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16.83% Omniscience in Marvel / Chapter 15: Omniscience in Marvel 15

Chapter 15: Omniscience in Marvel 15


"So you're telling me you got these wounds from fighting an Elder God?"

"Yup. Nasty fellow, I tell you. Don't go poking around in his dimension." I said with a nod while sitting on my now recovered Chair which also served as my Boomtube.

"How…are you still alive?"

"Quite simple really…" I said and took a dramatic pause. "I'm strong."

I could feel that if not for some certain reasons which I'm not too sure about, a couple of those in the hall would've fallen on their faces.

Ah. That's right, I'm currently in what looked like a throne room with someone who looked like an Actual God seated on a large throne. A couple other Eternals were in attendance but I could only recognise a few though.

Thena, Sersi, Phastos, Makkari, Ajak, Icarus and Sprite.

Those were the few that I could recognise from the tens of Eternal that were in the hall.

A couple weeks had passed since I regained consciousness, and loathe as I am to admit it, recovering from injuries inflicted by an Elder God was not something that could be easily healed with just expertise alone.

I had asked ASPECT how long it'll take for me to make a full recovery and he said Seven Years!

Seven. Fucking. Years.

Can you imagine that?

Anyways, as soon as ASPECT managed to regain its exhausted energy, it helped me in recovering a bit, leading to me being able to attend this stupid court session.

When I entered with my Floating Chair, I was met with a few angry glares which I could understand as they felt I was being disrespectful to their leader.

But hey…guess what?

I could actually give a fuck about their feelings.

A couple of them though didn't seem to mind and I could already tell they were the actual strong ones amongst the Eternal.

Thena was even smirking from her little throne just below that of her father's. Ajak seemed unbothered about the whole court session, Icarus just had an intrigued light shining in his eyes, sprite and the others not entirely strong enough to make an input to the whole thing just stood to the side while watching the whole thing observantly.

"I must ask though…what led you to think that you could fight a being of that caliber?" Icarus asked and I shrugged.

"It's what happens when you're too strong." Saying that, I sighed and looked melancholic for an instant. "You see, there comes a time in a man's life when he asks himself one of the many questions that actually matters…What if?"

"I just asked myself that question - What if I manage to actually defeat an Elder God? - You catch my drift?"

"I…am not sure."

"It doesn't matter. What's the real reason for this summoning?" I waved at him and turned to Zuras. He was the Prime Eternal and the only person that could actually pose a threat to me at the moment.

Mind you, I couldn't fight anyone in the room due to my weakened state, but that didn't mean I couldn't rely on my physical body.

According to Aspect though, my recovery time would then be elongated…so that's off the table.

As for why Zuras could pose a threat…it was simply because of his unique make…or Skill as I've chosen to call it. - Invulnerability -

The mothafucka wouldn't die even if this dimension explodes in on itself. And that was simply because he could regenerate and never tire due to his increased metabolism.

A stupid power, true but considering his immense physical strength and Energy Levels, I'd be an idiot to actually fight him head on.

So my only escape is…my trusty Boomtube.

Phastos had been intrigued by my Pseudo-Motherbox but all I did was smile when he asked about it.

He was a genius, perhaps not at my level, but he was up there. Telling him about the Motherbox might cause more harm than good to me.

"Long ago, a commotion was detected on Earth. Our Seers said it was a result of an anomaly touching upon something it shouldn't have. Back then we and other…alien species scoured the planet for clues on what this anomaly could be but found no leads…"

"Wow…interesting." I said with a genuinely interested expression. "Carry on."

"When you were found, we noticed, with the help of Phastos here, that you weren't one of our own…An Eternal, but you also weren't a Deviant…No, instead of not calling you a deviant, it would suffice to say that you were a reject amongst the Deviants.

"Correction! I am a Unique Being amongst the two of you. I am neither Eternal nor Deviant…I am Me."

"Indeed, that brings us to my reason for summoning you…Would you be willing to join us?"

"Nope." As I said that, ASPECT took that as our cue and turned before floating away from the hall.

"How insolent!" A loud voice shouted from the side as one eternal I had no knowledge of whatsoever stepped on the ground and shot towards me at speeds that would put some fast sport cars to shame only for a portal to open beside me swallowing him up.

"What was that?" I asked in a frightened tone. "Dear me."

"You! What have you done to Drakor!?" One busty lady asked with an enraged face at the bulky man's sudden disappearance.

"Friend of yours?" I asked with a small smirk. "Nothing much, I just thought he needed to cool off a little so I sent him somewhere he'd do that free of charge."

"Bring. Him. Back."

"Are you demanding or asking dearie?" I asked, my eyebrows raised as my smile fell. This bitch dare order me around?

"I said! Bring-"

"Enough…" Zuras said softly, causing the woman's face to change drastically.

"But sir-"

"I said…Enough." Zuras said as he glared at the woman causing her to shut her mouth and look down. However, I didn't miss the hate that filled her eyes.

"You lot really need to know how to conduct yourselves. If I wasn't injured, that boyfriend of yours would've been erased as soon as he dared attack." I said and turned back to Zuras.

"I may be weakened but I'm not easy picking. Have your people learn to control themselves…" a portal opened up spitting an unconscious Drakor in front of the lady. "I'll be staying here for a while to recover. Upon leaving, I'll be sure to pay for the inconveniences I'll cause."

With that, I left the hall with a Sakuna-like posture but not before giving a wink to a group of ladies blushing at me.

I was pretty sure if this was an animation, they'd all would've fainted by now…Pity.

Normal POV

After Leucadius left, a tense silence hung in the air of the throne room, the lingering echoes of his departure reverberating off the walls. Zuras remained seated on his throne, his expression unreadable as he contemplated the events that had just taken place..

The other Eternals in attendance exchanged uncertain glances, murmuring among themselves in hushed tones. Some were visibly shaken by the Leucadius display of power and defiance, while others seemed intrigued or impressed by his boldness.

Thena, with her golden hair cascading around her shoulders, leaned in to whisper something to Zuras, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. Zuras nodded in response, his gaze never wavering from the spot where the Leuca had been moments before.

Meanwhile, Phastos began analyzing the data from the encounter, his brow furrowed in deep concentration. He was determined to uncover any clues that would shed light on the unique machine that was this Motherbox as Leucadius called it


"Have him imprisoned for a few years as punishment." Zuras said before closing his eyes. "You're all dismissed."

"What!? But sire, Drakor was just trying to show that man his place. His blatant show of disrespect couldn't be ignored." The woman who had order Leucadius spoke up.

"Astraia…I would like to think of you as someone of keen intelligence…Do you know who an Elder God is?"

"Beings of old aging from billions of years ago." Astraia replied, a look of confusion on her face as she didn't understand the need for this question.

"Then do you have an estimate on how strong they are?" Zuras asked but Astraia shook her head after a few moments of contemplation.


"My King."

"Show her."

"Understood." Phastos said and clapped his hands causing for the bracelets he wore on his hands to shine and shoot into the air before forming a holographic projection of the Earth a couple billion years ago.

"The Elder Gods are incredibly powerful Ethereal beings with vast Mystic powers. They were spawned by the Demiurge's Chaos energies soon after the Earth's initial formation, roughly 4 billion years ago."

"Born from the Demiurge, the Earth's Elder Gods were purportedly its first lifeforms. Nearly all of them became what could be termed as demons, and in a war among themselves, they were purged by the God-Eater Demogorge, a Being formed from the remnant chaos energy of the Demiurge and Gaea."

"A few are known to have survived the culling: Set, Chthon, Gaea, Oshtur, and more . The demonic Set and Chthon fled to other dimensions to escape the Demogorge's wrath. Banished from Earth, they seek to return but are opposed by Gaea and Oshtur, the two who were never corrupted."

"And Set…the Serpent God was the one whom Leucadius fought and came out alive." Phastos ended his story as the projection came to an end.

"...I don't think I understand."

"A pity then." Zuras said and stood up from his chair before disappearing from the Hall.

The other Eternals still in the room all had varying expressions to the story and image Phastos had just shown while some didn't as they already had an idea.

Thena stood up and walked over to Astraia. "As a fellow woman, I admire your love for your man, but as a woman, what you can't add to bolster your strength, add it to your wisdom."

With that, she smiled and also left the hall. Unlike her father, she didn't teleport as that was far too draining for her at the moment. Where she could reach with Teleportation, she could reach with flight or just running.

All Eternals were like that. Including their Immortality, they all possessed an intrinsic ability to Manipulate Cosmic Energy. They however, also possess skills unique to them.

'I'd better get back to Leuca, our spars this past few days have been helpful. Perhaps I could surpass that annoying Icarus someday.' With that thought in mind, she quickly scanned the whole dimension with her telepathy to locate Leucadius, and as soon as she did, she smiled and flew straight after him.


A/N: Sorry if this chapter seems lackluster. I'm not currently in a good state of mind. Also, as for the Eternals' abilities, I'm not following the MCU version, but their comic versions.

MCU nerfed them a lot.

So just check them out on wiki to understand more.

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