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20.2% Omniscience in Marvel / Chapter 18: Omniscience in Marvel 18

Chapter 18: Omniscience in Marvel 18

Title: Spar 1


ASPECT proceeded to explain the anomaly in my Cosmic Energy Engine, detailing how it had undergone a subtle but significant enhancement during my recuperation.

The energy output had increased by a factor of ten, while the efficiency had skyrocketed to levels previously thought impossible.

As I listened to ASPECT's analysis, a sense of excitement welled up within me and I immediately attributed the enhancement to the development of my Mind-scape.

As for the ten times Increase in the Energy output, I could already imagine myself having another go with Seth and coming out better than I did last time.

In the off-chance that you lack understanding of what this means, Cosmic Energy Engine is a powerful generator that fuels my abilities and powers.

Now, picture that generator suddenly undergoing a significant upgrade. This upgrade results in two major improvements: increased energy output and enhanced efficiency.

Firstly, the energy output has multiplied by a factor of ten. Think of it like turning up the volume on a stereo system from a level 5 to a level 50. This means I now have access to ten times more energy to fuel my powers and abilities.

With this boost, I'm basically like a protagonist who just discovered a hidden power-up, making me stronger and more formidable than ever before.

Secondly, the efficiency of my Cosmic Energy Engine skyrocketing refers to how effectively my generator converts input energy into useful output energy.

In my case, the engine is now operating at levels previously thought impossible, meaning it can generate more usable energy. It's like upgrading your car to get ten times better mileage on the same amount of fuel, allowing you to go farther and do more with less effort.

Now, imagine combining these two improvements. I now have ten times more energy and can use it more efficiently than ever before. This means I'm not only more powerful, but can also sustain that power for longer periods without getting drained or fatigued.

{In practical terms Sir, this enhancement opens up a world of possibilities for you. You can engage in battles with opponents like Seth with greater confidence, knowing you have a significant power boost at your disposal.}

"I am aware of that ASPECT. I created you, so I can come to a similar conclusion." I said to my trusty AI with an excited smile.

With this development, one thing was certain: I would now be able to fulfill my ambitions on a scale beyond anything I had ever previously imagined..

But for now, there were more pressing matters at hand. With ASPECT by my side, I thought about returning to the Heavenly Realm in order to resume my work on creating the host of angels but First, I needed to leave this place.

Not my Mind-scape, but Olimpia as a whole. And what grander way to leave than to leave with a bang.

Yup. You got it. I'm gonna challenge the entire Olimpia to a Battle. Gotta test out how much stronger I had gotten. And who knows, I might learn a new skill from one or two Eternal.

Opening my eyes in my physical body, I could feel the surge of energy coursing through me, amplified by the enhancements to my Cosmic Energy Reactor.

Yup. I decided to call it that. It's weird calling it an Engine when it's much more than that.

A small burst of my Psychic Energy had me scanning the whole of Olimpia. A few perceptive Eternals noticed this and perked up while the rest…Nah. They all felt it. Who am I kidding? They all had at the very least, A Class One Telepathy.

This class level was of course something I came up with, Six classes in Total. Basic, Advanced, Expert, Master, Absolute and Ultimate Class Telepathy.

Basic being the normal Telepathy with Ultimate being Universal. The Uni-mind all Eternals were connected to were in a way, Ultimate, which is why they all had a basic level of telepathy even if they don't need it.

I smirked at the level of power I now wielded, without needing to stand up, Aspect controlled the Motherbox to lift me up before settling in its throne form. A Boomtube appeared portaling me to the skies of Olimpia.

"People of Olimpia…" I began but stopped as I didn't know how to initiate the battle. I didn't really give it much thought and just appeared here. Seems like I've been too impulsive since my awakening in This Universe.

First it was talking casually with Gaea, then challenging Seth, now Challenging the Entire Olimpia, a place that boasted beings as strong as me in the tens of not hundreds now.

Swish* Swish* Swish*

The sound of people flying reached my ears causing me to turn towards the origin. What greeted me were Zuras and a few of the combat type Eternals.

"Leucadius, what is the meaning of this?" Zuras askee with a frown on his face which i didn't really care about as I observed those he came with. Of those who came, I immediately recognised those I should be wary of.

Ajak, Icarus, Elysius, Sigmar, Virako, Zarin, Gilgamesh, Makkari, Thena and Kingo.

Due to Aspect already infiltrating their database, I already knew their threat levels and what to expect from each of them.

Ajak, although not currently dangerous, was still a skilled fighter when she was a man. Yup, she's currently a woman but prior to that, she was a man who had fought in many battles, died and was Resurrected.

Icarus was the next strongest person in Olimpia after Zuras with his Superman template and all. Elysius was a female, not really combat oriented but a healer.

…I wonder why she's here.

Sigmar was one of Olimpia's tacticians while also being a warrior and an expert in hand to hand combat. Virako was a skilled Martial artist with expert Mastery in hand to hand combat and weapons handling.

Zarin was a female fighter skilled in espionage and assassinations. Basically their resident Ninja. Gilgamesh was well…Super strong. Not much to be said about him.

Makkari, their resident speedster. Imagine channeling all your cosmic energy into nothing but speed. Also, she was a he in the past. Eternal physiological shit and all.

Imagine dying right now and waking up as a woman. Damn. I can feel the shivers already. But I guess to them who have lived for Close to a million years, that much is nothing.

Finally there was Thena. Skilled in both weapons and hand to hand combat. Kingo was well…not much of a threat. Other than his cosmic bullets, there wasn't really anything fun about fighting him.

"I believe you're being asked a question, Leucadius." Ajak spoke up this time. Her voice filled with a kind of authority I found endearing. But knowing she was once a man, that endearment was squashed before it even had the opportunity to be sown.

"Hmm? What was that?" I asked back. I didn't really get the question the first time as I was accessing the group.

"I asked…what is the meaning of this?" Zuras asked. He wasn't looking at me with the same kind of expression he once had before which was akin to looking at an Equal.

This time, he had the look of someone out to dish out punishment to some lowly evildoer.

"Meaning of what exactly?" I asked with a smirk. I appreciated that look. It gave me the confidence to actually kill him with peace of mind. After all, they could always resurrect after death.

They were that much Cheat-like.

"Releasing that level of Psychic Energy and now this…are you declaring war on us?" Thena spoke up this time. She was visibly angry and I could understand that.

"Far from that. I actually wanted to let you all know that I'll be taking my leave since I've recovered." I gave my honest reply.

"Then what's with the show of power?" Icarus asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to have a battle with your strongest you see…" I began and slowly stood up from my throne as It slowly merged with my body and formed an armor similar to theirs. "... I've had a bit of an upgrade after my recovery and would very much like to know how much stronger I've become."

Zuras narrowed his eyes, his expression turning even more stern. "You wish to challenge us? Knowing full well where you are, Leucadius?"

I chuckled lightly, unfazed by his intimidation tactics. "Huh? Of course, Zuras. Left to me, I would've gone on a killing spree or something along that line."

The other Eternals exchanged glances, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension evident in their eyes. They knew of my capabilities, after all, I did tell them about battling Seth, so the prospect of facing an opponent who claimed to have undergone significant enhancement should intrigue them.

Ajak stepped forward, her demeanor calm yet resolute. "Leucadius, we have long valued peace and cooperation among our people. Why seek conflict now?"

"Peace is well and good, Ajak," I replied, meeting her gaze evenly. "But stagnation breeds complacency. Conflict, on the other hand, breeds growth and evolution. And as you can see," I gestured to the pulsating energy surrounding me, "I am all about growth and evolution."

Thena's fists clenched at her sides, her frustration evident. "You speak of growth, yet you seek to impose your will through force."

"I seek only to test my limits," I countered, my tone firm. "And where better to do so than among equals?"

"But you fought Seth…"

"I didn't know where you all were so I chose the only available option." I quickly interrupted. She can't be seriously thinking I should go back battling Seth after the beat down I received, could she?

Naive girl. Humph.

Zuras regarded me with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. "Very well, Leucadius. If it's a battle you seek, then a battle you shall have. But know this," he warned, his voice carrying the weight of authority, "we will not hold back."

A smirk played across my lips as I assumed a combat stance, energy crackling around me. "Neither will I."

Surprisingly, a sonic boom was all I heard before I found myself flying at breakneck speed through the air and out of the City premises.

"Wha..t the hell just happened?"

{Sir, I believe you were hit by the Eternal, Makkari at Mach 2. The pressure on your face also shows that she exerts a force close to 30 tons.}

"I can tell that much Aspect. I was only shocked at the…lack of response my body showed at the moment." I said and allowed the law of physics to take its toll on my body until I crashed into a mountain.

"You're surprisingly slow, Leucadius." Zuras' voice sounded outside the cave I just created with my body. I didn't mind it though and walked out while rubbing my chin.

"That was quite the punch, too bad that's the last time you'll be succeeding in that." I said. Makkari and Zuras stood on the ground of the mountain while the rest were still a few miles out.

"You must've teleported. As expected of the Prime Celestial." I said to Zuras who didn't show any reaction at the praise before looking at Makkari. "A pity."


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