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Chapter 2: 002 - You were mine all along, I've just been letting you roam around.

- 𝘧𝘦𝘸 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

'Legitimate' businessman Dominic Ferrari stood on the second floor, his tall frame leaning against the gleaming golden railings of one of his many clubs.

A transaction was supposed to take place, but it had gone awry, adding to his frustration.

To compound matters, he had just discovered a mole among them, and his henchmen were currently dealing with her betrayal, further souring his mood.

Gazing down at the throngs of people below, revelling in laughter and drinks, he felt an overwhelming urge to unleash chaos, perhaps even wield an AK47 and bring an abrupt end to their merriment.

"Crazy people, what the fuck are they happy about!" he growled, his brow furrowed in disdain.

Every action, every sound grated on his nerves, leaving him seething with irritation.

Even his secretary, standing silently beside him, knew better than to utter a word or make the slightest noise.

Dominic's Intense gaze scanned the crowd until it landed on a particular figure, causing his steely demeanour to soften. He unabashedly fixated on her, so blatantly captivated that his secretary dared to inquire.

"Should I fetch her for you?" Dominic waved him off dismissively, though his eyes betrayed his true desire.

Surprised by her presence, he murmured, "Arette..."

As she gracefully made her way to the stage, her melodic voice filled the air, enveloping the club in a spellbinding aura.

Despite the calming effect of her singing, Dominic couldn't bring himself to close his eyes; he was entranced by her presence.

Her performance not only lifted his spirits but also elevated the atmosphere of the club.

Immediately after she finished her song, Dominic's Mood plummeted drastically.

"Fuck this shit!" he muttered under his breath, his frustration palpable as he stormed out of the club, with Matthew hot on his heels.

"Where are we going, Chairman Ferrari?" Matthew inquired, trying to keep pace with Dominic's Brick strides.

"Shooting range," Ferrari replied tersely.

Matthew swiftly opened the back door of Dominic's Sleek black Audi RS7, and Ferrari slid into the seat, settling in comfortably.

The car surged forward as the waiting driver accelerated, propelling them swiftly toward their destination.

After about an hour's drive into the outskirts of the city, they finally arrived at Dominic's mansion where a shooting range is one of the amenities.

Without hesitation, Dominic flung open the door and made his way to the range, wasting no time in venting his frustrations through the recoil of his firearm.

As Dominic fired shot after shot, Matthew wrestled with the weight of the message he had received regarding the mistaken identity of the captive woman.

He understood the volatile nature of his boss and the potential consequences of such a grave error.

Yet, he also recognized the dangers of releasing a spy sent by the police.

Minutes ticked by, but Matthew remained unable to reach a decision.

However, his inner turmoil did not go unnoticed by Dominic, whose keen observation skills detected Matthew's nervousness.

"Why are you shaking like a person on death row?" Dominic inquired, his voice calm but laced with an underlying intensity that sent a shiver down Matthew's spine.

Despite his visible anger, Dominic's composed tone carried a menacing weight, far more intimidating than if he had shouted.

"Chairman, there's been an issue with the men we hired to detain the cop. They won't disclose the details, but it's urgent that you see for yourself... if you're able," Matthew carefully broached the subject, hoping to mitigate any potential outburst from Dominic.

He knew that the responsibility for the mistake should fall on those who made it, not on himself.

"What nonsense is this?" Dominic demanded, setting aside his revolver and directing his attention to Matthew.

Despite the lack of information provided, Dominic acquiesced to accompany Matthew without causing any immediate chaos, much to Matthew's relief.

Arriving at the warehouse with Matthew at his side and a group of five imposing men trailing behind them, Dominic strode into the dimly lit space.

As he approached the center of the room, his gaze fell upon a woman bound to a metal chair, her form drenched in blood and her head concealed beneath a black cloth.

"What kind of mistake did you idiots make?" Dominic's voice dripped with disdain as he addressed the men responsible.

He had expected them to handle the situation with more competence.

However, as he approached the woman tied to the chair, a familiar aura enveloped him, and his heart raced with dread. With a single glance at her sparkling silver heels, Dominic's blood ran cold.

He realized the grave error his men had committed.

With trembling hands, he reached out and removed the black cloth covering her head, revealing the battered form of Arette. Horror flooded Dominic's expression as he beheld her condition.

"Miss Arette?" Matthew's gasp echoed behind Dominic, who felt a surge of anger washing over him.

He took a few steps back, his mind reeling with the consequences of his men's actions. A monster was about to be unleashed, and Matthew wanted to ensure he wasn't caught in the crossfire.

Dominic's hands trembled as he crouched down to touch her bloody cheeks, "Arette. . ." he softly called, trying to catch her attention but her swollen eyes made it hard for her to see and she was only able to hear a male voice calling her name which caused a round of panic attack

Arette pleaded desperately, insisting she knew nothing and had just returned from school, her trembling form and bruised skin tearing at Dominic's heart.

With a surge of rage, he released her cheeks and swiftly turned to face the commander responsible.

Drawing his revolver in an instant, he fired multiple shots at the commander's skull before he could react.

Arette's screams filled the air at the deafening sound of gunfire, prompting Dominic to quickly discard the weapon.

Its metallic clatter resonated as it hit the cement floor.

He hurried to her anxiously, "Arette, please calm down. Look at me, I won't harm you, just relax. Everything will be okay," he reassured, gently holding her face, attempting to soothe her.

"What on earth are you people doing?! Untie her immediately!" He yelled at the top of his voice, glaring at everyone.

The henchmen were taken aback, as they had never seen their boss display such affection or concern for anyone before.

Even Matthew, who was aware of Dominic's infatuation with Arette since their time at Evermore School of Music, was surprised by Dominic's reaction.

One of the men rushed towards Arette with a knife and swiftly cut through the thick ropes binding her, setting her free.

Her frail body slumped to the side, but before she could fall, Dominic caught her, cradling her in his arms like a child.

"Get to the car, NOW!" Dominic commanded, hurrying to the vehicle and seating her on his lap in the backseat.

Arette, completely disoriented and oblivious to her surroundings, clung to Dominic's neck, inadvertently staining his white shirt with blood.

Dominic tenderly rubbed her back, while thoughts of vengeance against those who harmed her consumed him.


Arette groaned in agony upon regaining consciousness, her eyes still closed as she struggled to comprehend the source of her pain.

Opening her eyes briefly, she quickly shut them again as the sunlight pierced through, threatening to blind her.

After a few moments, her eyes adjusted, allowing her to survey the unfamiliar room she found herself in.

The room exuded luxury and elegance, with textured black wallpaper with gold accents, sleek black furniture pieces including a matching dresser, nightstands, and a leather desk.

Large mirrors framed in black and a striking chandelier made of black crystal hung from the ceiling, radiating sophistication.

"Where am I?" Arette murmured, her confusion fading as the events of the previous night flooded back.

She had been kidnapped and brutally assaulted.

The thugs interrogated her relentlessly, demanding information she didn't possess.

Somehow, she learned that they were affiliated with Dominic Ferrari.

Dami's warnings about the man's malevolence rang true, and she couldn't hold back her tears.

As she wept bitterly, she couldn't shake the question of her whereabouts.

Hastily, she threw off the plush blanket and gingerly placed her bruised legs on the floor.

Seeing her once smooth skin marred with black and purple bruises, her eyes widened in horror, and the simple act of standing proved more challenging than she anticipated.

Despite the pain, Arette summoned her strength and made her way to the door, which loomed large before her.

She attempted to open it, only to find it locked from the outside.

Frustrated and desperate, she pounded on the door, tears streaming down her face. "HELP!!!" she cried out, her voice echoing through the room. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!!"

After what felt like an eternity of screaming, a woman finally opened the door.

She appeared to be in her fifties, and as she entered the room, Arette instinctively took a step back.

"Who are you, and where am I?" Arette demanded, her voice trembling with fear.

The woman sighed and offered Arette a faint smile before approaching her and gently taking her arms.

Guiding Arette back to the bed, the woman spoke softly, "I'm Mrs. Wolfe. How are you feeling?" Mrs. Wolfe ignored Arette's question about her surroundings and began to examine her, checking her body temperature.

"STOP TOUCHING ME! TELL ME WHAT THIS PLACE IS, WHY AM I HERE?!" Arette screamed at the top of her lungs, pushing Mrs. Wolfe away from her.

Arette leaped off the bed and bolted out of the room, but Mrs. Wolfe made no effort to detain her.

Arette sprinted through the corridors, attempting to stave off feelings of utter hopelessness.

However, with each passing moment, her despair deepened as she realized she was making no progress.

The passages seemed as confusing as the cosmic web, and it wasn't long before she collapsed to her knees.

Her body still bore the marks of the previous night's beatings, leaving her weak and vulnerable.

Quiet sobs escaped her as she pondered what she could have possibly done to deserve her current predicament.

All she yearned for was to return home, to find solace in her own bed, to bicker with Garette, and savor her mother's cooking.

This nightmare was the last thing she wanted.

"Arette, my dear," a deep male voice called out. Arette was so consumed by her tears that she didn't notice someone approaching her.

She glanced up and recognized the man standing before her as Dominic Ferrari.

"Chairman Ferrari ?" she whispered, instinctively moving back.

He crouched down to her level and gently caressed her arm, but she visibly recoiled from his touch.

"You'll be alright, Arette," he reassured her, his voice soft. However, his comforting tone only intensified her fear as she recalled Dami's warning about him trafficking people.

Overwhelmed with terror, she began to tremble. "Please don't hurt me, I don't know anything," she pleaded.

Seeing her reaction shattered Dominic's heart and ignited a rage towards the men who took her instead of the cop.

"Come with me," he said, with no ill intentions, yet his authoritative tone unintentionally scared Arette, leading her to misinterpret his unspoken motives.

"No, no, please, spare me. I swear I don't know anything, I beg you, please don't sell me!" Arette pleaded, shrinking closer to the floor as if hoping to vanish, but Dominic remained unmoved.

Her plea not to be sold irritated him, revealing her awareness of his illicit activities.

Seeing Arette in such a pathetic state fueled his anger; lacking proper coping mechanisms, he roughly yanked her up by the arm, growling, "When I give you an order, obey it!" Arette held her breath, tears streaming silently as Dominic dragged her along, betraying the purity she once saw in him.

After traversing a dark staircase that seemed to lead to hell, they arrived at a grimy room reeking of metal and decay.

Arette's gaze fell upon bloodstains, triggering a terrified scream, only to realize that five men, bound and bloodied, awaited them instead of her imminent demise.

"Arette," the way Dominic uttered her name sent shivers down her spine, filling her with disgust and a desire to vanish.

"These bastards harmed you. They violated you against your will. They dared to lay their filthy hands on my precious girl."

He caressed her cheeks, tenderly tracing the bruises on her face, his gaze possessive and chilling.

His eyes gleamed with a disturbing intensity, his lips twisting into a menacing smirk.

Moving his hands to her hair, he brushed the soft strands, leaning in to kiss her trembling lips, only to recoil abruptly, his eyes rolling back as if she were a drug he had just consumed.

"Damn it!" he cursed, releasing Arette and turning his attention to the bound men, a sinister smile spreading across his face.

"Congratulations! I've lightened your punishment," he declared, his laughter sending a chill down Arette's spine as she instinctively retreated a few steps.

"Because you scum dared to lay a hand on the love of my life, you've earned a painful death. But due to this grave error, my beloved gets to stay with me," Dominic addressed the captives, his smile directed at Arette, who could only stare back in terror.

"Alright! I've decided to grant you a merciful end. Arette will administer sulfuric acid to each of you. We'll watch as the acid eats away at your flesh until only bones remain," his voice lowered in pitch as he spoke, sending shivers down Arette's spine.

She wondered if he truly saw her as the love of his life, but the impending horror unfolding before her demanded her full attention.

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