say, I'm intrigued by what you've laid out," Dan admitted, his tone reflecting his growing enthusiasm. "And I'm looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds."

Edward smiled, appreciating Dan's receptiveness to his vision. "I'm glad to hear that, Dan," he replied.

Their conversation soon turned to the specifics of Dan's potential role at Brighton. After a brief discussion, Dan made a decisive declaration.


"Alright, Edward, I'm on board. I'll be Brighton's technical director," Dan announced, a determined look in his eyes.


Edward's smile widened. "That's great to hear, Dan," he said, extending his hand across the table. "Welcome to Brighton."

Dan shook Edward's hand firmly, a sense of purpose driving him forward. "Thank you, Edward. I'm excited to get started," he replied.

As they stood up to leave, Dan brought up one final detail. "But there's one thing I'd like to include in my contract," he said, his tone serious.

Edward raised an eyebrow, curious about Dan's request. "What is it?" he inquired.

Dan hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I'd like a clause that allows me to terminate my contract if Brighton doesn't achieve a top-10 finish in the Premier League this season," he explained.

Edward nodded, understanding Dan's desire for accountability. "That's completely acceptable, Dan," he replied. "I have full confidence in our ability to meet that goal, but I understand the need for reassurance."

With that settled, they shook hands once more, sealing their agreement. "Good luck on your trip to Germany, Edward," Dan said as he gathered his belongings to leave.

"Thank you, Dan. And welcome aboard once again," Edward said with a smile, watching as Dan made his way out of the cafe.

As Dan disappeared, Edward couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. With Dan's expertise now on board, Brighton's future was looking brighter than ever. He made a mental note to have Paul Barber draw up the contract for Dan as soon as possible. With their partnership solidified, there was no limit to what they could achieve together.




Youth Training Ground



The Birmingham youth training ground was bathed in the soft glow of early morning sunlight, casting long shadows across the lush green pitch. Jude Bellingham, the focal point of attention, stood at the center circle, his eyes scanning the field.

As the ball was played into him, Bellingham's focus sharpened. With a deft touch, he brought the ball under control, trapping it at his feet.

A defender quickly closed in, marking him closely, determined to disrupt his rhythm. Undeterred, Bellingham pivoted smoothly, shielding the ball from his opponent's reach with his body.

With a quick glance over his shoulder, Bellingham assessed his options. He spotted a gap in the defence and made his move, accelerating past the defender with a burst of speed. His acceleration was impressive, leaving his marker trailing in his wake.

As he approached the penalty area, Bellingham's anticipation grew. He could hear the distant shouts of his teammates, urging him forward. With a flick of his foot, he feigned to one side, sending the defender off balance, before darting past him with lightning speed.

Now in open space, Bellingham had a clear sight of the goal, with each stride, he closed the distance. The goalkeeper advanced, narrowing the angle, but Bellingham remained composed.

As he reached the edge of the box, Bellingham drew his leg back and unleashed a shot, it sailed through the air, a blur of white flying toward the top corner of the goal. The goalkeeper dove desperately, stretching as far as he could, but it was too late.

The ball crashed into the back of the net with a resounding thud, sending ripples across the surface. Bellingham's teammates erupted into cheers, their voices echoing in the morning air. But amidst the celebration, Bellingham remained composed, a steely determination in his eyes.


As Jude Bellingham's shot found the back of the net, the trio in the stands observed with keen interest. The scout, pen in hand, diligently scribbled notes on his pad, his eyes darting between Bellingham and his observations. Paul Barber, the new CEO of Brighton, couldn't help but offer his assessment.


"He's good, really good," Paul remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice as he watched Bellingham once again receive the ball and bypass an opposing player.

Dan Ashworth, seated next to Paul, nodded in agreement. "I've heard his name before when I was at the FA, but I never knew he was this good," he admitted, his tone tinged with surprise.

Paul raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Dan's revelation. "Really? That's interesting," he remarked, turning his gaze back to the field. "What surprises me even more is that Edward knew he was this good."

Dan nodded thoughtfully, considering Paul's observation. "You're right. He must have an eye for talent," he agreed, a note of admiration in his voice. "Makes me even more interested in the other players Edward wants to sign."

Paul leaned back in his seat, a contemplative expression crossing his features. "Speaking of which, I've already sent scouts out to all of them," he revealed, his tone confident. "We'll have a comprehensive report on each player before long."

Dan nodded in approval, impressed by Paul's proactive approach. "That's good to hear." he remarked. "Have you heard anything back from Edward yet? Any updates from Germany?"

Paul leaned forward, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Yes, actually," he replied. "Edward reached out earlier this morning. He managed to convince Nagelsmann to join, and from the last update, they were going over plans and he's drawing up a contract."

Dan's eyes widened in surprise. "That's fantastic news." he said, clearly impressed.

Paul nodded in agreement. "Indeed. And there's more," he continued. "Apparently, Nagelsmann wants to bring some of his staff and one or two players with him to Brighton, and Edward agreed."

Dan leaned back in his seat, absorbing the information. "That's intriguing," he remarked. "I wonder who Nagelsmann has in mind to bring with him."

Paul shrugged slightly. "We'll have to wait and see," he replied. "But I trust Edward's judgment. If he's confident in Nagelsmann's choices, then I'm sure they'll be beneficial for the club."

Dan nodded in agreement. "Absolutely," he said. "Things are shaping up quite interestingly."

Paul smiled, sharing in Dan's enthusiasm. "I couldn't agree more," he said. "It's an exciting time to be part of the club, that's for sure."

As they watched Jude Bellingham's impressive display on the field, Paul Barber and Dan Ashworth exchanged a knowing glance. Paul gestured discreetly towards a couple seated further down in the stands, who had been enthusiastically cheering for Jude throughout the training session.

"I think it's time we have a chat with Jude's parents," Paul suggested, his tone indicating the importance of the conversation.

Dan nodded in agreement. "I noticed them too," he said. "They seem quite invested in Jude's development."

Paul nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Of course they are. They've been shouting 'Go Jude' all day." he remarked, gesturing towards the couple.

As they made their way towards Jude's parents, Paul couldn't help but make another observation. "You know, they were also over at another side of the training field earlier, watching another youth team play," he mentioned casually.

Dan raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Paul's observation. "Really? Do you think they have another kid playing for Birmingham?" he asked.

Paul shrugged slightly. "It's possible," he replied. "And if he's anything like his brother, we'll definitely want to pick him up."

Dan smiled at the thought, impressed by Jude's performance, and intrigued by the prospect of discovering another talented player. "Absolutely," he agreed. "Let's go have a chat with them."


As they approached Jude's parents, the scout followed closely behind, ready to gather any additional information that might be useful for the club.

The scout remained discreetly nearby, observing the interaction between Paul Barber, Dan Ashworth, and Jude Bellingham's parents. As they approached the couple, Paul took the lead, offering a warm smile.

"Excuse me, are you Jude Bellingham's parents?" Paul inquired politely.

The couple turned to face Paul and Dan, their expressions curious. "Yes, that's right," Jude's father replied, his tone friendly. "Is there something we can help you with?"

Paul extended his hand in greeting. "I'm Paul Barber, CEO of Brighton," he introduced himself. "And this is Dan Ashworth, our technical director."

Jude's parents exchanged surprised glances, clearly taken aback by the introduction. "Brighton?" Jude's mother echoed, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Dan nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "Yes, Brighton Football Club," he confirmed. "We've been watching Jude's performance on the field, and we're quite impressed."

Jude's father's eyes widened in surprise. "Well, that's quite an honour," he remarked, a hint of pride in his voice. "We've always believed in Jude's talent, but to hear that a Premier League club is interested..."

Paul smiled warmly, sensing the parents' excitement. "Indeed, we see great potential in Jude," he said. "We'd love to have a chat with you both about his future."

Jude's parents nodded eagerly, clearly intrigued by the prospect. "Of course, we'd be happy to talk," Jude's mother replied. "But first, allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Denise, and this is Mark, Jude's father."

Paul and Dan exchanged a knowing glance before Paul turned back to Jude's parents, a reassuring smile on his face. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, Denise and Mark," he said warmly. "We're genuinely interested in signing Jude, and we believe he has a bright future ahead of him."

Mark's expression shifted, his brows furrowing with concern. "A move to a club like Brighton risk Jude's development, he'll have a greater chance of getting in the first team squad here." he said, voicing the worry that had likely been weighing on his mind.

Dan stepped in, his tone reassuring. "I understand your concern, Mark," he said. "But rest assured, we're making significant improvements to our youth and senior coaching team and facilities, and we're committed to providing the best possible environment for Jude to thrive."

Paul nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And on top of that, our owner has given us clear instructions that Jude will have the opportunity to train with the first team during pre-season." he added.

Denise and Mark exchanged amazed glances, clearly impressed by the prospect. "Already?" Mark exclaimed, his tone tinged with disbelief.

Dan nodded, confirming Mark's surprise. "Yes, indeed. We believe in Jude's potential, and we're eager to see him in action," he explained.

Mark leaned forward, a curious expression on his face. "Why do you want Jude so badly?" he inquired, his tone genuine.

Dan smiled, his confidence unwavering. "Our owner believes Jude has immense potential, and seeing him play, so do we," he replied. "We're confident that with the right guidance and support, Jude can become a top talent."

Denise and Mark exchanged a glance, clearly considering Dan's words carefully. After a moment of silent contemplation, Denise spoke up. "Well, if you believe in Jude that much, then we're willing to listen." she said, her tone softening with understanding.

Mark nodded in agreement. "Yes, we want what's best for Jude," he admitted. "And if Brighton can provide him with the opportunities he needs to succeed, then we're open to the possibility."

Paul smiled warmly, grateful for their openness to the discussion. "That's all we can ask for," he said. "Rest assured, we'll do everything in our power to support Jude's development and help him reach his full potential."

Paul then continued. "It's clear that you have a lot of faith in Jude's talent," he remarked. "And we share that belief. That's why we're willing to go the extra mile to support him and your family."

Denise and Mark exchanged surprised glances, clearly taken aback by Paul's offer. "You would do that for us?" Denise asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Paul nodded, his expression sincere. "Absolutely," he confirmed. "We want Jude to focus on his development without any distractions. By providing housing, ensuring his education, and accommodating any additional costs, we can ensure that Jude has everything he needs to succeed."

Mark's eyes widened in amazement, clearly moved by Paul's generosity. "That's incredibly generous of you," he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

Denise and Mark exchanged a glance, clearly touched by Paul's words. After a moment of silent contemplation, Denise spoke up. "Well, we're overwhelmed by your generosity," she admitted. "And we're truly grateful for the opportunities you're offering Jude."

Mark nodded in agreement. "Yes, thank you," he said, his tone sincere. "We'll discuss it further as a family, but I can assure you that we're very interested in what Brighton has to offer."

Paul smiled, relieved by their positive response. "That's great to hear," he said. "We'll give you some time to consider our offer, but please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns."

Mark hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "There's one more thing we'd like to discuss," he said, his tone hesitant.

Paul and Dan exchanged a curious glance, intrigued by Mark's words. "Of course, what is it?" Paul inquired, his expression open and attentive.

Mark took a deep breath before continuing. "Well, you see, Jude has a younger brother named Jobe," he explained. "And if Jude were to move to Brighton, we'd want Jobe to come along as well."

Paul nodded in understanding, considering Mark's request thoughtfully. "I see. And is Jobe also a footballer at Birmingham?" he asked, curious about the younger brother's potential.

Mark nodded, a proud smile crossing his face. "Yes, he is. He's a talented player in his own right," he replied. "And we believe he has the potential to follow in Jude's footsteps."

Dan leaned forward, his interest piqued. "That's interesting," he remarked. "We'll definitely take a look at Jobe and assess his potential. More than likely, we'll be interested in bringing him along as well."

Denise and Mark exchanged a surprised glance, clearly taken aback by Dan's response. "Really? That would be incredible." Denise exclaimed.

Paul smiled warmly, reassured by the parents' positive reaction. "Of course. We want what's best for both Jude and Jobe," he said. "We'll take a look at Jobe's abilities and discuss the possibility further."

Mark and Denise nodded in agreement, clearly appreciative of Paul and Dan's willingness to consider Jobe's future as well. "Thank you," Mark said, his voice sincere. "That means a lot to us."

Paul reached into his pocket and pulled out a card with contact information. "Here's my card," he said, handing it to Mark. "Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. We'll be waiting to hear from you."

Mark accepted the card gratefully, his expression filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Paul. We'll be in touch," he said, tucking the card into his pocket.

With that, Paul, and Dan bid farewell to Jude's parents, exchanging pleasantries and well wishes before making their way back to their seats in the stands. As they settled in to watch the remainder of the training session, they couldn't help but feel optimistic about the future.

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