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AN: Still alive. Not dropped. Stockpiling took some time. I'll try to upload more chs starting next month. Right now, expect 2 - 3 chs/week starting Monday.


[Location: Cabin home]

Mom and Jenny were relieved to see me unharmed. I explained the situation to them.

"Over 40 people?" Mom asked as her face became grim, "We need to leave right now. There's no way we can fight them all and who knows what they might do to us."

"It's okay," I assured Mom by placing my hand on her shoulder, "I got a plan, but I can't risk bringing either of you two. It's too dangerous."

"What the hell are you thinking!?" Jenny angrily grabbed my collar and questioned with teary eyes. "You're going alone?"

"Wait for me to finish, seesh," I softly grabbed her arms and removed them from my shirt collar. "Like I said, I have a plan."

Both of them kept looking at me.

"I've found two advantage points. Mom and you'll be at the northeast ridge, behind sniper rifles. And I'll infiltrate the mall at night. We won't be able to use our radios since they might have equipment to pick up the signal and listen to us. So, Jen, you will take the shots on my signal. Those high-end suppressors from Shield's armory should be enough to hide the sound. As for Mom, your part is most important. First, you'll find and snipe their generator and blind them, next, you'll injure anyone trying to fix the generators, don't kill them if possible. I want them to feel the terror and pain of infiltrating our territory," I explained.

I took out the map, showed them the points, and explained their roles once again.

"You always thought so far ahead, honey. But it's too dangerous. I think it's better for us to take whatever we can and sneak out through the tunnel," Mom said worriedly. I can understand her feelings. She just wants me to be safe, but there's no guarantee that we'll find another safe place and we might even have to live on a run. No way! There is NO fucking way I'll let this crime lord just steal MY hard-earned loot and property. "I just don't want anything to happen to you two." She started crying and her lips were trembling.

I didn't know what to say but reassured her again that everything would be okay and I was not going to risk our lives unnecessarily.

Jenny too comforted her, "We can't live on a run, mom. You know the danger. So, let's fight for once and for all."

Mom seemed reluctant at first, but ultimately agreed.

We finished preparations and put multiple traps in and out of the cabin house. If anyone was dumb enough to try to break in, a couple of spikes would be waiting for them under the doormat. The moment they break the lock, those spikes would push and impale the person through his own body weight, right up their ass.

I hope whoever will walk in there dies in excruciating pain, fuckers.

We left after prepping up. We made sure to carry enough ammunition as more people would arrive tonight. So, let's fight with everything we got. Jenny even went further and took her grenade launcher and an RPG launcher. They were heavy, but she could carry both of them thanks to her strong physique.


At around eight in the evening, as we finished setting up our posts, the skies grew dark. I took the Binoculars and scanned the mall. They were on high alert. The guards were armed with guns and were patrolling around with flashlights. They set up electric fences around the mall and I could see some mines around the fences. Getting in is almost impossible... Well, almost that is if I were to go for a frontal assault, but I got Hawkeye's skills, yeah, I lack his experience, but with his skills, this should be a piece of cake.

I instructed Mom and Jen to hide well. And then, I left. Maybe I'll use my new bow and poison arrow this time. But the thing is the third mission isn't activating. The System went silent after I looted the outpost. Oh, well... No point in thinking too much, I can just act as the original Hawkeye without worrying about those mission rewards or leveling up, though I would have really appreciated more skills and boosts.



[3rd Person POV]

Karl sneaked down the valley and swiftly ran through the dark forest, making his way toward the mall. It was pitch black, but the young boy kept running fast enough to keep a reasonable speed in the dark without making any noise. His footsteps became completely silent the moment they touched the ground. His eyes were always alert for those sneaky zombies. But these savagers or salvagers, whatever one would prefer to call them, took down the ones around the area.

Thanks to that, he got out of the forest without any danger.

[Zoop! Crackle!] Lisa took down the power generator, disabling the electric fence around the mall. That was her first mission. "My part is done," she spoke to herself. "Please take care, Karl," she looked at her son through the scope with a worried look, the hand holding the rifle was trembling.

Karl swiftly ran on the concrete roads, passing by a couple of houses and a school. He knew the area like the back of his palm, he could navigate in the darkness using only the moon. As he got closer to the mall, he sneaked into an abandoned building to the right and ran to the top floor.

'Alright,' He took out his bow and arrow from his inventory and strapped the quiver on his back.

He peeked out of the broken window.

They activated the battery-operated flashlights to light up the area. Karl quickly hid behind the wall and observed the situation. 'Two sentries with sniper rifles are positioned on the second floor and third floor. Hmm... I've gotta kill them first.'

A smirk was visible on his face.

As Karl was about to take the shot, the system window popped up without a warning...



Survival Mission 3/5: Infiltrate the enemy's base without killing and reach the boss's office before reinforcement arrives

Reward: 10x Pym Particles fused arrows


Survival Mission 3/5: Kill and reach the boss's office

Reward: 10x Corrosive arrows


Choose your route.

Timer: 4 hrs

Failure will result in a zombie wave


'Motherfucking system, you are telling me this now? I want those 10x Pym Particles arrows. But to do so, I have to avoid killing, but what if Mom or Jen kills them? Fuck! Well, non-lethal it is,' Karl thought, irritated. He put back the bow and arrows into his inventory, 'Hand-to-hand combat it is. Time to knock them out one by one and hide their bodies like a Hitman game. Hahaha... To think ideas from a game could actually help me.'

And so, Karl began his hunt.

He went to the roof and scanned the mall's roof. There were two guards on the roof, playing with knives, and doing some tricks. He used the rope & hook to get to the rooftop of the mall. 'Just two guards. I guess, with the power down, most of them are guarding the ground floors. Good for me.'

As soon as he landed, two knives flew toward him, which he easily caught and threw back toward the two men standing not far away. The knives stuck their legs, but before they could scream, Karl swooped in and hit their throats with a lightning-fast movement, preventing them from screaming.

The guards grabbed their throats as the pain seeped through their bodies. One of them tried to run away, but Karl flipped the one on his right and punched his jaws, breaking his teeth along with his jaws, the man became unconscious almost instantly. Next, Karl dashed toward the other man's back. He grabbed his hair and pulled him closer, applying a choke-hold, and pulled him to the ground.

"Shusss," Karl squeezed harder and the man lost consciousness.

He quickly stood up and dragged their unconscious bodies to the corner of the mall.

'Damn! They reacted faster than I imagined,' He thought with a smirk, 'But still not good enough.'


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[10 advance chapters] [No double billing. You get 1 month regardless of the date you join]

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