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Chapter 9:Avengers Initiative!

[Multistage mission,stage 1 complete!

Host got the following rewards!]

[Spin pass x1]

[Six eyes:The Six Eyes are a pair of bright blue eyes that grant its bearer extrasensory perception. This includes seeing the flow of chakra and nature chakra in extreme detail and the ability to use that flow to understand and copy jutsu's. The eyes also allow the user to learn senjutsu safely.They also allow the user see even when their eyes are closed. They can easily see things from several kilometers away and distinctly tell apart different figures within that range.

The Six Eyes allow for the extremely precise manipulation of chakra, down to an atomic level. This not only allows the bearer to operate high jutsu's needing complex control of chakra, but enables them to process it with great efficiency as well. The amount of chakra loss when a bearer spends chakra to use a jutsu is infinitesimally close to zero, making it impossible for them to run out of chakra normally.]

[A fragment of the modified Excalibur!]

[Evolution potion:let's the user evolve one of his eyes.]

When Sarusakku red the description of the six eyes,he was shocked as these eyes were OP!And when his eyes landed on the modified Excalibur fragment,he was getting dizzy from his shock and happiness,as these things will greatly help in the future!He was very happy,but like any other person,he wanted more gifts.So he quickly used the spin pass!

[The host used the spin pass!Host got the following eyes!]

[Beast taming eyes:A pair of yellow eyes with slits.Lets the user tame any beast the host wants.Can even tame a tail beast!

Weakness:Have to be stronger than the beast or have to beat it till it's unconscious and then use the beast eyes.]

When Sarusakku red the description of beast eyes,he was about to have a heart attack!This was the key he needed to tame the zero tails and other tail beasts!He took out the sealed pot from the scrool he kept in his inventory,and unsealed the zero tails which had woken up and was hissing at him while starting to gather chakra in its mouth. Sarusakku quickly activated beast eyes.A yellow aura surrounded both sarusakku and the zero tails before the zero tails stoped gathering chakra and lowered it's head at sarusakku.

As the aura disappeared, sarusakku cautiously walked towards the zero tails,before reaching out his hand and touching it's head.It nuzzled at his hand.Sarusakku laughed excitedly and quickly tried to order it."Zero tails, from today onwards your name is Sora,which means sky and void!As for your first order,pls give me some chakra."Sora made a humming noise,before purple chakra came out of its body and went inside his body, refilling his chakra!

Sarusakku smiled before taking out a scrool labelled plans and seals for 3 tails from his inventory.He opened it and took out a seal paper,then closed it and stored it back in his inventory.He placed the seal paper on his stomach,as the seal on the paper got ingrained on his stomach.It was the 4 symbol seal.He was trying to create the 8 triagrams seal,but since he had full control over Sora,he did not need to worry about anything.And not only Sora,he planned on taking all the tail beasts and become the jinchuriki of all of them.

He looked at Sora,before saying,"I am gonna need your help in the future to stand at the top of this world.Would you pls lend me your help."Sora growled in confirmation,as sarusakku put his hand on the seal and twisted it,before chains came out of the seal and wrapped around Sora who obediently stayed still.The chains lifted Sora before slowly absorbing him.Sora was soon turned into a purple avatar state before he was completely sealed inside sarusakku who closed the seal.Today,the first jinchuriki of the zero tails was born.

After some time sarusakku took out the evolution potion,before drinking it and thinking of evolving the slave eyes,as he wanted that ability to make one of his most important plans,which he was looking forward to,work.He felt the slave eyes activate on their own,before he felt them become stronger.He took out a mirror from his inventory and saw his new eyes.The snake 'S' has now become two snakes kissing and making a heart shape.

He soon heard the system prompt.

[Slave eyes->Domination eyes!

The left eye has the ability to make the person who looks in the user's eyes,the slave of the user,who would have 100% loyalty to the host and do anything the host wants.Has a cool down of 1 day and can only work on people weaker than the host!

The right eye has the ability to let the user make the people who are stronger than him,his slave,who would have 100% loyalty to the host and do anything the host wants.Has a cool down of 6 months. ]

Jackpot!With the right eye he will get the 5th hokage as his backer soon!And the left eye is also a very good ability!He started salivating a little at the thought of sitting in the hokage's office while Tsunade served him, alongside haku,hinata,shizune,anko,kureni,ino,etc.He laughed a little before coughing as he still had to deal with shinnou and find amaru,while completing the other mission's,which will load in an hour!

He activated the six eyes,as they gave him many cool abilities,one being able to sense chakra signatures to several kilometres and distinguish them.He looked around as he was sure the sky shinobi who were away for mission will surely find his art and report it to shinnou,who will surely rush here,with amaru following him.

He quickly sensed 12 shinobi rushing through the trees towards the exploded fortress,one of them having trases of dark chakra,while there was a weak chakra signature some kilometres away from the shinobi rushing towards here as well.He guessed that they were the sky shinobi left alive,while the person with the trases of dark chakra was shinnou.And the weak chakra was of amaru.

He smiled as he thought of trying these new eyes.He tried to use body flicker and was surprised as he could do it quickly without needing hand signs,with little chakra wasted and used, as he felt that the chakra he spent was quickly recovered,which was so little compared to the amount of chakra he always used for it.In simple terms,he felt that the amount of chakra he needed to use one body flicker before six eyes,now he could use that amount of chakra to use body flicker 100 times!And the ability to use jutsu without handsigns granted by Sora also complemented well with the six eyes!

He quickly spamed body flicker and appeared infront of the shinnou and his minions,who were surprised by his arrival and quickly took a battle stance.Shinnou who was leading them, widened his eyes as he trembled and slowly pointed his finger at him,before uttering,"W-why do I feel my dark chakra leaving me and being absorbed by you!?"

Sarusakku smiled,before saying,"Oh,that belongs to my pet,so sorry but I have to take it back."He said as dark purple chakra appeared on his hand,before he absorbed it.Shinnou trembled before his face turned into anger."IT WAS YOU!YOU WERE THE ONE WHO DESTROYED MY FORTRESS AND TOOK THE ZERO TAILS!"He roared as he ordered his shinobi to attack sarusakku.

Sarusakku looked indifferent at the rushing shinobi before smirking as he felt Sora's emotions,which were telling him that he wanted to fight.He granted his wish,as a purple chakra clock started to manifest around sarusakku with the 4 symbol seals expanding as lines appeared on his cloak.He looked like a purple version of KCM without the magamata symbols.HE LOOKED REALLY COOL AND WANTED SO BADLY TO SHOW OF IN FRONT OF HIS FRIENDS.But he quickly composed himself.Before the shocked shinobi could do anything, purple chakra hands emerged from Sarusakku's body and attacked them.They were punched brutally,slamed against the ground and trees,before sarusakku felt Sora's emotions again,which was asking him if he wanted these people alive.

Sarusakku smiled and said,'Feel free to kill these guys,I have got everything I needed from these guys.'The 11 hands quickly grabbed the down sky shinobi, before they squeezed them tightly as they were killed with 90% of their body turned into paste.Sarusakku saw the chakra in their bodies getting absorbed by Sora.He smirked at yet another useful ability!

He looked at shinnou who was running away,he told Sora that playtime is over.Then he pulled out more of Sora's chakra as the avatar of Sora appeared around sarusakku,before he burrowed himself in the ground.Shinnou who was rushing through the trees to escape felt the ground tremble and before he could do anything,his world turned black,as the avatar Sora bit shinnou and took all of shinnou's chakra before spitting out his body which looked like the appearance he had before he lost control of the zero tails.

The avatar slowly disappeared,as sarusakku was quite satisfied with the results.He then looked at one direction with his six eyes as he saw amaru looking at shinnou's body with a scared face and tears dropping down from her eyes.Sarusakku shook his head and appeared before amaru.Before she could say anything,he looked at her with the domination eyes.


Sarusakku could be seen standing infront of a round table in a room,which looked like it was used by people to make strategies before going to war.Haku and Amaru could be seen standing around the table as well.He looked at them before saying,"Are you guys ready for the grand plan to start".He sounded excited,to which haku and amaru nodded while saying."Yes master,we will always support you in anything you want us to do."

He smiled while looking at the masks on the table before taking his dragon mask he got from the system,while haku took an oni mask and amaru took a cat mask.He placed it on his face as his eyes went through all the eyes he had got so far.He looked at both his servants while declaring,"THE AVENGERS INITIATIVE....STARTS NOW!"After which....

(Find out next time on Naruto:eye system)

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