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Chichi's regrets

Before Mr Popo's eyes, little boy Goku stands naked and oblivious to his unnatural transformation.

"Ooh, it's cold," Goku sneezes, "first heat and now chilly, today sure is strange."

"Goku?" Mr Popo asks in disbelief, as just before he entered the lookout, Goku was an adult and now, after returning within a minute, he's a little boy.

"Am I at the lookout? When did I get here?" Goku asks as he shivers, "And, I can hear the rain falling."

"Is that really you, Goku?" Mr Popo repeats.

"Yo! Mr Popo. What's up? Ooh, man it's cold."

"You can use you clothes to cover yourself up," Mr Popo says as his surprise wears off.

"Huh?" Goku looks down, "Oh neato, thanks Mr Popo."

I can't believe it. He just transformed into a child, out of nowhere. Mr Popo wonders how Goku's transformation into a child could be possible.

"I'm feeling sleepy," Goku says as he falls on his clothes. He yawns.

I should take him inside. Mr Popo carries the boy into one of the rooms in the lookout.

Tomorrow, I'll get some answers.

Mr Popo carried little Goku to rest in one of the rooms at the lookout.

Before the black star dragon balls scattered because of Garlic Junior's wish, Piccolo sensed tremendous negative energy from within them, as he meditated on a large boulder a few miles from the lookout during the heavy rain.

Though the loud rumbling thunder nor the rain broke his deep concentration, the Black Star Dragon Balls brimming with negative energy halted his training.

What the--

Such incredible latent negative energy.

"What's going on? There are seven signatures, moving at crazy speeds away from earth..."

Piccolo's sensing abilities have heightened so much, he could almost vividly see the speedily departing black star dragon balls.

He flies incredibly quickly and catches one of them, What is this? A dragon ball? What's a dragon ball doing here on earth?

As he ponders this surprising situation, a familiar voice deep in his mind gasps in shock, "It can't be! Those--"

What's the matter, Kami? What's gotten you so worked up?

Those are the first dragon balls.


I cannot believe they were found. Someone must've wished with them. But...

What are you talking about?

I lost track of these Dragon Balls for years, I was only able to catch one of them.

So? What makes these special?

This is truly ominous, Piccolo.

What are you trying to say?

The rain pounded relentlessly against the roof as Chichi sat in the dimly lit living room, her hands trembling as she gently dabbed Pan's bruises with a damp cloth. Each flash of lightning briefly illuminated the worry etched into her face. She couldn't help but wince at every thunderclap; the storm outside mirrored the storm within her heart.

Pan's breathing was steady, her small body curled up on the couch, but the sight of her granddaughter's bruises brought tears to Chichi's eyes. She blinked them away, though a few escaped, sliding down her cheeks and onto the cloth in her hands. The soft rise and fall of Pan's chest was a reminder that she was safe, but Chichi's mind raced with thoughts of the future.

How could Goku be so reckless? She scrubbed a bit harder at a spot of dirt, her movements becoming more forceful. Fighting was dangerous—she'd seen enough battles to know that. What if Pan got hurt? What if something went wrong? Her grip tightened on the cloth, her knuckles turning white as anger mixed with guilt.

"Please, Goku," she whispered, barely audible over the rain. "Please come back home. I was too harsh. I shouldn't have shouted at you." She bit her lip, fighting back a sob. "But you pushed her too hard. You can't do that to her!"

She let out a shuddering breath, her shoulders slumping as the tension drained from her body. She gently tucked a blanket around Pan, careful not to wake her. "I'm sorry, Goku. I just want her to be safe." The words were more to herself than anyone else, a quiet confession in the storm's midst.

Chichi stood up and walked to the kitchen, the sound of her footsteps muffled by the rain. She'd get Goku's dinner ready, just in case he came home. It was her way of apologizing, of hoping he'd understand her fear and forgive her outburst. The kitchen light cast a warm glow, but it did little to ease the chill that settled in her heart.

Later that night, as the storm calmed, Chichi stayed awake, waiting for Goku to return.

Oh dear, is Goku coming home? Is he mad at me because I was too harsh?

"Please Goku, come back home," she cried.

Mr Popo lays Goku down on the bed.

"Tomorrow, we'll figure out how this happened to you, Goku. For now, rest."

I see. So, these dragon balls don't have a downtime? Piccolo and Kami discuss the history of the Black Star Dragon Balls.

Dageeta Dageeta

We're finally getting to the beginning of the Black Star Dragon Balls arc. This arc is meant to be an adventure, so I'll try my hardest to deliver an adventure worth reading. Thanks to all of you for your kind support. Please continue to rate this fanfic!

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