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Magical and Non Magical homeschooling

During this week, Jason continued his training and only got to use the capsule once after 5 days. He got an increase in stats during the week.


Name: Jason Peter Todd 

Class: All Caste Warrior Monk/Wizard/Gunslinger/Martial Artist

Level 1

HP: 650/650

MP: 800/800

STR 15

DEX 14.5

VIT 14

INT 18

WIS 12



All Caste Warrior Arts (Level 2), All Caste Mental Arts (Level 2), Sharp Shooter (Level 1), Acrobat (Level 2), Kung Fu (Level 2), Ninjutsu (Level 2), Jujitsu (Level 2), Curse Resistant Skin (Passive), Spirit Sorcery (Level 1), Magic Control (Level 2), and Occlumency (Level 1).

He not only got a random increase in stats, but some of the skills have increased to Level 2 due to the intensity of the training. He is finding that increasing the skill levels is much easier than increasing the increasing the stats because the stats only seem to increase due to daily quests. The odd thing is that his entire level is still Level 1.

"So, Rambo, what should I do to increase the overall level?" asked Jason.

[The host should know that leveling up requires the host to either complete quests or bring all the present skills to Level 2]

Jason narrowed his eyes. This is something he didn't expect. He is presently too weak to do any quests and to expand all the skills to Level 2, he needs shooting range for Sharp Shooter and souls for Spirit Sorcery. As for occlumency, he is trying hard but it takes a lot of effort to shield the brain. He is easily able to perform all-caste mental arts because they require more deflecting and attacking than blocking the incoming attack.

Occlumency involves blocking someone from entering your mind by using different types of defense mechanisms in your mind. Though Bruce has trained him in mental defense techniques, they are nothing compared to what Occlumency can offer because if Batman were to face a skilled legilimen like Snape or Dumbledore, they would tear through his feeble defenses and read his entire life history.

The host should concentrate on gaining knowledge of magical and non-magical studies. [The quests will appear at random in the future, which can help the host level up.]

"It looks like I'd have to wait and duke out the present regiment until a quest appears," thought Jason.

Today was the day both a magic tutor and a normal tutor arrived to get on with education.

He was not worried about the non-magical side because, before his death, he had already finished high school.

He was more interested in learning magic and also pursue college-level knowledge in Literature. He has decided to become a writer in the future while secretly performing the duties of all castes.

During this week, Jason had time to think about his life. He came to one conclusion, and that is to not be involved in crime in Gotham and only face the magical and supernatural. But he had to deal with one rogue, and he will leave the remaining rogues to Bats and Robin.

That one rogue is none other than "Joker." He needed closure for the events from his previous life, and it will not happen until that lunatic is six feet underground. He will not be making the same mistake as his previous life. He will kill the psychopath with his own hands, and Batman won't even know who did it.

As he was lost in thought, the penthouse bell rang, and his mother attended the door. She opened the door, and there stood a lady with blue hair, and she was wearing glasses. She was wearing normal pants and a shirt, but Jason could tell she was magical.

"It's good to see you again, Nancy," said Catherine with a smile.

Nancy came and hugged Catherine. Jason understood that those two are pretty close.

"It's good to see you again, Cathy," said Nancy

As soon as the hug was undone, Catherine invited her inside. 

"Jason, meet Nancy Young. She and I used to work as hit wizards. Presently, she is on a sabbatical for another 3 years for personal reasons. She will be your magic tutor." 

"Jason Todd, pleased to meet you, Ms. Nancy," said Jason as he extended his hand.

Nancy shook Jason's hands. "I've heard about you from Cathy, Jason. It's nice to finally meet you."

Jason gave a nod and became silent.

"So, I've sent you money to buy those books; did you buy them?" asked Catherine.

"Yeah, I've brought magic books for the first 4 years for Magic Theory, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, DADA, Herbology, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Artificing," replied Nancy, taking out the books from her handbag, which has an extension charm.

Jason felt astonished by his mother's way of doing things because it is still 4 years before school letters appear, so she decided to make Jason proficient in 4 years of knowledge. He did not have a problem because if he wants to learn, the system will automatically send his knowledge into his head, making the book disappear.

[Host, I can even make the knowledge transfer happen without book disappearing.]

"Well, that would be better during these tutoring sessions because we can't raise suspicions and leak the secret of your existence." Jason replied in mind.

[Understood host]

He was more interested in the last subject, "Artificing," due to two reasons. One reason is that even though artifacts are mentioned in HP, they never mention anything about crafting them. The second thing is his fancy love of gadgets. Artificing can make any gadget he prepares more efficient and helpful.

He did remember Goblins exist in HP, so forging is one of Goblin's skills. Catherine saw Jason's eyes fixed on the artificing book.

"Are you interested in artificing, Jason?" asked Catherine.

Jason looked at his mother and said, "Yeah, I did read some fantasy novels, and artifacts are the core of most novels, so I am fascinated by what they involve."

Catherine smiled and nodded. 

Nancy talked and said, "It's a complex subject, Jason. We will come to that after we are done with the first two years of subjects." 

Jason did not say anything because he knows it's important to build a solid, basic foundation of magic before delving into the complex intricacies of magic.

"Let's go inside. We will begin with basic magic theory and slowly move onto other subjects," said Nancy.

Both Jason and Nancy went to a workspace room in the house, where Nancy began teaching the basics.

Meanwhile, Catherine, who was outside, thought, "They might have declared that Dark Lord Voldemort is dead, but the death mark on the death eaters is still present, but it's just dimmer. That means he is still out there. 

He will definitely send his minions after me and Jason since I have destroyed Slytherin's locket, one of his disgusting horcruxes. Jason needs to get stronger to survive the upcoming magic war."

Ignorant of Catherine's thoughts, Jason was enjoying the magic lecture. After 3 hours of magic theory, Nancy left, and the doorbell rang again.

This time it was a middle-aged man. "Good day! I am Timothy Walker, and I am here to home tutor Mr. Jason Todd."

"Please come in," said Catherine.

The man entered, and introductions happened. He was shown to Jason's room to tutor. Jason did not hide his knowledge. He kept answering questions and finishing problems at a quicker pace, which astonished Timothy.

At the end of three hours, Jason came along with Timothy to Catherine and said, "Mom, I'd like to give elementary school, middle school, and high school tests."

Catherine was surprised and looked at Timothy. "You're son is a genius. There is nothing to teach him."

Catherine was even more surprised. "Very well, Jason. I'll talk with the US Department of Education in Gotham City and arrange for the tests."

Timothy was given his share of money for the day, and he left.

"Now tell me. How are you able to utter High school knowledge?" asked Catherine.

Jason took a deep breath and said, "You may not believe it, mother, but I am Jason Todd from an alternate world."

Catherine laughed heartily and said, "Nice one, but tell the truth."

Jason knew that it wasn't easy. "Mom, Is there any magic to view the memories?"

Catherine looked at him with astonishment. "Yeah, there is a cognitive process and spell through which memories can be extracted and viewed."

"Then use the spell to take out my memory and view it in the future," said Jason.

Though Catherine was hesitant at first, she decided to trust her son. She went and extracted the memory into a vial.

She pressed few buttons on the wall and the thought appeared. She poured the content into the narrative and viewed the horrible childhood of Jason Todd, his days as Robin, his death at the hands of the Joker, revival, and death again.

She immediately removed her head, tears flowing out of her eyes. Jason decided to tell her the truth because he missed his mother more in his previous life.

Catherine said, "Come here, Jason."

Jason came, and she hugged him tightly. "You've suffered a lot, Jason. I am deeply disgusted by my other self. I promise you no one will harm you here; I'll assure you."

Jason felt the words soothing. "Mom, there is one guy I do have to eliminate once and for all," said Jason.

Catherine gritted her teeth, and her face became violent after seeing the clown torturing Jason. "I'll kill him," growled Catherine.

Jason came out of the hug and said, "No, Mom. I would have to do this myself to get closure. But we'll not do it now. We'll plan it and make his death mysterious without clues in the future."

Catherine was a bit reluctant and said, "Very well, but you'll not be doing this alone. I'll make sure that the demon suffers for torturing my child."

Jason agreed and said "Let's forget that for now. I want to spend more time with you, Mom."

Catherine wiped her tears and kissed Jason on his forehead before they went to eat.

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