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96.55% HP: A Country's Dark Legacy / Chapter 53: Meeting Grindelwald and skipping time

Chapter 53: Meeting Grindelwald and skipping time

After the very intense events in Ecuador and a short break he took to calm down and process everything (it wouldn't do him any good to continue when he isn't at peace with his mind), Sebastian drowned himself in strict training and also further continued his studies, where he focused mostly on spell creation and assassination. His effort continued over months, as he refined and practiced his skills, as to help prepare for the upcoming challenges, so to speak. He wouldn't be in the world in a book series if he didn't have to confront some challenge every now and then, like the past one and a half years. The only noteworthy thing in the meantime was his 13th birthday, which he celebrated with his friends at school, a welcome break amidst all the terror.

Near the end of April, Sebastian returned to school, ready to once again continue throwing himself into various difficult courses. Among those was a fascinating and challenging subject: fire magic. Sebastian had quickly become fascinated by the history, spells and understanding of this kind of magic, and it was the most ancient kind of magic. The first magical humans, at that time the leaders of their tribes, mimicked the power of lightning to produce fire, which led to the existence of the first human flame throwers. Luckily, Sebastian was also fortunate to get personal training from Professor Krieg, who focused on heat and was therefore very knowledgeable about fire and all its intricacies.


Under Professor Krieg's firm teaching, Sebastian also learned several new fire combat spells. One of them, and the first of those he learned, "Incendio Serpens", conjured a large, serpent dragon of fire, roughly the size of a Fiat 500, that could be sent towards enemies or obstructions. This fiery serpent was not only capable of causing severe burns (or outright burning everything to ashes) but also possessed a very limited form of sentience, which allowed it to track and follow targets over short distances on its own. The spell Sebastian favoured the most, "Ignis Scutum", created a barrier of flames around the caster, but with a catch. This Inferno Shield, as it was called, could swirl and absorb weaker incoming attacks and shoot them in random directions, and it even launched fireballs at nearby enemies while active, but this was hard to control. All in all, it was an amazing spell.

As Sebastian's combat spell repertoire grew, Professor Krieg advised him to aim higher and to create Battle Mage level spells with his help, that firstly made use of his high affinity for fire, while he should also try to include aspects of light. Fast forward and endless hours of extensive studying and experimentation later, he succeeded in creating two spells he could call his own. The first, "Luminis Solaris", fused some aspects of the powers of fire and light, and channels sunlight into a powerful, focused beam of coherent light of adjustable wavelength. This beam can cut through materials and burn targets, while the accompanying flash disorients and temporarily blinds enemies This makes the spell fit to use it as both offence and crowd control. The second, "Lux Ignis", was designed specifically for Sebastian's staff. This spell surrounded the staff in a fire 'aura' and a concentrated beam of light focused on one nanometer. Each strike delivered with the staff releases small flame explosions of flame and something akin to a very concentrated, short-range laser, which causes damage to opponents and is especially strong against shields, as a small disruption can sometimes destroy the shield.


With these new abilities, Sebastian continued his training under Professor Krieg until the school year ended in early August.




After the school year ended, Sebastian was called to the Ministry for a meeting with the Minister and Professor Krieg. Upon arriving by portkey, he found himself in a grand office with large paintings and rich luxurious accessories, where the Minister sat behind a large oak desk, with Professor Krieg standing nearby.

"Sebastian, please take a seat. We have much to discuss.", said the Minister with a pleased smile on his face.

"Thank you, Minister.", Sebastian said respectfully before taking a seat.

"First, let me congratulate you on your impressive accomplishments this past one and a half years. Your performance in the two tests was exceptional, and your accomplishments during the group exercise were stellar. You again and again demonstrated both your intellectual prowess and combat abilities, as well as your high talent. And let me tell you, we value you a lot.", the Minister continued while smiling.

"Thank you, Sir. I've worked very hard.", Sebastian replied shortly, as he thought back to the second 'test' with a bit of anger, although not a lot, they were correct after all.

"Indeed, you have. Your actions during the Ecuador mission played a significant role in getting our attention and transferring your information.", the Minister said, "Your quick thinking and decisive actions during the ambush on Fierro's base were commendable and not many of our Aurors would be able to accomplish the same. You not only neutralized key targets but also secured vital intelligence beforehand, which helped turn the tide in our favour by filtering out a few spies."

"Sebastian, your dedication and skill have truly set you apart from the normal students and let's not even start with those not even qualifying for the advanced school.", added Professor Krieg.

The Minister leaned forward, "This brings us to the main reason for this meeting. Grindelwald has taken a keen interest in you, Sebastian. He has requested that you become his student for the rest of the summer holidays, as he offered at the beginning of the school year."

"Grindelwald? But why me?" asked Sebastian, surprise apparent on his face.

"Your actions in Ecuador were just the beginning.", the Minister explained, "You demonstrated not only magical power but also leadership and strategic thinking on your later missions. The way you handled the first test in the forest was stunning, to say the least. Not a single was as ruthless and at the same time as reluctant with using dark spells, as you were!"

"And in the second test, you showcased that under pressure, you would sacrifice part of yourself to help a friend.", added Professor Krieg, "The fire spells were a test as well, and to say the least: You aced with flying colours. Your high talent for charms and fire magic, coupled with your family's magical talent for hunting and your special ability with light make you a unique and valuable student."

Sebastian nodded, understanding the significance of their words, but it didn't fully register, was he so impressive? "I see. What exactly does Grindelwald want to teach me?"

"Mister Grindelwald is known for his mastery of advanced magical techniques, mostly ancient and deadly, and also his strategic mind and his very own kind of occlumency.", the Minister said. "He believes that with his guidance, you can improve your abilities even further and learn skills that few others have. He was particularly impressed by your creation of the 'Luminis Solaris' spell. Similarly, your 'Lux Ignis' spell, designed for your staff, demonstrated a sophisticated blend of offensive and defensive magic, which proved even more that you are ready for his teaching."

"This is a great honour. I won't let you down.", Sebastian finally said earnestly, after listening to the possibilities and their reasoning.


"We do not doubt that Sebastian.", the Minister assured him. "Prepare yourself; this will be a challenging but rewarding experience."

"Remember, Sebastian, this is an opportunity to learn from one of the greatest!", Professor Krieg added. "Use this time wisely and continue to push your limits, even more so than you did with me."

"I will, Professor. Thank you both for this opportunity."

"Very well. You will begin your studies with Grindelwald next week. Make the most of it, Sebastian." the Minister concluded.


After the intense meeting at the Ministry, Sebastian spent the rest of the week preparing for his studies under Grindelwald. By the beginning of the next week, he found himself at the imposing castle of Nurmengard, where his summer training would take place.


The weeks that followed were a fast whirlwind of rigorous training and intense study. Nurmengard, with its ancient stone walls and vast, echoing halls, became both his classroom and his battleground (and unluckily also torture chamber). Grindelwald himself was a (VERY!) demanding yet insightful teacher and pushed Sebastian to new heights.


Sebastian's days were filled with lessons in advanced magical theory, combat techniques, and spellcraft. Grindelwald taught him complex incantations and powerful charms that few others could master. One of the first spells he learned was "Tempus Frangit", a powerful charm that could momentarily slow down time around oneself, giving him a tactical advantage in battle. Another was "Umbra Ignis", a spell that created a shadowy flame capable of consuming magical energy, rendering all non-elemental enemy spells ineffective if hit with it.

Grindelwald also imparted his knowledge of alchemy and magical experiments. Sebastian learned to create potions and elixirs that enhanced his abilities, and he studied the principles behind Grindelwald's various experiments. This included understanding how to manipulate magic in a more precise manner and how to infuse objects with his own power and many more skills that would be invaluable in both combat and everyday life.


But it wasn't just practical skills that Grindelwald taught. Sebastian was also introduced to Grindelwald's ideology and vision for the future of the magical world, just that he could understand his reasoning and history, not that he would be a racist now. He listened to lectures on the importance of magical supremacy and the need for wizards to take their rightful place as leaders of both the magical and non-magical worlds, and Grindelwald's charisma and conviction were compelling, and Sebastian found himself contemplating these ideas deeply.

Throughout August, Sebastian's training intensified. He practised duelling with some of Grindelwald's most skilled followers, improving his combat skills and learning to anticipate and counter a wide range of deadly magical attacks, because this was what training was like! Deadly! He also perfected the spells he had created earlier and incorporated them into his combat style with greater efficiency and power through quick, wandless casting.


By the end of August, Sebastian had transformed in more than one aspect. He was no longer just a promising student and a killer; he had become a formidable young wizard with a vast array of skills and knowledge.




On Sebastian's last day at Nurmengard, he stood before Grindelwald in the study. The room was dimly lit, with the flickering light of torches casting long shadows across the ancient tomes lining the walls, many of which were stolen from old families. Grindelwald, still tall and imposing, stood by the window. His platinum hair, styled meticulously, contrasted sharply with the dark, worn robes he wore. His piercing blue eyes held a mix of intensity and fatigue, and his presence was both regal and broken but the lack of magic in his body, all sacrificed for the ritual he prepared with old Dumb-Dumb.


"Sebastian, your time here has come to an end, but your journey is far from over.", Grindelwald said mysteriously, sometimes he just loved playing the Gandalf. He turned to face Sebastian with an air of both authority and weariness. "I have a new mission for you, one that aligns with your recent training and our broader goals."


"What is it, Sir?", Sebastian asked, his curiosity piqued. It wasn't so often you were sent on a task by Grindelwald himself!

Grindelwald's eyes narrowed as he began to speak. "Dumbledore has initiated an International Student Exchange Program at Hogwarts. It's a seemingly benign project, inviting students from various countries to study at Hogwarts and fostering international relations and understanding, typical white wanker stuff. But Dumbledore is never without ulterior motives."

"What do you think he's planning?", Sebastian asked, now more than ever aware of Dumbledore's past.

Grindelwald's expression darkened. "Dumbledore is a master strategist, always several steps ahead. This exchange program serves multiple purposes. First, it allows him to scout and possibly recruit talented young wizards and witches from around the world. He's looking for allies, individuals who might support his vision of the future."

Sebastian nodded, understanding the implications. "So, it's a way for him to build a network."

"Precisely!" said Grindelwald, pacing slowly, his hands clasped behind his back. "But there's more. Dumbledore wants to keep an eye on potential threats, and what better way to do so than by inviting them into his own school? You cannot not send your best talents! For countries aside from the big few, it is a god-sent opportunity for learning! It's espionage under the guise of education. He'll be watching you, and others like you, closely."

"Do you think he's also trying to create relationships that could benefit their Champion, Harry Potter?", Sebastian asked, thinking back to the books and all the small challenges on Harry's way. "Perhaps allies that could support him?"

Grindelwald's expression softened momentarily, then hardened again. "Yes, Dumbledore has always placed a great deal of importance on Potter. He sees him as a key piece in his grand plan to shape the future. By creating relationships with powerful young wizards, he hopes to create a support system for Potter, ensuring that when the time comes, he has allies ready to stand by his side. Although he also wants to make him the next High War Wizard, and who wouldn't, given Harry's talent? I am sure, that he should be close to being a skilled Hit Wizard by now!"

"And you want me to go as a representative of Germany and Austria?", Sebastian asked to confirm his suspicions, as he pieced it together.

"Yes.", Grindelwald confirmed, stopping to look directly at Sebastian. "You will be our eyes and ears at Hogwarts. But more than that, you will be a symbol of our strength and capability. Dumbledore will undoubtedly try to sway you to his cause, but you must remain steadfast. Remember what you've learned here, the truths we've uncovered together."

"What if Dumbledore tries to manipulate me?", Sebastian asked, deeply concerned for his own body. Maybe he should do a surgery and become a girl in the meantime?

Grindelwald smiled a broken, almost sad smile. "Dumbledore is a master manipulator. He has a way of making you believe in his vision, of seeing things his way. He did it to me once, a long time ago. But you are different, Sebastian. You have the strength and the wisdom to see through his machinations."

"I won't let you down, sir. I'll go to Hogwarts and do whatever it takes to further our cause and to become strong."

Grindelwald's gaze intensified as he continued, "There is another crucial aspect to your mission. While you are at Hogwarts, I want you to keep an eye out for any valuable research, spells, and artefacts. Dumbledore's school is a repository of ancient magic and hidden knowledge, mixed with the greatest advancements of recent times. Acquiring such information could give us a significant advantage."

"You want me to steal from Hogwarts?", Sebastian asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Only if the opportunity arises without unnecessary risk.", Grindelwald clarified. "Think of it as reclaiming what rightfully belongs to those who can wield it for the greater good. Dumbledore hoards knowledge, using it to maintain control. We must liberate that knowledge to shape a new future. Do as much damage as you can!", he finished his rant, not knowing how this was going to affect Sebastian's actions in the future. Save to say, he would become even more ruthless.

[A/N: Any guesses?]

Sebastian nodded slowly, processing the heavy weight of his new tasks. "Understood. I will be careful and strategic."

Grindelwald placed a hand on Sebastian's shoulder, his expression a mix of pride and solemnity. "I know you will. This is just the beginning. The knowledge and skills you've gained here will serve you well. Remember, always, that our ultimate goal is to create a world where wizards and witches can live free from fear and oppression.", Grindelwald said, beaming while carefully leaving out the part about wiping out muggles.


Sebastian nodded, absorbing the gravity of the mission. As he left Nurmengard, he carried with him not only the new knowledge and spells he had learned but also a deep sense of purpose he didn't have before. Maybe if he had ruled them all, his parents wouldn't have been hurt! The path ahead was going to be full of challenges and death, but he was ready to face them head-on and wipe them off the earth.

Next stop: Hogwarts!


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