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18.75% MHA: The Green Blur / Chapter 9: Two Weeks Later, UA Entrance Exam

Chapter 9: Two Weeks Later, UA Entrance Exam

Izuku, Hatsume, and Bakugo all stood in front of UA's massive gates, "They are a lot taller than I expected." Said Izuku as he admired them.

"I wonder what they are made of! Do you think it's titanium? Or some sort of metal alloy?" Asked Hatsume.

Bakugo groaned, "Let's just go inside already, hearing you two talk about this stuff is going to kill me."

Izuku shrugged, "Way to kill the mood Kachan, but he's right, we should head in, the exams are starting soon."

As they walked inside Izuku was mesmerized by the school, this was what he wanted, a chance to prove himself. Looking to his right Izuku didn't see another person walking, crashing into them he accidentally knocked them down. Finally realising what he did Izuku panicked, "I-I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention, are you alright? Here let me help you up."

Reaching out, Izuku offered the person a helping hand, the person grabbed his hand, "No, it's fine, I wasn't paying attention either."

Izuku helped the person up and noticed it was a girl with short brown hair, brown eyes, and pink blushes around her cheeks. 'This girl, she's the one I saved from those two thugs.'

With Izuku's help Uraraka stood up, "Thanks for that." she said with a smile.

Izuku nodded, "No problem, glad to see you're not hurt."

"Yeah! I wouldn't want to start the exams on a bad note. Anyway I'll be going now, maybe I'll see you inside." with that Uraraka waved and walked towards the check in station.

Izuku watched as Uraraka walked away, "So are you done gawking?" asked Bakugo.

"W-What? I wasn't gawking!?" said Izuku, blushing slightly.

Bakugo smirked, "Right, listen Deku, I'm no expert but I don't think you should flirt with other girls. You wouldn't want your girlfriend to get jealous."

Izuku rolled his eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you Hatsume is not my girlfriend."

"When did I say it was Hatsume?" asked Bakugo. Izuku turned and stared at Bakugo, "Alright alright, relax. Well you're lucky she wasn't paying attention."

Izuku turned to find Hatsume had gotten back to the gate and was actually inspecting it. "Oh for goodness sake, Hatsume!"

After dragging Hatsume back she went off to take the entrance exam for the support department, while Izuku and Bakugo went to the stand for the hero exam. Given a number Izuku was instructed to go to a room to take the written part of the exam. The test would consist of 50 questions on basic hero law and other hero related things. They had 30 minutes to finish the test, normally someone would take the full 30 minutes to finish. If you were smart enough, you would finish in 20, but not Izuku, as soon as he picked up the pencil he went straight to work.

Izuku was already smart but now he had a super brain that can process information tens of thousands of times faster than a normal can. It's how he managed to finish the school work he missed when he was in a coma.

5 minutes, that's all it took for Izuku to finish the test. He would have finished it faster but he wanted to make sure he got all of the questions right so he kept going back and checking. The people who were watching the students were perplexed, "H-How did you do that?" they asked.

Izuku just answered with, "I think fast."

They didn't understand what he meant but they let him wait in the other room until the next part of the exam.

30 minutes later everyone was ushered into a theater. Izuku looked around to see so many people, "Woah, there's a lot more people than I thought there was going to be."

Taking a seat next to Bakugo the lights in the theater suddenly went dark, all but the ones on stage. From behind the podium a man with a speaker around his neck appeared, "Alright everyone! How are we doing today!? Welcome to UA's entrance exam, my name is Present Mic and I'll be explaining the practical part of this exam. So can I get a YEAH!"

Silence, "Wow tough crowd. Anyway, onto the explanation. You will all be separated into groups and placed in one of our replica cities. There you will fight robots, each robot will have a number painted on it. There are 3 types of robots, each worth 1, 2, or 3 points." Explained Present Mic as images of robots appeared behind him.

That's when a hand shot up, "Yes, you with the glasses, you have a question?"

With his hand raised a boy with blue hair and glasses stood up, "Yes, the brochure says there are 4 robots."

Present Mic pointed at the boy, "I was getting to that. There is one more robot, this one is worth zero points so try to avoid it. The more robots you destroy the more points you get, simple enough right? Oh right one more thing, you can use your quirks as you please. But don't use them to hurt anyone or you'll be disqualified. Alright, let's get this show on the road."

Izuku got up and grabbed a number, this was going to be his designated area. UA also allowed the examiners to change into something more comfortable. As Izuku was about to go change Bakugo stopped him, "Look, I really don't want you getting hurt, so if you're in danger, just run away."

Izuku smiled, happy that his friend was worried, "It's going to be fine, Kachan. Look if I don't get into UA I'll give it up, everything. Deal?"

Bakugo sighed, "Alright fine deal, try not to die Deku."

"I don't plan on it." Said Izuku as he turned to leave.

After getting changed Izuku now stood in front of a massive replica city with tall walls surrounding it. "UA doesn't go cheap on things huh."

Izuku wore a special green shirt and black shorts that Hatsume whipped up to handle his speed. They looked like regular clothes so it helped Izuku, 'If I go all out in the beginning I can destroy all of the robots, but that will leave none for the others. Maybe I should wait until everyone's gone.'

Looking around Izuku found the girl he bumped into, she had her hand on her chest and was breathing in and out slowly. "She looks nervous, maybe I should go talk to her."

Izuku began to walk over to the girl but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. "What do you think you're doing?" Asked the boy with blue hair. "Don't think you could go around talking to people. She's concentrating, leave her be."

Slightly annoyed, Izuku slapped the boy's hand off of him, "What is it to you? Mind your own business, besides, I wasn't going to distract her. If you pay attention, she is nervous, and I thought talking to someone would calm her down."

With that Izuku walked away from the boy and towards Uraraka. "Hey, you alright?" He asked, stopping behind her.

Uraraka turned around, "Yeah I'm good, just nervous is all."

"I get it, I'm pretty nervous as well. But, if we do our best we won't have any regrets right?" Said Izuku with a smile.

Uraraka nodded, "You're right! If we do our best we are sure to get it in. Thanks for this, I feel a lot calmer now."

"Glad I could help." Said Izuku.

"Alright everyone, it's almost time." Said Present Mic from the top of the lookout tower. "Remember, you can use your quirks as much as you want, but don't use them to attack people. The exam will have a 10 minute limit, once it hits zero the exam is over."

That's when the doors to the city opened up, much to the surprise of everyone. Nobody moved a muscle, "Well, what are you waiting for? There's no starting buzzer in real life, Go!"

Everyone took off at a run towards the city, well everyone but Izuku. He stayed behind, "Hey kid, aren't you going to go?" Asked Present Mic.

Izuku nodded, "I am, I just want to make sure everyone has a chance."

"A chance? A chance of what?' asked Mic confused.

Izuku then sat down on the ground, "A chance for everyone to get points."

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