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66.22% A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord / Chapter 100: The Beginning of a Duel

Chapter 100: The Beginning of a Duel

In the midst of a slaughter not seen in hundreds of years, possibly even thousands of years, Souei finally landed in front of Rimuru.

"Rimuru-sama! Silviana has called for your aid!" Souei was kneeling in front of Rimuru who was sitting at a banquet table, the various higher echelon nobles of Dwargon sitting to the sides of the table as Gazel sat at the opposing head of the table to Rimuru.

"Souei-san...! What has happened?" He dropped his utensils down to the plate, discarding all decorum and etiquette in favour of conversing with Souei. Gazel facepalmed slightly as he listened on in interest.

"An army from Falmuth has moved into the forest of Jura, as we speak they are most likely a day or two from the capital city. I do not know the current status of the city but it is possible we are already fighting." Rimuru stood up in an instant, Ranga emerging from his shadow and leaping out to a large open space to the right-side of the banquet table. At the same moment Shion stood up from her seated position next to Rimuru, hefting her sword that was placed within her shadow.

"We have to go back Rimuru-sama!" He nodded at her before looking at Gazel, his right hand coming up behind his head in awkwardness.

"Ah, I am sorry Gazel-san... I have to go back to my nation quickly. Please excuse me."

"Indeed. Dwargon shall send our Pegasus Knights in rapid response to our allies, Tempest. Dorf, you shall head there immediately!" Gazel boosted his voice across the room as all of the nobles entered hush conversations, their gazes held on Rimuru who was at this moment a bit stupefied by the immediate aid that was given. Seeing his expression the king immediately drew attention back to himself, his casual noble clothing swaying between his legs with the momentum he used to stand.

"Yes my king!"

"Good. Rimuru, our pegasai can reach the capital of your nation in a little under two days. Can you get there faster or do you wish to travel via our support?"

Snapping from his surprise Rimuru nodded deeply, worry coating his expression as he envisioned the destruction and death that could occur in his absence. Having the best confidence in Silviana wasn't enough o dissuade his worries, as she had planned, and thus he felt a deep sensation of anger and retributive malice. Now, as Rimuru usually did, he buried those feelings of anger in favour of a more hopeful and positive outlook.

"Yes! We have to go as quickly as possible."

And in such a manner the two men rushed into preparation, Gazel spending ten minutes to get fully donned with the royal plate armour that he usually sported on a day-to-day basis. Similarly Rimuru spent this time asking Souei questions. From numbers, to defences that Tempest had to even the speculation of Souei with regards to the survivability of the Capital and its people. Although brief the time was well spent with Souei quickly catching Rimuru up on integral details, the four Tempestians gathering within a large hall where Gazel would soon appear.

"We'll get there Rimuru-sama! We should trust in Silviana-san!" Not even noticing the oddity in her statement at that moment Rimuru nodded in affirmation of her words, his mind and his Great Sage pumping away at multiple different facets of the entire event based off the info he had recieved.

|Likelihood that Silviana had sent you away on purpose is 40-60%, it is also probable that it was a pure coincidence|

'Knowing SIlviana and the fact she is from the future of my world, she knew, and she distanced me by manipulating my feelings...'

|Likelihood of malicious intent is 0-2%, it is unlikely that this move, if you are certain it was manipulated by her, was negative towards you. In fact, probability suggests that the individual Silviana is protecting you in some manner from a danger she perceived or perceives.|

'... T-this s so frustrating! Why can't she just trust me...?!'


'Wait, what if she is doing the killing so I don't have to? We did discuss becoming a Demon Lord in future... Which i denied... What if it is necessary and she is trying to remove all of the moral guilt I would have?'

|It is likely that your hypothesis is correct|

'That just makes me even more frustrated, If i need to become it why didn't she say something and why does she need to take those lives if I was the one that needed to become a demon lord?'

|Unknown. Interference from %^&# $(@%#- is interrupting my computing in such a space. Ascension to Demon Lord would be necessary for the locks to be overcome|

'... What the....?'

"Let's go!" Gazel walked into the room with a heavy gait, his sabatons clinking against the marbled floors of the antechamber before the Pegasai stables. Snapping from his thoughts Rimuru chased after the tall man, Shion and Ranga merging into Rimuru's Shadow as Souei became one with the shadows, his form half-way between corporeal and incorporeal. 

"I will direct you all away from a major threat in the forest. Please trust me." Rimuru nodded as Gazel gazed deeply at the Ninja, his nod of approval coming a few belated seconds later as his own 'shadow' emerged behind him and whispered something.

"The fighting has begun and the army of Falmuth is suffering heavily... The amount of death within a single hour has reached 200,000 and above. We must fly with alacrity!"

Within a single minute hundreds of Pegasai were exiting large 'hanger' doors made of carved marble in the side of the capital's mountain, white horses and wings fluttering in the wind as blue horse armour gleamed amidst the nigh-on mid-day sun.


Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the main battlefield of Tempest, three individuals currently walked in the direction of the capital of the Jura-Tempest Federation.

"Hey Kyoya?"

"Yeah Shogo...?"

"Why are we havin such problems with a puny slime and their shitty little goblins?"

The brown haired and brown eyed teen shrugged as his petulant face and cocky grin soon took over, his emotions evident across his entire appearance. 

"Because they are useless... Heh."

"I fuckin thought so." Shogo, a spikily black-haired teen looking around the age of 17 smiled evilly as his neck cracked from excessive stretching. At the same time in the background a typical Japanese school girl from an anime chewed gum and boredly gazed out towards the battlefield, watching as men were slaughtered like lambs. Her mood didn't even flutter or fluctuate as her eyes soon lazily flicked over to Shogo.

"Don't ya think we should help them kill some of them peeps?"

"...We can't because of that pig Razen! GOD I wish I could throttle him sometimes..." He said it huskily as if savouring the thought in a pleasurable manner, almost sexual by the look upon his face. The more depraved thing about it was the manner in which his companions expressed their acceptance, familiar depraved expressions washing over them too.

"Huuu... Just thinking about it..."

"Enough. That is quite enough." The same man that had sat opposite of the King of Falmuth stepped out of invisibility, his older form standing six foot tall now as his robes floated around him. By sheer Magicule amount he far surpassed all of the three, their power in Magic being lesser to a great extent and the energy they had gained from transference to this world being long consumed into the skills they held.


"Silence. You are to attack the leaders of the defence, draw them out at any cost." Anger and excitement simultaneously flashed over the teen's faces as Shogo, being the poster boy of the trio, yelled out the question that was burning in all of their minds.


Razen clapped his hand and made Shogo kneel, the young man struggling with all his might, the muscles on his arms flexing in pain as nerves were exposed for everyone to see beneath his skin.

"I said Silence. Must I teach you lessons again like you are a child?" Shogo's teeth ground against one another as the Mage slowly moved his sight away from the brat, the sight of the magical defences of Tempest drawing out a greed within his eyes. Never had he seen magic like this before and the magic he had seen, was never constructed in this manner.

"Follow the orders. That is all." With a flick of his wrist he merged with the environment, is body no longer visible and his power all but untraceable. Shogo roared upwards with all of his strength at once, the air blowing harder then before as his sheer effort translated into drafts within a kilometre radius.



"Silvi, there is a robed man standing at the outer edge of your protective shield." My head snapped in her direction as I hadn't felt his presence at all, the spell cast over him of a nature I had not yet experimented with.

"Sneaky, fucker." Now with my attention solely on him I could feel the intrusions he was fostering within my magic, slight cracks within the flows of Magicules that would lead to gaping holes within an hour or two. I wasn't going to take this lightly however as I knew that that was in and of itself a bad prospect for our defence. But also, this was the arch-mage Razen. A mage who could use Nuclear Magic and mildly entertain Diablo for a few seconds, I needed to be utterly ruthless.

Taking a deep breath from the bottom of my lungs my eyes flashed and my entire being merged with the shadow around me. My semblance was rarely used but now that I needed quick and efficient transport it would serve as the quickest and easiest method of fighting the man. Limbs fading to shadow before the rest did I morphed into a mist-like substance of matter that flew through the sky. Much like the apparated forms of Witches and Wizards in Harry Potter I whizzed through the sky, dodging stray arrows and the light battering of arcane forces from Falmuth's Army. Between multiple close calls and the small moment where an arcane blast struck the side of my 'mist-form', I easily landed on the exact opposite side to the arch-mage of Falmuth.

Once landed the mist slowly made way for my physical form, the substance slowly flowing off and down my limbs until it was gone. Open eyes stared back at mine as we sized each other up, his eye twitching as he noted the elven ears. I knew he could possibly mistake me for a Sorcerer-Nation Mage and thus I revealed the elven lineage of mine to stun him long enough to attack, a move I had just completed a second before he got stunned.

A mass of glowing black and grey orbs struck out, the Missiles of Chaos ripping out into reality and shredding anything in their path as they pelted into the robes of Razen, an arcane shield of considerable power projecting outwards only to fail in an instant. Blood splashed delicately against the dirt as I unloaded my second volley, his eyes immediately becoming enraged.


"Victory is king, stop talking." The next volley unloaded right towards him as his hands began to create stretched bands of electricity that crackled with intense heat and plasma.

"I see... Then you shall not receive any mercy."

'Why the fuck is he yapping?' The Missiles struck, ice, flame, lightning, space and a multitude of different effects taking place at once as his spell unleashed.




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