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Expansion of village and new arrivals

A month have passed and the village...well let's just say that the goblin village became more like a village.

After solving the wolves situation, The trio stayed in the village, they became something akin to the rulers of that place. Work management was done, some goblins along with the wolves were selected to hunt for food, some were to gather woods and the rest were being trained to protect and defend the village.

More importantly, the goblins evolved!!, after the night in which the wolves invaded the village, Rimuru and Veldora named the goblins. 

'Well the only one that I remember are the Chief Rigurdo and his son Riguru. The wolf's leader was named Ranga, and well he said something like being a pack they shared the same name.'

After the evolution the male goblins became hobogoblins and female became goblinas. They male grew larger in build and the female became...uhh...more female like?

Another major event that happened was that Shiro went to dwarves kingdom and brought back four dwarves with him, Kaijin the blacksmith, Garm a skilled armorsmith, Dold who was known for his craftmanship and finally Mild an expert in construction and arts. They would help in the construction of village.

During that time the goblins who abandoned Rigurdo's village came asking...well begging would be the more correct word, for shelter because the orcs, orges and lizardmens were wrecking havoc in the forest. Shiro was absent so Rimuru after discussing with Veldora, Rimuru decided to accept them. Around five hundred more goblins joined the village. After naming them Rigurdo was made goblin king and other four goblin chief were made Goblin lords.

This all happened because among the trio, no one wanted the hassle of becoming the king. Veldora was too lazy so he was like shield of the village, protecting it in case Shiro was absent and Rimuru became the brain, he was managing the goblins, organizing hierarchy among them. As for shiro, well he was more of a free lancer who did anything he liked.

The construction works in the village started. Kaijin was developing tools, Garm and Dold were producing clothes, and Mildo with the group of evolved hobogoblins leaded the construction project.

The forest was filled with sounds of cutting woods and blacksmith's hammer. The foundation of new city was being laid and new houses were being build. The dwarves along with the goblins managed to redirect water from the nearest river so, water was not a problem. They even built a pipeline to supply water to every household. Sewage, drainage all was being constructed by Mildo. 

Overall, the construction work was proceeding smoothly.


In the shadow of a large tree, a wolf and a human were sleeping. The wolf feet long, his head was lying on the ground, his eyes closed. A horn was protruding on his head giving him a unicorn like appearance. Compiled with his black fur and his slowly waiving tail gave a dangerous yet majestic appearance.

The human was using the wolf's body as a pillow. He had a headband covering his eyes, white hair and a fair complexion. He had a lean but muscular build. His perfect face combined with the beautifully sculpted body would even put even the most handsome models to shame. 

A over six foot hobogoblin was running toward the tree in which the duo were sleeping. This was rigurdo, the king of goblins...or should we say the so called king of goblins.

"Shiro-sama!! Shiro-sama!!" He called the boy who was sleeping.

'Tsk. Let me sleep dammit!' Shiro thought inwardly.

"Why are you shouting?" He replied lazily and stood up. The wolf opened his eyes and disappeared into the shadows.

"We have found some suspicious individuals who were roaming around here, So I came to report."

'What type of king are you?' 

"Just report it to Rimuru. I'm too lazy for this shit."

"My liege, they are humans so, I thought it would be appropriate if you would meet them." Rigurdo answered respectfully.

'Humans huh....What are they doing this deep inside the forest?...Well whatever.'

"Oh...looks like your brain also increased with your height. Lead the way. *yawn~~~*"

"Yes, my liege. They were being chased by giant ants and were saved by Rigur's defense squad, who brought them here. This means that they were intruding this place, how should we response, your highness?"

"Hmm...Let's meet them first, If they cause trouble then chase them away and if they don't understand just make them disappear. Easy as that." Shiro replied with a small evil smile.


I followed Rigurdo into a camp, because of construction works still going on, most of the houses were dismantled. I entered the camp, there was a sofa placed in front of a table and chair. This camp was a meeting room, which I rarely entered.

Four people were sitting on the sofa. When I entered the room a shocked look appeared on their faces, probably because they didn't expect to see a human...or maybe because I'm too handsome, Damn I'm becoming narcissistic. 

"Hello, pleased to meet you, I am Shiro tempest. I am a sort of leader of these people. So, mind explaining what you are doing here?" I asked with a small amused smile on my face.

The goblinas came in and handed over tea to everyone. Yep, we have tea now, probably the courtesy of the dwarves. They are a amusing bunch. It's fun drinking with them once in a while.

"The pleasure is mine. I am Cabal and I am this party's leader." Replied a muscular man with short brown hair and a beard, He was wearing a dark green jacket and pants, along with a white shirt. He had a rugged and tough appearance.

"This is Eren, and this is Gido." He proceeded to introduce his companions.

Gido has a tall and strong build and a rectangular head. His brown hair iss cut short and he also has a goatee, and Eren was a young woman of fair stature with blonde hair and green eyes. She has special markings under her eyes and is wearing a blue tie-on headband. Her attire consists of clothes fit for travel as an adventurer. She is hiding her ears with magic.

'An elf who's hiding her ears...interesting.'

As much as I wanted to say 'That level of Genjutsu won't work on me', this was not the time for that.

"Nice to meet y-you. I am E-eren." I gave a small smile and her cheeks became slightly red. 

'See having pretty face always works!!' I thought inwardly.

"Yo!, I am Gido. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Gido introduced himself. I just gave him a slight nod.

'What about the other one?'

"She's Shizu-san, she temporarily joined our party for the journey."

"Call me Shizu" A neutral voice, neither feminine nor masculine came from the masked person.

I'm pretty sure that she's a girl...and that sitting posture...Japanese?... A reincarnate?

They explained that they were here to investigate the forest, if there was anything suspicious happenings...well happening.

They explored inside a cave inside which they heard a storm dragon was sealed and sound nothing.

'Well rimuru made sure to clean everything up after removing veldora from there so yeah...

'But why in your right mind would you go inside a cave, which has a freaking dragon living inside?' 

"So, why did you investigate the cave?" I asked.

"You see...a few months ago, the storm dragon disappeared...."

So basically Veldora's disappearance caused chaos in between the humans. 

'I didn't know that tsundere was so famous? And are they underestimating him? Sending these people to investigate about him is just basically sending them to death.'

Maybe...Just maybe...I should let them know that Veldora is here just so that they can spread that to all humans? I have a feeling that something interesting will happen. BUUUT let this construction finish first, I'll have my fun later.

Thinking this I listened to these three rambling about how unfairly the guild treated them and other things....

'Now what do I do with them?'

Hmm...wait...if they reported it to guild that a town is being built in a middle of forest...thinking this a small grin came on my face.

"Will the guild do something if we construct a city here?"

"No, it should be fine I think?"

"Yeah, the guild won't do anything but countries...."

" idea about them.."

Countries? Oh this is getting interesting.

When I thought that Shizu who had been sitting quietly until now groaned loudly.


Magical energy started to run rampant and cracks started to appear on her mask.

Slowly she rose, she was muttering something but I couldn't hear..

"Summoning magic!!!" Exclaimed Eren.

"L-looking at the scale of magic it's probably going to be B+ rank or higher" Gido gulped.

"Restrain her!!" Cabal shouted.

I just sat there looking at them amusedly. This shit is getting more and more better. 

Shizu swung her finger, first pointing up and then down..


"Haaaa! Explode!"


(A/N: So should I let shizu die? or Should I include her in harem....what do you guys think? If I save her then story will take another route, rimuru will just remain a slime and I'll have to cook some shit up...but if I let her die then....well I'll just saver i guess...

Anyway again give me more POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH stones if you liked the chapter. I wanna reach at least in top 200 of fanfiction. We can do that much right?


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