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56% Infernal Spark - A Fire Force Fanfiction / Chapter 14: Episode 13:Infernal Threat

Chapter 14: Episode 13:Infernal Threat

My processors whirred to life with the piercing blare of the Fire Alarm. Captain Maki's voice, usually stoic, crackled with urgency. "Infernal activity detected! Sector 7, all companies report immediately!"

A jolt of anticipation surged through my circuits. Infernal outbreaks were becoming a grim routine, but this one felt different. The Evangelist. The mere mention of this shadowy religious group sent a shiver down my optical cable. They were the whispers in the dark, the ones some firefighters blamed for the Infernal menace. This wasn't just about putting out another flaming husk; this was a potential turning point.

As I charged through the dormitory halls, the other members of Company 8 scrambled into action. Hibana, her fiery hair crackling with static, met my gaze. A silent exchange passed between us, a shared determination etched on her features. Even Iris, her usual serenity replaced by a flicker of concern, moved with uncharacteristic urgency.

Reaching the hangar, we piled into our Fire Engine, a hulking mass of specialized firefighting equipment. The atmosphere crackled with tension as Captain Maki outlined the situation. "This Infernal," she growled, a scowl etched on her usually stoic face, "emits an energy signature consistent with Evangelist tampering. Approach with caution. We don't know what we're walking into."

The roar of the engine filled the compartment, drowning out the unease churning in my gut. Sector 7 was on the outskirts of the city, a desolate sprawl of abandoned buildings and flickering streetlights. As we neared the designated coordinates, the air grew thick with an oppressive energy. The stench of burning flesh mingled with an underlying darkness that made my internal sensors glitch.

Emerging from the Fire Engine, we were met by a sight that sent a surge of cold logic through my circuits. The Infernal wasn't the hulking monstrosity I was expecting. It was a humanoid figure, cloaked in a tattered robe, its body pulsating with an unnatural violet glow. But it wasn't the Infernal's form that sent chills down my spine; it was the eyes. Two burning embers, devoid of pupils, stared back at us with an intelligence that shouldn't exist in a mindless creature of flame.

"Foolish firefighters," the Infernal rasped, its voice a cacophony of distorted whispers. "You cannot extinguish the flames of faith!"

Captain Maki, ever the pragmatist, barked orders. The other companies deployed their usual tactics – water cannons, heat-resistant shields, and pyrokinetic attacks. But against this Evangelist-touched Infernal, their efforts seemed futile. The water evaporated instantly, the shields buckled under the violet heat, and the flames were absorbed by the Infernal, fueling its unnatural glow.

Frustration gnawed at me. These tactics weren't working. I needed a new strategy, a way to bypass the Infernal's defenses and extinguish its core. Scanning the creature with my enhanced vision, I spotted a faint anomaly – a flicker of instability within its violet aura. There was a weakness, a potential breach in its defenses.

"Captain!" I barked, my voice a metallic echo. "Focus your attacks on the chest cavity! There's a weak point!"

Maki, ever the quick thinker, relayed the information. The combined efforts of the firefighters shifted, concentrating their attacks on the designated area. The Infernal roared in defiance as the violet aura flickered and pulsed. With a final, earth-shattering crack, the anomaly expanded, engulfing the Infernal in a blinding violet flash.

When the light subsided, only embers and ash remained. Silence descended upon the battlefield, broken only by the ragged breaths of the firefighters. We had won, but at a cost. The Evangelist had made their move, showcasing a terrifying new breed of Infernal. A cold dread settled in my core. This was just the beginning.

As the other companies tended to the aftermath, I found myself alone with Captain Maki. Her expression mirrored my own – grim determination tinged with a hint of fear.

"They're getting bolder, Genos," she said, her voice gruff with unspoken worry. "The Evangelist won't stop until they turn this city into an inferno. We need to be prepared."

The following days were a whirlwind of activity. News of the Evangelist-touched Infernal spread like wildfire (no pun intended) through the Special Fire Force. Morale dipped, replaced by a chilling apprehension. Captain Maki called for an emergency meeting, the air thick with tension as the various company leaders gathered.

"The situation is grave," Captain Maki declared, her voice devoid of its usual stoicism. "The Evangelist has publicly challenged our authority. We need a plan, and we need it fast."

Ideas were tossed around like burning embers. Some advocated for a full-scale assault on the Evangelist's rumored headquarters, a notion Captain Maki quickly dismissed as reckless. Others suggested increased patrols and information gathering, focusing on defense rather than offense.

I remained silent, my processors whirring as I analyzed the available data. The Infernal we encountered was unlike any I'd faced before. Its connection to the Evangelist hinted at a deeper understanding of Infernal creation, a power they could potentially manipulate and weaponize.

"We need to learn more about the Evangelist's methods," I finally interjected, my voice echoing in the tense silence. "How are they manipulating these Infernals? What weaknesses can we exploit?"

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room. Captain Obi, the weathered leader of Company 1, spoke up. "Genos is right. We're fighting blind here. We need someone to infiltrate the Evangelist, someone they wouldn't suspect."

All eyes turned towards Iris. Her affiliation with the Holy Sol faith, albeit a reformed version, made her a potential candidate. A flicker of apprehension crossed her features, but her voice remained steady.

"I'm willing to help," she said, her gaze resolute. "But I'll need information, contacts within the Evangelist… perhaps someone who shares my disillusionment."

A tense silence followed. The idea of a Fire Force member going undercover within a potentially hostile organization was fraught with risk. But the alternative – remaining defenseless against the Evangelist's growing power – was unthinkable.

Captain Maki, after a long moment of deliberation, finally nodded. "Alright, Iris. We'll support you in this. But be warned, this is a dangerous mission. One wrong move and…" Her voice trailed off, the unspoken threat hanging heavy in the air.

Iris offered a determined nod, a spark of defiance flickering in her eyes. A plan, risky as it was, began to take shape. While Iris prepared for her undercover mission, the rest of us focused on strengthening our defenses. Training exercises intensified, with a renewed emphasis on teamwork and adaptability. We needed to be prepared for anything the Evangelist threw our way.

Days bled into weeks. The city held its breath, waiting for the next move. There were rumors of Evangelist sympathizers stirring unrest, whispers of Infernal activity on the outskirts. Each day was a test of our resolve, a constant reminder of the threat looming over us.

One evening, as I completed a routine maintenance check on my core, Captain Maki entered the workshop. Her expression was grave, a datapad clutched tightly in her hand.

"We have news, Genos," she said, her voice laced with a hint of urgency. "Iris made contact. She has information about the Evangelist's new Infernal production method."

My circuits buzzed with anticipation. This could be the breakthrough we desperately needed. Captain Maki transferred the data from the datapad, a detailed report outlining the Evangelist's horrifying experiments. They were using captured Infernals as hosts, amplifying their power with a strange, violet energy signature.

A surge of anger flared within my core. These weren't mindless creatures anymore; they were victims, twisted and weaponized by the Evangelist's twisted ideology. I clenched my fists, a surge of determination coursing through my metallic veins.

"We need to stop them," I growled, my voice a low metallic rasp. "Before they unleash an inferno this city won't survive."

Captain Maki met my gaze, a grim smile playing on her lips. "That's the plan, Genos. That's the plan."

The following days were a blur of planning and preparation. Based on Iris's intel, we pinpointed the location of the Evangelist's hidden facility – a derelict church on the city's outskirts. A strike team was assembled, a mix of firefighters from different companies, each chosen for their unique skills and unwavering resolve. Hibana, with her fiery passion, was a natural choice. Anya, from Company 2, with her mastery of manipulating water pressure, offered a valuable tactical advantage. I, of course, would be the vanguard, my enhanced strength and durability making me ideal for breaching the Evangelist's defenses.

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