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32.6% Hogwarts: I'm truly an exemplary wizard / Chapter 30: Chapter 30: The Potions Master and the Suppressing Potion

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: The Potions Master and the Suppressing Potion

Madam Pomfrey was a tall witch, skilled in healing, potions, Herbology, and other medical treatments.

According to rumors, St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries had invited her to join three times, promising her the position of Deputy Head if she agreed.

But despite this, Madam Pomfrey firmly refused, saying that she only wanted to stay at Hogwarts.

Of course, this was just a rumor, the truth of which was uncertain. Neither Madam Pomfrey nor St. Mungo's had ever addressed it.

They didn't admit it, but they didn't deny it.

This was also a little mystery at Hogwarts.

As Kyle walked into the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey just happened to pass him, handing a bottle of green potion to the young wizard lying in bed.

"This is the last bottle of Scabies Solution. Remember, it's for application, don't drink it."

She turned again and ran to another bed, muttering, "Why are so many young wizards sent here at this time every year?

What are those professors at Hogwarts doing? Why are they all so irresponsible!"

It was clear that she wasn't in a good mood.

Just as Kyle was hesitating about how to speak, Madam Pomfrey happened to look over at him.

"Merlin's beard, what's wrong with this kid!" She quickly ran over, carefully placed Mickel on an empty bed, and asked without looking back, "What is it this time? Potions? Or Defense Against the Dark Arts? How did he even faint?!"

"Neither, Madam. It was Charms."

Kyle said softly, "Mickel cast a Lumos Charm, and then this happened... Professor Flitwick said he must have experienced magical exhaustion."

"That's right, it's magical exhaustion... Wait, what did you just say?" Madam Pomfrey suddenly turned to look at Kyle, incredulously, "Lumos Charm?!"

Her expression was as if she had seen Dumbledore dancing on a stripper pole in the Astronomy Tower.

It was a mixture of disbelief and absurdity, clearly not believing what Kyle said.

These young wizards were becoming increasingly unreliable. If they were going to lie, they should at least come up with a plausible reason.

Magical exhaustion from casting a Lumos Charm… ridiculous. Why didn't he say Filius was knocked out by a Lumos Charm?

"It's true. The new students from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw all saw it. And Professor Flitwick can attest to it."

Kyle quickly explained, telling her the story of what happened in Charms class.

After hearing it, Madam Pomfrey's doubts subsided by a large margin.

If all the new students from the two houses had seen it, the story would quickly spread throughout Hogwarts. If they were lying, it would be easy to be exposed. Not to mention that he even brought up Filius.

Madam Pomfrey turned to look at Mickel as if he were a rare magical creature. This was the first time she had seen a young wizard who had such poor control over their magic.

From the previous description, that level of Lumos Charm looked like it was caused by a magical outburst.

Strong, but uncontrolled.

But Madam Pomfrey was certain that she hadn't noticed any signs of a magical outburst when she examined the young wizard. It was just plain exhaustion.

"Really… I'm learning something new." Madam Pomfrey subconsciously exclaimed.

Kyle nodded in agreement, understanding Madam Pomfrey's feelings. He felt the same way.

If casting a spell was like driving a car, then Mickel's behavior was like flooring the gas pedal, draining the tank, and speeding off at 200 kilometers an hour in a second.

Don't think that's a good thing.

The speed was fast, but the crash was even faster.

It was lucky that it was just a Lumos Charm. If it had been a fire spell… Kyle shuddered and swore that he would stay as far away from Mickel as possible in class.

As far as possible!

He thought that the "explosive genius" who would start school next year was outrageous enough. He didn't expect to meet a "forbidden spell caster" this year.

Hogwarts didn't let anyone idle around.

A few minutes later, Dumbledore arrived, bringing along Snape, who was in the middle of class.

Madam Pomfrey took them to Mickel's bedside and quietly spoke a few words before stepping back.

Dumbledore bent down, carefully observing Mickel's condition. He would occasionally tap him with his wand.

After a while, he put away his wand without saying anything and turned to Kyle, "Good morning, Kyle. Did you bring him here to Poppy?"

"Yes, Professor." Kyle nodded.

"You did well." Dumbledore smiled, "Besides, I heard what happened from Sabrina. If you hadn't helped those students who fell, there might have been more than just Mr. Mickel lying here."

Kyle quickly waved his hands, "That's what I should do, Professor. And I wasn't the only one who helped."

"But you were the first to step up." Dumbledore winked, "Many upperclassmen, even adult wizards, can't keep their composure in a crisis. But you did, and you did it well.

Your bravery and humility have earned Hufflepuff twenty points."

He didn't know if it was a trigger word, but as soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, Snape, who had been watching Mickel, shifted his gaze to Kyle.

It was as if he had just realized someone was standing there.

But Kyle didn't notice. He was looking at Dumbledore and asking, "So, Professor, how is Mickel doing? Can he continue class?"

"Of course." Dumbledore smiled, "Although it's a little troublesome, it's not that difficult to solve. Just a little anti-magic potion. Our Potions professor will be able to brew it quickly."

"One day."

Snape walked over and said coldly, "I guarantee I'll deliver it here before tomorrow's Potions class for Hufflepuff. But before that, Mr. Chopper, there's something I need to remind you…"

Snape suddenly stopped, a mocking look on his face, "You'd better tell your friend to control his barren brain and the wand in his hand. Frequent magical exhaustion can turn a wizard into a Squib. I think you should know what a Squib is."

"I know, Professor," Kyle said.


Snape ignored Kyle, turned around, and left the hospital wing.

"I think we should go too." Dumbledore said, "Mickel needs to rest. I suggest you come and visit him in the afternoon."

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