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46.42% Dragon from Winterfell / Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

The magic I sensed was peculiar because it was somewhat similar to that of the Many-Faced God, yet different. I also began to feel a tremendous amount of desire and lust emanating from the Lady Under the Veil.

As I prepared my own magic, channeling it through my body to strengthen myself, I signaled to Tun to be ready for anything. The woman then removed her veil.

Behind the veil was a breathtakingly beautiful girl of otherworldly Valyrian allure; the look in her violet eyes was mesmerizing, her delicate face something I wanted to protect always, and her plump, sensual lips were irresistible. Her exquisite body made me want to hold her close and never let go. I felt compelled to adore her...


Suddenly, I felt as if a pink haze lifted from my eyes, and I said:

"Perhaps you could stop trying to affect me. Your attempts to enchant are slightly irritating."

After these words, the courtesan was visibly shocked as she probably had never encountered someone who could resist her power before. I had no idea who else could withstand her power since it worked in such a way that this woman became the epitome of beauty and an object of worship in your mind.

From her side, a massive wave of lust seemed to be about to overwhelm me, and the magic I sensed from her started to intensify.

My hypothesis was that either this woman was a goddess, a goddess's child, or a goddess's chosen. There was no other explanation for what I felt from her, similar to what I felt in the House of Black and White.

POV Pess

"He is a very interesting young man," my goddess whispered.

Many who heard such words from me might call me mad, regardless. But the truth is that at a young age in Lys, where people not only worship the Fire God but also many other gods and goddesses from the Weeping Lady to the Loving Lady, the latter chose me as her chosen.

The Loving Lady is a goddess who embodies love, lust, passion, and pleasure. This happened as I was becoming a full-fledged woman, a process much more liberal in our lands than in, say, Westeros, where girls are taught early to give and receive love, especially those from aristocratic families.

8 years ago in Lys

That day I was to become the bride of a man I did not wish to marry in any place. I loved someone else, and no one wants to become the wife of a man they do not love. Praying to all gods and asking for their salvation, I only heard from the Loving Lady.

"Are you willing to give yourself to me entirely for a chance to be with the one you love?"

A question filled with divinity came, and I immediately knew I was speaking with a divine being. Without much thought, I agreed to represent the Loving Lady, and from then on, I gained the ability to charm anyone. But reality is often cruel, and fate played a very nasty trick on me.

The man for whom I was willing to give everything was dishonest with me. To him, I was just another girl to sleep with and then discard in pursuit of the next skirt. It was then that I lost my faith in love, and again my Goddess helped me:

"Why settle for just one when you can now conquer anyone?"

After this event began my conquest of men and women. The first years after becoming the goddess's chosen were marvelous; I could have any man or woman who piqued my interest, but eventually, even that ceased to bring pleasure.

Surrounded by my men and women, I wondered:

"What else can bring me pleasure? New sensations? Perhaps conquering kings or queens will bring me a new kind of joy?"

Again, my Goddess assisted me:

"Why don't you claim the Child of Destiny?"

Seeing my confusion, she continued:

"The Child of Destiny is the one who can change the course of history in this world. The responsibility for the whole world at a critical time will rest on their shoulders."

Hearing this made my heart race, as no such person had ever been in my collection. Possessing such an individual was something I desired intensely.

"I see you're interested. This Child of Destiny has recently appeared in the north. Unfortunately, I can't specify the exact location as someone quickly concealed them."

"That's enough for me," I said.

My journey led me to Braavos, where I was sure to encounter the Child of Destiny. After all, this city, where dozens of people meet, is quite close to all the northern regions. There was nothing for me in Westeros, where the customs did not suit me.

Upon reaching Braavos, I decided to become a courtesan, a very convenient way to make a name and gain renown. Along with that, I amassed a large following willing to obey my commands without complaint.

Thus passed my days over five years, the number of those charmed by me growing until one day He appeared. The one I had been waiting for over five years, the one for whom I had left Lys.

The Child of Destiny, initially I didn't realize it was him. I thought he was just another mercenary looking for a girl for one night, from whom I could make a decent slave. But as soon as I tried to use my power on him and he began to resist, I realized he was special. The words of my Goddess only confirmed my thoughts:

"He's the one! The Child of Destiny you've been waiting for!"

These words only strengthened my desires to possess him, to make him succumb to me. To derive pleasure, to feel the love of the one known as the Child of Destiny. And I began to try even harder to dominate him by intensifying my charms, but his next words were like being plunged into cold water:

"Maybe you could stop trying to affect me. Your attempts to enchant are slightly irritating."

But after a few seconds, my desire to possess him only grew, for only he was worthy to be my partner. Remembering the lessons from my mother and combining these with what my Goddess gave me, for the first time in a long time, I used something I hadn't in a while. Adding a sultry look and revealing just enough of my chest, I walked towards him slowly swaying my hips. Coming close to him and whispering in his ear, I murmured:

"Shall we start what you came here for?"

POV Daeron

After my words, within a few seconds, the woman subtly revealed her chest in a way that left room for imagination, adding a sultry look that could ignite desire in anyone. With a very alluring walk, she approached me and whispered:

"Shall we start what you came here for?"

Along with these words, I began to see something strange behind her...

Behind this courtesan, I began to see the silhouette of another woman who was certainly not human. This perception of her non-humanity arose from an otherworldly essence emanating from her.

Gathering my courage and weighing all the pros and cons, I spoke:

"I didn't come here in search of pleasure. I came because I am intrigued by the magic emanating from you."

Initially shocked by my words, the girl's response soon turned into an overpowering aura of lust. Licking her lips, she said with a smile:

"I will answer all your questions after you spend the night with me."

I was taken aback by this response, largely unable to understand why she would so desperately want to sleep with a stranger. Could one be so driven by nymphomania, or was it the influence of that entity?

Realizing that I was unlikely to discern the true reason for her behavior on my own, I was left with only one option—to ask her about it.

"Why do you so desperately want to do this with me?"

Surprised by my question, the girl hesitated at first but then resolved to explain:

"For the past five years, I've been waiting for someone who will love the real me, without charms and goddess's blessings. And you are that person, which is why I wanted to prove the sincerity of my feelings in this way."

She spoke sincerely, and in response, I could only be as honest with her. It was time for me to decide what was more important—information or something else? Perhaps my principles?

"Will anything happen to me after spending the night with you?" I asked after considering my options.

"If nothing happened to you after I applied all my charm's power, there's nothing to fear. By the way, my name is Pess. What is your real name?"

Pess continued with the same sincerity, leaving me no choice but to be at least outwardly respectful.

"My name is Daeron, and I think spending a night with a beautiful woman isn't exactly a hardship or something terrible."

I concluded with a smile, and Pess, full of positive emotions, responded:

"Daeron? That's a beautiful name, hehe, I'm glad you think I'm a beautiful woman."

"Only a fool would not consider you beautiful, for even the blind could sense your beauty," I replied.

At those words, Pess froze for a moment, then a wave of joy, embarrassment, and perhaps love washed over her.

Content 18+

Deciding not to wait for her to make the first move, I leaned in and kissed her lips. The kiss began innocently enough without any hint of passion. But soon, Pess ran her tongue across her lips as if asking for entrance, and our tongues intertwined in a wild dance to determine who would lead.

As we fell onto the bed, Pess triumphed in our contest. Straddling me victoriously and beginning to remove her clothes, she asked:

"Are you ready for the best night of your life?"

In a moment, her perky nipples, which I was eager to taste, and her breasts, which I wanted to caress, were revealed. Seeing my focused attention, Pess whispered:

"You can touch. Tonight, I'm all yours."

Unable to restrain myself any longer, I started playing with her right nipple while fondling the left.

"Aaaaahh... Yes, just like that! I'm all yours!"

Her words made my already erect member even firmer, almost tearing through my pants. Positioned right above me, Pess could not help but notice and began to grind against it.

Breaking away from her breasts and diving back into her enticing lips, I quickly undressed, freeing my erection. Feeling a push from Pess, she grabbed my member and, after teasing it for a moment, took it all in with one swift movement.

"Aaahh... How pleasant. Now you're all mine!"

After this phrase, she began to ride vigorously. Unable to withstand the pressure and the tightness of Pess's embrace, I came quickly. As I tried to withdraw to avoid climaxing inside her, Pess pleaded:

"Aaahh... Please, inside!"

At her words, something within me awoke, and I grasped her hips, driving her down onto me even more forcefully.

"Aaahh.... So warm..."

Saying this, Pess began to rise, but as I channeled magic throughout my body, I declared:

"Who said we were finished?"

"Hooo... So you can go more?"

"Any doubts?" I retorted, switching to the missionary position and looking down at the lovely woman beneath me. "This is just the beginning."

"Were there doubts?" he said, abruptly shifting to a missionary position and now looking down at the lovely girl, he continued. "This is just the beginning."

As he finished his sentence, the girl felt his member suddenly swell again. Meanwhile, her warmth enveloped him even more tightly in a delightful prison of lust.

"Mmmm... Aaaahhh!" the girl moaned, her moans now becoming a melody to him. "YES! Aaahhh... Fuck me like a whore!"

He obeyed the command, beginning thrusting movements, each time gaining strength and speeding up.

"Aaaah! Yes! YES! YESS!!"

This night would indeed be a very long one...

End 18+

Meanwhile, in another part of Braavos

"Did you say someone very capable in magic has appeared?" asked an elderly man to the woman who was beside him at the moment.

"Yes, Sea Lord."

The Sea Lord is the elected lifetime ruler of the Free City of Braavos. He commands both the military and merchant fleets of Braavos. Over the centuries, Braavos has seen many Sea Lords, and their statues adorn the city's streets and canals.

Sea Lords are elected for life. Only after the death of the old lord do the city's magistrates and Keyholders select a new one, with the election process being complex, secretive, and often violent — knives often "flash" when elections take place.

Sailors bring exotic animals from distant countries as gifts to the Sea Lord: "striped horses, giant spotted beasts with necks as long as stilts, hairy swine-rats as big as cows, stinging manticores, pouch-carrying tigers, and terrifying bipedal lizards with scythes for claws."

All these animals are usually kept in the palace of the Sea Lord, where the two were currently located.

The current Sea Lord, Ferrigo Antaryon, from a noble house of Braavos, was unfortunately a weak and sickly man; the people of Braavos were expecting his death and the election of a new Sea Lord in the near future.

"So, this man might know a way to cure me..."


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