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90.62% Start making Honkai Impact III, my boss is Da Bronya. / Chapter 144: Chapter 144 Kevin: Raiden Mei, I want you

Chapter 144: Chapter 144 Kevin: Raiden Mei, I want you

Sirin continued the game.

Mei went straight to the nest and found the raven alone as promised.

Raven took Mei into the depths of the shanty, then opened the iron door and let her in.

After passing through the dark passage, Mei came to a square and finally met the Lord of the World Snake, Kevin Kaslana.

[ " Reidan Mei, there is someone you want to save, but neither Schicksal nor Anti-Entropy can fulfill your wish. I promise you that the World Snake can save that girl. " ]

Without too much nonsense, Kevin got right to the point at the first meeting and said in a calm voice what Mei wanted to hear most.

[ " .... What are your conditions? " ]

Mei was a little excited, but she also kept calm. She knew that there was no free pie in the world.

[ " You. " ]

The man's words were calm and brief, but they had heavy power, and Mei had to face the weight of those words.

[ " ... I want to know the specific method, Then watch her escape from danger. If you can really do it, then I can do anything you want. " ]

In Elysia's live broadcast room.

When they heard the conversation between Kevin and Mei, the expressions of Elysia and others suddenly changed.

After all, as soon as Kevin said he wanted Mei, Mei immediately said she would do whatever he wanted ... This is indeed very imaginative.

"... Kevin, you actually have a crush on Mei! "

Elysia said in disbelief.

"NO, I don't! "

Kevin quickly shook his head in denial. At the same time, he quickly looked at Mei and began to explain.

" Mei, please don't misunderstand me. There must be some reason behind this. "

"... Why are you so nervous? "

Mei pushed up her glasses, looked at Kevin with a half-smile and said,

" This is just a game, why are you so eager to explain? "

" Well ....."

Kevin's mouth twitched, and he immediately realized, yes, why should he explain in a hurry?

In the game, I want Mei. That was written by Su Mu. What does it have to do with me?

" Or ... do you actually have such thoughts about other girls? "

Mei asked faintly.

" Of course not! Mei, you know, I am devoted to you wholeheartedly! I can never tolerate other girls in my eyes. "

Kevin was startled and hurriedly patted his chest to confirm.

" Haha, okay, I'm just kidding you. I'm not stingy enough to be jealous of you in the game. "

Seeing Kevin's panicked look, Mei smiled.

After all, she knew that some girls in the company seemed to be interested in him recently.

This is not surprising. Kevin is handsome, has a bright and lively personality, and is willing to help others. He will naturally attract the attention of some people, and this also shows his excellence.

Although Mei is confident in Kevin's love for her, proper beating is still necessary. After all, she is also a girl, and it is also a girl's privilege to act a little bit sometimes ~

" Su Mu, you don't want to write Kevin as a scumbag, do you? Or do you mean that Mei really has a relationship with Dr. Mei? That's why he wants Mei? "

Elysia looked at Su Mu curiously and asked.

She felt that Kevin would not be a scumbag, nor would he have any thoughts about Mei because she looked similar to Mei, but she had no choice but what Kevin said was indeed very misleading. .

" Hey, you guys, can't you think a little simpler? "

Su Mu raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile,

" Is there a possibility that Kevin wants Mei because he wants her to come to World Snake to cook? Improve World Snake's food. "

" Cooking ... Pfft ! Hahaha ! Su Mu, you are too bad! Why are you still leading the memes! "

When she heard Su Mu say that Kevin wanted Mei to improve the world's snake food, Elysia was stunned and burst into laughter.

The audience in the live broadcast room also filled the screen with hilarious comments.

Of course, they also knew that Su Mu was joking, but this joke was really interesting.

" Haha, actually if you think about it, you can understand that the reason why Kevin traded with Mei is naturally because he is interested in her identity as the Herrscher of Thunder. "

Mei smiled, and then gave her own opinion,

" He had already extended an invitation to Welt and Bronya when he was in the Quantum Sea. As a Herrscher who fights against Honkai, Mei is naturally within the scope of his invitation. "

" So this is ah. "

Elysia and others suddenly realized.

Mei's inference is so reasonable that no one can find any loopholes.

In fact, in the previous world, players thought so too.

But it was not until later that they understood that the reason why Kevin invited Welt, Bronya and Mei to join the World Serpent was not because of their fighting prowess, but simply because ... they were working for mankind . The Herrschers who fights for humanity.

It was just because he had promised someone that after meeting other Herrschers fighting for humanity, he would find a way to tell her the news.

That's all.

When the answer to this mystery was first revealed, I don't know how many captains were moved to tears by Kevin. Su Mu is now looking forward to what Elysia and others will look like when they see it later.

Return to the game screen.

Kevin told Mei how to save Kiana.

That would make her the Herrscher of Thunder again.

By then, the core of the Herrscher of Thunder will condense in her body, and the Conquering Gem in Kiana's body will naturally disintegrate and disappear, reducing one core, and her symptoms will naturally be relieved.

Regarding this answer, Mei agreed without any hesitation.

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Although this method is quite reliable, does Kevin get a herrscher for nothing?

Because if Mei uses this method to save Kiana, then World Serpent will be too profitable, right?

They didn't do anything, they just talked and let Mei join the World Serpent . In that case, Mei will definitely regret it, right?

However, Kevin's next words caused them to fall into silence.

[ " This time, you may be able to save Kiana, but next time, she will still be in danger. " ]

[ " She will definitely use the power of the Herrscher of the Void to keep standing up for the people around her and for the world, pushing herself to the edge of death - until she gives her life . "]

Kevin's tone was still so calm, but his words were mixed with another emotion, a kind of numb sadness.

[ " I have met countless people like her. Even in the face of death and fear, they will still firmly do what they think is right ... They left and none of them came back. " ]

The words were like ice picks, piercing deeply into the hearts of Mei and the audience, leaving them unable to think of a word to refute.

Then Kevin continued to say that as long as Mei can join the Serpent, she can go with them, destroy Honkai, capture the Herrscher, and remove the danger before Kiana knows. Only in this way can she protect Kiana.

And when the Stigma Project is completed, she and Kiana can return to ' humanity ' .

At this moment, a roar sounded, and a huge hole suddenly opened in the sky above Changkong City.

This is exactly the big hole that Schicksal opened in the North African laboratory.

Kevin tells Mei that the door has been opened and she must absorb the city's Honkai energy and become the Herrscher of Thunder.

[ " Reidan Mei, Kiana's fate is in your hands. I don't need to convince you, because you know better than me ..." ]

[ " Her ideals can save the world, but they cannot save herself. " ]

After saying that, Kevin disappeared into the darkness, and many quantum shadows appeared in front of Mei.

[Sigh ... Although I really don't want to admit it, Kevin is indeed right. Kiana will save the world again and again. If Mei still stays with her, she can't stop Kiana. ]

[I used to wonder if Mei would just go with World Serpent Xu and Weishe, and return to Anti-Entropy after getting a way to save Kiana ... I didn't expect the old thief to be on the fifth floor! It directly blocked Mei's way back. ]

[This feeling is so uncomfortable. Kiana and Mei obviously care about each other so much, but they have to be separated for various reasons ... ]

[Is there any other way? A way for Mei to protect Kiana without leaving. ]

[Maybe there is, but according to the current situation, there is no more time left for Mei to think ... ]

The audience felt extremely uncomfortable when they saw what Kevin said to Mei, because they knew that what Kevin said was right.

Moreover, these words also vaguely revealed Kevin's past. This was another knife.

" No, Mei really wants to join World Serpent ? "

Although the previous plot had vaguely hinted at this tendency, when Elysia and the others actually heard the news, they were still a little unable to accept it.

After all, Mei finally found Kiana, but this time it was her who was leaving. How could this be accepted?

" I don't believe it. I bet that Kiana will definitely stop Mei from leaving! "

Elysia shook her head and could only place her hope on Kiana, hoping that Kiana could persuade Mei to stay through the emotional bond between her and Mei.

As for whether Mei will reject Kevin ... she has no choice.

This is a fact that everyone can see.

Mei is willing to do anything and sacrifice everything for Kiana. Of course, she can also leave Kiana and join the World Serpent .

" But actually, having said that, there is nothing wrong with Mei joining the World Serpent . "

Kevin touched his chin and said,

" At least after she joins the World Serpent, the World Serpent will definitely not deal with her partners. "

" Then what if Mei is bullied in the World Snake? Raven seems okay, but that jackal is not a good person. "

Elysia said angrily.

" That's definitely impossible. Who would bully the cook? Unless she doesn't want to eat. "

Su Mu said seriously.

After all, Mei went to World Snake, and instead of being bullied, she followed up on the Elysian Realm, making Kiana wear one hat after another.

" Bad Su Mu, you're making trouble again! "

Elysia puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction, reached out and pinched Su Mu's arm as revenge for Mei.

While Mei was fighting the Quantum Shadow, the ground suddenly trembled violently, and strong winds and heavy rain hit together. She raised her head and saw that the seawater submerging the city was continuously falling.

But then she realized that it was not the sea level that was falling, but the buildings that were rising!

At this time, the camera stretched, giving a close-up of the entire city.

Then everyone watched in shock as the entire city floated toward the sky in the sky-reaching pillar of light!

How spectacular this scene is! Countless people were stunned.

And this also prevented them from noticing that under the two lenses in the camera, the back of a woman and the figure of a six-winged flying dragon flashed out.

Then, a deafening sound of thunder sounded in the sky, which seemed to foreshadow something.

The strange phenomenon that broke out in Changkong City also prompted Anti-Entropy and Hyperion to take action.

But the next shot suddenly showed a scene of a man and a woman sitting on a bench chatting against a dim yellow background.

Just this glance made Kevin instantly excited.

" Look, Mei! This should be me and you, right? "

" Is this ... a memory? "

Mei watched this episode with interest.

Watching myself in the game chatting with Kevin, talking about how every star is an enemy.

This scene felt very familiar to her, because when she was still studying, she often told Kevin about some of her whims and scientific things.

Although Kevin doesn't understand these things, he is a very good listener. He listens patiently to herself every time, and then always gives his own special opinions.

To be honest, Mei had already begun to wonder if Kevin had told Su Mu about his previous relationship with her. Otherwise, how could he have written such a familiar plot?

When everyone heard that Kevin actually told what happened when he was dating other girls, they were all a little embarrassed.

Elysia even laughed out loud.

" Haha ... Kevin, isn't this too strange? When you were dating Mei, you actually mentioned the time when you were dating other girls. "

"... Su Mu, did Su tell you this? "

Kevin's face suddenly turned green and white. He didn't expect that his dark history could be reproduced by Su Mu in this way! It must be Su who told the secret!

" Huh? Kevin, have you really done this kind of thing? "

This time it was Elysia's turn to be shocked.

She originally thought that this was just a plot written by Su Mu, but she didn't expect that Kevin had actually done this kind of pig competition before!

" He was very popular in school. He was liked by many girls. "

Mei said with a smile.

" However, this idiot's emotional intelligence is not very high. He has made such jokes not once or twice. That is to say, I didn't care much about this aspect at the time. If it were another girl, I'm afraid I have fallen out with him a long time ago. "

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