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7.82% Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith / Chapter 9: Chapter 9: The Third Mizukage's Reward!

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: The Third Mizukage's Reward!

"This is what Forging Island looks like now."

The Third Mizukage sighed.

After issuing the order to ban Forging Island and changing all blacksmiths to mission ninjas, the Third Mizukage, after discussing with many elders of the village, felt that Forging Island and the blacksmiths were no longer of value.

With the current situation in Hidden Mist Village, it is impossible to continue supporting Forging Island.

However, the Third Mizukage did not expect that before his order was officially issued, Forging Island had already become so dilapidated.

Compared to the last time the Third Mizukage came, it was like night and day.

Uehara Soma explained, "Previously, there were more blacksmiths on Forging Island. Upon hearing the news that the village was going to ban Forging Island, they left early to seek other jobs."

The Third Mizukage nodded.

"Soma, I entrust Forging Island to you."

At the next moment, the expression on the Third Mizukage's face became serious.

"Uehara Soma, listen carefully."

"Yes, Mizukage-sama," Uehara Soma replied.

"You have made significant contributions in crafting Kiriichimonji. I hereby appoint you as the head of the forging department, with full authority over Forging Island affairs, enjoying the benefits of a standard department head. You will oversee two squads."

"One squad is the forging team, recruited by you personally, enjoying official status, with a limit of four members."

"One squad is the Forging Island security team, assigned by me personally, obeying your commands, responsible for the safety of Forging Island."

"Uehara Soma, are you willing?"

Uehara Soma quickly agreed.

"Mizukage-sama, I am willing."

This outcome far exceeded Uehara Soma's expectations.

Uehara Soma only wanted to save Forging Island.

This was related to Uehara Soma's ability to enhance his forging skills.

Once he lost this forging skill bonus, it would be much harder for Uehara Soma to successfully craft tools from the blueprints.

The difference between a Good-level forging skill and an Excellent-level forging skill is not trivial.

And now, not only did Forging Island survive, but Uehara Soma also gained the position of head of the forging department.

Even though this forging department was somewhat lacking, among the many departments in Hidden Mist Village, it might be the smallest, even smaller than some squads in certain departments.

For example, ANBU squads.

However, the treatment at the level of department head is genuine.

The status of department head is legitimate.

In a sense, Uehara Soma can be considered a senior officer of Hidden Mist Village.

Having a security team dedicated to protecting Forging Island.

And being able to recruit four officially recognized blacksmiths.

Suddenly, there's position, status, power... everything.

It can be said that if Hidden Mist Village and the shinobi world can remain stable in the future, then what Uehara Soma has now is already enough.

He could be considered a winner in life.

Uehara Soma didn't expect the Third Mizukage to offer so much.

After all, all he had produced so far was just one Kiriichimonji.

And it was of ordinary quality.

Moreover, Hidden Mist Village already had the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Coupled with the disastrous defeat of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen against Might Duy before, which lowered people's evaluation of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, naturally, there wouldn't be too high expectations for newly emerged ninja swords.

What the Third Mizukage gave to Uehara Soma could be considered far beyond what should be given given the current situation of Hidden Mist Village. It surprised Uehara Soma a bit. 


The Third Mizukage patted Uehara Soma's shoulder and said, "Soma, I'm leaving everything to you here. I hope you can lead Forging Island back to its peak." 

"However, the village's current situation isn't very good." 

"Therefore, we can't provide much assistance to Forging Island in terms of rare resources." 

"I hope you understand this, Soma." 

Uehara Soma nodded. "Mizukage-sama, I understand. I will do my best to produce more and better Ninjato, not to disappoint your expectations. As for resources, I'm actually not lacking much at the moment." In fact, the current outcome already satisfied Uehara Soma. In terms of resources, Uehara Soma was indeed not lacking much.

After all, blueprints produced by the system require materials that are not ordinary materials in the shinobi world. They need materials obtained from dungeon instances. 

'It's probably because he values my potential' Uehara Soma thought. 

"Plus, apart from me, there's no one else in Hidden Mist Village skilled in forging. So he gave me these incentives." 

The image of the Third Mizukage in Uehara Soma's mind gradually became fuller. He appeared refined and easygoing on the surface. But his character could be described as completely radical. 

The scene where the Third Mizukage unhesitatingly slashed himself with Kiriichimonji truly shocked Uehara Soma. Useless elements to the village could be unhesitatingly banned and eliminated. But for those with potential, with hope, those looked upon favorably, rewards wouldn't be withheld. However, despite receiving these rewards, Uehara Soma wouldn't entertain any notions of being lazy.

Because Uehara Soma is well aware that the future of Hidden Mist Village remains fraught with danger. Uchiha Madara's schemes. Internal strife within Hidden Mist Village. Persecution of bloodline ninjas. Coercion of ninja clans. Uchiha Obito's control over Yagura.

Defection of jinchuriki. 

Not to mention the impending catastrophe that will engulf the entire shinobi world. Uchiha Obito's Moon Eye Plan. An Akatsuki organization that delights in inflicting pain on others. Otsutsuki Kaguya's resurrection plan. Otsutsuki members from the moon. And the extraterrestrial Otsutsuki Clan. 

Jonin? Not enough. Kage? Not enough. Only by attaining the Six Paths level, or even surpassing it, can one truly claim to possess enough self-defense power in this world, ensuring one's survival. Therefore, Uehara Soma not only lacks any thought of standing still but instead feels an intense sense of urgency.

Gain more reputation.

Craft more Ninjato.

Complete more system tasks.

Earn more rewards.

Make oneself stronger.

Until having enough strength, Uehara Soma won't slow down.

"Good then." The Third Mizukage smiled.

"Soma, I leave you here. From today, Forging Island is yours. As for the user..."

The Third Mizukage looked at Hoshigaki Kisame.

"Kisame, why don't you give it a try now?"

Hoshigaki Kisame stepped forward, feeling somewhat excited.

Previously, when Hoshigaki Kisame told Uehara Soma not to repay him, it was because from a friend's perspective, Hoshigaki Kisame believed that as a friend, he should help without expecting anything in return.

But deep down, Hoshigaki Kisame had an intense desire for Ninjato.

Since he was young, Hoshigaki Kisame had longed to have his own Ninjato and to become one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

Now finally comes this opportunity.

Kiriichimonji has already undergone personal testing by the Third Mizukage.

The Third Mizukage personally confirmed that this is indeed a Ninjato of Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords level.

And from the effects, it's not inferior to the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords at all.

"Take it."

With that, the Third Mizukage threw Kiriichimonji to Hoshigaki Kisame.

"Yes, Mizukage-sama."


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