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61.84% Omniscience in Marvel / Chapter 104: Omniscience in Marvel 102

Chapter 104: Omniscience in Marvel 102

Title - Thought Process of A Certain Ruthless God

Some might wonder…How could I, having taken the role of God, conduct such an inhumane experiment on the Very humans I have claimed to Love.

The answer was also rather simple. I just felt like it.

Hell, could one really say that Christians were good and the Pagans were evil? A few years ago, during my regular peep into key areas of the World's history, I came across a small squad of Christian soldiers slaughtering an entire village of farmers and traders simply because they refused to convert to Christianity.

The very fact that Christianity is being painted as supremely good was false. There was one Bishop of the Church that Ivar, son of Ragnar captured one time. Although the Bishop's faith was strong, it was extremely misguided.

I couldn't be bothered to even pay attention to them. There was a reason only a select few would later come to be acknowledged as Saints in the future.

These were the ones who actually understood what Yeshua came down to preach.

In sincerity, the Ten Commandments given to the Israelites back then was only a set of guidelines meant to differentiate them from the Pagans they'll live beside.

Back then, the Moabites, Cannanites, Hittites and all other communities were already under the steep influence of Lucifer and his demonic Pillars. It was cool and all, humans had the freedom of decision, so they could choose whoever they wanted to serve.

I only stipulated that the Israelites were my people and I was their God, hence, they should follow me.

However, said ten commandments went on to be interpreted into over two hundred and ninety two commandments. I didn't blame them though.

Humans…their lives were so short that it was understandable that they would want to interpret something they can't possibly understand without some sort of extreme or Divine intervention.

Yeshua though, voided all those commandments and set a single one…Love. However, the centuries have made the people forget this simple fact.

Of course, the fact that historical and original interpretations of what happened during the time of Yeshua were being lost with the passage of time.

Seeing all these extreme Christians going about their conversion only made me shake my head in shame. I couldn't pick the Pagans' side though. After all, a couple genuine Christians have seen their gruesome ends at the hands of said Pagans.

Not to mention the recent ones, the original 10 apostles all died gruesome deaths, and if not because of my need for John, Yeshua's beloved, he would've died an even more gruesome death than any apostle.

Picture this…A Cauldron, filled to the brim, boiling with searing boiled oil. Having been accused of spreading the Teachings of Yeshua, John was captured and thrown into the cauldron.

The sight of the crowd waiting in anticipation for the screams and agonising wails that should follow was amusing, however, John emerged from the Cauldron unscathed, his body untouched by the scorching heat.

One could imagine the painful reaction your brain and body goes through when a drop of hot water is dropped on ones skin. No imagine a drop of hot oil, and then imagine being thrown into a pot of boiling oil…

Any logical and emotional being would smite the entire city for such an inhumane act…but alas…all these were meant to happen for the spread of Faith.

Simon Peter was crucified upside down during the reign of Emperor Nero. This however was his request since he didn't want to die like his master. Andrew was bound to a cross in the shape of an "X," in Greece where he preached to passerbys until his death.

James was the first to be killed. He was killed by Herod Agrippa I, who saw the spread of Christianity as a threat to his reign. Stupid King. Philip was hung upside down by iron hooks in his ankles in Hierapolis, Turkey.

Bartholomew was flayed alive and then beheaded. Imagine the pain of having your skin being peeled off your skin…Yup, it's pretty unimaginable. And that's what a simple difference in belief led to.

Matthew and Thomas's death were kinda normal in comparison though. Matthew was stabbed and later burned in Ethiopia while Thomas was speared in India by the local priests.

James, son of Alphaeus was thrown from the pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem, unfortunately for and fortunately for the perpetrators, he survived. He was then beaten and stoned, and finally killed by a club blow to the head.

Pretty inhumane if you ask me.

Jude was killed in Persia along with Simon the Zealot where he was clubbed to death. Simon the Zealot however, was also clubbed and then sawed in half.

Looking at it from a Modernised point of view…All these were inhumane. The Pagans were Evil. But being God and having a Pseudo-Omniscient POV, I knew better.

The Term Christian, was nothing but a Title. Anyone could bear that title, but not everyone could actually bear the responsibility that came with that title.

Why was I saying all this..?

It's actually quite simple. Christian or Pagan…At the end of the day, they were all humans who still possessed the seven deadly sin and seven virtues.

However they choose to use it is what matters in the end.

One could have a burning desire to bring about peace and prosperity to his community. The root source of that burning desire is Anger and discontent towards the current status.

That was good anger. Now there was this one type of anger…The anger driven from the denial of ones lustful desires.

An instance was Quintianus, a Roman official who desired a beautiful twenty year old Christian girl by the name of Agatha. This young lady was a noble woman, but due to the Roman rule back then, she was less of a noble than Quintianus.

Now Agatha was known for her steadfast faith and virtue. When she rejected his advances, she was subjected to severe torture, including having her breasts cut off.

Despite her suffering, she maintained her faith and ultimately died in prison.

Now this kind of anger was just pure stupid…There was a special place reserved in hell for people like this. Working together with Lucifer, we were able to create different types of hells in his little kingdom of Hell.

There was nothing magic couldn't accomplish if you had the right knowledge.

Anyways, with these ten men teaching these hundred kids, its about time I expanded to other regions. There was still over a thousand years to the 21st century where major and interesting events will begin taking place, so creating an organisation in all the continents Is granted.

England for Europe, Japan for East Asia, Israel for Middle East. The other continents were still not advanced enough to form Kingdoms and empires like the Asia and Europe.

As of 800 AD, the territories that will be known as Brazil, Argentina, Canada, and the United States existed geographically, but they were not organized as countries.

The regions now known as Brazil and Argentina were currently being inhabited by various indigenous tribes and civilizations. These cultures included the Tupi and Guarani in Brazil and the Mapuche and other groups in Argentina.

These societies were diverse, ranging from nomadic hunter-gatherer groups to more sedentary agricultural communities. They had complex social structures, spiritual beliefs, and varying degrees of technological development.

The area that is now Canada was home to numerous indigenous groups, including the Inuit in the Arctic regions, and various First Nations such as the Cree, Algonquin, and Iroquois in other parts of the land.

These groups had rich cultures, each with its own languages, traditions, and ways of life. They engaged in hunting, fishing, and gathering, with some practicing agriculture and establishing semi-permanent villages.

The area that is now the United States was also inhabited by many different indigenous groups, including the Ancestral Puebloans (Anasazi) in the Southwest, the Mississippian cultures in the Southeast, and the Woodland cultures in the Northeast and Midwest.

These groups developed complex societies with significant achievements in agriculture, architecture (such as the cliff dwellings of the Puebloans and the mound-building Mississippians), and trade networks.

To me…it wasn't the best time to pick kids and Train, but a wise man once said…There's never a perfect time, you pick a moment and make the best of it.

"Hmm. Now that I think about it, the wise man isn't born yet…Doesn't that make me the creator of the quote?" I muttered to myself while putting an end to my little observation room which was also a pocket dimension.

"{My King.}"

"Hmm? Sera..? It is…rare for you to be the one establishing a connection." I responded in mild surprise as this particular angel was a Dominion.

Dominions are generally the ones who ensure the smooth functioning and order of the Heavenly Realm, including the realms of Heaven and beyond. They are considered intermediaries between the higher celestial beings (like Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones) and the lower angels (like Virtues, Powers, and Archangels).

For her to have contacted me directly and not Aspect or Yeshua who were present in Heaven was suspicious. Not to mention that my presence was hidden so well that I was sure no being below my level of power could detect me without me wanting to be detected.

"{I was contacted directly by Heimdall from Asgard. He said that his King has something urgent to make know to you directly.}" Sera's calm voice sounded back in reply.

"Oh..?" Was all I said before severing the connection between us. Wouldn't want some people using it to track me. As for Sera, I could already surmise how she managed to get into contact with me.

In modern day term, the Dominions were akin to CCTV security personnel cum Cyber security personnel. They were the Heimdall of Heaven. The little surge of energy I had used in performing the Mental formatting as well as biological manipulation must've been picked up by her.

This also means that the other Dominions have also locked in on my location. Which also mean that Aspect and Yeshua have locked in on my location.

In a situation like this. The only thing left to do is to…Disappear.

And as soon as the thought was born, I vanished only to appear in what looked to be a modern day City.

"Where the fuck…am I?" I wondered, a quick scan though let me know that I was in a place that shouldn't exist normally, considering the time period I was in.

With a friendly smirk on my face, I raised my hands in surrender and turned around to see a group of uniquely dressed dark skinned females all pointing their spears at me.

From their expressions, I could tell that one wrong move would lead to a fight breaking out, not from my side, but from theirs. "I come in peace." Perk of All-Speak. Anything I say or hear would be immediately understood by whoever is hearing or saying it.

"Don't move! State your name and your business here!" One of the women who looked to be the leader said demandingly to which I complied.

"The name is Leuca and…" I paused and thought about what to say next only to come out blank. Nothing I say would seem peaceful. "Would you believe me if I said it was a mistake that I ended up here?"


"As I thought." I sighed and put my hands down which caused the woman in the lead to immediately spring into action. With an expert control of both her body and weapon she swung her spear at me with the intention of hacking me in two.

Now I could already tell that the weapon was one made from Vibranium and would be dangerous to any human on the planet, however, all I did was use a finger to stop her swing.

With a smirk, I vibrated my finger in a certain frequency that made the Vibranium spear to turn into liquid metal and dissolve off her hands much to her horror.

"As I said, I come in peace." As soon as I said that, I felt a certain prickle at the back of my neck. "Hmm?" I hummed and turned around and looked up through the huge castle roof and into the sky.

It wasn't the sky exactly, but a hidden dimension nestled in the sky above the place. "I don't appreciate that." I said sternly and shot a beam of energy towards the dimension.

It wasn't enough to destroy the dimension but it should cause whoever that was to retreat to treat himself for a couple years.

"Now…where were we? Ah. I come in peace."

Josh_Richie Josh_Richie

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