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Chapter 10:Raiga and Ranmaru!

Sarusakku could be seen rushing through the trees wearing his dragon mask,with SCM(Sora chakra mode) ,he had finished giving tasks to haku and Amaru.Haku would try to find Tsunade's leads and will inform him when she finds her,while amaru is tasked to learn all about the medical knowledge scrools and books he has in his library by robbing konoha and Shinnou.He wanted to make her a medic,and planned to have her alongside Tsunade, shizune,karin,and Sakura,as his medical division of the group.

As for him,he was rushing towards the land of lakes and the land of rivers,which were at the same direction but were seperated by the land of Artisans, and the star village.He planned to first go to the artisans village and get their weapons like jordinio did,before he will leave to kill raiga and ranmaru at the Katabami Gold Mine,as that was his new mission.He even knows that in the land of rivers,there is a big waterfall ,behind which the Taki village is located.He planned to loot it and take fuu with him for his next plan,which was to search the land of lakes and rivers to find isobu.

[Mission generated!It's a multistage mission!

Stage 2:Kill raiga and ranmaru,then recruit someone as your slave.

Reward:2nd part of the modified Excalibur,

Spin pass x1, Evolution potion,

Ranmarus eyes,Portal eyes!]

He was excited for the Portal eyes,which if his guess was correct,will make his plans very easy.Ranmarus eyes will also come in handy, actually ,after killing him he should preserve his eyes and give it to fuu.That will make her stronger and if that chakra hiding ability worked on the bujuu cloak,he could very well have a very powerful comrade who could go in enemy territory and blast them from inside with tail beast bomb.

He shook those thoughts away as he increased his speed,he knew Sora will need time to recharge his chakra,so he was moving as fast as he could while keeping his six eyes active and using multiple body flicker.It was because of this,that he was not afraid of hiruzen and danzo finding about him as he could move to different countries very fast because of the combination of Sora and six eyes.


Sarusakku was silently following a man,in the village of Artisans.He knew that this guy was one of the main villains of the Artisans village arc.After he came near a mansion, sarusakku jumped above the wall while activating faint eyes.He looked around before going inside the mansion.He soon spotted the 4 villains meeting and discussing about how to get their hands on one of the bijju to review seimei.He did not give a crap about them,as he pulled out a kunai and silently killed them.

Then he transformed into one of them,while walking outside and telling one of the guards to leave the mansion alongside all the other servants and take the guards to petrol around the mansion walls,as they will need some privacy and they are afraid of some ninja infiltrating the mansion and hearing their plan.The guard nodded as he left.Sarusakku waited until all the guards were gone,before he went on a robbing spree and looted the entire mansion.Tables,beds,chairs,money,The main weapons from the anime and Jordinio fanfic,chakra ores,chakra blades, everything was taken by him.

After taking everything,he put exploding tags on the mansion and then went outside,and placed more tags around the walls and on the guards.Then he went some distance away,"Art is an explosion,Katsu!"He shouted as the mansion alongside the guards near the mansion exploded!As the people in the village freaked out, sarusakku body flickered away.Sometime later he appeared some distance away from the village.He looked at it before he made a beeline towards the Katabami Gold Mine.


It has been a day since he left the artisans village and was resting on a tree while eating the bento made by haku.He was some kilometres away from the gold mine,but he stopped here to rest as he can't go against raiga until he is at his 100%.After putting the box in his inventory,he activated the six eyes on his left,and archer eyes on his right.He then body flickered towards the gold mine.

Raiga could be seen walking with some people who were walking with a coffin on their shoulders.It would have seemed like a normal burial for their loved one,if not for the fact that their was someone screaming inside from the coffin for help.Just as they were going to reach the cemetery,raiga stopped.He looked at a direction while saying,"You guys,place the coffin down and go back to prepare another one for tomorrow,I have a guest to take care of."As he said that,he took out the kiba blades.The people obeyed and instantly ran away, leaving the coffin behind.Ranmaru, quietly said to raiga,"He has stopped and is now looking at us,he has high amounts of chakra."

Raiga used body flicker and appeared some distance away from a masked man.The masked man looked at him before he put his hand infront of raiga as a blue light emitted from his hand, before,to raigas surprise, Kubikiribōchō appeared on his hand."Kubikiribōchō!Did you kill zabuza?If you did then it would be lovely to fight you and see your funeral!"Raiga said excitedly.

The masked man didn't respond,he just slashed the air infront of him while uttering in a deep voice,"wind release- Vacuum Slash."A giant Slash of wind was sent towards raiga,who dodged while using lightning chakra on his blades.He dashed at him as the masked man pulled another sword from that weird blue light and clashed with him.Amaru told raiga that he was thinking of using a fire jutsu.As raiga was about to make some distance with the masked man,the man used a vacuum Slash again.Raiga was able to shift his body so that the Slash only grazed his shoulder.

He looked at the man,and was shocked to see that the guy somehow bypassed ranmarus eyes and gave him false information!The masked man didn't give him a chance to recover as he body flickered right in front of him while slashing at him.Raiga dodged as ranmaru told him that the masked man was somehow bypassing his ability.Raiga quickly made hand signs,and uttered,"Hiding in mist jutsu."As the mist surrounded the field, ranmaru used his red dust ability to cover raiga as he moved around the field.

Before he could find an angle to strike,The masked man suddenly exploded with purple chakra as a hand came from underneath raiga and grabbed him before another came and took the bag which had ranmaru!As raiga was about to use a replacement,he found out that his chakra was being drained!He knew he could die,so he used almost all his remaining chakra and made lightning come out of his swords which were shot in the sky as a bolt of thunder shot out towards the masked man.

The man put his hand towards the incoming bolt and the dieing raiga watched as a big red arrow around the masked man's size shot out of his hand and pierced the lightning bolt before the bolt changed its direction and slamed at the wooden coffin which was still there.The masked man seemed startled at first before he shook it off as raigas chakra was completely absorbed and he died.

The masked man looked at the dead raiga,before he stored his body for his bounty while taking the kiba blades and storing them in his inventory.He then looked at the bag that was held in his chakra arms,before he made a sealess shadow clone,who opened the bag and brought ranmaru out,who was terrified."W-who are you,why did you kill raiga!"The boy shouted as his eyes glowed scarlet with tears going down his face.

The masked man pulled out a senbon from his inventory, and sent it through ranmarus head at a fast speed, giving the child a painless death.The clone dispeled as the masked man stored ranmaru in a scrool before it disappeared from his hand like the kiba blades,in the blue light.The man looked around before he dispeled the purple cloak and body flickered away.


The masked man arrived some kilometres away from the gold mine,before he took off his mask and sighed,as the mask man turned out to be our MC.Sarusakku had Used Sora's chakra to detect raiga,as Sora had the ability to sense someone's dark thoughts in their heart.And he didn't want to drag the fight so he finished them quickly before they had a chance.He had also bypassed Ranmarus ability by thinking about his attack while letting Sora control his body briefly to give them a shock before attacking.

He made Sora's chakra appear on his hand before he made two clones with that chakra."No.1,your job is to go to the mansion and deliver Ranmarus body to Amaru for study,and also take his eyes and seal them in a jar,when we have Tsunade,we will give those eyes to Fuu.No.2,your job is to find the taki village before dispelling,got it."Sarusakku asked his clones who gave him a salute,before he sent No.1 to the mansion while No.2 disappeared with body flicker.

Sarusakku then deactivated six eyes,as keeping them active can strain him.He then sat on a tree to recover as he had other jobs to do.He looked at a particular direction as one of his main plans was going to need that thing,and if he got everything ready,..."I will be able to transform Sora into a new tailbeast,if I can combine those things and take Soseki's idea from the fanfic,Naruto:Konoha's light."He said as he continued to think of plans to take....

{The one who comments first about the idea of Soseki from Naruto:Konoha's light,You will become the MC of My new Fanfic.}

(Find out next time on Naruto:eye system)

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