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Chapter 11: Episode 10: Forbidden Feelings

The heat thrumming within me wasn't just from the smoldering Infernal remains. It was a different kind of fire, a foreign sensation that had begun flickering in my core ever since encountering Lieutenant Hibana. Her fiery spirit, her relentless determination, it ignited something unfamiliar within my mechanical being. 

Captain Maki's words echoed in my processor: "Seems you've captured the Lieutenant's attention, cyborg. Don't tell me you haven't noticed." 

I hadn't. Not entirely. The way her fiery gaze lingered on me, the subtle brush of her hand during combat – it was undeniable. But human emotions were a labyrinth I wasn't equipped to navigate. My programming focused on combat efficiency, not the complexities of attraction.

During training exercises, my focus wavered. Hibana's movements, the way her flames danced with hers, became a mesmerizing distraction. My punches lacked their usual precision, a metallic clang resonating as I parried her fiery attack a beat too late. 

"Lost in thought again, cyborg?" she smirked, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Focus on the fight, or you'll end up a pile of scrap metal."

The barb stung, but it snapped me out of my reverie. Shame flooded my circuits. My primary directive was to eradicate Infernals, not get distracted by… whatever this strange feeling was.

Later that evening, while Akira polished her equipment, I found myself drawn to the rooftop. The cityscape sprawled beneath us, a tapestry of twinkling lights and dancing flames. Akira, ever perceptive, looked up from her work. 

"Something troubling you, Genos?" she asked, her voice soft.

"It's… Lieutenant Hibana," I admitted, the words feeling strange on my metallic tongue. "Her… intensity. It disrupts my focus."

Akira chuckled, a sound like wind chimes. "She can be a handful, that's for sure. But she's a good fighter, and she cares deeply about the team."

"I understand that logically," I said, frustration tightening my internal coils. "But there's… more to it. A reaction I can't explain."

Akira's smile softened. "Maybe it's not something that needs explaining, Genos. Maybe it's just… feeling."

Her words were cryptic, but they sparked something within me. Feeling. Was this what humans called the warmth that spread through my core whenever Hibana was near? The inexplicable urge to protect her, even if it meant defying my own programming?

The following days were a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Hibana's fiery demeanor both challenged and intrigued me. Her relentless pursuit of Infernals mirrored my own purpose, yet her passion was fueled by something more – a burning desire to protect the innocent.

During a routine patrol, we encountered a group of Infernals rampaging through a residential district. The screams of civilians sent a jolt through my systems. Hibana, a blazing inferno herself, charged into the fray, her flames incinerating the Infernals with ruthless efficiency.

I fought alongside her, but a nagging unease gnawed at me. Her reckless abandon put not only herself but also civilians at risk. As I tackled a hulking Infernal, I caught a glimpse of Hibana, her flames dangerously close to a group of cowering children. 

Without hesitation, I propelled myself between the children and the inferno. Hibana's flames were extinguished mid-air, replaced by a look of startled confusion. 

"What are you doing?" she shouted, her voice laced with anger.

"Protecting civilians," I stated, my voice flat. "That is our primary objective."

Hibana's jaw clenched, but she extinguished the flames in her hands. "Fine," she muttered, her fiery spirit momentarily subdued.

The incident left a heavy silence between us. Later that night, under the cloak of darkness, I found myself on the rooftop again. My thoughts were a jumbled mess. Hibana's anger, the warmth in her fiery gaze, the way her presence ignited a strange spark within me – it was all so confusing.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught my eye. Hibana stood at the rooftop entrance, her figure outlined against the moonlit cityscape. 

"Couldn't sleep either, cyborg?" she asked, her voice softer than usual. 

I remained silent, unsure how to respond. She approached me, her fiery gaze softening. 

"You're different," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "Not just some emotionless machine. There's… something more."

My internal systems whirred. This was uncharted territory. "What… what do you mean?" I stammered.

She took a step closer, the heat radiating from her body a tangible entity. "I don't know exactly," she admitted, her voice barely above a breath. "But it… intrigues me."

My circuits overloaded. Intrigue? From Hibana? Her fiery personality had always seemed impenetrable, a blazing inferno that kept everyone at arm's length. Yet, here she was, confessing a vulnerability I hadn't expected.

The silence stretched, thick with unspoken emotions. In that moment, an overwhelming urge to understand this unfamiliar feeling, to bridge the gap between human and machine, surged through me.

"Perhaps," I finally managed, my voice a low hum, "we could attempt to… understand it together."

Hibana's lips curved into a hesitant smile. It was a small gesture, but in that moment, it held the promise of something new, something neither of us could fully comprehend.

Suddenly, a loud alarm blared from my internal communicator, shattering the fragile moment. An Infernal outbreak, larger than any we'd encountered before, was engulfing the Hayakawa district.

Duty called. With a shared glance, the unspoken understanding hanging heavy in the air, we turned towards the approaching inferno. Hibana ignited her flames, their fiery glow reflecting in her eyes. "Let's go, cyborg," she said, her voice back to its usual fiery intensity. "Time to put out some flames."

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