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Paul Barber

The dining room exuded an air of timeless elegance, seamlessly blending antique charm with modern sophistication. As the three siblings and their mother gathered around the polished mahogany table, their surroundings enveloped them in a sense of grandeur and history.

The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows across the intricately carved woodwork of the dining room, adding a warm ambiance to the scene.

As Beatrice, the matriarch of the family, attempted to soothe Garett's frayed nerves, her voice carried a note of gentle authority, tempered by maternal concern. "Garett, please," she implored, her tone soft yet firm. "This is not the time nor the place for such outbursts. Your father's decisions were his own, and we must respect them, regardless of how we may feel."

Garett's eyes blazed with frustration as he glared at his mother, his fists clenched in anger. "Respect them?" he scoffed incredulously, his voice rising with emotion. "How can you expect me to respect a man who favored Edward over us? He took everything from me, Mother – everything!"

Emily, the youngest of the siblings, shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her brow furrowed with concern as she glanced nervously between her brother and mother. She knew all too well the depths of Garett's resentment.

Beatrice reached out a comforting hand, placing it gently on Garett's arm in a gesture of maternal reassurance. "I understand your anger, Garett," she murmured, her voice tinged with sadness. "But lashing out like this won't change anything. Your father's decisions were his own."

William sat in silence, his gaze fixed on a distant point, his features betraying no hint of emotion. As Garett turned to him, a flicker of frustration crossed his face, overshadowed by the weight of resentment that simmered beneath the surface.

"Mother, do you realize what he's done?" Garett's voice was laced with bitterness as he gestured toward William. "We've been left with nothing but a measly casino, while Edward gets to inherit Brighton – the crown jewel of our family!"

Beatrice's heart ached at the pain in her son's voice, but she knew that indulging his anger would only fan the flames of resentment further. "I understand that you're upset, but we can't change what's already been done. We must find a way to move forward together as a family." she pleaded, her voice tinged with sorrow.

Emily reached out to her brother, her eyes pleading for him to listen to reason. "Garett, please," she urged softly, her voice trembling with emotion. "We're all hurting, but we can't let our anger tear us apart. We need to stick together now more than ever."

But Garett's temper flared, his frustration boiling over as he turned to Emily with a sharp glare. "Shut up, Emily!" he snapped, his voice filled with venom. "You always were the favorite, weren't you? Always Daddy's little princess, while William and I were left to fend for ourselves."

Emily recoiled as if struck, her eyes filling with tears at her brother's harsh words. She had always tried to be the peacemaker, the one who held their family together. But now, faced with Garett's anger and resentment, she felt utterly helpless.

As the tension in the room thickened, Beatrice's heart ached with sorrow for her children. She had hoped that coming together to mourn their father's passing would bring them closer, but instead, it seemed to have driven them further apart. And as she looked around the dining room, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, she couldn't shake the feeling that their family was on the brink of unraveling.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips, her mind racing with thoughts and worries. Though Edward was her son, she couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't ready to shoulder the responsibility of managing such vast assets, especially in the midst of family discord.

"I know Edward is my son, but he's not equipped to handle all of this," Beatrice confessed, her voice tinged with concern. "Perhaps we should try to convince him to hand over control of Brighton and the rest of the estate. We can assure him that we'll take care of everything, that he won't have to bear the burden."

Her suggestion hung in the air, hopeful yet tinged with naivety. Beatrice longed for a return to the days when their family was united, when they faced the world together as a cohesive unit.

Garett's expression softened slightly at his mother's words, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. "Do you really think he'd consider it?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Beatrice nodded, her gaze filled with determination. "We have to try," she insisted, her voice firm with resolve.

Emily's eyes brimmed with tears as she watched her mother and brother, a sense of desperation washing over her. Despite her mother's optimism, she couldn't shake the feeling that their family was teetering on the edge of collapse, and that no amount of persuasion could mend the rifts that had formed between them.

As the tense conversation continued to swirl around the table, William remained a silent observer, his thoughts drifting far away from the turmoil unfolding in the dining room. Unbeknownst to the rest of the family, he quietly slipped away, his absence going unnoticed amidst the exchange.

It wasn't until a lull in the conversation that Garett's sharp gaze swept the room, his brow furrowing in confusion as he realized his brother was no longer seated among them.


"Where's William?"





Bloom Estate

Main Office





Edward sat behind the imposing mahogany desk, his brow furrowed in deep concentration as he pored over documents pertaining to Brighton.

Edward's fingers drummed impatiently against the desk as he scanned through the papers, his mind racing with thoughts of the future.

With a sigh, he leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting towards the ornate ceiling adorned with intricate moldings. It was in moments like these that Edward found solace, lost in his own thoughts and ambitions.

As he pondered the future of Brighton, Edward's mind wandered to the young talents that had risen to stardom over the years – footballers he had been considering for Brighton's future.

Images of Phil Foden's graceful ball control, Bukayo Saka, and Erling Haaland flashed through his mind as he lulled over his thoughts.

He couldn't help but marvel at the potential these young talents held, imagining them donning Brighton's colors, however he had to keep in mind squad dynamics, building a team wasn't about getting the best players, rather, it was about getting the players who would play best with one another, he also noted that he would have to keep player personalities in mind.

Suddenly the sound of the office door opening interrupted his thoughts. Edward glanced up, momentarily startled, before his features relaxed into a composed expression as brother William entered the room.

Edward's gaze narrowed slightly as he watched William enter the room, his expression carefully neutral. "So, my beloved brother decided to grace me with his presence," he remarked, his tone laced with a hint of sarcasm.

William said nothing in response, his silence echoing through the spacious office as he crossed the room to take a seat opposite Edward. With practiced ease, he poured himself a drink from the crystal decanter on the nearby cabinet, the amber liquid glinting in the soft glow of the room's lighting.

As William took a sip from his glass, his gaze met Edward's with a cool detachment, betraying none of the emotions that churned beneath the surface. There was a tension in the air, a silent exchange of unspoken words that hung heavy between them.

Edward studied his brother's stoic demeanor, his mind racing with questions and suspicions. He leaned back in his chair, his features schooled into a mask of polite interest as he waited for William to speak, curious to know the reason behind his unexpected visit.

William's gaze remained fixed on Edward, his expression inscrutable as he took another sip of his drink, the ice clinking softly against the glass. "You're different," he finally stated, his tone measured yet laden with meaning.

A wry smile touched Edward's lips as he regarded his brother, a glint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Is that so?" he mused, his tone tinged with a hint of irony. "I suppose we all change over time, William. It's a natural part of growing up."

But William shook his head, his expression unyielding as he leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "No, Edward," he insisted, his voice carrying an undercurrent of intensity. "This goes beyond mere growth. The Edward I know was a shy boy who was scared to even speak up for himself. Yet the moment you walked into the office earlier, you looked nothing like that Edward."

Edward's amusement faded, replaced by a flicker of unease at his brother's astute observation. "What are you implying, William?" he asked, his voice tinged with a note of defensiveness.

But William remained steadfast, his gaze unwavering as he continued to scrutinize his brother. "I'm implying that something has changed within you, Edward," he replied, his voice calm yet resolute. "And I intend to find out what it is."


Edward let out a thoughtful hum in response to William's statement, his mind intrigued by his brother's keen observation. As he rose from his seat, the smooth surface of the desk cool beneath his fingertips, he made his way to the cabinet where the decanter of amber liquid awaited.


With deliberate movements, Edward poured himself a drink. He kept his back turned to William, not out of nervousness, but out of a desire to maintain a sense of mystery as he processed his brother's words.

The soft clink of the decanter against the glass echoed through the room as Edward swirled the amber liquid within his glass, his thoughts racing with curiosity rather than apprehension.

Turning slightly to glance over his shoulder at William, Edward's expression remained composed. "So, William," he began, his tone casual yet tinged with a hint of intrigue, "what are your thoughts on father's will?"

The question hung in the air as Edward watched intently as William's gaze flickered slightly, a subtle shift in his demeanor that did not escape his notice. He waited in silence, allowing his brother the opportunity to gather his thoughts and formulate a response.

William's features remained impassive, his gaze meeting Edward's with a cool detachment. "The inheritance?" he echoed, his voice measured yet guarded. "It's a complicated matter, to say the least."

Edward's expression remained composed as he absorbed William's response, acknowledging his brother's words. "Indeed, Father's favor toward me has not gone unnoticed," he conceded, his voice measured yet tinged with a sense of introspection. "But with that favor comes a burden of responsibility."

As he spoke, Edward couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to William's perspective than met the eye. His brother's calm demeanor seemed to belie a deeper understanding of their family's dynamics, and Edward couldn't help but wonder what thoughts lay hidden beneath the surface.

"And what of your thoughts on the matter, William?" Edward inquired, his curiosity piqued. "Do you not find it curious that Father chose to entrust me with such vast assets?"

William's gaze met Edward's, his expression betraying little emotion. "I understand that Father favored you, Edward," he replied, his voice steady. "Something the rest of our family hadn't seemed to realise back then."

Edward nodded thoughtfully at William's words, his mind racing with questions and suspicions.

"And what of the rest of our family?" Edward pressed, his tone tinged with curiosity. "Do they not question Father's decisions? Do they not wonder why he chose to bestow such wealth upon me?"

William's expression remained impassive, his gaze steady as he met Edward's probing stare. "They do," he conceded, his voice measured. "They believe you aren't capable of managing father's assets."

Edward's curiosity deepened at his brother's words. "And what do you think, William?" he pressed. "Do you believe that I am capable of managing Father's assets?"

William's gaze remained steady as he met Edward's probing stare, his expression inscrutable. "I don't know," he replied honestly, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "If it were the Edward from before, the one I grew up knowing, I would say no without hesitation. But now... now, I don't know."


Edward watched William carefully as his brother's words hung in the air.


"I'll be watching, Edward," William stated, his tone firm yet enigmatic. "Watching what you do with what father gave you."

Edward's gaze followed William's retreating figure as he leaned back in his chair, he took a slow sip of his drink, the amber liquid warm against his lips. His gaze remained fixed on the door through which William had exited.


With a heavy sigh, Edward set down his glass, the weight of familial expectations pressing down upon him like an invisible burden.


Exiting the office, Edward made his way through the corridors of the Bloom Estate.


As he reached the main entrance of the estate, Edward's gaze swept the grand foyer, searching for any sign of Paul Barber, the current CEO of Brighton.

Spotting Paul across the room, engaged in conversation with one of the estate's staff members, Edward made his way toward him with purposeful strides.

Paul Barber turned towards Edward as he approached, his expression sympathetic. "Edward, my condolences for the loss of your father, Tony was a great friend of mine." he said solemnly, his tone tinged with genuine sorrow.

Edward nodded in acknowledgment, gratitude flickering in his eyes. "Thank you, Mr. Barber," he replied, his voice quiet yet composed. "It's been a difficult time for all of us."

Paul's gaze softened as he regarded Edward with a mix of empathy and concern. "Indeed, losing a parent is never easy," he remarked, his tone gentle.

Edward offered a faint smile in response to Paul's words, appreciative of his understanding. "I've been thinking about the future of Brighton," he began diplomatically, transitioning away from the topic of loss. "I believe it's time for us to gather all the members of the board for a meeting to discuss our strategy moving forward."

Paul's expression shifted slightly, a hint of interest flickering in his eyes. "I agree," he replied, his tone thoughtful. "It's important for us to come together and chart the course for Brighton's future at such a time as this."

Edward nodded in agreement, a sense of determination evident in his demeanor. "I hoped that you would be able make the necessary arrangements for the meeting," he stated, his voice firm with resolve. "I want to ensure that we have a clear vision and plan in place to uphold Brighton's legacy and propel it towards continued success."

Paul's smile widened at Edward's words, a sense of genuine surprise evident in his expression. "I must admit, Edward, I'm pleasantly surprised by your interest in Brighton," he remarked, his tone warm yet cautious. "Your brother, on the other hand..."

Edward's expression softened as he met Paul's gaze, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Ah, so you've encountered Garett," he said, a chuckle underlying his words. "I sympathize."

Paul's smile widened, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yes, well, family dynamics can certainly be... colorful," he replied with a subtle nod, choosing his words carefully.

The shared understanding between Edward and Paul eased the tension of the moment, their laughter filling the room as they exchanged knowing glances.


Paul's demeanor became more open and enthusiastic, his previous reservations melting away in the warmth of their shared laughter.


He stepped closer to Edward. "Let me get your number, Edward," Paul suggested, his tone friendly yet businesslike as he shifted to a first name basis. "I'll make sure to keep you updated on the arrangements for the meeting."

Edward nodded in agreement, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his phone. As he exchanged contact information with Paul.

"Thank you, Paul," Edward said sincerely, his voice tinged with gratitude. "I appreciate your help."

Paul's smile widened at Edward's words, a sense of pride evident in his expression. "Of course, Edward," he replied warmly. "I'll make sure everything is set up to your specifications. We'll ensure that Brighton continues to thrive under your leadership."

With a firm handshake and a final exchange of pleasantries, Edward and Paul parted ways, each with a renewed sense of purpose and determination to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.


Edward watched as Paul made his way back to his duties, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. Securing the support of one of the most influential board members besides his now deceased father was a significant step forward. With Paul's backing, it would be far easier to secure the boards' backing.

Edward strode purposefully towards the entrance of the estate, his steps echoing against the marble floors of the grand foyer.

As he reached for the ornate handle of the massive oak doors, a voice pierced through the air, causing him to pause in his tracks.




For a moment, Edward considered ignoring his brother's call, continuing on his path without acknowledging him. But something in Garett's demeanor gave him pause – a sense of urgency, perhaps, or a flicker of desperation that he couldn't quite ignore.

With a resigned sigh, Edward turned to face Garett, his expression guarded yet composed. "What is it, Garett?" he inquired, his tone tinged with a hint of impatience.

Edward tensed as he felt Garett's hand wrap around his neck, his muscles instinctively coiling in response to the sudden intrusion. He turned to face his brother, his expression guarded yet composed.


"I just wanted to have a little chat, brother," Garett replied, his tone deceptively calm. "You know, about Father's will and all."


Edward's jaw clenched as he struggled to maintain his composure under Garett's steely gaze. He knew all too well the depth of his, now, brother's resentment, and the simmering anger that lurked beneath the surface.

"Is that so?" Edward responded evenly, his voice betraying none of the turmoil that churned within him. "I'm afraid I'm rather busy at the moment. Perhaps we can discuss this another time."

Garett's lips curled into a cold smile, his grip on Edward's neck tightening incrementally. "I think we can spare a few moments for a family discussion, don't you?" he murmured, his voice laced with malice.

Despite the pressure of Garett's hand against his neck, Edward remained outwardly composed, his gaze steady as he met his brother's icy stare. "Very well," he conceded, his tone measured yet firm. "But let's take this somewhere more private, shall we?"

With a subtle nod, Garett released his grip on Edward's neck, his expression unreadable as he gestured for his brother to lead the way. Edward turned on his heel, his mind racing with thoughts and calculations as he led Garett towards a secluded corner of the estate where they could speak without fear of interruption.

As they reached their destination, Edward turned to face Garett, his gaze unwavering despite the tension that hung heavy between them. "What is it you wish to discuss, Garett?" he inquired, his tone cool and composed.

Garett's features twisted into a sneer as he regarded his brother with thinly veiled contempt. "Don't play dumb, Edward," he spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Edward's brow furrowed slightly as he regarded his brother, a flicker of confusion crossing his features. "I'm afraid I don't," he replied evenly, his tone tinged with genuine curiosity. "Perhaps you could enlighten me."

Garett's lips curled into a cold smile as he stepped closer to Edward, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You think you can just waltz in here and take everything for yourself, don't you?" he snarled, his voice low and dangerous. "Well, I've got news for you, brother. I won't let you get away with it."


Edward's expression remained stoic as he absorbed Garett's words, his mind racing with thoughts and calculations.


Before Edward could respond, he caught sight of movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning slightly, he saw his mother, Beatrice, standing a few feet away, her expression wrought with concern as she observed the exchange between her two sons.

"Edward," she began, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. "I know this may be a lot to ask, but... have you considered the possibility of giving everything you received from your father over to Garett and William?"

Edward's brows furrowed in surprise at his mother's request. He hadn't expected her to suggest such a drastic course of action, and for a moment, he was at a loss for words.

"Mother," he replied. "I understand that you want what's best for the family, but I can't simply give up everything Father left for me."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Edward cuts off any further discussion, his mind already churning with plans and countermeasures to deal with the situation at hand. He couldn't afford to entertain his mother's suggestion.

Ignoring the incredulous look on Garett's face and the pleading gaze of his mother, Edward turns on his heel and walks away, his steps purposeful and determined. He had work to do, alliances to secure, and a legacy to build and protect.


'Curse you Edward Bloom, Curse you for leaving me have to deal with this dysfunctional family'


As he strode through the corridors of the estate, Edward's thoughts raced, his mind calculating every possible scenario and outcome. He knew that Garett wouldn't give up without a fight, and he needed to be prepared for whatever his brother might throw his way.




Check out my other novel, Convict to King

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