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Out Of The Pits!

Jenna, a little green half-orc baby, found herself in a rather sticky situation. Her head was stuck in the ground, and her little legs kicked and wiggled in the air as she pushed herself free.

"THE HELL IS HE THINKING!! BIG MEAT HEAD!! THROWING A BABY LIKE THAT!!" Jenna shouted, kicking and flailing her arms.

As she looked around, she saw; she was surrounded by dirt and dead trees. Turning to see the cliff she was thrown from, Far, Far off in the distance, Jenna heard a loud screech from above.

Nervously, she looked up and saw a blackbird, it wasn't an eagle as she first thought.

With wide eyes, she scrambled away, making baby noises.

"IS THAT THING A HUGE FREAK'IN RAVEN!?!?! THE HELL IS EVEN THAT?" she exclaimed, kicking the dirt as she tried to scramble away.

The bird screeched again, and Jenna panicked, crying and wailing as the bird swooped down toward her.

"NOO!!, GET AWAY!! GET AWAY!!" she cried, as the bird collided with her.

The bird's screech was cut short as Jenna grabbed it by the neck, feeling a sharp pain in her thigh from its talons.

They took flight despite the pain, Jenna scratched at the bird's eye, causing it to crash on top of a mound of bones.

After a brief struggle, Jenna strangled the bird in a textbook triangle chokehold, Until the bird lay unconscious, one leg kicking with its tongue hanging out.

Finally, at the bottom of the cliff she was thrown off of, Jenna crawled over bones, mumbling baby gibberish: "The nerve of that guy! throwing me from a cliff and forcing me to fight a DAMN BIRD!!".

Halfway up the cliff, she heard the Blackbird screech again and thought, "DAMN IT!!! WHY CAN YOU DIE!!!" before leaping off the cliff with an "AHHHH!!" in a high-pitched baby battle cry.

The sounds of the bird being choked out echoed once again, and Jenna finally climbed to the top of the cliff. As the sky turned orange with the rising moon, she admired the half-orc village of wigwams. "Whoa, beautiful sight" her eyes shimmered, crawling toward it.

The half-orc tribesmen and women stopped what they were doing, to watch a little baby crawling toward the wigwam she was born in.

"The hell are you guys looking at?" Jenna glared at them, then turned to the two little half-orcs playing nearby, lifting a fist she lunged as if to make them flinch then chuckled.

The two half-orc shrugged their shoulders and kept playing.

Everyone circled the wigwam, as she crawled into it "I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU!" she shouted in angry baby gibberish. Suddenly, she sounded confused. "HEY, PUT ME DOWN! WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS?!"

The half-orc people stared dumbfounded as the huge half-orc carried her out again, marching over to the cliff. "NO! NO! NO! C'MON! DON'T DO THIS!" Jenna shouted gibberish, but like an Olympic athlete, the huge half-orc took one-and-a-half spins before releasing her like a discus.

"SON OF AHHHHH!!!" Jenna's voice faded as she flew further away.

Jenna lay in the dirt, eyes closed, as a loud screech announced the arrival of the blackbird a couple of feet away from her. It hopped closer, eyeing her, and Jenna, with a baby grunt, startled the bird as she grabbed its neck and swung herself on top, riding it like a wild horse. The bird hopped around, nipping at her feet, but Jenna bonked it with a hammer fist, and it took flight.

Struggling to take control, Jenna wrestled with the bird high in the sky, while down below, the tribespeople sat around a bright fire, laughing and talking in their foreign tongue.

The children of the village stood at the edge, watching in awe as the baby wrestled with the bird under the moonlight. They marveled and called her 'Druu-Na-Trall,' which means Bird Rider in their language.

Finally, Jenna gained enough control to fly past the children, narrowly avoiding hitting them. However, she lost control at the last minute, flying through the fire.

She and the bird rolled a couple of feet, and as the huge half-orc stood up, the bird flopped around on fire. Jenna tried to crawl away, but the bird hopped over to her, and they wrestled in a dust cloud, confusing the half-orcs watching.

Jenna gripped the bird's neck tightly as it snapped at her face. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she ground her teeth, trying to think of a way out.

Then, she noticed a twig lying nearby. With quick thinking, she waited for the bird to snap and retreat, "I have to grab it with perfect timing" she thought sneaking a glance. The bird Snapped at her then retreated once more.

Seizing the opportunity, Jenna swiped the twig and drove it into the bird's eye socket and she climbed on top of the bird driving the twig into its other eye socket repeatedly and roaring a high-pitched baby roar! 

Jenna rolled off the bird, holding the twig triumphantly.

She got to her knees, her legs wobbled as she slowly stood up on two legs and stepped on the bird's stomach, huffing and puffing.

As the huge half-orc approached, Jenna pointed the twig at him, "DON'T YOU EVEN DARE THINK ABOUT IT!" she said but all that came out was baby gibberish.

She tossed the twig at his feet and then fell back onto her butt.

The huge half-orc picked her up, and Jenna, almost in tears, muttered gibberish, "Are you gonna throw me again? Fine... I don't care."

With a playful grin, the huge orc threw her high into the air, giving her butterflies. Time seemed to stop for a moment as she soared.

She marveled at the beauty of the moon and the world below. "Everyone looks like ants from up here. What's wrong with this guy? A fall like this would kill me... but so would throwing me a mile out. I didn't even think about it... I was so mad at him and the bird... am I in a fantasy world? That would make me an Orc."

As Jenna was pulled down by gravity, she remembered what God said about a race of half-orcs. The huge half-orc caught her with a smile. "Tuu-Rok," he said, embracing her as the tribe chanted, "TUU!! ROK!! TUU!! ROK!!"

"That's me?.. my name?... Tuu Rok?" Jenna wondered aloud, amazed at the turn of events

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