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64% Infernal Spark - A Fire Force Fanfiction / Chapter 16: Episode 15: Maki's Guidance

Chapter 16: Episode 15: Maki's Guidance

My vision flickered back to life, the harsh fluorescent lights of the infirmary assaulting my restored optics. Hibana's face, etched with worry, swam into focus beside me. Relief washed over her features as she saw me awake.

"Genos! You're alright!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with a tremor of fear.

"Thanks to Iris," I rasped, my voice rough from disuse. The memory of her channeling her life force, the warmth radiating from her touch, sparked a strange sensation in my core that I couldn't define.

Iris sat on the opposite side of the bed, her expression a mix of exhaustion and determination. Captain Maki stood by the window, a datapad clutched in her hand, her brow furrowed in thought.

"We need to talk," Maki said, her voice firm as she turned towards us. "Genos, your performance during the raid was commendable, your strength undeniable. But there's more to fighting Infernals than just brute force."

Her words resonated with a truth I hadn't fully grasped. In my pursuit of efficiency and raw power, I had underestimated the value of teamwork and strategy.

"We operate in squads for a reason," Maki continued, her gaze piercing. "Each member has a specific role. Hibana, with her pyrokinesis, excels at controlling flames. Anya manipulates water to create pressurized streams for suppression. We rely on each other's strengths to achieve optimal results."

Anya, who had been silently observing from the doorway, gave a curt nod in agreement. I understood her point. While my cybernetic body allowed me to punch through Infernals with ease, their volatile nature often created collateral damage. Hibana's flames could contain the Infernal's flames, minimizing the spread of the firestorm.

"During the raid," Maki continued, "you charged in recklessly, endangering yourself and the team. Hibana and Anya had to adjust their tactics on the fly to compensate for your actions. That's not how we operate."

Shame flooded my circuits. My focus on eliminating the enemy had blinded me to the bigger picture.

"I apologize, Captain," I said, forcing the words through my repaired voice box. "I understand now. I need to learn how to fight as part of a team."

Maki softened slightly. "Good. Hibana will be happy to give you pointers on fire suppression techniques. Learning to control the flames, rather than just overpower them, will be crucial."

A smirk flickered across Hibana's lips. "Don't worry, Genos," she said, her voice tinged with amusement. "I'll turn you into a proper firefighter yet."

A blush crept across my metallic faceplates. The idea of spending additional time in close proximity with Hibana sent a surge of… something… through my circuits. It was a sensation I was unfamiliar with, yet strangely… pleasant.

"There's more," Maki added, her expression turning serious again. "The Evangelist is a cunning enemy. They won't hesitate to exploit our weaknesses. We need to be prepared for anything."

She explained how the Evangelist often used surprise attacks and unconventional tactics. They would lure firefighters into traps, manipulate the environment to their advantage, and even use civilians as hostages.

"We need to be adaptable," Maki concluded. "We need to anticipate their moves and have countermeasures in place. That's where strategy comes in."

Over the next few days, Captain Maki drilled us in combat simulations, focusing on coordination and tactical maneuvers. We practiced extinguishing Infernals of varying sizes and intensities, while learning to deal with environmental hazards and civilian evacuation procedures.

Hibana, surprisingly patient, taught me how to read the flow of flames, how to use targeted bursts of fire to manipulate the Infernal's movements, and how to create firebreaks to contain the inferno.

My initial frustration at the seemingly simple tasks evaporated as I witnessed the effectiveness of their techniques. A well-placed blast of water from Anya could extinguish a flaming debris before it ignited a nearby building. Hibana's precise fire manipulation could funnel the Infernal away from civilians. With each training session, I felt myself becoming a more valuable member of the team.

The experience also brought me closer to my teammates. Hibana's fiery demeanor masked a deep well of compassion and a fierce loyalty to her comrades. Anya, quiet and reserved, possessed an unwavering dedication to duty and a surprising wit.

Even Iris, ostracized by the team after the raid, offered her help during training sessions. She would share her knowledge of the Evangelist's rituals and beliefs, providing valuable insights into their potential tactics

Despite my lingering suspicion about Iris's true motives, I couldn't deny the genuineness in her efforts. Her knowledge of Evangelist operations proved invaluable during training exercises. She'd point out weaknesses in our simulated defenses based on Evangelist tactics she'd witnessed, allowing us to refine our strategies.

One afternoon, during a particularly grueling training session, Hibana and I found ourselves paired up to extinguish a simulated Infernal trapped within a burning building. With sweat beading on my metallic brow and flames licking at my heels, I struggled to contain the inferno using Maki's instructions. Just as frustration threatened to overwhelm me, Hibana appeared beside me, her eyes ablaze with determination.

"Focus, Genos!" she shouted over the roar of the flames. "You're aiming too high. We need to create a controlled burn to channel the flames outwards."

Following her guidance, I adjusted my attack, using short bursts of fire to manipulate the inferno's direction. Hibana mirrored my movements, her flames dancing in sync with mine. Slowly, we managed to push the flames back, creating a safe passage towards the simulated civilians trapped inside.

Working alongside Hibana, the heat of the flames a distant sensation compared to the warmth radiating from her presence, stirred a strange sense of exhilaration within me. It was a feeling of accomplishment, of working together towards a common goal, but there was something more… something I couldn't quite define.

"Good work," Hibana said, a hint of admiration in her voice as we emerged from the simulated inferno. "We make a pretty good team, wouldn't you say?"

I stared at her for a moment, the crimson reflection of the flames dancing in her fiery eyes. A blush, imperceptible beneath my metallic exterior, flooded my circuits. "Indeed," I finally managed to stammer. 

Suddenly, the infirmary door swung open, revealing Captain Maki and a grim-faced Akira, the newest addition to our company. Their arrival brought a swift end to the blossoming moment between Hibana and me.

"New mission," Maki announced, her voice clipped. "The Evangelist has been spotted near the Amaterasu Cathedral. Intel suggests they're planning some kind of ritual."

A tense silence descended upon the room. The Amaterasu Cathedral, a holy site for the Holy Sol faith, held a deep significance for Iris. A flicker of worry crossed her features.

"They wouldn't dare…" she whispered, her voice laced with apprehension.

"They would," Maki replied grimly. "The Evangelist thrives on chaos and fear. Disrupting a major religious ceremony would be a prime opportunity for them to spread their propaganda."

Iris looked torn, her loyalty to her former faith battling with her growing disillusionment. Seeing her distress, a surge of protectiveness washed over me, an unfamiliar sensation that surprised even myself.

"We'll stop them," I declared, my voice firm. "We won't let them desecrate the cathedral."

A flicker of gratitude crossed Iris's eyes before she steeled her gaze. "Then let's go," she said, her voice resolute. "I know the layout of the cathedral. I can help you navigate it."

With a renewed sense of purpose, and a strange tangle of emotions simmering within me, we headed out on our mission. The fight against the Evangelist was far from over, but we were prepared. We had a plan, a team, and a newfound understanding of the enemy we faced. 

As we raced towards the Amaterasu Cathedral, the city lights blurring into streaks of yellow and orange, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited us within those hallowed halls. Would we encounter crazed Evangelist fanatics, or something more sinister? One thing was certain – this mission would be unlike any we'd faced before.

As we raced towards the Amaterasu Cathedral, the city lights blurring into streaks of yellow and orange, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Iris. Her expression was a mask of resolute determination, a stark contrast to the conflicted emotions I'd witnessed earlier. Despite my lingering suspicion, a flicker of admiration ignited within me. Here was a woman who, despite her disillusionment, was willing to stand against her former faith to protect something she believed in.

The roar of the fire truck filled the air, a rhythmic counterpoint to the pounding in my circuits. Hibana sat beside me, her fiery gaze fixed on the road ahead. A comfortable silence settled between us, the unspoken understanding of the dangers that awaited us hanging heavy in the air.

Maki, in the driver's seat, barked orders into her headset, coordinating with other Special Fire Companies converging on the cathedral. The urgency in her voice mirrored the growing tension within the vehicle.

We arrived at the scene to find the majestic spires of the Amaterasu Cathedral shrouded in an unnatural darkness. An oppressive silence hung over the plaza, broken only by the crackle of unseen flames. Civilian onlookers huddled at a distance, their faces etched with fear.

"Looks like the party's already started," Hibana muttered, her voice laced with grim humor.

Captain Maki deployed the team, assigning roles and outlining a plan of attack. Given Iris's knowledge of the cathedral's layout, she would guide me and Hibana through the labyrinthine corridors, while Anya would secure the perimeter and search for any trapped civilians.

With a silent nod, we entered the cathedral. An unsettling chill radiated from within, seeping through my metallic exterior. The ornate stained-glass windows, once vibrant with biblical imagery, were now fractured and dark. An acrid scent, a sickening blend of burning incense and singed flesh, filled the air.

Following Iris's lead, we navigated through a series of darkened hallways, the only source of light emanating from the faint glow of our helmets. The silence was broken only by the echo of our footsteps and the occasional drip of water.

Suddenly, a guttural chant erupted from somewhere deeper within the cathedral. It was a sound unlike anything I'd ever heard, a chilling melody that sent shivers down my circuits.

"That's them," Iris whispered, her voice barely audible. "They're performing the Ceremony of Ascension."

A surge of adrenaline coursed through me. We were close. Glancing at Hibana, I saw the same steely resolve reflected in her eyes. We were here to stop them, no matter the cost.

As we rounded a corner, we burst into a vast chamber, its vaulted ceiling illuminated by an eerie violet glow emanating from a pulsating core at its center. A circle of cloaked figures, their faces obscured by hoods, chanted around the core, their voices rising in a crescendo of fanaticism.

In the center of the circle, strapped to a sacrificial altar, lay a young woman, her eyes wide with terror. Her fiery red hair, a stark contrast to the pale figures surrounding her, confirmed our worst fears. It was Akira.The sight of Akira, bound and terrified on the altar, sent a jolt of shock through my circuits. Every logical thought was overridden by a primal surge of protectiveness. Before anyone could react, I lunged forward, a metallic blur propelled by raw emotion.

"Genos, wait!" Hibana's shout was lost in the roar of my own internal alarms.

The Evangelists reacted with startled cries, their chanting faltering as I slammed into their midst. Fists and blades clashed in a whirlwind of steel and violet energy blasts. My enhanced reflexes allowed me to weave through their attacks, dismantling their formations with brutal efficiency. But even with my augmented strength, I was outnumbered.

Hibana, recovering from the initial shock, roared and unleashed a torrent of flames, creating a barrier between me and the remaining Evangelists. Iris, her face pale with horror, stood rooted to the spot, staring at the scene unfolding before her.

"Akira!" I bellowed, ignoring the searing pain lancing through my circuits as an Evangelist landed a glancing blow. My focus was solely on reaching the young woman on the altar.

Suddenly, a wave of pressurized water erupted from behind me, slamming into the remaining Evangelists with a force that sent them flying. Anya, her eyes blazing with determination, joined the fray, her water manipulation techniques proving surprisingly effective against the Evangelist's violet energy.

With Hibana holding back the bulk of the attackers, I finally reached the altar. Akira, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and relief, looked up at me.

"Genos…" she stammered, her voice weak.

"Hold on, I'll get you out of here," I assured her, ignoring the searing heat radiating from the core at the center of the chamber. My metallic fingers fumbled with the restraints binding her, frustration growing with each passing second.

Just as I managed to free Akira, the ground began to tremble violently. The violet core at the chamber's heart pulsed with an alarming intensity, bathing the room in an ominous purple light.

"What's happening?" Hibana shouted, her voice strained over the roar of the collapsing ceiling.

A booming voice, distorted and amplified by unseen energy, resonated throughout the chamber. "You dare interrupt the Ceremony of Ascension? The flames of purification shall consume you all!"

From the pulsating core, tendrils of violet energy erupted, lashing out like fiery whips. One such tendril slammed into Hibana, sending her crashing against the wall. Another snaked towards Anya, who cried out in pain as it engulfed her in its violet glow.

Panic surged through me. I grabbed Akira, shielding her with my own metallic body as another energy tendril lashed out. The impact sent a jolt of searing pain through my circuits, momentarily overloading my systems.

When my vision cleared, the chamber was a scene of devastation. Hibana lay unconscious, her body flickering with residual violet energy. Anya was nowhere to be seen. The Evangelists, seemingly unaffected by the energy surge, stood around the pulsating core, their faces twisted in a mixture of fanaticism and anticipation.

"You cannot stop the inevitable!" the booming voice echoed once more. "The flames of Sol shall cleanse this world!"

Despair threatened to consume me. We were hopelessly outnumbered, our comrades incapacitated. But as I looked down at Akira, her eyes filled with a newfound resolve, a spark ignited within me. I wouldn't give up. Not while there was still someone I could protect.

"We have to get out of here," I growled, my voice a metallic rasp.

Akira nodded, her fear replaced by a steely determination. Together, we navigated the crumbling chamber, dodging falling debris and avoiding the erratic energy tendrils lashing out from the pulsating core.

The escape was a blur of adrenaline and terror. We fought our way through corridors choked with smoke and debris, the booming voice of the Evangelist echoing in our ears. Finally, we reached the cathedral's entrance, the sight of the night sky offering a glimmer of hope.

Just as we were about to burst through the doors, a figure materialized before us, blocking our escape. It was the Evangelist leader, the one with the glowing purple eyes, his face contorted in a cruel smile.

"Leaving so soon?" he rasped, his voice dripping with amusement. "The ceremony is just getting started."

Fear threatened to cripple me, but the image of Hibana and Anya spurred me on. I wouldn't let them down. With a roar, I charged towards the Evangelist leader, channeling every ounce of my remaining power into a devastating punch.My fist, propelled by augmented acceleration, collided with the Evangelist leader's chest with a resounding clang. A shockwave of energy rippled outwards, sending dust motes swirling around us. For a moment, there was a stunned silence. Then, the Evangelist leader erupted in a fit of manic laughter.

"Foolish cyborg," he cackled, his voice laced with a distorted echo. "Your technology is no match for the power of the Holy Sol!"

He raised a hand, violet energy crackling around his fingertips. Before I could react, a searing beam slammed into my chest. The impact sent me flying backward, crashing into the shattered remains of a cathedral pew. Pain exploded through my circuits, momentarily blinding me.

When the agonizing sensation subsided, I saw Akira kneeling beside me, her face etched with worry. "Genos, are you alright?" she cried out, her voice barely audible over the din of the collapsing cathedral.

"I… I'm functional," I rasped, struggling to my feet. My internal alarms blared, warning of critical system overload. My earlier fight and the energy blast from the Evangelist leader had pushed me to my limits.

The Evangelist leader loomed over us, his eyes blazing with purple fire. "This ends now," he declared, raising his hand once more to unleash another energy blast.

Suddenly, a loud whoosh filled the air, followed by a deafening explosion. A section of the cathedral ceiling crumbled, showering the chamber in a cascade of dust and debris. The force of the explosion sent the Evangelist leader stumbling back, momentarily breaking his focus.

Through the dust and smoke, we saw a figure emerge. It was Captain Maki, her face grim but determined. Beside her stood a disheveled but determined-looking Anya.

"Genos! Akira!" Maki called out, her voice ringing with authority. "Get out of here! We'll handle this!"

A surge of relief washed over me. Despite my desire to fight alongside Captain Maki, my damaged systems wouldn't hold up much longer. With a nod to Akira, I turned and began to navigate the debris-strewn path towards the cathedral exit.

Akira hesitated for a moment, then followed close behind. As we escaped the collapsing chamber, we could hear the sounds of a fierce battle echoing behind us. Captain Maki and Anya, despite being outnumbered, fought with a tenacity that inspired a flicker of admiration within me.

We stumbled out of the cathedral, the cool night air a welcome relief on my overheating circuits. The once majestic structure was now a smoldering ruin, flames licking at the night sky. A crowd of startled civilians watched from a distance, their faces illuminated by the flickering inferno.

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness washed over me. My vision blurred, my legs buckled beneath me. Just before darkness threatened to consume me, I felt a pair of strong arms catch me. It was Akira, her face etched with concern.

"Genos! Hold on!" she cried out, her voice desperate.

But my systems were failing. The last thing I saw before the world faded to black was the worried look on Akira's face and the distant glow of the burning cathedral, a grim reminder of the battle we had just barely escaped.

I awoke to the sterile hum of fluorescent lights and the sharp tang of disinfectant. My vision flickered back to life, revealing the familiar white walls of the infirmary. A dull ache throbbed in my core, a constant reminder of the punishment I'd endured during the botched raid on the Amaterasu Cathedral.

Beside my bed, Akira sat slumped in a chair, her head resting on her arm. The faint rise and fall of her chest indicated she was asleep, exhausted from the ordeal. A pang of protectiveness, a feeling I was still struggling to understand, surged through my circuits. It was because of me she'd been dragged into this mess, captured by the Evangelist and nearly sacrificed.

Gently, I reached out a metallic hand and nudged her shoulder. She stirred with a start, her eyes widening in surprise as they met mine.

"Genos! You're awake!" she exclaimed, relief washing over her features. "How are you feeling?"

"Functional," I rasped, my voice rough from disuse. "Just a few system overloads to contend with."

A wry smile touched her lips. "Typical Genos, always pushing yourself to the limit." Then, her smile faltered. "What happened… after… after I passed out?"

I recounted the events, my voice devoid of emotion. How Captain Maki and Anya had arrived just in time, how we'd barely escaped the collapsing cathedral. A flicker of worry crossed Akira's face as I mentioned the injuries Captain Maki and Anya had sustained.

"They'll be alright," I assured her, more to calm my own unease than anything else. Captain Maki was a force to be reckoned with, and Anya's resourcefulness was an invaluable asset to the team.

Silence descended upon the room for a moment, broken only by the rhythmic beeping of nearby medical equipment. Akira fidgeted in her chair, her gaze flickering around the room before landing back on me.

"Genos," she began hesitantly, "there's something I need to tell you."

My internal sensors immediately went on high alert. Was she having second thoughts about her involvement with the team? Had the experience at the cathedral shaken her resolve?

"What is it?" I asked, my voice devoid of inflection.

Taking a deep breath, Akira met my gaze with unwavering determination. "The Evangelist leader… the one with the purple eyes… I know him."

A jolt of surprise surged through my circuits. This could be crucial information. "You know him? How?"

"He's… he was my older brother," Akira confessed, a flicker of pain crossing her features. "His name is Shota. He used to be kind, compassionate… everything the Evangelist seems to despise."

My processor whirred, trying to piece together this new information. "What happened? Why did he join them?"

Akira shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "I don't know. He changed after… after the incident."

Her voice broke, and the pain in her eyes mirrored the gaping hole in her story. I understood the need for privacy, the rawness of the wound. For now, I wouldn't pry further. 

Placing a metallic hand on hers, I offered a gesture of comfort, a gesture that felt foreign yet oddly reassuring. "We'll find out," I said, my voice a low rumble. "We'll get to the bottom of this, together."

A flicker of gratitude sparked in Akira's eyes, momentarily replacing the grief. A sense of connection, a nascent bond, bloomed within my circuits. This mission, this fight against the Evangelist, had brought us together in a way I never could have anticipated. And as I lay there in the sterile confines of the infirmary, the image of a burning cathedral fading from my memory, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held. Would we emerge victorious against the flames of fanaticism? And would the bond forged in the heat of battle blossom into something more? Only time would tell.

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