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A Substantial Inheritance

In the dimly lit estate office, Edward sat at the grand mahogany desk, surrounded by stacks of folders and papers scattered across its surface. The soft glow of antique lamps cast shadows on the ornate wallpaper, adding an air of mystery to the room. Percival, stood nearby, observing the scene with a look of quiet amusement in his intelligent eyes.

Edward furrowed his brow in concentration as he sifted through the paperwork, his fingers deftly flipping through the pages of contracts, financial reports, and legal documents. Each folder held a piece of the intricate puzzle called his inheritance, and Edward was determined to unravel its mysteries one by one.

Percival, watched Edward's diligent efforts with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. He leaned against a nearby bookshelf, his arms crossed over his chest, as he observed his client's focused expression, occasionally offering a knowing nod of encouragement.

As Edward delved deeper into the paperwork, his mind raced with thoughts of the estate's potential and the myriad possibilities that lay ahead. With each document he reviewed, he gained a clearer understanding of the estate's assets, liabilities, and untapped opportunities, fueling his determination to make the most of his newfound inheritance. Edward's fingers paused momentarily as he glanced up at Percival, his expression a mixture of excitement and determination. "Mr. Kingsley," he began, his voice resonating with confidence, "based on the assets we've reviewed so far, my estimated net worth should fall between £410 million to £520 million."

Percival arched an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Impressive," he remarked, a hint of admiration coloring his tone. "Shall we break it down further?"

Edward nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as he prepared to delve into the details. "Let's start with Brighton," he said, gesturing towards the folders labeled with the football club's insignia. "The club itself is valued at £250 million, but when we consider its subsidiaries—such as the youth academy, merchandise sales, and broadcasting rights—we can conservatively estimate its total worth to be closer to £300 million."

Percival nodded in agreement, his sharp mind already processing the figures. "And Royale Union Saint-Gilloise?" he inquired, gesturing towards the folder containing information on the Belgian football club.

"Royale Union Saint-Gilloise has been steadily growing in value," Edward explained, flipping through the pages to locate the relevant data. "While my father held a minority stake, recent investments and successes on the pitch have increased its worth to approximately €9 million."

Moving on to Star Lizard Consulting, Edward's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Star Lizard Consulting is a cornerstone of my portfolio," he declared, his voice filled with pride. "With its innovative approach to sports betting analytics, the firm is valued at £62 million and continues to attract high-profile clients seeking strategic insights."

Percival nodded thoughtfully, his mind already making connections between the various assets. "And what about your tech investments?" he inquired, gesturing towards the folder labeled with the emblem of innovation.

"My tech investments encompass a diverse range of startups and firms," Edward explained, flipping through the documents to locate the pertinent details. "From AI to cybersecurity and fintech, all with a combined value of £53 million."

Finally, Edward turned his attention to the folder marked "Half of the estate," his gaze lingering on the papers contained within. "While I only hold half ownership of the estate, its value is still significant," he noted, his tone measured yet proud. "With its sprawling grounds, historical buildings, and potential for development, we can estimate its worth to be around £51 million."

Percival nodded in agreement, his expression one of quiet satisfaction. "A formidable portfolio indeed," he remarked, his gaze meeting Edward's with a look of mutual respect. "With careful management and strategic investments, there's no limit to what you can achieve."

He maneuvered off of the a bookshelf "Though," Percival paused before continuing, "How exactly are you so knowledgeable about both legal and financial intricacies?"

Edward's lips curved into a knowing smile as he leaned back in his chair, his gaze meeting Percival's with unwavering confidence. "I've always had a keen interest in business and finance," he replied smoothly. "And I suppose you could say I've done quite a bit of reading over the years."

Percival raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued by Edward's nonchalant response. "Reading, you say?" he echoed, a hint of skepticism in his tone. "Forgive me for being blunt, but considering your... lack of involvement in such matters, I find it hard to believe."

Edward's smile widened, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Ah, well, I simply came to the realization of my current situation, although I may appear inexperienced," he remarked casually, his tone tinged with amusement. "rest assured, Mr. Kingsley, I'm fully committed to understanding every aspect of my inheritance and maximizing its potential."

Percival's lips twitched with amusement at Edward's bold assertion. "Very well, Mr. Bloom," he conceded, a note of respect coloring his words. "I must say, you possess a remarkable level of insight and acumen for someone so... newly acquainted with the intricacies of your family's affairs."

Edward merely shrugged, a coy smile playing on his lips. "Perhaps I'm just a quick study," he replied, his tone light yet self-assured. "Or perhaps I simply have a knack for seeing opportunities where others may overlook them."

As Percival nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of intrigue lingered in the air. With Edward's sharp intellect and determined resolve, he was sure that his client and great friend, Tony Bloom's empire would be in good hands.

"We need to discuss Brighton, as the two thousand and seventeen season hasn't yet begun you have time to prepare, but still, we must discuss your father's vision for the club," Percival stated, his tone serious yet expectant.

Edward's thoughts drifted to Brighton & Hove Albion FC. As a lifelong football fan, he had spent countless hours cheering on multiple clubs from the stands, reveling in the highs and lows of each match. Now, as the owner of a club, he felt a profound sense of responsibility to uphold its legacy and lead it to even greater success.

Edward nodded, his mind already racing with ideas and strategies for the club's future. "Of course," he replied, his voice tinged with anticipation. "Brighton & Hove Albion FC is more than just a football club to me— it's my father's most prized possession. And I intend to do everything in my power to ensure its continued success."

As Percival nodded in agreement, Edward's thoughts turned to the possibilities that lay ahead. With his knowledge of the club's strengths and weaknesses, he would ensure that he turned Brighton into a club of legendary status.

Percival settled into a chair opposite Edward, his expression grave as he began to outline the current details about Tony Bloom's vision for Brighton & Hove Albion FC. Edward listened intently, his focus unwavering as he absorbed every word.

"Your father's vision for the club was ambitious yet grounded in a deep love for the game," Percival began, his tone measured yet respectful. "He believed in building a sustainable and competitive team that would not only thrive on the pitch but also contribute positively to the local community."

Edward nodded, a sense of pride swelling within him as he thought of his father's dedication to the club.

Percival continued, his voice steady as he outlined the key pillars of Tony Bloom's vision. "Your father placed a strong emphasis on youth development, believing that nurturing young talent was essential for the club's long-term success," he explained. "He also prioritized investment in state-of-the-art training facilities and infrastructure upgrades."

As Percival spoke, Edward's mind raced with ideas and possibilities. He envisioned a future where Brighton & Hove Albion FC stood at the forefront of English football, renowned for its commitment to excellence on and off the pitch.

"But perhaps most importantly," Percival continued, his voice softening with emotion, "your father believed in the power of unity and camaraderie within the club. He fostered a culture of teamwork and mutual respect, instilling values that have become synonymous with the Brighton & Hove Albion brand."

Edward nodded thoughtfully as Percival outlined his father's vision for Brighton & Hove Albion FC. "My father's vision was smart," he remarked, his voice reflecting a deep respect for Tony Bloom's strategic approach to managing the club. "Investing in youth development not only ensures a sustainable future for the club but also fosters a sense of loyalty and pride among young players who grow up through the ranks."

Percival nodded in agreement, acknowledging the wisdom behind Tony Bloom's emphasis on nurturing talent from within. "Indeed," he concurred. "Your father understood the importance of adhering to financial fair play regulations while still striving for excellence on the pitch. It's a delicate balance, but one that he managed with finesse."

Edward's lips curved into a proud smile at Percival's words. Tony Bloom's reputation for prudent financial management was well-known in the football world, and Edward was determined to uphold that legacy.

"As for recruitment," Percival continued, his gaze focused on Edward, "your father had outlined plans to strategically, he believed in having the right staff structure before having the best team in football."

Edward listened attentively as Percival continued to elaborate on Tony Bloom's vision for Brighton & Hove Albion FC, particularly regarding the importance of having the right staff structure in place.

"Your father believed that success on the pitch begins with a strong foundation off the pitch," Percival explained, his voice carrying a note of reverence for Tony Bloom's strategic foresight. "He understood the significance of assembling a team of skilled professionals who shared his passion for the club and possessed the expertise to drive its growth."

Edward nodded in agreement, recognizing the pivotal role that talented individuals play in shaping the trajectory of a football club. "Staffing decisions are crucial," he remarked thoughtfully. "Having the right people in key positions can make all the difference in realizing the club's ambitions."

Percival leaned forward, his gaze intense as he began to outline some of the key individuals that Tony Bloom had envisioned bringing on board to support Brighton's journey to success. "Your father had identified individuals like Dan Ashworth and Graham Potter as integral to the club's future," he revealed, referencing the renowned football executive known for his expertise in talent development and recruitment.

Edward nodded thoughtfully as Percival outlined his father's plans to bring in key individuals like Dan Ashworth and potentially Graham Potter to support Brighton & Hove Albion FC.

"Diversifying the talent within the club's leadership is essential," Edward remarked, his voice reflecting a blend of agreement and consideration. "Individuals like Dan Ashworth bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, which will undoubtedly benefit our player development and recruitment strategies."

Percival nodded in approval at Edward's response, pleased to see his client's willingness to embrace his father's vision. "Indeed," he concurred. "Dan Ashworth's tenure at the English Football Association speaks volumes about his ability to identify and nurture young talent, a skillset that aligns perfectly with Brighton's objectives."

Edward's outward agreement masked a subtle internal conflict. While he respected Dan Ashworth's credentials and contributions to English football, his knowledge from the future led him to question whether Graham Potter was truly the best choice for the club's coaching role at this juncture.

"Graham Potter, on the other hand, is known for his innovative approach to the game," Percival continued, providing further context about the potential coaching appointment. "His success with Östersunds in Sweden has earned him recognition as a rising star in football management."

Edward maintained a composed demeanor as he listened to Percival's assessment of Graham Potter's credentials. Outwardly, he acknowledged Potter's achievements and the potential value he could bring to the club. However, inwardly, he couldn't shake the feeling that there might be other, more suitable candidates for the role.

"I appreciate the insight, Percival," Edward replied diplomatically, masking his reservations with a polite nod. "Graham Potter certainly has an impressive track record, and I'll give his candidacy due consideration."

Percival smiled, satisfied with Edward's response. "I'm glad to hear that, Edward," he said, his tone tinged with encouragement. "Your father had great faith in his vision for the club, and I'm confident that you'll carry that legacy forward with wisdom and discernment."

As Percival's words lingered in the air, a sudden interruption broke the solemn atmosphere of the estate office. The sound of footsteps echoed in the room as Garett, Edward's brother, strode in with a wine glass in hand, his demeanor exuding arrogance and entitlement.

With a smug sneer on his face, Garett regarded Edward with disdain, his gaze filled with contempt. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Edward trying to play the big shot," he remarked snidely, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Still playing with your little papers, I see. When are you going to realize that this everything father gave you belongs to the real family?"

Edward maintained his composure, his expression impassive as he met Garett's gaze with unwavering resolve. "Garett," he replied evenly, his voice tinged with a hint of annoyance, "we've been through this. All of this is rightfully mine, as determined by my father's will."

Garett scoffed dismissively, his arrogance unyielding as he took another sip of wine. "Your father's will," he scoffed, rolling his eyes in mock disbelief. "As if that piece of paper means anything. We all know that Tony favored you over the rest of us. But times have changed, Edward. It's about time you realized that."

As Garett's words cut through the tense atmosphere of the estate office, Percival's expression remained unchanged, though a flicker of annoyance briefly crossed his features at the disrespectful tone. Nevertheless, he maintained his composure, standing tall and composed as he faced Garett's arrogant demeanor.

Garett's sneer widened as he turned his attention to Percival, his gaze cold and disdainful. "Well, Mr. Lawyer, I suggest you come and help the 'real family' figure out their side of the finances. We don't have time to waste with this peasant."

Percival's jaw tightened imperceptibly at Garett's disrespectful address, but he remained unfazed, his professionalism unwavering in the face of such provocation."Mr. Garett, while I understand your concerns, it is my duty to ensure that all beneficiaries receive fair and just treatment in accordance with Mr. Bloom's will." He replied evenly, his tone devoid of emotion.

Garett's lip curled into a derisive sneer at Percival's response, his arrogance unyielding as he took another sip of wine. "Fair and just treatment, you say?" he scoffed, his tone laced with sarcasm. "Forgive me if I find that hard to believe. You've been in Edward's pocket, Kingsley, and we won't stand for it any longer."

Percival's gaze remained steady, his expression calm yet resolute as he met Garett's challenging stare. "I assure you, Mr. Garett, my loyalty lies with executing my duties impartially and in accordance with the law," he replied firmly. "Regardless of any personal allegiances, it is my responsibility to ensure that all beneficiaries are treated fairly and that the terms of Mr. Bloom's will are upheld."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Garett turned his attention back to Edward, a smug smirk playing on his lips. "Well, brother," he sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "it seems you've got your pet lawyer on a leash. But mark my words, Edward, we'll see to it that justice is served, one way or another."

Edward's lips curved into a wry smile at Garett's bravado, his eyes glinting with a hint of amusement as he watched Garett strut off. "Good luck, Mr. Kingsley," he remarked dryly, his voice tinged with irony. "I have no doubt that you'll need it."

With that, Edward turned his attention back to the stacks of paperwork on his desk, his focus unwavering as he resumed his review of the estate's finances. Despite the tension lingering in the air, he remained determined to navigate the complexities of his inheritance with diligence and resolve, knowing that the future of the Bloom legacy depended on his unwavering determination and steadfast resolve.

Edward regarded Percival with a knowing smile, acknowledging the tense exchange with his brother before turning his attention back to the matter at hand. "Let's delve deeper into Dan Ashworth's character and contributions to English football," he suggested, his tone reflective yet curious.

Percival nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful as he considered Edward's request. "Dan Ashworth is certainly a prominent figure in the world of football," he began, his voice carrying a note of respect. "His tenure at the English Football Association saw him play a pivotal role in shaping the future of youth development and talent identification in English football."

Edward listened intently as Percival outlined Dan Ashworth's contributions to English football, his curiosity piqued by the prospect of bringing such a figure on board to support Brighton & Hove Albion FC.

"During his time at the FA, Ashworth implemented a comprehensive youth development strategy aimed at nurturing young talent and creating a pathway for future generations of players," Percival explained, referencing Ashworth's efforts to revamp England's youth setup and instill a culture of excellence within the national team's youth ranks.

Edward nodded thoughtfully, impressed by Ashworth's commitment to fostering talent at the grassroots level. "It's clear that Dan Ashworth's expertise in youth development could be invaluable to Brighton's long-term success," he remarked, his tone tinged with admiration.

Percival's expression mirrored Edward's sentiments, his respect for Ashworth evident in his thoughtful analysis. "Indeed," he concurred. "Ashworth's track record speaks for itself, and his insights into player recruitment and development could prove instrumental in shaping Brighton's future trajectory."

Edward's mind raced with possibilities as he considered the potential impact of bringing Dan Ashworth on board to support Brighton & Hove Albion FC. With Ashworth's wealth of experience and proven track record in youth development, the club stood to benefit significantly from his expertise.

"However," Percival continued, his expression turning more serious, "it's worth noting that Ashworth's tenure at the FA was not without its controversies."

Edward's brows furrowed slightly at Percival's mention of controversies surrounding Dan Ashworth's time at the FA, his curiosity piqued by the implication of potential challenges or controversies that Ashworth might bring to the table.

Percival elaborated further, his tone measured yet informative. "Mr. Tony raised concerns about Ashworth's handling of certain disciplinary issues within the FA, as well as his role in overseeing England's youth teams during a period of mixed results," he explained, referencing the scrutiny that Ashworth faced during his tenure at the FA.

Edward absorbed Percival's words with thoughtful consideration, weighing the potential benefits of bringing Dan Ashworth on board against the risks associated with his past controversies. While Ashworth's expertise in youth development was undeniable, Edward recognized the importance of carefully evaluating all aspects of his character and track record before making a final decision.

"Thank you, Mr. Kingsley," Edward replied, his tone grateful yet contemplative. "I'll take all of this into consideration as we continue to assess potential candidates for leadership roles."

Percival nodded in acknowledgment, his expression one of quiet reassurance. "Of course, Edward," he replied, his voice steady yet supportive. "As always, I'm here to provide guidance and assistance every step of the way."

Edward leaned forward, his expression resolute as he proposed the idea. "Percival," he paused. "Can I call you Percival? I'm going to call you percival." He said, a glint of mischeive appearing in his eyes, "I believe it's worth reaching out to Dan Ashworth," his voice carrying a tone of conviction. "Despite his previous rejection of my father's offer, circumstances have changed, I'm the owner of Brighton now, and I'm confident that with the right approach, I can persuade him to reconsider joining Brighton."

Percival regarded Edward with a thoughtful expression, his gaze steady as he considered the proposal. "Edward, while I understand your enthusiasm, it's important to remember that Ashworth declined your father's last proposal," he stated, his tone cautious yet firm. "He cited personal and professional reasons for his decision, and it's unclear whether he would be open to revisiting the opportunity."

Edward's determination remained unwavering in the face of Percival's caution, his resolve strengthened by the belief in the potential impact of bringing Dan Ashworth on board. "I appreciate your concern, Percival," he replied, his voice steady yet resolute. "But I believe that Ashworth's expertise and leadership could be invaluable to the club's future success. Let's at least try to arrange a meeting and see if we can present him with a compelling case."

Percival nodded in acknowledgment of Edward's persistence, his expression reflecting a blend of admiration and caution. "Very well, Edward," he conceded, his tone tinged with a note of caution. "I'll reach out to Ashworth's representatives and see if we can arrange a meeting to discuss the opportunity further. However, I must caution you to temper your expectations, as convincing him to reconsider may prove challenging."

Edward accepted Percival's caution with a nod of understanding, his determination undiminished by the potential obstacles ahead. "Thank you, Percival," he replied, his voice filled with gratitude. "I understand the challenges we may face, but I'm willing to do anything it takes to secure the best possible future for Brighton."

Percival raised an eyebrow at Edward's insistence, a faint hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Edward, before we proceed, I must remind you that any negotiations with Dan Ashworth will likely involve meetings with the Brighton board," he interjected, his tone measured yet cautious. "Additionally, given Ashworth's current position at the FA, we may need to navigate diplomatic channels to secure his release from his contractual obligations."

Edward nodded thoughtfully at Percival's reminder, his expression serious as he considered the implications of engaging with both the Brighton board and external stakeholders. "Of course, Percival," he replied, his voice tinged with determination. "I understand the complexities involved, meeting the board is already on my agenda."

Percival regarded Edward with a knowing look, his expression thoughtful yet guarded. "Just be mindful, Edward," he cautioned, his tone laced with a note of warning. "Navigating the intricacies of corporate governance and stakeholder management can be challenging, especially when dealing with individuals who may have conflicting interests."

Edward's lips curved into a wry smile at Percival's warning, a dark glint appearing in his eyes as he nodded in acknowledgment. "Don't worry, Percival," he assured, his voice filled with confidence. "I'm well aware of the vultures circling around, but I won't let anyone stand in the way of what's best for Brighton & Hove Albion FC."

Percival raised an eyebrow at Edward's bold declaration, his expression one of cautious approval. "Very well, Edward," he replied, his tone conceding to Edward's resolve. "I'll begin reaching out to the necessary parties to arrange the meetings. Just remember to proceed with caution and be prepared for any potential challenges along the way."

With a nod of understanding, Edward watched as Percival began to make arrangements for the upcoming meetings, his mind already racing with strategies and contingencies to ensure a successful outcome. As the weight of responsibility settled upon his shoulders, he steeled himself for the challenges ahead, knowing that the future of Brighton & Hove Albion FC depended on his strategic acumen.

As Edward surveyed the chaos of paperwork scattered across his desk, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks demanding his attention. It was clear he needed an assistant.

In a moment of realization Edward realized what he truly needed: a female assistant. Why? because he found their presence more comforting than a male's.

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