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86.66% Summoning the Empire / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Trial and the Divine Unknown

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Trial and the Divine Unknown

Solstice Empire, Sunward Citadel, 4th-floor Dungeon The Labyrinthine Thicket, January 22, 11:42 AM

King Haag, who was still reeling from unconsciousness, struggled to his feet, only to crumple to the forest floor, his face throbbing from the ruler of Solstice's harsh slap. Disoriented, he scanned his surroundings, which bore an uncanny resemblance to a forest, yet he had no recollection of arriving in this place. His last memory was of the stinging slap that had sent him into darkness.

Now fully alert, Haag began to search for a route back to his kingdom. As he surveyed the area, he detected the sound of approaching footsteps and instinctively retreated as far as possible. The footsteps ceased, and a figure materialized before him: a pale elf with an ethereal aura, clearly a vampire of high standing within the Empire. Her attire was a striking blend of white and black, emblazoned with the Solstice's yellow or gold insignia.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake. You might have attempted to flee the dungeon, but I regret to inform you that escape is a futile endeavor for someone of your stature. However, I would like to inform you that you are currently imprisoned on the 4th Floor of the dungeon, also known as The Labyrinthine Thicket," she announced.

"Lies!! LIES!!" King Haag bellowed in denial under the impression that it was merely an ordinary forest, but as he locked eyes with this dangerous being, a chill ran down his spine and his instincts screamed at him to flee. Without hesitation, he turned and ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

As he dashed through the forest, Haag collided with what felt like an invisible wall. Staring ahead, he saw nothing but more forest, yet some sort of barrier impeded his progress.

"What in the world is this?" He reached out tentatively. "Is this some kind of barrier?" he pondered aloud.

While contemplating this anomaly, a voice spoke from behind him. "It's akin to a wall." Startled by the voice, Haag spun around in panic and stumbled backward onto the ground.

"A wall? What do you mean? And what do you want from me!?" King Haag demanded.

"Oh no, I require nothing from you. My role is simply to oversee you. Regarding the wall as I mentioned earlier this is the 4th Floor of the Dungeon, we are still underground. You should feel honored because this place was crafted by one of the supreme beings, its workings are beyond even our understanding," she explained.

"What do you mean? Are you saying gods have created this world!" King Haag exclaimed in disbelief.

The Pale elf chuckled softly. "In our eyes, they might as well be celestial," she remarked. "However, I must conclude our conversation here since you are now awake. It is time for me to escort you to Her Majesty for your trial," she stated.

The mention of a trial sent a wave of panic through King Haag; he knew that his actions had sealed his fate, and a death sentence awaited him. But before he could make another move, the pale elf grasped him firmly and dragged him toward a dark shadowy circle that appeared before them as a portal for teleportation.

Passing through it transported them instantly into a room devoid of doors or windows a solitary confinement cell awaiting trial proceedings. "This is your waiting area," said the pale elf as she was enveloped in a glowing light blue aura and vanished from sight.

Back at her office, Christine continued signing documents when she heard a knock at her door. "Come in," she called out without looking up.

The door opened to reveal King Haag's overseer. "Your Majesty," she began with a hint of disdain in her voice, "the foolish former King Haag has now awakened."

Christine nodded in acknowledgment of Lilith's report. "I see good work on keeping an eye on him, Lilith Bloodmoon. Remain vigilant and continue your watch until the trial is ready to commence," she instructed with a tone of authority.

Lilith bowed respectfully. "Understood, Your Majesty," she replied before departing to resume her duties.

With Lilith's departure, Christine wasted no time and activated the Holographic Communication system. The figures of Dominus and Reginald flickered into view. "Dominus, the trial for King Haag is set for today. Ensure the courtroom is prepared accordingly," she commanded.

Dominus responded with a firm nod. "Yes, Your Majesty," he affirmed.

Christine then turned her attention to Reginald. "Reginald, I trust you to inform Prime Minister Kanata of Qua-Toyne and King Quila of the Quila Kingdom about today's proceedings."

"It shall be done with utmost urgency, Your Majesty," Reginald assured her before the communication was severed.

Once her orders were dispatched, Christine began her own preparations for the impending trial.

Meanwhile, in the courtroom, Dominus was seen diligently arranging the space. He positioned chairs for Haag, as well as for dignitaries Kanata and Quila, ensuring everything was in perfect order for the trial.

An hour later, within the confines of his solitary cell, Haag was still scheming for an escape when a sudden blue flash of light materialized Lilith Bloodmoon before him.

"King Haag, it is time to escort you to the courtroom," she stated as she seized his arm, pulling him towards the familiar dark shadowy circle of the teleportation portal.

As they stepped through the portal, they emerged into a room bustling with an array of species, all eyes fixed on Haag with varying expressions of contempt and mockery.

Lilith guided him to his designated seat. As he settled in, he noticed Prime Minister Kanata and King Quila entering the room. Their faces were etched with hatred as they took their seats, their anger towards Haag palpable yet restrained by the presence of Solsticians.

The grand hall fell into a hushed silence, punctuated only by the collective breaths of those gathered. Empress Christine sat elevated on her throne which also served as the judge's bench. Her gaze was unyielding as she surveyed Haag from her lofty position.

"As all are present, let us commence with the trial," Christine declared with an authoritative voice that resonated throughout the hall. "Henceforth, you will be addressed as the defendant. You stand accused of numerous heinous acts: unprovoked invasion of Qua-Toyne, enslavement of its people, and mass murder of innocents transgressions that carry severe penalties under our laws."

Haag remained composed in his seat, his expression inscrutable but his eyes betraying a hint of anxiety. He chose to remain silent.

"The charges laid before you are grave: Crimes of Aggression, Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide, Enslavement, and Kidnapping each demanding our full consideration."

Christine's piercing gaze lingered on Haag momentarily before shifting to Elara, a human prosecutor standing to her right. "Elara," she beckoned. "Proceed with presenting the evidence."

Elara inclined her head slightly in deference. "Thank you, Your Majesty." She faced the assembly confidently. "Your Majesty, esteemed members of this court, and all witnesses present today we will present compelling evidence that unequivocally implicates the defendant, Haag, in orchestrating and perpetrating barbaric acts against Qua-Toyne's populace a flagrant violation of our realm's laws and moral compass."

Seated nearby, Prime Minister Kanata of Qua-Toyne and King Quila from the Kingdom of Quila watched intently, their expressions grim. They had come as representatives of their devastated nations, seeking justice for their people

Elara gestured toward the expansive screen behind her. "We have compiled comprehensive reports, scrying images, and intercepted communications that unequivocally document the horrors executed under Haag's orders."

As the screen illuminated, it first showcased Gim City in its pre-war tranquility as a beacon of prosperity. The subsequent images were harrowing: ruins where homes once stood, mass graves as silent testimonies, and the chaos that ensued post-invasion.

A collective intake of breath rippled through the assembly. Empress Christine's stoic facade held, yet her eyes betrayed a flicker of fury. Haag's composure wavered momentarily a subtle clench of his jaw but he swiftly regained his poise, unnoticed by all but Elara.

"These visuals chronicle the devastation inflicted by Haag's forces," Elara articulated with clarity. "A once thriving city reduced to ruins, its people either perished or enslaved by explicit orders from Haag orders that predate the invasion by a week."

Prime Minister Kanata's hands balled into fists, his body tensing with barely contained rage. King Quila nodded gravely in agreement, his face etched with sorrow. But they were also curious about how they managed to acquire an image but ultimately decided not to dwell on it

The tension in the room escalated palpably as the full extent of Haag's actions was laid bare.

Christine's gaze locked onto Haag, her voice unwavering. "Haag, you are charged with abhorrent crimes. The evidence arrayed against you is formidable. Have you any defense to offer before I pass judgment?"

Haag's response was measured yet filled with an undercurrent of fear. "I acted out of necessity. Qua-Toyne and Quila were impediments to our growth their lands and resources essential for our nation's survival." His words belied his true motive: his adherence to an ancestral ideology that justified his conquests.

Christine's eyes narrowed perceptibly. "Survival never warrants genocide or enslavement. Your deeds have wrought immense suffering. Prime Minister Kanata, King Quila do you wish to address this court before I pronounce sentence?"

Prime Minister Kanata rose, his voice resonating with restrained wrath. "Your Majesty, Qua-Toyne cries out for justice. The devastation wrought by Haag demands retribution commensurate with his offenses."

King Quila stood firm, echoing Kanata's resolve. "Quila stands united with Qua-Toyne in seeking justice. Haag must answer for his heinous acts."

Christine acknowledged their pleas with a solemn nod. "Haag, your actions against innocents are indefensible. The evidence is irrefutable; the outcry for justice is unanimous."

She stood, her presence dominating the chamber. "For your crimes of aggression, genocide, enslavement, kidnapping I sentence you to death by acid immersion, a fate befitting your grievous transgressions."

A hush descended upon the hall as Christine's verdict resonated through the space.

The trial reached its end; justice was decreed by Empress Christine for Qua-Toyne and Quila.

In the silence that followed Christine's pronouncement, all eyes followed Haag as he was escorted away his fate sealed by imperial command.

Prime Minister Kanata and King Quila shared a look at a complex tapestry of relief and sorrow interwoven with satisfaction. Justice had been rendered for their nations' suffering, yet it could not undo the deep scars left behind.

Christine's gaze settled on Kanata, noting his concern. "Prime Minister, to support Gim's restoration, the Solstice Empire will contribute $20 Billion Astral Aurums Dollars and dispatch engineers to reconstruct the city's infrastructure," she stated with nonchalance, for such a sum was but a trifle to the affluent Solsticians.

"Your Highness, I am grateful," Kanata responded, his voice carrying a mix of relief and appreciation. Quila, spared from invasion due to its formidable landscape, required no such assistance thus, Qua-Toyne stood as the sole beneficiary.

Christine offered a reassuring look to Prime Minister Kanata. "There's no need for gratitude," she assured him. "As allies, it is our duty to extend support in times of need,"

Holy Milishial Empire, Runepolis, 2:01 PM

In the dimly lit confines of the local bar, a motley crew of men found solace in the amber glow of their drinks, their voices weaving a tapestry of daily triumphs and tribulations. The air was thick with the aroma of spirits and the warmth of camaraderie when suddenly, the drone of idle chatter was pierced by the sharp snap of the television switching to Central News. All eyes turned as an Elven anchorwoman, her features sharp and regal, appeared before the camera.

"Good evening, esteemed viewers. This is Central News of the Holy Milishial, coming to you with urgent updates on the escalating conflict from the Outside Civilization," she declared with a gravity that demanded attention.

The bar's atmosphere shifted palpably, conversations dwindling to hushed whispers as patrons leaned in, their focus now ensnared by the unfolding news.

A grizzled veteran at the corner table voiced his disdain, "Why bother us with tales of those barbarian nations? They know naught but war."

His sentiment was echoed by a young merchant across the room, "Indeed, they're embroiled in strife as often as we draw breath."

Yet the anchorwoman soldiered on, her voice steady and clear. "This just in: The Louria Kingdom from the Rodenius continent has made a bold move against Qua-Toyne, swiftly overtaking Gim City at their shared border. The city succumbed to Louria's might within mere hours."

A ripple of laughter tinged with sarcasm spread through the crowd. "So they've commenced their farcical 'reunification,'" quipped a cynic lounging by the bar.

"The plot thickens," she continued, "as a third entity known as the Solstice Empire has entered the fray. Allying with Qua-Toyne, this nascent country has not only halted Louria's advance but has also dealt them a crushing defeat within days."

The revelation hung heavy in the air even those who held Louria in contempt couldn't hide their astonishment at its sudden downfall.

"And in a stunning turn of events," she added, "the Solstice Empire has taken King Haag of Louria captive. The world now watches with bated breath, awaiting news of his fate from this enigmatic new power."

The bar erupted into a cacophony of speculation and debate. The swift collapse of Louria under the might of an equally foreign and fledgling nation was a narrative no one could have anticipated.

Patrons stared at the screen, their expressions a mix of disbelief and intrigue. The notion that Louria long considered an unassailable giant could be felled so rapidly was unfathomable. And yet, if such a feat were to be believed of any outside force, surely it would be one of the known superpowers, not an obscure newcomer like the Solstice Empire.

Unknown Realm

Amidst a realm of ethereal clouds, a grand edifice reminiscent of ancient Roman architecture stood proudly. Within its hallowed halls, upon a majestic throne, sat Ir, the God of Creation of this world.

For weeks, Ir had been vigilantly observing the planet he and his fellow deities had crafted. A month prior, he sensed an enigmatic surge a powerful wave of mana that permeated the world in mere seconds before vanishing without a trace. Despite his divine gaze, the source eluded him. Attempts to descend upon the eastern continent were thwarted by an unseen barrier.

"Peculiar indeed," he mused to himself. "What could be the origin of such a wave?"

His divine search continued until his eyes fell upon an unfamiliar mega continent, previously unnoticed as his attention had been fixated on the West, home to both ancient and modern civilizations. He attempted to conjure a portal to the vast mega continent, but to his astonishment, the portal fractured into oblivion, an unprecedented event that left him staggered.

After the abrupt collapse of his portal, he found himself contemplating whether Shamash was the one who called forth this mega continent, a force potent enough to obstruct his portal-conjuring efforts. "Could Shamash have conjured another land?" he pondered aloud. As Shamash, Goddess of the Sun, materialized before him at that very moment.

"Ir, there is urgent news I must share," she announced.

"Shamash, wait. First, tell me did you bring forth this new country?" Ir inquired, gesturing towards the holographic projection of the planet's eastern expanse.

Shamash peered at the hologram, her brow furrowing in confusion at the sight of the unexpected landmass. "No, that was not my doing," she replied with certainty.

Assured by her sincerity, Ir contemplated the mystery. "Then how did it come to be here?" he wondered aloud. "But let us set that aside for now. You have something pressing to discuss?"

Regaining her composure, Shamash nodded. "Indeed. I've been granted a vision," she revealed, prompting Ir to regard her with heightened seriousness for Shamash's visions were always of grave importance.

"What did you witness?" he pressed.

"In my vision," Shamash began gravely, "the Ravernal Empire and the God of Chaos wrought havoc anew, wielding weaponry far surpassing anyone has seen before. The time and place of their return remain obscured, yet one thing is clear their resurgence draws near."

Ir's thoughts raced back to ancient battles waged against the Ravernal and the God of Chaos. Countless deities had united in those dire times, yet only three survived the cataclysmic conflict, himself, Shamash, and Astalte, Goddess of Fertility.

"Thus, I seek your aid to borrow some mana. The previous summoning of the Japanese to halt the malevolent advance of the demon lord Nosgorath, which required a vast reserve of mana, depleting my stores significantly," Shamash explained, her gaze returning to the holographic planet. "Perhaps we should assess the strength of that mega continent, maybe they could be a potential ally against the Ravernal and the Chaos God?"

Ir pondered her suggestion. "I've attempted to peer into their realm, to bridge our worlds with a portal, but each effort ends in failure the gateway shatters before it can form," he said, demonstrating once more as he conjured a portal that fractured into nothingness. "This has been the recurring outcome of my attempts."

Shamash furrowed her brow in thought. "If we cannot gauge their might, then summoning another nation may be our only recourse. Hold on Astatle's temple resides within this 'outside civilization.' Surely we can reach her through it?"

"I've tried," Ir replied with a hint of frustration. "But it's as if we're being deliberately obstructed." Unbeknownst to them, Shadow Demons had infiltrated the outside and third civilizations, wielding divine-class items capable of slaying any lesser being and thwarting any reality-altering magic or portal creation.

"It seems we have no alternative but to summon additional countries perhaps two or more, to bolster their odds against the Ravernal Empire," Shamash concluded.

"Agreed. I entrust this task to you, for you alone possess the power to call forth these nations," Ir said, materializing a radiant orb of pure mana in his palm and passing it to Shamash.

Gratefully accepting the mana, Shamash mused, "With this mana from you, I should manage to summon a few countries. I'll search for Mu's original planet." She rifled through her journal, scanning the list of planets until one caught her eye.

"Ah, here it is! Planet 69197114116104 also known as Earth." She contemplated which nations to summon, her newfound mana pulsing with potential. "Four countries could be called forth, though each summoning will require a year's time."


Hello, upon reflection, I feel that this chapter may have been developed hastily from my perspective. Therefore, there is a likelihood that I will revisit and rewrite this section when time permits.

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