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Chapter 85: Fight!

"Let's start, shall we?" Kazutora said with his eyes changing to Rinnegan, and black lines spreading from his hands to his face.

Before they could respond, he rushed to the strongest in the group, i.e., Tsunade and punched at her face.

Knowing that he is serious, Tsunade also used the Kama seal and similar marks appeared on her hand. She faced his punch with a punch, and they struck each other's fists.


A loud sound was heard with air pressure increasing in the place, and the pressure from them made everyone in the place take a few steps back.

"Interesting, Hehe~!" Anko laughed as she used the seal to rush at Kazutora and attacked him together with Tsunade.

Everyone else also rushed at Kazutora, and they heard, "Shinra Tensei,"

A terrifying face pushed them away and they all crossed their hands in front of them.

The force made them unable to move and they saw Kazutora floating in the sky.


Kazutora put his hand in the sky and a huge Rasengan appeared above. He threw the Rasengan at Tsunade, and six more bodies appeared with each having Rinnegan in their eyes.

As for the original body, the eyes changed to Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and a small Susanoo armor enveloped him.

The Six other bodies used Rinnegan's abilities and with their vision same, they rushed at others in response.

In response to Kazutora's Rasengan, Tsunade clapped her hand and said, "Sage Art: Wood Release: Wooden Wall Technique."

From the ground, numerous wooden blocks rose to form a wall above her, expanding upwards until the attacking force of the Rasengan was completely expended.

"Sage Art: Scorch Rasengan," Pakura said as she attacked the clone with several balls of fire spinning around her and they rushed at Kazutora, who dodged them easily.

Wooden vines grew up behind him to protect against Yugao's sword and she felt a force pulling her away.


Hearing the word, Kazutora looked in that direction and saw several projections of his women wearing different dresses, from maid, nurse, and school dress, to spandex, dominatrix and BDSM ones.

If it was another time, Kazutora would have cared but he released his chakra pressure and dispersed the technique.

"You still stopped for a second," Kazutora heard a whisper in his head, and his neck was about to get broken. But then, the body turned into a wood clone, and Anko was kicked away from the body.

"Nice try," Anko heard with a smack on her ass, and she was now held by Kazutora by her neck.

"Dead," he said as he put a seal on her and disappeared from the place with Earth Spikes on the ground. Nono appeared beside Anko, and looking at the seal, she knew that she would need some time.

Before she could move, she felt a hit on her neck, and as Kazutora was about to apply the seal, he was attacked by Hina and Izumi, while Hana took them away.

"Good~!" He said while appreciating them, and the Rinnegan eye changed to EMS one.

"Genjutsu: Sharingan," he said with the EMS symbol appearing in their eyes, but then Hina's eyes turned normal and she poked Izumi's tenketsu and woke her up from Genjutsu.

"A Shadow clone to keep yourself awake all the time, huh! Nice try," Kazutora said to Hina, who was about to return, but then she was hit on the neck.

"A pity that it can be used by others to hide their chakra in your blind spot,"

Hina fell down, and Kazutora placed a seal on her that considered her as Dead.

He left her there and if they can take her away and unlock the seal, she can join, just like what happened with Anko and Nono.

"Tsuna~! Did you not eat before?"

Tsunade heard a whisper in her ear, and she punched back, but nothing happened. She clicked her tongue while dodging Susanoo Kazutora's attacks, and he didn't give her a chance to attack.

"Tsk, Pakura! Support me," Tsunade shouted as her body went inside the ground and she got out from another place. A huge fireball passed at her place, but it was countered by Pakura who used Scorch Release Fireball.

"Haha~! Big Sister? How can you maintain like this?"

They heard Kazutora's words and Tsunade clapped her hand.

"Sage Art: Wood Release: Deep Forest emergence technique," Tsunade said with various trees growing and rushing at Kazutora, who chuckled in response. The Susanoo armor on him grew and turned into a majestic Susanoo, who slashed his swords on the ground and then threw a Rasenring that destroyed the forest.

"What a pity! Your attack was wasted," Kazutora said while inside Susanoo, and he slashed at the Huge Scorch Release ball thrown by Pakura to him. As he cut, he saw the ball bursting and turning to Tsunade, who punched the chest while using all of her strength.


The Susanoo body cracked and started to fall. Tsunade looked for Kazutora and she saw him holding Pakura by her neck.

"You forgot about FTG~!" Tsunade frowned as she saw a seal appearing on Pakura, and Kazutora dropped her to the ground and disappeared.

From the ground, several wooden vines emerged, and they covered the Susanoo pieces. Absorbing them back, Kazutora grinned and he said, "Half of my chakra has been used, I guess!"

Saying this, he waved at Tsunade and disappeared from the place, while Tsunade appeared beside Pakura and looked at the seal.

"Two minutes," She muttered as it would take two minutes to open the seal but then she saw Nono calling her and taking Pakura, she rushed at her.

"Kurenai~! Am I real or Genjutsu?"

Kurenai, who was fighting one Kazutora with Yugao, heard the voice in her ear and her expression changed. She turned back to slam her lips on his face to know if he was real body, as Kazutora would never let a clone or fake kiss her, and her lips was taken by him.

As she kissed him, Kurenai was about to strike his heart, but then her body trembled as she felt his chakra entering her body from her mouth.

His chakra suppressed the chakra in her body, and then all of her chakra was sucked away by him.

"Have a good night's sleep,"

Those were the last words Kurenai heard before she lost consciousness and Kazutora grinned as he dodged Yugao's attack who had an annoyed look on her face.

"Do you also want to get kissed?" She heard his whisper in her ear and those words were like the devil's whisper to her. Before she could respond, she saw Kazutora appearing in front of her, he held her katana's handle before she could move.

Her lips were taken away by Kazutora and just Kurenai, her chakra was also sucked by him, and he made her sleep beside her.

"Two down, let's take down four more with baits," Kazutora muttered while licking his lips and two bodies disappeared from the places. Tsunade, who was ready for him, immediately punched in his direction.

But her hand was caught, and she disappeared with one body. The same happened with Anko, who was guarding Nono while she opened the seal on Pakura, and before she could notice anything, she felt a poke on her neck.

"Lend me some of your chakra," Nono, who was frozen by the poke, heard his words. Her head was turned away by him, and Kazutora kissed three women at the same time, out of which, two didn't resist while the third acted like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

Looking into Tsunade's eyes, the EMS symbol appeared in Kazutora's eyes, and her eyes dulled at his genjutsu. After taking their chakra, he made Pakura, Tsunade, Nono and Anko lie beside Kurenai and Yugao.

"Izumi, Hana, Shizune, and 'dead' Hina are left," Kazutora said while looking at them and he kept four bodies while dispersing others. Izumi, Hana and Shizune looked at the four bodies and Izumi said, "I surrender,"

"Mm?" Kazutora hummed in response, and he saw Izumi walking to him. But in between, she rushed at Kazutora, who chuckled in response. The three tomoe Sharingan in her eyes turned his EMS Sharingan, and Izumi fell down. Looking at Hana, and Shizune, Kazutora used Bansho Tenn'in and pulled them at him with maximum force and took their chakra too.

All ten of them were now lying on the ground, and looking at them, Kazutora had a satisfied look on his face.

"The fight was okay, but they can do better. They need to learn to coordinate their attacks more or it would be difficult to win against me."

"Still, I don't think they would only be using 'Fight' to win against me and make things troublesome."

Kazutora muttered with a thoughtful look on his face, and he rubbed his head because of a headache. Creating several bodies was quite a challenge for him, and he had used more than 70% chakra in his body.

This was a lot more than he had expected as Kazutora planned on finishing them by using 50% of chakra and he won't deny that he did waste a lot of chakras when he used Massive Rasengan and Rasenring.

"Twenty days are enough to get them on track and the coordination between them will also increase."

"After that, I will give them a big vacation in the Amusement Park I have started to make here, Hehe~! Since I am improving too and now am able to create more bodies, it wouldn't be bad to ask them to spend the night together. Haha~!"

Kazutora laughed as he thought of his women together or him taking all of the holes of his woman together.

The idea was rooted in Kazutora's mind and he decided to try it later when they will wake up.


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