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64.94% Fairy Tail: I Am Not The Most Terrifying Wizard / Chapter 63: Chapter 62 : The Nature of the Game!!

Chapter 63: Chapter 62 : The Nature of the Game!!

Everit flicked a card from his hand, which morphed into a long, curved shape—

It was a cat's tail.

Macao and Wakaba couldn't stand to watch.

"Should we leave?" Macao asked.

"Let's go," Wakaba replied, already turning to leave.

Rescue Gray?

Defeat Everit?

Give them a break!

Who's to say Everit was even really there?

Even if Everit showed up in front of them, the Everit Gray saw might not be the Everit they saw.

And was the Everit they saw even the real Everit? 

Earlier, someone had tried to ambush Everit, but all they got was another pole dance in front of everyone.

Talk about embarrassing. Once was more than enough!


Isn't everyone feeling awkward by now?

Thinking of it this way, it gives some comfort.


Macao and Wakaba decisively shrugged off their misfortune and walked away, never looking back!


Gray was panting, feeling pretty wiped out.

He had finally gotten a handle on the firing pattern of Everit's new gun!

It was all about attack speed!

Now he could close the distance!

Gray kept dodging the bullets, getting closer and closer to Everit, his magic building up and ready to strike.

When he was close enough—once he was sure that Everit didn't have the reaction time to dodge—

Gray took action!

"I like Natsu the most!" This was the text tattooed on the bullet.

"Ice-Make: Hammer!"

Gray took the hit and used his magic, figuring he'd wrap himself in bandages later to play it off as just another injury.

The massive hammer struck Everit.


The ground cracked and split.

The illusion vanished.

"Huh?" Gray felt something was off. He looked down and almost fainted.


Gray's shout could be heard by Macao and Wakaba, who were already miles away.

The two of them didn't celebrate his misfortune because they had just gone through a similar ordeal themselves.

They were all middle-aged men with families and children! But here they were, dressed in maid outfits, twerking and shaking it like they were still in their twenties. 

Suddenly, barriers rose up from all sides. Macao and Wakaba's expressions shifted dramatically—the barrier spelled out its message: "The spell will only be broken when a single winner remains."

Just when they thought they'd climbed out of one trap, another one snapped shut.

The two middle-aged men exchanged a knowing glance. This wasn't a joke anymore. Unlike Everit's usual pranks, Freed's spell was serious business. It couldn't be broken by brute force.

So, that meant there was only one thing to do…

'Boom!' Chaos erupted throughout the city!

Back in the guild, Natsu and the others found themselves stuck. An information board updated on the wall, showing who had been defeated by whom as the battles raged outside.

"Damn it!" Natsu was gripping the spell on his forehead, trying to break through, but it was no use. The entire guild was locked down—nothing got in or out.

Makarov's face was grim as he muttered, "I really didn't expect Laxus would go this far."

"Don't worry too much, old man," Natsu replied.

Makarov looked surprised. "Natsu, I didn't expect you to be so level-headed about this."

"Listen, Laxus might be a jerk, but he's still part of the guild," Natsu continued. "I don't think he's really trying to kill his own guild members. This is just his way of proving himself."

"Seriously?" Gajeel was stunned. "I can't believe you actually have this kind of common sense."

Natsu grinned. "Besides, Everit might play pranks, but he wouldn't intentionally harm us. He might stand by and let us get hurt in battle, but he'd never let his guildmates die."

"But," Natsu's tone shifted, becoming more intense, "it's still messed up to use your own teammates to force everyone to fight!"

He growled through clenched teeth, "This has to be Everit's idea! And the Thunder God Tribe is just carrying it out!"

"This prank of theirs has gone way too far!"

"I'll show them what happens when they mess with Fairy Tail!"

Makarov was silent, but his gaze rested on Natsu, his eyes filled with admiration. This kid had a knack for showing up at the right moments and doing exactly what was needed.

"Natsu." Laxus's voice came out of nowhere.

"Laxus, quit this nonsense!" Natsu shouted as he charged toward the source of the voice. But as he did, he passed right through Laxus's projected image and lost his balance, tumbling to the ground. The real Laxus was elsewhere, clearly enjoying the confusion.

Laxus grinned. "Did you think I was just playing games?"

Natsu got to his feet, glaring. "I don't care what your plan is. But Laxus, Lucy, Erza, and everyone else in the guild—they aren't your pawns to use as you please!"

"You've got some nerve, Natsu." Laxus's voice was cold. "But it doesn't matter. Everything's going exactly as I planned."

Makarov watched his grandson carefully, recalling the words of someone who knew Laxus well. Perhaps Makarov had never truly understood the boy.

"I've made my share of mistakes," Makarov admitted quietly. He wasn't the perfect Guild Master he always wanted to be.

"Laxus," he said, his voice softer now, "I yield. Tell me, what do you want?"

The tension in the guild was palpable, with everyone caught up in this high-stakes game. Laxus, Mystogan, and the others had their own agendas, each pushing against the boundaries in their own way.

But one player was missing from this tangled web—the old man himself, Makarov. He wasn't just a spectator in this game. 

And, through Everit, who served as a bridge, he knew that the others had their own reasons for what they were doing.

There were more pieces to this puzzle than anyone realized. It wasn't just about Laxus and his ambitions. 

It was about the whole guild, and how the ties that bound them were being tested in ways that none of them could have imagined.

Laxus was driven by a desire to prove himself, to gain clarity about his own identity, and to earn recognition, among other motivations.

Meanwhile, Mystogan harbored his own hidden agenda.

Everit, on the other hand, nursed grudges—or perhaps he simply possessed ill intentions. He urged Laxus and the guild master to seize an opportunity for communication.

Makarov, though agreeing to participate in this seemingly nonsensical game, harbored his own motives. He saw it as a chance, as Everit suggested, to delve into the depths of Laxus's heart. 

He wished to understand his sole grandson—the one he cherished most—and discern the person Laxus truly was and aspired to become.

Was this the opportune moment?

Makarov, feeling the weight of age and uncertainty, questioned whether now was indeed the time foretold by Everit.

Nevertheless, his desire for Laxus to confide in him remained unwavering.

Observing Makarov's demeanor, Laxus stood firm.

"I'm not merely seeking your surrender," he asserted.

After a brief pause, he continued, "But if you're truly willing to admit defeat—"

"Then relinquish Fairy Tail and the title of guild master to me."

"It rightfully belongs to me," he added. "You should have passed it on to me long ago!"

Makarov's disappointment was palpable as he shook his head.

"Laxus, is that all you have to say?"


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