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Chapter 26: 3 Days Later

These last couple of days Izuku spent going to school and hanging out with Hatsume. And as much as Izuku wanted to deny it, he was starting to look at Hatsume in a different light. It was now Friday and today class 1A were supposed to get some special hero training. Sitting in class Izuku and the rest of the class watched as Aizawa stepped up to the podium, "As you know today is the day you have special training. We will be going to a place called the USJ, or Unforeseen Simulation Joint. This is a rather huge place so three heroes will be joining you, myself, All Might, and a special guest. More information will be provided when we get there. In the meantime go get changed in your hero costumes and meet out in the bus area, the USJ is part of UA but outside it's walls so we'll have to take a bus."

Izuku got up and began to walk towards the locker rooms, but as he did Bakugo threw his arm around him. "So nerd, how are things with the inventor?"

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about Kachan?"

"Don't play dumb with me, these last couple of days you've been looking at her differently. Not to mention you gave her that necklace. You even invited her out for a movie this weekend, that sounds like a date. What gives, you've never acted like this before?" said Bakugo with a smirk on his face.

Izuku blushed slightly, "I just figured I'd start living my life."

Bakugo smiled and patted Izuku on the back, "It's about time, now come on or we'll be left behind."

After changing into their hero costumes Izuku looked inside the bus and noticed there was more than enough room for everyone so people could sit where they wanted. With everyone now on the bus Izuku noticed that his costume felt different, "Huh? Why does the chest piece feel different?" he asked himself. "I wonder if Hatsume made some improvements."

"Hey Midoriya, so your speed is your quirk right?" Asked Kirishima.

Izuku turned and nodded, "Yeah, it's pretty simple but I can do alot with it."

"So is it just called speed, or did you name your quirk something else?" Asked Mina. "Honestly just calling it speed is kind of boring.

"Well can't argue with that, but I just recently got these powers so I don't really have a name for it yet." The bus fell silent. Izuku looked around and noticed his classmates all looking at him. "W-What?"

"What do you mean you just got your powers? Ribbit." Asked Tsu.

"It's like I said, I just barely got them. It's kind of a long story but to sum it up I was struck by lightning, put into a coma for months, and woke up with super speed." Explained Izuku.

"That, that makes no sense." Said Kendo.

"Trust me I know but it's the truth." Said Izuku as he raised his arm and green lightning began to spark.

"Super speed, a good fighter, and good looking. Wow Midoriya, you seem to be the perfect guy." Teased Mina. "You got a girlfriend?"

The question caught Uraraka's attention, Izuku smirked, "Why do you ask Mina? Interested?"

The sudden quip caught Mina off guard but she quickly composed herself, "Oh, maybe. Care to find out?"

Izuku was about to answer but before he could Bakugo smacked him over the head, "What the hell Kachan?"

"No more messing around, or I might just tell Hatsume." Said Bakugo, crossing his arms.

"Ribbit, Hatsume? You mean that pink haired girl?" Asked Tsu. "I thought you two weren't together."

Izuku rubbed the back of his head, "We aren't. Kachan here is just messing with me. But no, I'm not dating anyone, yet."

Uraraka let out a small sigh of relief, "Alright everyone, look alive. We've arrived." Said Aizawa.

The bus stopped and everyone quickly got off the bus and found themselves standing in front of a massive domed building. "UA really doesn't go cheap on stuff huh." Said Izuku as he looked on in awe at the sheer size.

The class then went inside where they found different areas, some had mountains, others collapsed buildings, fires, and even a lake. "Welcome everyone to the USJ." The class turned to find a person wearing a spacesuit.

Uraraka instantly recognized them, "Oh my god! It's Thirteen, she's been my favorite hero since I was a kid."

Izuku smiled, "It's like a dream come true for you huh?" Uraraka blushed.

"Thirteen, where's All Might? He was supposed to meet us here." Asked Aizawa.

The hero put up two fingers, "He used up too much time and is resting in the teachers lounge. But he did say he would be joining us after he recovered enough." Explained Thirteen.

Aizawa sighed, "Of course he did. Well nothing we can do about it now. Let's get this class started."

Thirteen nodded, "Now, as Aizawa has explained this is the USJ. Today you will be conducting rescue operations in unknown terrains and situations. But before we do anything, let me just say something. Quirks are a hero's greatest tool, but it can also be something else, their doom. Heroes have some of the strongest quirks and are considered weapons. And like with any weapon it could be used for defense or offence. Take my quirk for example, Black Hole. I can suck up anything with it and break the target down to its molecular structure. Perfect for rescue missions, but also good at killing someone. That's why we heroes are closely vetted and we are also under a lot of laws."

Izuku looked down at his hands, 'I can hurt someone if I'm not careful too.'

"That's why you must all learn how to adapt and take on any hero assignment." The class clapped as Thirteen finished her speech.

"Good, now that you know what you'll be doing we can finally assign groups. Each will be given a different zone…" however as Aizawa explained he suddenly felt a cold shiver run down his back.

Turning and facing down the plaza, Aizawa's eyes widened when he suddenly saw a black portal opening up in the main plaza. The students all walked over to the edge of the stair and watched as the portal opened up and a large number of people walked out of it. "Are those robots?" asked Kirishima.

He tried to take another step forward but Aizawa put his arm up, "Don't! Everyone step back now! Those aren't robots, those are real…"

"Villains…" said Izuku as they now covered the entire plaza. But that's when a massive creature with a bird face walked out of the portal. Followed by a man with a bunch of hands around his body.

Aizawa then pulled down his goggles and prepared his capture weapon, "Can anyone get a call out to UA?"

Kamanari tried to get a signal but couldn't, "No sir, I can't get anything."

Izuku tried to contact Hatsume through his earpiece but only static was heard, "Damn, nothing over here either."

"Someone down there is jamming any and all signals," said Aizawa. "Thirteen, stay with the kids and get out of here. I'll hold them back as long as I can."

Izuku was surprised, "Don't be an idiot Aizawa, you fight at close range. If you fight this many people at once…"

But Aizawa just smiled, "That's what's wrong with you speed type quirk users, you look at everything too simply." That's when Izuku and the rest of the class watched as Aizawa jumped down the stairs and run towards the villains.

"Come on, let's head to the exit!" ordered Thirteen. The class then all turned and began to run, all but izuku. He stayed and watched Aizawa run down the stairs.

"Come on Midoriya, Aizawa will be fine, we have to trust him." said Uraraka, grabbing him by the arm.

Izuku nodded, "Yeah, alright, fine let's go…"

Down in the plaza the villain with the hands looked around, "Huh, no All Might. The intel said he would be here."

"Shigaraki, all but one of the people we've brought have passed through." explained a man covered in black mist.

"Let me guess it was that one?" asked Shigaraki. The black mist person nodded, "They said they would be here, but remember the one in the green suit is theres, so do not touch him. We will stick to the plan Kurogiri."

However as Kurogiri was about to leave Aizawa jumped and began to run down the stairs towards the villains below. "Who's that!?" asked one of the villains.

"Who cares! Ice him!" That's when three villains pointed their hands at Aizawa. From the looks of things their hands could shoot out bullets. However, before any of them could fire Aizawa activated his quirk, which prevented them from using theirs. "What!?"

Aizawa then came in and wrapped his capture weapon around one, pulling on it he launched himself at the villains head and proceeded to kick them, knocking them out. "It's Eraserhead!" one of them yelled out. "He can erase your quirk just by looking at you."

Shigaraki heard that, "Oh it seems a mini boss has arrived. Kurogiri, take care of the kids. Nomu here will deal with Eraserhead."

Kurogiri nodded and quickly warped away, leaving only the giant bird-faced monster with Shigaraki, "Where the hell is the other person, they should be here by now."

Back with Izuku, he and the rest of the class were just a few meters away from the exit when a black mist portal appeared in front of them. "Unfortunately I can't let you leave. Sorry for the late introductions, the name is Kurogiri and we are from the League of Villains. We are here to kill All Might, but it seems like he's not here. Oh well, I have a role to play and you are nothing but pawns."

Thirteen was about to activate her quirk when Bakugo and Kirishima jumped at the villain. Kirishima activated his hardening quirk and Bakugo fired an explosion. The entrance was filled with smoke, "Damn it Kachan, you should have waited!" said Izuku as he shielded his eyes.

Bakugo and Kirishima both thought they got the villain but they were wrong, "The hero students live up to expectation. But you should have been more careful."

"You two, get out of the way!" yelled Thirteen. Both students jumped out of the way, raising her hand Thirteen activated her quirk, "Black Hole!"

From her fingers the hero began to suck up the black mist, "Cleaver, but you'll have to do better than that to beat me!"

Opening a portal in front of the hero Kurogiri caused Thirteen's own quirk to open up behind her and rip her back to shreds. "NO!" yelled the class as Izuku rushed to catch the hero.

"With the hero down I can move onto the next stage of the plan. Now begone!" Activating his quirk Kurogiri began to blanket the entirety of class 1A in a black mist.

Izuku shielded his eyes but it was now or never he needed to act, 'I need to get everyone out of the mist.' with green lighting jumping off his body Izuku flexed his legs and began to run. First he got Thirteen out of the mist, followed by Kendo, Sato, Mina, Shoji, and Uraraka.

However as he ran back for the rest they suddenly began to slip through the portal, Izuku reached out to grab someone's hand but by the time he got there it was too late. "Damn it!"

"Oh, what's this? You saved that many and yourself. You must be the speedster the other one was talking about. If you were able to save that many then you might interfere later, so I'll just get rid of you now!" Kurogiri once again activated his quirk. But before he could even get close to Izuku, Shoji pounced on the villain.

Shoji held the mist villain in place, "Midoriya you have to go! You're the fastest in the class, go warn the teachers on the main campus." said Mina.

"But I just can't leave you guys here," said Izuku.

"Don't worry about us, just go!" ordered Uraraka. "If you don't go we'll be dead, now go. Run Midoriya, run!"

Seeing no other option Izuku pulled his mask over his face, his body then began to spark green lightning as he took a step forward. In a flash Izuku took off towards the exit, within a second he made it to the door but found that it was closed. Izuku tried to pry open the door but couldn't, but that's when things started to go bad.

Kurogiri saw Izuku and broke free from Shoji's grasp, "Don't let him near Midoriya!" yelled Uraraka.

The remaining students began to use their quirks to slow the villain down, but slowly but surely he began to creep on Izuku. Still struggling with the door Izuku got an idea, "I sure hope this doesn't break my hands."

Placing both hands on the metal door Izuku focused his speed on his hands and began to hit the metal door with his fingers repeatedly. Normally this wouldn't do anything but with Izuku's speed it was a different story.

At super speeds the vibrations were causing his hands to emit a specific frequency and hopefully he could pull it off. "Come on, I need to go faster!" as he said that the metal doors began to shake violently.

"No! He's going to escape!" yelled Kurogiri as he began to blanket Izuku with his mist.

However, just as his portals were about to reach Izuku, the metal door exploded. Pieces of said door came flying at the villain causing him to fall back, "Yes! I got it!" said Izuku as he now had a clear view of the outside. "I'll be back with help, so don't go dying on me you hear!"

With that Izuku took off leaving nothing but his green lightning behind, "One got away, but I can at least make sure none of you do as well. Opening a portal above the entrance Kurogiri dropped a large boulder from the landslide area preventing the others from leaving. "Now I need to go tell Shigaraki the bad news."

With Izuku, as soon as he felt the affected area his communications came back online, "Midoriya, you there? Midoriya?"

Izuku was surprised, "Hatsume?"

"Oh thank goodness, I saw your signal go dark and began to worry. What happened?" asked Hatsume.

"Villains, they are attacking the USJ now. I escaped and am heading towards the main campus now." said Izuku.

"Villains! Go to the teachers lounge, there should be tons of heroes there. I'll tell Power Loader too, maybe we can help." said Hatsume.

"No! Don't come over here, I don't want you getting hurt. Tell Power Loader but that's it." said Izuku as he passed UA's gates. "Hold on, I just made it to the school."

Running through the main building Izuku found the teachers lounge, bursting through the door he found only All Might and Nezu. "Midoriya? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Aizawa and Thirteen at the USJ?" asked All Might.

"No time for that, the USJ is under attack by villains. We need help." said Izuku in a panic.

Nezu stood up, "All Might get to the USJ, I'll have the other teachers meet you there."

All Might nodded, "Got it, Midoriya stay here this is going to get dangerous."

However Izuku refused, "Not a chance, my friends are in danger so I'm going back. Now hurry up before I leave you behind."

Nezu didn't have time to argue with Izuku, "Fine, but listen to what All Might tells you."

Izuku nodded, "Let's go."

The two then ran out of the building, and towards the USJ. As they were running All Might couldn't help but notice that Izuku was running ahead of him, 'He's so fast,'

Izuku looked back to All Might, "Hurry it up old man!" yelled Izuku.

But as he looked back up he suddenly got a communication from Hatsume, "Midoriya, are you almost back at the USJ?"

"Almost, just a few more seconds, why?" asked Izuku.

"I managed to hack into the cameras and turn them back on, things aren't good. Your teacher, he's badly hurt." said Hatsume.

Izuku's eyes widened, "We aren't going to make it. Thanks Hatsume, keep me posted." he then looked back to All Might. "We have to hurry, Aizawa is hurt."

"Then I suggest we go plus ultra," said All Might.

Smiling Izuku nodded, "Time to kick it up a notch then,"

With more green lightning jumping off of his body Izuku began to pull away from All Might. That's when the USJ began to come into view, "We're here guys, I made it."

However, as Izuku was a few hundred meters away, he got another message, "Midoriya! Help, it's them, they are here! The person in the red lightning it's…." it was Hatsume and she sounded distressed. She was about to tell Izuku who the person in the red lightning was when she was cut off.

Izuku was about to say something when another voice came through the comms, but this one was distorted, "Hello Izuku, it's been a few days. Did you miss me?"

Izuku's blood ran cold, it was the person in the red lightning, "You!"

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