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Chapter 19: Full Assimilation

'Noct, Full Assimilation'

[Are you sure, Shin? You know the drawbacks]

'If we want to survive this, there's no other way.'

[Alright, when do you want to use it?]

'Once the Fifth Wave starts.'

[Got it.]


"It was short-lived, but I was glad to have met you both. I love you guys, I hope you don't forget me."

As Shin uttered those words, tear beads flowed down his cheek.

Instantly, the tower of blue-blazing embers dissipated. Revealing Shin's figure, blue smoky wisp flowing from his head, contouring to a shape of a Monarch's crown.

His eyes gleamed a deep-azure glow, as his arms were coated in the same hue.


Shin swapped places with the sword he threw to kill the Demon that was about to attack Camilla and Satoshi.

The exit portal that was behind him had already dematerialize.

He couldn't use Rewarp earlier since Noctis was compromising Shin's mana core to activate Full Assimilation.

If he hadn't used Full Assimilation, the speedy Demon would've killed him.

Full Assimilation was a long process. Shin had already activated it after the first Assimilation when they were surrounded by Abysmals.

It was only after the tower of blue-blazing embers dissipated when Shin was fully Assimilated with Noctis.

Shin turned around, with a determined gaze.

'Noct, any ideas on how we can escape this place?'

[You already know it, Shin, there's no shortcut.]

Shin let out an exasperated sigh.

There was only one way to escape.

To clear the gate.

A First Star Ascender, trying to clear a Fourth Star Gate was absurd, a death sentence.

His only confidence stems from the fact that he had Noctis.

Reaching out for his Nexus Ring, he retrieved his sword, Yamato.

Shin realized that if he was going to be stuck in the Abyss, he had to make the most of it.

Shin couldn't waste this opportunity.

A First Star Ascender wouldn't normally have access to a Fourth Star Gate.

It was the perfect environment to quickly break through the ranks of Ascension.

Over the years, Shin had trusted Souzen.

Souzen would sometimes break character in front of Shin.

And slowly, Shin realized he was… a peculiar character.

But he was trustworthy, he could leave his family's safety to him.

Plus, Camilla and Satoshi were there.

In order to guarantee the safety of his family, he had to get stronger.

Which is why Shin had decided.

He would clear this gate alone.

[You're a psychopath, you know that?]

'I don't wanna hear that from you, when you were the one who filled my head with ideas..'

[I didn't think you would actually go with it.]

'Maybe you didn't know your old friend enough.'

[...Actually, Shinei was like this as well. Although you don't have your memories, you're actually a lot like him. Scary…]

Noctis told him about the high concentration of energy in a Fourth Star Gate. It was enough energy to break through the Fourth Star in a couple of years.

If Shin stayed on Earth and did the traditional method of ascension, then it would take him five years to reach the Fourth Star. If he worked hard enough, it could take four.

But in the Abyss, it would be halved. Just two years.

Weighing the pros and cons, there was more to be gained with almost nothing to lose.

The only thing Shin couldn't guarantee was if he could actually survive the whole ordeal.

'There was no such thing as free food after all.'

Picking up a pebble from the ground, Shin imbued mana into it.

With the Demons heading towards him, Shin just stood still, waiting for the right time to strike.





As the speedy Demon arrived, claws pointed at Shin. In that split frame, Shin threw the pebble above and Rewarped.


Shin swung Yamato, clad in blue-blazing embers, trying to split the Demon in half.



It only managed to reach half the torso.

The gap between him and the Demon was too great, even under the effects of Full Assimilation.

The Demon turned around to once again strike its claw at Shin.

But Shin wasn't there.


Rewarping back to the pebble, Shin thrusted the blade into the Demon's throat.


The Demon's hide was way too thick for Shin's current strength.

The Demon turned around and clawed its way to Shin.



Shin had managed to react in time to dodge the Demon's attack but it was able to claw Shin's arm, tearing its flesh.

"Fuck, even with Full Assimilation, it still isn't enough."


The Demon instantly bolted at high speed with its claws towards Shin.

With no time to pick up a pebble and Rewarp, Shin parried the Demon's claw, pushing him back and staggering.


Shin had no time to recover as the Demon once again dashed towards him, the ground crackling.

Shin continued to parry its claws, but the Demon's speed was too great for Shin as he continued to endure cuts, not being able to fully parry every attack.


With Shin's strength faltering, the Demon's claws dug deep into Shin's chest.


Shin coughed out blood.

The Demons had already arrived at where Shin was in combat with the speedy Demon.

As their claws slowly made their way to cut Shin, he had no other choice.

Imbuing mana into Yamato, Shin threw the sword as far as he could and Rewarped.

With a few distance between the Demons, Shin threw another pebble above and Rewarped.

Shin had to escape within three-minutes.

He could only keep up Full Assimilation for five-minutes.

Once the effects of Full Assimilation ended, Shin would find himself immobilized for two full days.

The Demons were only lesser Demons, they weren't capable of thinking.

Just like animals, they could only mindlessly bare their fangs at the target before them.

Shin realized when the Demons wouldn't react if he threw an object to Rewarp with.

His complexions started to pale as he could feel a wet sensation dripping from his nose.

With the gaping wound on his chest continuing to bleed, Shin needed to recuperate and stop the further blood loss.

Picking a pebble from the ground, Shin imbued mana into it and placed it on the ground.


Shin quickly Rewarped with Yamato, the Demons still surrounded the area.


Rewarping again with the pebble he just planted on the ground, Shin picked up Yamato.


Under the effects of Full Assimilation, Shin bolted as far as he could, anywhere away from the Demons.



After managing to find a tree, Shin slumped down and leaned on it.


With the gaping wound still continuing to bleed, Shin was in danger of blood loss.

Tapping twice on his Nexus Ring, Shin retrieved some bandages and wrapped it around his wounds.

Shin's complexions were pale as visible bags protruded his eyelids.


Shin could only laugh at how much discomfort he was feeling.

His body started to heat up, and his head started to ache.

Shin realized he was about to get a fever. But he couldn't do anything, as Full Assimilation was about to wear off in ten seconds.


Shin passed out cold, slumped on a tree.




Shin opened his eyes, his voice was hoarse.

The first thing he felt was the sensation of his mouth being dry.

He realized he was severely dehydrated.

Trying to move his arms, a stabbing pain gripped his entire body.


But Shin knew if he didn't do anything about it, he would soon die of dehydration.

Tapping his Nexus Ring, Shin retrieved a flask and gulped down as much water as he could.

After gulping down the water, Shin felt his stomach rumble. He was starving.

But the area he was in wasn't the best place to stay and recuperate.

It was an open space and Shin noticed the sky start to darken, about to rain.

Realizing this, Shin forcefully got up using Yamato as a cane for support.

As he roamed around for what seemed to feel like hours, Shin found a cave with a clear-river just in front of it.

'How convenient.'

Since it had already started raining a while ago, Shin beckoned inside the cave to continue recuperating.

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