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Chapter 46: Taillow Eggs

In the early morning, Rex was having breakfast as usual. However, today was different because Yuta kept staring at him, making Rex feel a bit uneasy during breakfast.

"Um, Yuta, stop staring at me like that. After I finish breakfast, I'll go get you the Taillow eggs!" Rex finally couldn't bear it and spoke up.

"Okay, Boss, take your time eating. I'll go work now!" After hearing Rex's promise, Yuta grinned foolishly and went to feed the Mareep.

Being disturbed by him, Rex also lost his appetite for breakfast and quickly finished the remaining food.

Afterward, Rex walked towards the orchard. The early-rising Swellow had already returned to its territory, claiming the orchard as its own.

"Come out, Poliwhirl!" Rex first went to the artificial lake. The water here was still clear, but there were now many Magikarp and Goldeen swimming in it. Then, he released Poliwhirl.

"Poliwhirl, you can now follow the waterway to the big lake and recruit some Poliwag who are willing to settle down here by the artificial lake. But be careful not to exceed 20 in number. Or else you'll be in charge of watering the orchard from now on." Upon hearing Rex's words, Poliwhirl excitedly swam around in the water, nodding repeatedly.

It had been waiting for this day for a long time. It had admired the Swellow and the Mareep for being leaders of their groups, and now, Poliwhirl could finally realize its dream of becoming a leader too.

Watching Poliwhirl quickly disappear along the waterway, Rex couldn't help but smile wryly. Poliwhirl had been dreaming of becoming a leader since it was just a tadpole, and today, that dream was finally coming true. Rex could imagine how happy it must be feeling right now.

Next, Rex arrived at the orchard. Although only half a month had passed since he left, he felt that the fruit trees here had grown taller. Now, it was a shady grove, and many fruit trees had fruits hanging from them.

"Polteageist, are you guys still living comfortably here?" Rex walked into the orchard and saw three Polteageist waiting under the trees for fruits to drop.

When they saw Rex approaching, they floated over to him.

Rex squatted down and patted the heads of the Polteageist, and they closed their eyes, enjoying his touch.

For the Polteageist, Rex was their savior. Without Rex's treatment, the Big Polteageist would have almost died, and the other two Polteageist wouldn't have been able to hold on for long with their injuries. Moreover, Rex brought them to this orchard, where they could easily get plenty of fruits without being harmed by other Pokémon. They felt like they had come to paradise, and their admiration for Rex was beyond words.

After bidding farewell to the Polteageist, Rex continued towards the central area of the orchard, which was the headquarters of the Taillow clan. The fruit trees here were obviously taller than those elsewhere.

Since these fruit trees were already quite old when Rex purchased them, he had the area designated as the grassland for the Taillow in using Fluffruit to help them grow faster than other fruit trees.

Under the influence of the life energy's power, the growth rate of these fruit trees was much faster than those elsewhere.

"Taillow, how have you been recently?" Rex asked, watching the Taillow frolicking on the branches.

However, Rex only greeted them and didn't expect any response from them.

But one mischievous Taillow flew onto his head, as if mistaking his hair for its nest.

At this moment, the Swellow stood on the trunk of the tallest tree and didn't show any reaction. It had already passed the stage of being clingy.

"By the way, Swellow, where are the Taillow eggs?" Rex asked the Swellow, who was perched on the tree like a statue.

Then, Swellow pointed to a rather large bird nest. Apparently, the Taillow eggs were placed there.

Since the location was quite high, the Swellow allowed Rex to ride on it to reach the nest. Rex could now clearly see the situation inside the nest.

There were five Pokémon eggs lying quietly inside, with a Taillow guarding them on the edge of the nest to prevent them from being stolen or any accidents happening to them.

"Swellow, I'll take two Taillow eggs for Yuta and Yui as starter Pokémon. I promise they will take good care of them." 

Rex said to the Swellow, but he was also informing the other Taillow of his intention, reassuring them.

Indeed, after receiving the Swellow's nod of approval, the other Taillow didn't show any extreme behavior and quietly watched as Rex took away two Pokémon eggs.

After returning to the ground, Rex placed the two Pokémon eggs into the already prepared incubator. This way, not only could the incubation of the eggs be accelerated, but their safety could also be guaranteed.

For the rest of the time, Rex let the Swellow lead the Taillow in their daily training. He watched from the side and corrected any shortcomings he noticed in a timely manner.

The training for the Taillow mainly focused on weighted flight training and skill proficiency training.

However, it was no longer just training for the Aerial Ace skill, but training for all the skills that the Taillow could learn. This was to ensure that the Taillow's foundation and strength could make greater progress.

After watching them train until almost noon, Rex let them rest and instructed the Swellow to continue training in the afternoon. After receiving the Swellow's affirmative reply, he left the orchard and returned home.

For the Swellow's own training, Rex basically didn't need to guide it anymore. It could conscientiously complete its daily training tasks.

Only when it felt that the current training tasks couldn't bring it rapid growth would it ask Rex to create a new training plan for it.

Carrying the Pokémon eggs, Rex had just walked into the hall when he felt a fiery gaze staring at him. Without thinking, he knew that the owner of that gaze must be Yuta Mizuno.

Rex ignored his gaze and placed the Pokémon eggs on the table.

Rex had already optimized these two Pokémon eggs with life energy on the way back, believing that the Swellow hatched from them would have excellent aptitude.

"Yuta, and Yui, come over here!" Rex said to Yuta, who was already eager, and to Yui, who was busy in the kitchen.

"Yui, hurry up and come over!" Hearing the call, Yuta quickly came to the table and anxiously urged Yui to come over. Obviously, he couldn't wait any longer.

"Coming, coming. It's only been a moment. Yuta, you're really impatient!" After hearing their calls, Yui finally put down her work and walked over.

"Now that you're all here, each of you choose a Pokémon egg. Take good care of them in the future. If you treat them poorly, I'll take them back." Rex warned them.

"I won't! I'll take good care of it, Boss, you can rest assured!" Yuta hurriedly said.

"I will too, Boss!" Takemoto Yui echoed.

Although Yui didn't have a particularly strong desire for starter Pokémon, she believed she could take good care of it.

"Yuta, you go ahead and choose first, I'm fine with either." Yui said to Yuta Mizuno.

"Then I won't be polite, Yui. "

Afterwards, Yuta looked back and forth between the two Pokémon eggs, hesitating for a long time without making a final decision.

However, when he saw Rex getting a little impatient waiting, fearing that something might go wrong, he finally chose the Pokémon egg that he found more appealing, completing his selection of starter Pokémon.

"Now that you've chosen your starter partners, let me emphasize one last thing: a Pokémon's strength depends not only on its innate abilities but also on the training provided by its trainer. You must remember this."

This last sentence from Rex was mainly directed at Yuta , after all, considering Yui's personality, she wasn't very fond of Pokémon battles.

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