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Chapter 5: VS golem x spirit watching

a/n1: decided to use <<>> for worlds of the world and <> for sage skills

a/n2: poll 2 result mc will be high-human since quincies are considered high-humans

Riku pov

2 hours after entering the labyrinth

I'm currently walking down a stone hallway in the labyrinth in the Ulg National Park to find the Dwelling of spirits. The only problem was that a lot of the halls are the same, combine that with [illusion magic] and you would be screwed. If I did not have my unique skill [Spirit Sage] making a map and recording it into [archive], I would not know what time it is here or where I'm going.

Then I thought of something that I was curious about that could prove beneficial to the quincies. Hollows are an existence that are poisonous to quincies, if I have [poison resistance] and [spiritaual attack resistance] would I be able to survive having a hollow encroached on my soul?

<Answer. Using information from [archive], If you have the skills [poison resistance] and [spiritual attack resistance] and a hollow were in Encroach on your soul, the chances of survival would be around 45%.>

So even if I did have {poison resistance], theres still a 55% chance that ill die if a hollow were to invade my soul. So much for that idea i guess, if it had worked its like essencially creating antibodies for hollow to help the quincies survive.

<However, if you have the skills [poison nullification] and [spiritual attack nullification] it will prevent a quincies soul from being destroyed by a hollows encroachment. and there is a 50% chance that a quincy would be able to use a hollows powers for themself.>

So with the combination of [poison nullification] and [spiritual attack nullification] it would not only save the quincy from sould decay but also have a chance of them gaining the power of hollowfication?


Well, thats interesting, that would really be helpful to my people but they would need to come to this world and obtain those [nullification] skills. They might get [spiritual attack resistance] when they get to this world like me, but for the [poison resistance] would be very painful.

???: 'kukukukukukukuku'

I start to hear a female voice giggling though what feels like telepathy, but despite that I remain calm and look around to see if I can sense anyone nearby. But I see nothing and still hear the same voice starting to laugh with other childlike voices giggling.

???: 'hahahahahahahahahahaha'


???: 'aw, it's no fun if you don't show your fear.'

Now the voice starts talking to me, so ill try to negotiate with the voice if its who I think it is.

me: "Are you the queen of the spirits? I would like an audience with you to talk about some important things. Would that be possible?"

???: 'Oh? you think I'm the queen of the spirits and seek an audience with me? What an interesting request. Alright I'll grant you an audience but first you have to pass a little test.'

me: "What kind of test?"

After I voiced my reply, the hall shines so brightly that I couldn't see anything at all. When the light died down I saw that the hallway was different from the one I was in before as I was standing on a blue glowing semim see-through platform. I start to walk down the platform until i reach the furthest ledge that to what looked like an empty room.

???: '[Small World]'

When I heard those words, the room changes again to look like a large chamber with what looked like a golem knealing in front of me. The golem started to move until it is standing up straight to get ready for a fight before I ask a question.

Me: "Let me guess, the test is that I have to defeat this tin can?"

???: 'ding ding ding. That's correct.'

Me: "Very well then, I have a fighting style that I've been wanting to try out but didn't have the right opponents to try it on. So this will be the perfect opportunity."

<notice, the subject infront of you is a golem made of magisteel. If you wish to use the reshuryuken style against it, the best way is to use [blut vene] on the entire body while using [blut arterie] on your legs.>

That makes sense to me, after all going against magisteel with flesh without reinforcement would be insane. I also don't Have any [regeneration] skills so I won't heal right away if I get hurt fighting this golem. So I need to be very careful not to sustain to many injuries heavy or otherwise.

???: 'A new fighting style? Do you really think that will be enough to beat my Elemental Colossus? do you? do you?'

me: "we'll see now won't we?"

Once I got into position, the golem rushed at me with its right fist raised ready to punch. The moment it threw its punch, I moved my left arm to block the attack by putting my hand up with an open palm while [blut vene] circulating throughout my body.


The impact of the attack made my left hand slightly numb, but did not hurt as much thanks to [pain resistance]. After catching the golems punch, I moved my left arm with the golems fist to the left then raised my right leg with [blut vene] and [blut arterie] running through it to kick the golem. My kick hit the golems side and pushed it away about 10 feet away from mewhile leaving my leg slightly sore. Feels like a magisteel golem is a bad opponent for close quarter combat, so Ill try the more long range abilities of the reshuryuken style.

So I use [hirenkyaku] to move back from the golem, then I use the surounding magicules into a sphere the size of a soccer ball and have it float above my hand.

Me: "(Resshū Kō Kyū Ha)" I said before dropping the magicule sphere and kick it towards the golem.


When the sphere made contact with the golem, it exploded creating a cloud of smoke that covered a large area. After 2 minutes when the smoke cleared, the golem appeared to have some scuff marks but was largely intact.

So I decided to use another of technique from Sensuis book by forming multiple spheres in the air in front of me and have them converge into one sphere close to the ground.

Me: "(Splinter Reshuryuken)!" I said before kicking the sphere infront of me which became multiple shots the second my kick hit it.

All of those shots went towark the golem and bombarded it until it was knocked to the ground. It seems that was the nail on the head that deactivated the golem and left it largley intact; just needs to buff out the dents a bit.

Me: "Looks like the golems down for the count. So does this mean that I passed your test and we can have our important discussion?"


3rd POV

Spirit realm before battle with the golem started

The spirits are watching what is happening inside the labyrinth to see that their guest is about to fight the Elemental Colossus. The dual elemental spirit of light and darkness (spirit L&D) seemed particularly interested in what Riku is going to do in the fight.

Spirit L&D: "This battle should be interesting. Lets see what he'll do." he said after hearing that Riku was going to test out a new fighting style.

That was when the colossus went towards Riku and punched him but the attack was stopped by his left hand. That surprised the spirits but they were more shocked after seeing Riku delivering a kick with right leg after using his left hand to move the golems arm. This action left the spirits in awe while spirit L&D was intrigued.

Spirit L&D: 'So he blocked using his arms and countered with kicks; but it seems he used some kind of reinforcement otherwise his arm and leg would have been broken from blocking and hitting the golem.' He thought to himself finding this fighting style interesting.

After the golem was kicked back Riku was seen moving backward away from the token to begin his long range attacks. Riku starts gathering magicules into a sphere above his hand that L&D noticed something about his strategy.

Spirit L&D: 'I see, he decide to use long range attacks because he realized the toughness of the golem after the block and counter. That is a smart move if his attack is strong enough.' he thought as rikunwas preparing his attack.

Riku: "(Resshū Kō Kyū Ha)" he said as he dropped the magicule sphere and kicked it toward the golem that exploded on contact.

L&D also found rikus technique interesting using magic and martial arts in this way; he was unsure if anyone in anyone in the cardinal world used such a fighting style before. Meanwhile L&D noticed that riku was then gathering small balls of magicules from the air and have them converge into a sphere floating above the ground.

Riku: "(Splinter Reshuryuken)!" he said kicking the sphere causiing it to split into the same number of profectile as the magiclue balls before they converged into a sphere.

All the projectiles bombarded the golem causing it to deactivate and bring the battle to an end.

Spirit L&D: 'He truly has some interesting ideas. I get the feeling that that last attack was meant for multiple opponents rather then for one-on-one combat. I've decided, I will form a contract with him. I would like to see the road he will take.'

No one in the spirit realm new what he was thinking, and soon the journey of the 'hero of dawn.'

A/n3: let me know what you think comments always appreciated. Also my discord is

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