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70% Traveling in the Animeverse As Madara / Chapter 13: Chapter 12: The Hostess of Fertility & Evaluating

Chapter 13: Chapter 12: The Hostess of Fertility & Evaluating

Madara POV

It took quite a while and it's already noon. We left the Twilight Manor after finishing up my conversation with Riveria and head straight back to Stardust Garden. As we we're walking i heard someone's stomach growl.

I turned around to look for the culprit and i saw Ais with a small of blush on her face and asked "Are you hungry Ais-san." Then she nodded meekly.

Lefiya suddenly said "We also didn't eat anything this morning Uchiha-san." I looked at them and asked "Why didn't you guys eat anything back at the Twilight Manor, im sure you guys know that you will be going outside today to learn from me." They all have that ashamed look right now and i sighed and said "Well let's eat first before moving on." Then they all nodded and followed me.

Then i saw the Hotess of Fertility, im sure they are only open in afternoon and night "Hey Uchiha-san that place is a good place to eat." Tiona pointed at the Hostess of Fertility and i nodded "Alright let's go there and eat then we'll move on." They nodded and we head to the pub.

When i opened the door i saw some people eating here 'I guess they are open and it seems there are civilians here, adventurers must have come here only in night.' i thought then we we're greeted by the waitress who has a brown hair and eyes and has a cat ears. 'Anya Fromel' one of the waitress of the Hostess of Fertility.

"Welcome customer, oh Lefiya-chan and Ais-chan, what are guys doing here this early-nya and you are not with your other members-nya." Anya asked

"Anya-san, well we haven't eat anything today and were near here so we came by." Tiona said "Oh and who is this-nya, a new member of your member of your familia-nya?" Anya asked them "Ah, no he is not a new member, he's actually our new teacher Loki-sama and the other's already agreed on it." Lefiya replied.

"Is that so? Anyway, you guys take your seat so i can get your order-nya." Anya said then pointed an available seat.

We took our seat and then place our order "Alright will that be all-nya?" Anya asked us "Yes, that will be all." I replied 'Now that i think about i forgot to bring any money with me.' I thought and i started sweating.

I looked at Lefiya and faked cough and said "Lefiya-san it seems i have forgotten to bring my money with me can you pay this for now i'll pay you back later when we get to my home." Lefiya shaked her head and said "No, its fine Uchiha-san i'll pay for your meal no need to pay me back."

"Anyway, i got a question for you three. Why did you guys also want to learn from me, what did Ais tell you and for you to be interested." I asked the three with curiosity.

"Well we heard from Ais that you were strong, at first we were worried that she got tricked but when she said you were the one who defeated Ottar singlehandedly so it caught our curiosity and we want to join too, and so we ask the Captain to also join Ais to learn from you." Tione replied and Tiona nodded "But i don't know about Lefiya she also wants to join suddenly when she heard that Ais is learning from someone else." Tiona added and i looked at Lefiya and she bowed her because she was embarrassed. 

"W-well, at first i wanted to see what kind of guy Ais made her so interested, because she rarely gets this excited about something other than going to the dungeon, but now that i see how you performed back at the manor, i became more interested and also want to learn from you." Lefiya said embarrassed while touching both of her index fingers together.

I nodded then looked at Ais "I see, you got a great friends here Ais, they seem to care a lot about you." Ais nodded meekly

"Here's your food." The waitress brought our food with a smile, and i looked at the waitress, 'Syr Flova' she has a grey eyes and hair and a ponytail hairstyle.

'It looks like Freya is wearing her mask today.' I thought then i looked away, 'Syr' who noticed me looking at her, she smiled and said "Are you taking an interest to me customer-san."

I looked at her dumbfoundedly 'The f*ck? Is she not afraid of me anymore, i mentally attack you, are you sure you should be talking to me right now?' i thought, thinking why this lady is talking to me.

"Don't look at me like that customer-san it's embarrassing you know." Syr said while blushing and covering her face with her hands.

"Uchiha-san to think that you would actually go for Syr-san, even though you are all ready surrounded by a lot girls." Tiona said innocently and i faked cough then said "*Cough*, what are you talking about Tiona im not surrounded by a lot girls."

"Are you not? I mean you joined a familia with only female members and then you took a 4 students from a different familia and it seems that Riveria-san took a liking to you." Tiona replied with an innocent look.

"Pft." I heard a laugh and look at who it was and saw that they were all trying to hold back they're laughter and Ais who doesn't get any of it only tilted her head.

"All right enough, let's just eat so we can go and i can start training you guys." I said with a bit irritated that im being teased.

While we we're eating, i noticed that 'Syr' is still looking at from time to time and im starting to get annoyed by it but i still choose to ignore it.

"Are you enjoying the food customer-san?" Syr approached our table and asked "Yes the food is really great i think ill come here to eat later." I replied to Syr and she smiled and said "Really, that's great May would be happy if she heard that herself." Then she left and continue serving other customers.

"Ahh, that was great i'm full now." Tiona said while patting her belly and burp "Tiona, mind your manners." Tione said and slapped Tiona's head. "All right let's get going." I said then Lefiya went to Syr and pay up the bill then we left.

As we we're walking, we heard a shout "WAIT!!" We turned around and see a grey haired werewolf and has a orange eyes running towards us "Bete, what he is doing here?" Tiona asked looking at Bete running towards us.

Bete slowed down and stood in front of me and look me in the eyes "Are you the one who defeated Ottar and the Captain?" I look at him then replied "Yes, i am." "Then.." Bete suddenly bowed his head and said "Please take me in too."

Whether if it's The Twins, Lefiya, and Ais they all looked at the bowing Bete, and they were all dumbfound, because the most stubborn and rudest person they know, and who has a superiority complex who always argues with Finn and the others, is now bowing his head to someone he just met.

"H-hey am i hallucinating, or is Bete really bowing his head to Uchiha-san." Tiona looking at the Tione while pointing at Bete "No you're not hallucinating, because we can see it too." Tione replied who also is in disbelief.

"Why? Give me a good reason why would i accept you?" I asked Bete and he replied while clenching his fist "Because i want to be strong, strong enough so i can protect them, i don't want to lose the people i care about anymore." When they heard Bete's reason they were all surprised, to think that Bete will say that without hesitation means he's determined.

I smiled while crossing my arms and said "Alright, raise your head that reason is more than enough. Uchiha Madara that's my name and you." "Bete Loga i will call my master now." He replied and but when he said he will call me master i don't mind it so i nodded at him.

Then we moved on "By the way Bete; who are these 'people' you want to protect hmmm." Tiona asked teasingly "I-i don't need to tell you that." Bete replied with a blush "Everyone is gonna flip out when they hear about this, our tsundere mutt is finally admitting that he cares about us." Tiona added which Bete can only grit his teeth and clenched his fist and too embarrassed to say anything.

"Bete-san can you tell us who are these people you're referring to?" Ais asking Bete innocently and Tiona keeps giggling when Bete couldn't find the words he was looking for.

"All right enough of that, we're here." I said to them, then i saw Alise and Kaguya are al ready waiting for me in the front door.

"Captain, i'm back." I said to Alise "Well what took you so long? And it seems you brought company." Alise crossed her arm looking a bit irritated that i took too long "My bad Captain, i was actually making a proposal with the captain of Loki Familia that will help our familia." I said with a small smile on my face.

Alise suddenly took an interest and asked "And what kind of proposal did you guys talk about?" Then i replied "Well they asked me if i can train they're familia members, and i said to them i will only agree if they entered an alliance to our familia."

Alise and Kaguya was surprised when i said that the Loki Familia will enter an alliance with us "So captain what do you think?" I asked Alise she looked at Kaguya and she said "That sounds amazing with the Loki Familia having an alliance with us, we can use this chances to eliminate the remnants of the Evilus." Kaguya nodded and said "It looks like we will go to the Twilight Manor to make it official, let's go Alice and talk about this to Astraea-sama." Kaguya then dragged Alise to meet with Astraea "But we have training with Uchiha-san today." Alise tried to resist "But this is more important than training, well have a private lesson with Uchiha-san im sure he won't mind it." Kaguya retort at Alise.

"A-alright fine." Alise said then she looked at me "It looks like ill miss your first lesson today, and here i was looking forwards to it."

I waved my hands at her and said "It's fine ill train you and Kaguya later, now go and take care of the alliance matter." Then they went to find Astraea.

Then i looked at Ais and the others "All right follow me to the training area do we can begin." Then they all became excited.

As we reached the training area i saw Ryuu and Lyra and the rest of the familia are already here "You're finally here Uchiha-san." Ryuu stood up and approach me "Are we going to begin right away?" Lyra asked me

"Yes we will begin right away." I replied then i started weaving signs then used "Earth Style: Iron Arena." I modified it from the 'Earth Style: Iron Fist Prison' an arena with the looks a bit like a collesium but smaller; it has a spectator seats and it will never vanish like the original one.

I turned around and looked at the shocked expression of my new students "All right every go inside so we can start." Isaid to them then we all went inside "Wow it's a lot bigger inside." Lefiya said while looking at the structure from the inside 'Will i be able to do this as well.' she thought while holding her staff tightly.

"Now i want all of the close up fighters to come into the arena, the rest take a seat at the spectator seat." I said to them and i also move and stand at the center of the arena while crossing my arms.

"Now i want you all to come and attack me together so i can better judge your skill, don't worry i will hold back so you all out will not be knocked out immediately." Then they all looked at each other and nodded then they all take they're stance.

My eyes started to slowly change into a Sharingan "Begin." Then the first one's to rush at me are Ais and Bete.

Bete tried to kick me in my head but i grabbed his leg and throw him away then Ais launched a rapid slash at me then i used my Ultra Instict and dodge most of her attack since i haven't trained my UI yet.

Then came from behind was Ryuu with her sword swinging at my defenseless back then i jumped up in order to dodge it, but Ais saw this as an opportunity and she lunged at me.

I pulled out the Gunbai and use it the meet Ais sword, but then Bete also jumped up tried to deliver a drop kick on me.

Unable to dodge in time i used Susanoo with only its ribcage and blocked Bete's kick but it was cracked a bit then i delivered a kick on Ais but she blocked it.

Tiona and Tione decided to make a move and used their weapon to smash my Susanoo, i used 'Gunbai Fanned Wind' at the twins and they both were send flying by the powerful wind blast.

"Uchiha-san is really strong and manage to hold us back even though he is holding back his strength." Tiona said with a smile "Yeah with him this being strong i can see this training will be worthwhile." Bete added then Ais nodded and with a small smile on her face.

"You guys manage to make me use this technique, i'm impressed." I compliment them "What's the name of that skeletal thingy you got there Uchiha-san?" Tiona asked curiously at the Susanoo

"This ability is called the 'Susanoo' and yes it's named after the storm god Susanoo." I replied then added "Don't think that even if you manage to make me use this, my susanoo is far from being used, because it's even barely from it's first stage."

Then they all looked at me dumbfoundedly and they thought 'You mean this thing is not even in its first stage.' Then they all started to get nervous.

"Don't be too nervous, you should be happy that you made me use this even Ottar didn't even see me use its first stage." I said to them so that it will keep their spirits up a bit.

Then they all looked a bit happy that even Ottar couldn't force me to use the first stage of Susanoo then i said "All right enough chitchat, and start attacking me again."

They all nodded then started to prepare an attack against me, Tiona was the first to move then swing her sword at me, i used my Gunbai to meet her blade then Tione rushed on left and Bete on my right and they hit my Susanoo and it started to break.

'They really good' I thought and smiled, when the Susanoo was destroyed Ais and Ryuu came from behind and they tried to stab me, but i used the Susanoo again but this time instead of only skeletal feature i turned it into a humanoid form.

Then the blades of Ais and Ryuu was unable to pierce the Susanoo. "Hahahaha, i'm impressed by your performance to think you actually manage to force me to use the first stage of the Susanoo, and for that i have new challenge for you five, if you manage to survive my assault for about 5 minutes, i will give each one of you an artifact." I looked at them with serious expression. They were all excited when they heard about the reward.

Then they all nodded "All right, Let's begin." As i finished my words the Susanoo started wielding a sword made of dense chakra.

When they saw it they all became tensed, then i started moving and swing the giant chakra sword at Bete but manage to dodge it 'Not fast enough' i thought then a swing my giant sword at the twins but they dodge it as well.

Then i kept swinging at them and i decided to spice things up i clasped my hands together and used "Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu." Then multiple dragons came out of the ground and chase after them.

Ais manage to cut the Wood Dragon that was coming after her but another one appeared out of knowhere and she got hit and was sent crashing down. "Ais-san!" Lefiya shouted and looks at Ais who is injured from that one attack.

Bete destroyed a Wood Dragon with his kick but another appeared "Damn it, they just keep coming." He kicked the Wood Dragon but another appeared behind him and he was sent flying "Damn it!" Bete cried out he tried to stand up but the Wood Dragon came at him but before it could hit him it was destroyed by Tione and Tiona.

"Are you alright wolfy, don't tell me your already giving up?" Tiona said teasingly "As if i would give up, after im not quite done yet." Bete retorted and stood up.

Ryuu on the other hand keeps dodging the Wood Dragon and she seems getting exhausted 'I can't keep running away, i have to regroup with the others so we can last a bit longer, there is only 3 mins left.' she thought then she saw Ais injured trying to get up, so she cut down the Wood Dragon's chasing her and move towards Ais.

"You alright?" Ryuu asked Ais "Mm, im alright." Ais replied "All right let's get out of here and regroup with the others so we can win this." Ryuu suggested then Ais nodded.

"Oraaa!!!" Bete kick a Wood Dragon and destroyed and stop for a second to ake a breather "How much time we got left." Tione asked "1 minute and 30 seconds left." Ryuu then arrived and replied to Tione's questio.

"W-we got this we just have to avoid those dragons." Tiona said then Ryuu noticed something and asked them "Hey isn't a bit too quiet now." As they were about to respond to Ryuu's question, suddenly a giant blue sword appeared and tried to hit them.

They manage to dodge but the blast hits them, when the sword hit the ground and sent them flying away.

They get up and saw a me in the Humanoid Susanoo "And it looks like, time is up." I said to them and disappate my Susanoo.

They all approached me and they were a bit injured "Well done all of you, as for your artifact ill give them to you at some time later."

They we're overjoyed, when they heard that they won, and as i was about to speak to them, an uninvited person just arrived.

I look at the uninvited guest then asked "What are you doing here, in my residence...





A/N: 3,000+ words today, sorry i wasn't able to upload very early, the reason was because i have to rewrite the whole chapter so it took quite a while.

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