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5.23% Panda Gets EXP By Sleeping?! / Chapter 6: Pandas Have No Self-Preservations. Don't Eat That!

Chapter 6: Pandas Have No Self-Preservations. Don't Eat That!

Opening her eyes after logging into Morphantasia, Aergia woke up from the plush bed of the inn they had rented for their in-game rest. The room was quaint, decorated with rustic furniture and soft, glowing lanterns that cast playful shadows on the wooden walls. Sionna was already awake and seemed to have found amusement in poking Aergia's cheeks, her fingers pressing gently into the soft flesh with a mischievous grin.

"Stop that!" Aergia grumbled, swatting Sionna's hand away with a mock glare. Her friend's antics were typical, and she always found ways to provoke a reaction. "My cheeks are not for poking Ms. Fairydust Biscuit Stealer!" Sticking her tongue out at her mischief-loving friend.

All her complaints earned her an amused flick to the nose. "Grrrr."

Across the room, as her character Wadjet, Iris was engrossed in scrolling through her status screen, her fingers swiping through the air as she navigated the invisible interface. The glow from her screencast a soft blue light on her focused face, adding a mystical aura to her already ethereal snake-like appearance.

"Looks like everyone's up," Wadjet announced, lowering her hand and turning towards her friends with a business-like nod. "I've got our quest for tonight. We're heading to Peridot Woods, just outside the starter village. It's an herb-gathering mission—it should be easy enough. The forums are buzzing about it; the herb's vibrant color makes it hard to miss."

"You say easy, but knowing our luck, or should I say Aergia's luck, we will probably stumble on some Boss Monster that somehow smelled the sweets our dear loving panda over here hoarded and followed the smell, leading us to fight it and eventually killing us all in the process." Sionna joked, but not really. Aergia did have terrible luck for others, that is.

"Heeeey!" Aergia whined in protest. She wasn't that bad. Promise! (She was)

Hearing both Wadjet and Sionna laugh, Aergia pouts. Her rosy cheeks make her look like an adorable squirrel with an acorn stuffed in its mouth. 'Rude! See if I give you any more of my sweets. Humph.'

As Aergia, Sionna, and Wadjet stepped out of their room, the inn's charm unfolded before them. The corridor was lined with rustic oak panels, each adorned with vintage lanterns casting a warm, inviting glow. The wooden floorboards creaked softly underfoot, resonating with the cozy, lived-in feel of the place. Along the walls, framed paintings of scenic landscapes and mythical creatures added a touch of whimsy. The air was scented with a blend of pine and a faint aroma of baking bread from the inn's kitchen below, creating an atmosphere of welcoming comfort perfect for weary travelers seeking rest and nourishment.

The inn was bustling with activity, a hub of energy and chatter that filled the air with a lively hum. As Aergia, Sionna, and Wadjet descended the creaking wooden stairs to the main floor, they were greeted by the sights and sounds of a busy establishment. The standard room was crowded, with adventurers gathered around tables laden with food and drink. Laughter and conversation mixed with the clinking of mugs and the occasional shout from the innkeeper coordinating with the staff.

Travelers, some still clad in armor or draped in mystical robes, animatedly shared tales of their quests, gesturing wildly as they recounted their exploits. A bard in the corner strummed a lute, adding a harmonious backdrop to the cacophony. The bar was a flurry of activity, with the bartender briskly serving up frothy ales and spiced mead to a seemingly endless line of patrons. Meanwhile, servers wove skillfully through the crowd, balancing trays of steaming meals and refilling tankards.

Despite the crowd, there was a sense of camaraderie that permeated the space, with newcomers being drawn into conversations and welcomed with hearty pats on the back. The inn, clearly a favorite stop for those entering or departing the nearby adventures, pulsed with the vibrant energy of stories being made and shared.

The inn's lively atmosphere only seemed to amplify as the trio made their way through the bustling standard room. Wadjet, ever watchful, took Aergia's hand firmly in hers. Noticing the gesture, Aergia tilted her head, her expression one of puzzled curiosity.

"So, you don't get lost in the crowd, Silly Panda," Wadjet explained gently, giving her friend's hand a reassuring squeeze. She and Sionna were well aware of Aergia's notorious lack of direction—an endearing trait that could lead to quite the adventure within itself.

Remembering that fiasco during a family vacation to a large, bustling theme park, Wadjet held Aergia's hand tighter.

Summer, five years ago

The day they had started cheerfully enough, with the Arcas family and their friends, including Maven and Iris, planning to explore the park together, hopping from one ride to the next. Excitement was high, as was the crowd level, with thousands of visitors milling about. Mid-afternoon, they decided to split into two groups for different attractions; Blakely, initially with her group, spotted a souvenir shop across from where they were headed and mentioned she'd catch up after grabbing a quick souvenir.

However, once inside the densely packed shop, Blakely's attention drifted from one shiny object to another, completely absorbed. When she checked her phone for messages and realized she should head to the rendezvous point, her group had moved on, assuming she had already rejoined the other half of the party.

Realizing she was separated, Blakely decided to find her way back alone. Unfortunately, her poor sense of direction led her not towards the planned meeting spot but in the opposite direction, deeper into the maze of attractions and shops. Her family and friends grew increasingly anxious as minutes turned into an hour.

Taking charge of his protective instincts in full swing, Brody coordinated with park security to help locate his sister. Maven and Iris retraced their steps, asking anyone if they had seen a girl looking confused and likely lost. Meanwhile, Pamela and Bjorn stayed at the designated meeting point, hoping Blakely would find her way back there.

When an hour had passed without any sign of Blakely, Brody couldn't help but grumble, "She could get lost in an elevator." Iris and Maven, while worried, laughed and began making bets on where in the park Blakely might end up.

Finally, after two hours of searching, a park ranger found Blakely near a remote picnic area on the far side of the park, a considerable distance from where she was supposed to be. She was lying on a bench, quietly snoring, clutching a giant stuffed panda bear. 

When her family and friends finally reunited with her, relief washed over everyone's faces. Blakely, slightly embarrassed yet relieved after being woken up by the park ranger, apologized for the mix-up. Maven couldn't help but laugh and teased, "We really need to put a GPS tracker on you, or maybe just tie a balloon to your wrist next time!"

Blakely, taking the teasing in stride, retorted with a grin, "At least I didn't need a search party!" This prompted laughter all around, easing any residual tension from the ordeal.

Flashback End

Unaware of her friend remembering one of the many examples of her terrible sense of directions, Aergia blinked, absorbing Wadjet's words with a slow nod, her eyes wide with the realization that, indeed, without the guidance, she might have wandered off into a corner or followed the wrong group out the door, mistaking them for her friends. The simple acknowledgment brought a chuckle from Sionna, who was watching the exchange with amusement.

"Trust us, Aergia. Navigating this crowd is like trying to walk through a maze," Sionna added, her laughter mixing with the inn's background noise. "And we can't have our panda wandering off into the unknown without her trusty guides, can we?"

The playful banter and the warm grip of her friend's handmade Aergia's smile, a slight blush tinting her cheeks. She was grateful not just for the physical guidance through the crowded inn but also for the comfort of having friends who knew her so well and looked out for her in every sense.

"Thanks, you two," Aergia said softly, unaware both her friends heard her. Wadjet and Sionna had bright smiles on their faces, as the trio headed to the Inn's exit.

Heading into the cobblestone streets of the village, the night was cool, and the stars twinkled overhead, casting a magical glow over Dew Lake. Aergia decided it was a perfect time to summon Matcha, her specialized panda. With a wave of her hand and a soft, murmured incantation, a summoning circle appeared, and from it, Matcha emerged—big, fluffy, and as endearing as ever. So cute!

"Onward, to Peridot Woods!" Sionna declared with a dramatic flourish of her hand, leading the way with a bounce in her step.

As they approached the outskirts of the woods, Iris suddenly paused, a frown marring her normally calm features. "Wait, I have this uneasy feeling," she murmured, wrapping her arms around herself as if to ward off a sudden chill.

"What kind of feeling?" Aergia asked, her hand resting on Matcha's head as she turned to look at her friend.

"It's... it's like something might happen to Blakely. You know I sometimes get these feelings," Wadjet explained, her voice tinged with concern. In the real world, Iris had an uncanny knack for sensing when something was amiss with her friends, mostly with Blakely.

Sionna, ever Blakely's protector, immediately sensed the seriousness of her friend's tone. "Maybe we should head back?" she suggested, her eyes scanning the darkening woods with suspicion. It could be a sign to be cautious."

Aergia, however, waved off the concern with a casual shrug. "I think you're just being overly cautious, Iris. It's just a game, after all. Let's grab those herbs and get out. It'll be quick. I don't want to come here a second time. You know how I feel about wasting energy."

With a collective nod, albeit with some residual apprehension from Wadjet, the group ventured into the Peridot Woods. The forest was alive with the sounds of virtual wildlife, and the leaves rustled gently in the simulated wind, creating a symphony of natural sounds that were soothing yet eerily realistic.

The Peridot Woods were aptly named, with lush greenery and scattered peridot crystals that caught the moonlight and bathed the forest floor in a soft, green glow. The herbs they were looking for were said to be particularly vibrant, their leaves a brilliant shade of cerulean that stood out against the earthy tones of the forest.

As they delved deeper into the woods, the easy banter and light laughter that usually accompanied their quests were subdued by the lingering worry that Iris's feelings had instilled. Despite Aergia's reassurances, both Sionna and Wadjet kept vigilant, their senses heightened to any signs of danger or the unexpected.

Ten minutes in the lush expanse of Peridot Woods, the three friends were diligently collecting herbs for their quest. The woods were alive with the whispers of leaves and the occasional distant call of a virtual animal, creating an ambiance of mystery and adventure. Aergia, assisted by her faithful panda summon, Matcha, was particularly engrossed in the search, her eyes scanning the vibrant underbrush for the telltale signs of their quest item.

Suddenly, a tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, catching Aergia's attention. It was sweet and irresistible, unlike anything she had smelled before. Her curiosity piqued, she lifted her head and inhaled deeply, letting the scent guide her instincts. "Come on, Matcha," she urged her panda, who seemed just as intrigued by the smell.

Matcha lumbered ahead, leading Aergia through a thicket of ferns and underbrush to a small, secluded area. There, amidst the greenery, they found a solitary herb that glowed with a golden hue. It was breathtakingly beautiful, its petals shimmering as if infused with sunlight itself. Without a second thought—drawn by an inexplicable urge—Aergia reached out, plucked the glowing herb, and popped it into her mouth.

The taste was divine, like the most exquisite marshmallows dipped in ambrosia. Aergia closed her eyes, savoring the delightful flavor, completely unaware of her surroundings. She didn't hear the frantic shouts of Wadjet and Sionna yelling in unison, "Don't eat that!"

As the last of the herb slid down her throat, a sudden warmth spread through her body. Aergia opened her eyes, feeling the heat intensify, almost as if she were standing too close to a fire. She looked down in alarm to see that both she and Matcha were glowing with the same golden light that had emanated from the herb.

Panic set in as the warmth turned to a burning sensation. "I feel... I feel like I'm on fire!" Aergia screamed, her voice filled with confusion and pain. Overwhelmed, she collapsed to the ground, unconscious, as Matcha, with a concerned chuff, dispersed into a cloud of golden particles.

The light surrounding Aergia intensified, becoming almost blinding. Wadjet and Sionna could only watch in horror, helpless as their friend underwent this mysterious transformation. After what seemed like an eternity but was only a few moments, the light finally began to fade, revealing a startling change.

Where once had lain a green-haired Panda Kin girl, now there rested a giant panda with striking green and white fur. Aergia had transformed into the embodiment of her summon, a majestic creature sprawled out serenely, seemingly asleep.

Both friends were shocked, their minds racing to comprehend what had just happened. Their status screens began to flood with messages from other players and system notifications, but one message stood out, urgent and demanding immediate attention:

"Blakely's mom: What happened to Blakely in the game? She's here in her bed screaming! One of you, log out NOW!"

Wadjet's hands shook as she fumbled with her controls, urgency propelling her actions. She quickly logged out to attend to Blakely in the real world, her heart pounding with worry. Sionna, meanwhile, stayed behind, kneeling next to the giant panda that was once Aergia, her mind a whirlwind of fear and confusion.

"What have we done?" Sionna whispered, her voice barely audible over the gentle rustle of the Peridot Woods. She reached out a tentative hand, touching the soft fur of the transformed Aergia, hoping for her friend's quick recovery and safe return. The incident in the woods had turned their simple herb-gathering quest into an ordeal that none of them would ever forget.

Ignavia_Ursa Ignavia_Ursa

Snooooooooore. Panda Sneezes. Then continues to Snore.

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