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chapter 8

The next morning Arc felt completely refreshed, after changing into a new set of clothes he headed towards the library,

since he has forged a new spear he had decided to gift the old one to the library, as thanks for all the help the old man had given him

Before making it down the mountain he saw Aurora speaking with another grand elder, Arc decided to wait to talk to her before heading down

The elders sensed his gaze on them, and when they turned and saw him the older gentleman seemed overjoyed and invited Arc over

While Aurora had a proud look on her face

"Hello grand elder, hello master"

When Arc said the second hello his face was bright red, but as he was bowing no one could tell, and his face returned to normal when he stood straight

"Ive heard much about you Archean, you have much talent"

"Thank-you grand elder"

Arc responded while bowing

"I heard you had been in a state of epiphany, im quite curious, what did you learn"

The elder spoke calmly, he was in a good mood so he wanted to guide Arc, thus he was asking Arc of his last breakthrough in understanding

"I understood the shape and essence of my soul"

Arc spoke clearly

The grand elder and Aurora were shocked beyond all measure before the grand elder could speak Aurora cut in

"How, how, explain to me, how did you do it "

Aurora spoke, anxiously

Arc felt them atmosphere turn strange but he didn't know why, so he started from the beginning

"I began to cultivate, I didn't do it to increase my energy, i did it with the express goal of understanding my body,"

"I searched every muscle, every cell, every bone, every meridian, and i felt looking at them wasn't enough, so i began to draw sections and lay them onto each-other to form a complete picture"

"It took hundreds of attempts, no matter how many tries it took i continued, my qi began to resonate within my body, and i found myself able to see into my body without the use of qi"

As Arc spoke he found that both the grand elder and Aurora had been taking notes

The grand elder spoke overjoyed

"What a novel idea, i never considered anything like that"

Aurora patted Arc on the head,

" good job Archean im proud of you"

Aurora had began to think she made a good choice choosing him

After that the elder, and Aurora gave him cultivation advice, Aurora also gave him forging knowledge

After a while the elder's both had to return to their business, they also had to share Arc's findings with the other grand elder and the sect leader

So arc continued down his way down mountain,

"What do you want brat"

The librarian spoke

"I brought you a present old man"

Arc spoke calmly before reaching into his storage ring, and handing him the spear

Before the old man could refuse he saw the spear before him, he could not tell which material it was made of, but he had special eyes that could see the flow of qi better than most

He could see the uniform earth qi flowing freely, through the spear,

he placed his hand upon the spear and ran his qi through it, the earth qi, changed it turned bright red, and radiated and moved swiftly like a raging flame

Arc's eyes opened wide when he felt the heat the spear radiated within the libraran's hand, it seems as though it could burn the sky

"This is a incredible weapon, were the hell did you get it"

The library fell in-love with the spear, he was even tempted to change his natal weapon, to this spear

"I forged it"

Arc spoke with a smug expression

The librarian couldn't help but feel annoyed he then spoke

"Kid, don't tell anyone, but you can go to the 5th floor of the library"

He then threw the keys to Arc

Arc's eyes opened wide and a big smile appeared on his face as he cheerfully walked up to the 5th floor

The 5th floor contained Golden core cultivation techniques, and cultivation,theoretical knowledge

Arc couldn't help but be excited, but his enthusiasm soon fell once he read the cultivation techniques of the earth element

"This can't be right, why can't i find one that feels right"

Arc realized that now he could understand the shape of his soul, his standard for cultivation techniques changed

Normal techniques were made as a one size fits all, he couldn't just take those techniques and expect them to fit the shape of his soul

With this now within his heart he walked towards the cultivation theoretical knowledge and began researching,

he had to take a different approach than normal cultivators and create a technique that fits the shape of his soul

While he was reading in the library someone came searching for him

"Aurora you don't come here often what can i do for you"

The librarian spoke his attention still placed on his new spear

"I came to look for Archean, my student, how did you get his spear"

She spoke then realized what was in his hands

"Arc gifted to me, i'll tell him that your looking for him later, he is in the 5th floor of the library reading, it was the reward i given him for him presenting me this wonderful spear"

Aurora seemed annoyed but before she could speak the old man spoke

"Don't go throwing a tantrum, you're the one who stole the student i was going to take"

"You were going to take him as your student?"

Aurora eyes turned wide, the libraran may not be a golden core cultivator, but his knowledge is comparable to a nascent soul cultivator

He had committed every single book that has every been place within the sext library to memory, and if it wasn't for his bad attitude he would be known as the wisest person in the sect, but he rarely cares enough to share his wisdom

"Oh and im not an idiot, saying he is your student when he is covered head to toe in your qi, is brave, you bloody cougar"

The librarian spoke seemingly defensive of Arc's safety

Aurora's face turned bright red, as she remembered why no one liked this old man, anyone who tries to talk to him end up, embarrassed

Before she could defend herself Arc came down from the floor 5th of the library, he now had an idea, he just had to experiment, and find the best way to develop his own technique

"Oh brat, your girlfriend is here, don't try you sHe is mY MaStEr bull crap"

The librarian spoke, happily its been awhile since he had embarrassed anyone

Arc's face went bright red, and before he could interject, the librarian spoke once more

"Nah, don't try to defend yourself your covered in her qi, and she is covered in yours and don't even get me started about…"

The librarian continued to embarrass them,

Had anyone been listening they would have gotten second hand embarrassment

So Arc and Aurora left quickly, not wanting to be embarrassed further

After arriving back at the house arc asked Aurora

"What is it that you wanted to talk about before"

"I was going to tell you that your discovery has been rewarded with sect contributions points"

"Oh thats nice"

When completing missions for the sect you are given sect contributions points, which can be exchanged for items that can not be purchased with spirit stones, or other rare things within the sect,

Arc had a total of 10 points before today

"You have been rewarded with 10,500 points"

"What, thats insane, how was it so many"

Arc was completely shocked

"Methods to train the soul are extremely rare, and it can determine wether one successfully becomes a nascent soul cultivator or fails, you have essentially created a method to train the soul, and gain a better understanding of the body"

"I feel like my chances of breakthrough will increase significantly after trying what you did"

Aurora was extremely excited

"Outside of the contribution points you so have a second reward, you can choose any one item from the sect treasury"

Arc eyes lit up, he hoped he could find a good formation to add to his spear in the form of a flag

"Yes that's awesome, when can we go?"

"We can go whenever you're ready"

"Thats great lets go"

Arc spoke excitedly

Aurora nodded before placing her hand on Arc, they took to the sky, and landed before Arc could even register they had left

Arc found himself within an ancient winding tower, displays covered the walls. Each display was a mythical item or weapon, it went up as far as the eye could see

Arc ran from display to display, looking at everything, hoping to find something that he found Suitable

Arc wandered for hours before stopping before a pair of robes, he felt intense earth elements radiating from it, but it felt off, something unnatural, twisted

Aurora looked at the robes Arc had his attention on and explained

"Those were gather during an outer realm expedition, a world different from our-own, there was no spirit qi in that world, but spirits wandered freely, the people there would command these spirits, a spirit of earth was sown into those robes by one of their people"

Arc's eyes went wide, this wasn't something he considered, he never considered that cultivator's can travel between worlds

" how many worlds are there?"

"Thousand's, and i'll warn you now, not every world has spirit qi, many had their own unique power systems,

While in others worlds there are ordinary people without any powers"

" of course some have gotten so technologically advanced, they can be comparable to cultivators"

Arc decided to worry about other worlds when he was stronger, as even if he found earth he wouldn't have a say on what would be done to it

Arc then found something that he liked, a large set of armor, much taller than himself, but According to Aurora it would change in size to fix its user, it's last user just happened to have been 13 feet tall

Ark never found a formation flag , that he found suitable for the spear, so he ended up taking the armor, and due to the armor ability to adapt in size, he fit into it nicely, and it was even able to be hidden within his sect uniform

Arc and Aurora then headed home

jankian jankian

hope you enjoy

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