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Chapter 1546: 36

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After a month of living in the Court of King Gil-galad, the time came when Jon and the Westerosi to return to the Gray Havens, as their visit lasted far longer than was planned.


"So is it time for you to leave?" Asked King Gil-galad on his throne along with the other great lords of the Noldor and Lady Írimë.


"Yes my king ... I am afraid that we have stayed here too long and Mithlond needs us, And soon must venture south to meet with Elendil and his sons...," Said the Lord of the Gray Havens in the most respectful way possible.


At that moment Írimë, who had not yet satisfied her curiosity about Jon, was quite vexed as she had rarely spoken with Jon and there were things about the young dragon that she wanted to know ... such as his relations to the lords of Westeros and his life before coming to these lands, but for that, she needed more time ... alas there stay here was at an end.


Therefore, although her curiosity is not satisfied and there is still much that Írimë feels she should know about Jon Snow, she will proceed with care, although Írimë does not understand what the danger that Galadriel foresaw in her future is. Still, she saw that the young man had a sense of honour... He will not hurt her. Irimë is sure of that.


She didn't understand why thinking about the fact that Jon would never hurt her brought calm and satisfaction to her heart.



"I see then that you must continue on your way, in that case, 'Shipbuilder' you and your students are free to return to Mithlond," King Gil-galad said with a nod.


"By your leave, my king, we shall leave as soon as we are able." Lord Cirdan said before bowing low, and Jon did the same.


"My companions and I thank you for your hospitality as well as the knowledge and wisdom that you and your servants shared with us, King Gil-galad," Jon said humbly.


"Your gratitude is not necessary Jon snow, you are counted as a friend of the lord of the tides and have shown the quality of your character, I must remind you that if ever you and your companions need counsel or safe haven the doors of my kingdom will be open to you," He said the King with sincerity in his voice.


"Thank you, your Highness," Jon said, genuinely grateful.


At that moment, Lord Elrond whispered something in the King's ear, and Gil-galad nodded, and the Lord of Imladris revealed a wooden box that clearly contained a gift.


"I want to thank you for sharing the history of your land, as well as its legends and culture as well as passing on to us the knowledge of the gifts that Jon possesses, It shows that we have a great deal to learn about the race of men, "Lord Elrond said humbly.


"Lord Elrond, this is not necessary…" Queen Rhaella said sadly.


"I insist, I also have a gift for Ladies Sansa and Arya in recognition for their mastery of our language," Elrond said with a smile as the Stark sisters shuddered when remembering their lessons.


The Lord of Imladris had taken over as Sansa and Arya's tutor, the girls made great strides in the learning of languages and lore of the first age ... But elves are stern taskmasters, something that Jon and his companions learned all too well.


Sansa and Arya were somewhat traumatized, Elrond was much worse than Maester Ludwin and Septa Mordaine causing Arya to shed tears of shame for the problems she caused them both while instructing her as compared to the Lord Imladris' her two previous tutors were kind and understanding.


However, they both smiled and bowed to Elrond, who opened the box he was carrying and inside were two daggers of exquisite quality.


Instantly, Jon, Loras and Robar knew these daggers were mighty weapons, long, leaf-shaped, and keen, of marvellous workmanship, damasked with serpent-forms in red and gold. They gleamed as he drew them from their black sheaths, wrought of some strange metal, light and strong, and set with many fiery stones.


Jon became curious and approached Elrond hoping to judge their craftsmanship.


"May I, my Lord?" Jon said, hoping not to offend Elrond.


But the Lord of Imladris was not at all offended but smiled as if he had already expected that reaction and nodded, allowing Jon to take a dagger.


As he did so, Jon took it out of its sheath and was amazed at the exquisite craftsmanship of the small blade of the dagger, there was no imperfection in fact even though it was made of steel it looked like shiny silver.


The craftsmanship could rival that of the dwarves ... And indeed there seemed to be subtle hints of dwarf work on the dagger.


"Jon?" Arya asked arching an eyebrow when she saw Jon staring spellbound at the dagger.


"These daggers 'They were not entirely by Noldorian skill, nor by any smith among men in these parts and days;" Jon said suddenly surprising the Ladies of Westeros, but Lord Elrond nodded with satisfaction.


"They are old daggers, very old daggers of the High Elves of the West, my kin. They were made in Gondolin for the Goblin-wars Keep them well!" Lord Elrond said proudly.


All the Westerosi were in awe blades of such make were very rare, for they bore great enchantments and the skill to fashion such weapons was lost when Gondolin fell.


"Really? .. Let me see her Jon!" Said Arya starting to jump with excitement much to the amusement of everyone in the Court.


"Not only that ... These daggers were forged ere Maeglin came to Gondolin, Of that I'm certain" Jon said to the surprise of all the elves.


Maeglin, that was a name that all Westeros travellers knew very well. This was a name that would live forever in infamy among the Noldor for it was Maeglin who had sown the seeds of Morgoth's final victory over them. It had been Maeglin who had betrayed Gondolin, the chiefest and most beautiful city of the Elves in all the history of Middle-earth, to the "Great Enemy." It had been Maeglin who had fought against Lord Elrond's grandfather, Tuor Eladar to kidnap Tuor's wife, Idril Celembridal, and assassinate their son Eärendil on the high walls of the city, even as Morgoth's hosts descended upon her.


As soon as they heard Maeglin's name all the elves in the Great Hall clasped their hands in anger and their gaze darkened, Glorfindel, in particular, seemed wroth.


"How do you know this?" King Gil-galad said, giving Jon a penetrating look.


"I toiled on the great forges of Lord Durin for many long days, I learned not only to forge and work metals, I learned to recognize the skill of dwarven craftsmen, "Jon said giving the dagger to Arya who took it excitedly.


"Did you truly learn that? ... I only learned to hit metal against an Anvil" said Robar confused.


"That is no longer using a forge without it being ready to be used," Loras said, shuddering at the memory of the dwarf Raffnuff.


Seeing the two knights' expressions, Rhaenys burst out laughing as she remembered how the three of them were reprimanded by the ornery dwarf causing everyone to look at her with curiosity while Loras and Robar looked embarrassed.


"Rhaenys ..." Rhaella said, embarrassed by her granddaughter.


"I'm sorry... Sorry...I remembered something amusing" Said the Princess wiping her tears.


"Returning to the subject ... Yes, we learned for weeks in the dwarven forges, I for my part did more than hit an anvil or learn to use a forge," Jon said giving his companions a look of disappointment that distressed the two.

"That's very ... Observerant of you Jon Snow," Lady Galadriel said, intrigued by Jon's argument but he only gave her a tired expression.


"In Westeros, we bastards must grow up before the other children and be ever vigilant," Jon said, looking at Galadriel with a dark expression that distressed the Lady of Light.


None could refute the young dragon either.


"But I know that these daggers were forged after Maeglin's arrival because I do indeed see the dwarven influence in the forging of the blade," Jon said looking at Arya's new dagger again.


"And how could the influence of the dwarves have reached the forges of Gondolin? In those days we hardly had any dealings with the dwarves of the Blue Mountains," Glorfindel said intrigued, and Jon raised an eyebrow.


"Maeglin's father was Eöl, an elf craftsman and blacksmith of such skill that he was second only to Lady Írimë's brother, Fëanor, Eöl was a friend and apprentice to the dwarves of Nogrod and Belegost in the Blue Mountains, and he taught his son. Despite his nefarious actions and deeds, Maeglin taught many in Gondolin and in fact it was he who created the seventh gate, the one of steel, therefore he taught in Gondolin the arts that he had learned from his father and that in turn, he had learned from the dwarves ... I am certain "Jon said, and all eyes were focused on Lord Elrond who remained impassive listening to Jon's argument.


"Impressive ... Indeed ... These daggers were forged in Anghabar, the Maeglin mine ... Jon Snow you have a privileged mind of that I have no doubt," Lord Elrond said surprised that Jon managed to glean so much of the dagger just by looking at its blade.


Surprise that the rest of those present shared.


Meanwhile, Sansa listened impressed with her cousin's knowledge, and her eyes went back to the dagger laying in the velvet box, although it seemed beautiful, she did not know whether to accept it or not until she heard Jon call her.


"Sansa, it is a gift from Lord Elrond that dagger was forged in the greatest city of Middle Earth ... You will not find a better steel" Jon said with a slight smile.


"But I ... I'm not ... Like Arya, I've never used a weapon," Sansa said nervously.


Seeing her so nervous, Jon approached her and hugged her gently, and Sansa marvelled at the heat that emanated from her cousin's body and leaned her head on his chest.


"And I wish you would never use it ... Unfortunately we have both seen that in Arda there are many horrors...Some are faced with cunning and others with courage and steel...A young Lady like you should never even think to use a weapon. we have already seen both here in Middle Earth, and in our home in Westeros, it is preferable that you have a way of defending yourself from horrors… Don't you think so… little sister? " Jon said, placing a chaste kiss on Sansa's forehead.


Both Sansa and Arya had a different reaction when hearing Jon call Sansa "little sister" since the youngest of the Starks were getting jealous seeing the closeness between the two since she was Jon's "little sister". At the same time, Sansa She was delighted that Jon called her that way again because it brought back beautiful memories when they were little and played with Robb in Winterfell since Jon had not called her that since he was sent to Highgarden by his father, It was even worse when they had met Jon again in Kingslanding Arya was Jon's new "little sister", something for which Sansa resented her younger sister even more since in addition to blaming her for Lady being locked in a cage, Sansa also believed that Arya had stolen Jon's affection, an affection she was denied because of her own stupidity Hence, she held a grudge against her younger sister until their father was executed by Joffrey. They had forgiven each other, realizing that if more people valued home and hearth over crowns this world would be a far merry place.


With flushed cheeks and a radiant smile, Sansa took the dagger from its case and took it out of its jewelled sheath the blade shone like silver.


"It is beautiful," said Winterfell's eldest daughter and everyone nodded in agreement, at that moment Lord Elrond cleared his voice.


"It is, they both are, they are twin daggers forged in the Anghabar mine by skilled hands ... But as beautiful as they are, remember that they are not trinkets, they are weapons of war. ... Is that clear? " The Lord of Imladris said with a stern expression, Sansa and Arya quickly nodded and returned to the retinue with the daggers on their hips.


Both the Westerosi and the Elf Lords were touched by Jon, Sansa and Arya's show of affection.


At that moment both Ashara and Shiera stared at each other, and with a smile, they both had the same idea ... Both women had lusted after their dragon for over a year since they arrived in Middle Earth and not they were willing to wait any longer.


Especially now that they sensed that a beautiful elf was becoming more enamoured of Jon.



When King Gil-galad finally dismissed everyone from the Great Hall, Lord Cidarin instructed them to prepare for the journey to Mithlond, Shiera and Ashara had something different in mind ... They had seen the love Jon held for the princesses ... And after a year of suppressing their jealousy and lust, they no longer had the heart to wait, after all, they too loved Jon and wished to stay by his side ... And in his bed.


After Jon returned from Tol Morwen and accepted his lineage, demonstrating the growth of his spirit by not allowing himself to be consumed by pain and suffering, they no longer had doubts, they loved him fiercely, and longed to spend the rest of their lives with him. Incredible as it may seem


Ashara Dayne and Shiera Seastar will make their move that night as after that they will spend days on a ship which would be very uncomfortable not to mention the prying eyes and ears of others.



Jon was in his room after finishing preparing for the trip, it had been an eventful day, especially the gift that Lord Elrond gave to Sansa and Arya. Fortunately for Jon, his Princesses were being instructed by Queen Rhaella to prepare their luggage the night before, so they could leave after breakfast; it was to be a relaxing night.


Or that he thought until he heard a knock at the door.


Jon got up with a sigh and opened the door to see the Ashara and Shiera dressed in strange travelling cloaks.


"Good evening Jon, can we come in?" The Lady of Starfall asked and Jon, struck dumb by her ethereal beauty, nodded quickly.


"Yes, my something wrong?" Jon asked, letting both of them pass, curious about the presence of the two Ladies so late at night and noticed at that moment that Lady Ashara was blushing while Lady Shiera looked at him as if he were a tasty delicacy and she bit her lip and had an anxious expression in her gaze.


Jon swallowed hard, feeling like prey about to be eaten by a hungry predator.


"Jon..we must talk .." Lady Ashara said, taking his hands.


"What has happened?" Jon asked nervously.


Lady Ashara did not answer, but she only blushed more, and Lady Shiera saw that on one of the desks there was a bottle of wine and some glasses, she gestured to Jon, and he nodded while the beautiful bastard poured a glass to her lover and herself.


"Thank you, Shiera ..." Ashara said after taking a sip.


"No trouble Ash, I'll sit here ... And let you speak," Said the Lady of the Sea looking anxious for some reason.


"What do you want to talk about?" Jon asked more and more confused, and the Lady of Starfall gently took his hands.


"I want to tell you a story ... My story" Said the Lady with wet eyes and a beautiful smile.


"But why ..." Jon tried to ask, but Ashara silenced him with a finger.


"Let me talk Jon, please ... Later ... well ... we'll see," Ashara Dayne said blushing a deep shade of scarlet.


Jon, sensing this curiously familiar scene, nodded.


"Throughout my life, I was considered a very beautiful woman, perhaps too beautiful, I am the third of four siblings, my older brother is the current Lord of Starfall, my younger sister is called Alyria. However, my brother Arthur and I were always the favourites of our father, Arthur for his talent with the sword and I ... for my beauty and that I am cleverer than I seem "The Lady said somewhat amused.


"I can believe that," Jon said with a smile and Ashara playfully tapped him on the shoulder as she smiled dazzlingly, causing Jon to blush.


"Since we were children, Princess Elia and I were dear friends, we told each other everything, that is why six months before Harrenhal, I ventured to the capital to serve as Elia's handmaiden something that made my father and me very happy because I was able to see my brother and my best friend again and my father was eager to find me a suitable match from among the great houses. "Ashara said, starting to tremble because she was about to tell him her darkest secret, what his Uncle Brandon did to her.


Watching her get nervous, Jon had a bad feeling.


"During the tourney, there was a dance where I dance with Ser Barristen, Prince Oberyn and Jon Connington ... And at that moment your uncle approached ... Brandon Stark," Ashara said with so much hatred in his voice that Jon wanted to back away.


When Jon tried to speak, he was silenced once more by a finger to his lips by the Lady of Starfall who struggled to contain himself until finally after a few minutes, he sighed and continued.


"Your uncle Brandon was already engaged to Catelyn Tully, and he approached me on behalf of Eddard as he said he was too shy to ask me for a dance, I thought it was sweet, and I gave Ned his dance ... That's when we both We fell in love and in those moments I felt that my life was perfect. Ned was the second son of Richard Stark so my father should not oppose the match, although ... He knew that to change the sun of Dorne for The snow from the North would be an arduous change but I willing to for my sweet Ned... Alas, fate is cruel" Ashara said, shedding tears.


"What?" Jon asked, wiping her tears away, and Ashara closed her eyes in wonder at feeling his skin and felt that Jon's touch comforted her and gave her strength to continue.


"Your uncle Brandon didn't stop drinking too much during the dance and more night ... He followed me to my rooms to pay me a visit," Ashara said staring at Jon with red and puffy eyes and Jon was horrified to understand what she was trying to tell him.


Before she could continue, he hugged her tightly, and she hugged him back, letting herself cry for finally letting out all the accumulated pain of that night. It was several minutes in which Ashara did not want to be parted from Jon as if he would disappear if she didn't cling to him.


"I'm sorry, I, I ..." Jon tried to say, but Ashara gave him a sad smile and kissed him on the cheek.


"Why are you, sorry? It is not you who should apologize" Said the Lady lovingly stroking Jon's hair.


"My father ... My uncle rarely spoke about my uncle Brandon or my mother ... Only that they had too much of what he called" The Blood of the Wolf "and that sent them both to an early grave. "Jon said, not knowing how to speak to Ashara after the horrible revelation.


"No, your uncle Brandon was the exact opposite of Ned, Brandon had a fierce, violent, passionate and reckless temperament and was known as the" Wild Wol. ", while Ned was reserved, dignified and cautious. I never told Ned what his brother did to me when Brandon regained his wits the next day, he started crying like a miserable child, pathetic and scared ... instead of a wolf, he seemed more like an insect that I wanted to step on. Still, Brandon would not stop crying and begging for my forgiveness telling me that he had drunk too much, in the end, I got tired of hearing his whining and not wanting to bear his presence for another minute ... I told him to leave before calling the guards, he left immediately ... And I was left alone in my room ... Feeling outraged and full of rottenness and filth "Ashara said lowering her gaze.


"My lady ... no words can express my rage nor sorrow ..." Jon said feeling indignation and anger against his uncle since although his uncle Ned did not speak much about him, in the North he was still remembered with affection, Jon also felt pity for Ashara not knowing what to say or do to comfort the Lady.


... My uncle Brandon was a rapist ... And everyone in the North thinks he was a great man, I wonder how many would have joined the Rebellion if this had been known ...


"I already told you that you don't have to apologize ... After that, I said goodbye to Ned went back to Starfall, and he promised me that he would talk to his father to organize our engagement, I wanted to cry, but I held my tongue and wished him safe travels. I travelled, hoping that everything would go well. But, I knew that nothing would ever be the same between us; unfortunately, I was not mistaken. Shortly after that, your parents ran off shirking their responsibilities and together with the Mad King they started a war, a war that began with the deaths of your uncle Brandon and your grandfather Richard, a war that cost me, my brother, my best friend and my sweet Ned "said Lady Ashara weeping.


... Of course, my father ... My uncle Eddard, married his brother's fiancee to seal an alliance with Hoster Tully ... And so the selfishness of my parents and the recklessness of my uncle Brandon ruined the lives of both ... Jon thought sadly.


"When I returned to Starfall, I discovered I was with child, and when my father found out I had to tell him what happened with your uncle, do you know what my beloved father did then?" Ashara said, looking sadly at Jon and he shook his head.




"My father was happy because he believed that he could have forced Lord Richard Stark to cancel the engagement between your uncle and Catelyn Tully so that I would marry my rapist and become the Lady of Winterfell ... I was disgusted by my father's plans .. but it was useless due to Brandon's death."


Jon just remained silent while Lady Ashara told her tragic story and at one point he saw Lady Shiera who remained quiet drinking a glass of wine and saw that in her eyes there was anger and hatred of such intensity that her eyes were akin to flames.


"I spent the year the Rebellion lasted in Starfall, anxiously awaiting the birth of my baby because despite everything I loved my child, but that was not meant to be either ... My baby, a beautiful girl was born dead, and that was only the beginning of my misfortune ... Ned returned a few days later bringing with him Dawn and my brother's corpse."


... The misfortune of this Lady knows no end, she has suffered far more than most ... No, she still suffers from these injustices.


"When Ned told me about my brother's death, I hated him, but when he told me his reason for killing him, my brother, the pride of our House ... slain because of the stupidity of three selfish people ... I couldn't contain myself, I threw myself towards Ned begging him to take me with him, I already knew that he had married Brandon's betrothed, but I did not mind being his mistress, since Even the Lords of the North have mistresses... But he refused, he was not going to dishonour his wife ... And departed ... Leaving me with a broken heart "Ashara said sadly.


Jon just hugged her again and she, smiling, stroked his hair.


"That night I was consumed by grief, I tried to commit suicide because of the pain of having lost my honour, my dignity, my daughter, my brother and the man I loved ... I could not deal with the pain and I threw myself from the Palestone sword ... But fate had other plans."


"Other plans?" Jon asked, shocked by the story.


"The wind began to lessen my fall, and suddenly a voice ... as if the wind itself was alive told me that it was not yet my time and that I should seek a maiden of Valyria and a man whose voice was like the lilies of spring, and then all was darkness. When awoke I couldn't bear to stay having lost so much and knowing that my father would seek to use me for his political ends, I decided to fake my death and went into exile where I travelled alone for many years ... Until my travels took me to Quarth where I met Shiera "Lady Ashara said looking at her lover showing the first genuine smile she had since she recounting her horrid tale.


"I still remember that day," Lady Shiera said with a satisfied smile.


"Yes, what a mess we made ... But after helping Shiera escape from the House of the Eternals, we both decided to travel together, and that's when the emptiness in my heart began to fill ... Which leads me ... to you, Jon "Ashara said looking at Jon with love and an equally dazzling smile.


"To me?" Jon asked, confused.


"Yes, silly ... You, haven't you noticed?" Ashara asked, starting to get irritated.


"Realize what?" Jon asked, confused as both Ladies sighed in frustration.


"May I smack him?" Lady Shiera asked in annoyance.


"Not yet," Lady Ashara replied, staring at Jon, making him nervous.


"Excuse me, but what's wrong with you?" Jon asked, confused.


"Jon, why do you think I came here to tell you my story?" Lady Ashara asked, raising an eyebrow as she was staring at Jon, to which he gulped and preparing for the worst shrugged.


This time there was no mercy with a gesture from the Lady of Starfall, Jon felt a sharp pain in his head.


"AUUH!" Jon and Shiera yelled at the same time.


The scene was really comical as Jon put a hand to the back of his neck in pain and turned to see the Lady of the Sea only to see her with a pained expression caressing his right hand.


"That hurt my Lady!" Jon complained in pain.


"Don't complain! Your thick skull can ward off hard blows!" The beautiful bastard complained in pain.


Seeing the scene between her two loves, Ashara could not contain herself and began to laugh uncontrollably, so much so she began weeping in joy.


Both Jon and Shiera were upset, but their anger quickly disappeared when they were enchanted by the beautiful laugh of the Lady of Starfall causing them both to smile as neither of them had ever seen her so happy.


"That ... is ... the most ... Ridiculous ... I've ever seen," Ashara said with an effort.


"I'm glad my Lady is having fun even if it's at my expense, although that doesn't mean it was right to be beaten for no reason," Jon said sullenly, and Shiera looked at him with annoyance feeling like hitting him again but refrained not to turn around to hurt.


"You know nothing Jon Snow, do you want to know why we both came here at night? .. It's because we came to tell you that Ashara and I are in love with you! .. Fool!"


Lady Shiera's words caused Jon to widen his eyes in surprise and take a few steps back.


"You love me? ... But how? Why?" Jon asked, surprised, and despite his shock, both ladies found his reaction cute and smiled.


"Why? ... Well that doesn't really matter, as for 'why', Jon how could we not love you?" Lady Shiera asked, looking at Jon with abject passion.


"When I met you, Jon, you saved our lives, and I wanted to thank you ... But, I didn't want anything to do with you or anyone from Westeros and even more so when I discovered the rumours that you were Ned's bastard son. That was a bitter poison to swallow ... But I understood that it was decades ago and that you were not to blame for Ned's cowardice "Ashara said seriously.


Jon could feel his heart swell from her words, but the Lady of Starfall did the most extraordinary thing ... She kissed him on the lips and slipped her tongue into his mouth, Jon quickly regained his composure and returned the kiss starting a fierce duel of tongues.


"Ash, I want him as well," Shiera said in a jealous tone and the Lady of Starfall upon seeing her lover's expression laughed and released a stunned Jon who could not react in time and Shiera gave him a fierce kiss.


That kiss given with impressive mastery left Jon stunned to the satisfaction of the bastard Targaryen who leaned close to the young Dragon's ear.


"That was because of the kiss you stole from me on the beach," Said the smiling Lady in a malicious tone but Jon still dumbstruck couldn't respond.


Seeing Jon in such a state, Ashara laughed and laid him on the bed where he began to caress his face and hair.


"Jon, if you can hear me ... During our time in Middle Earth I have seen you mature, grow under the guidance of mighty loremasters and warriors ... You have become the dream of any maiden, I admired you ... And I tried to see you as If you were my son ... But you ended up casting a spell on me, I ended up completely in love with you, I don't know how it happened, and I really don't care anymore ... I just want to be with you ... Please accept me ... Let me love you " Lady Ashara said starting to kiss Jon passionately, and the young spare kissed him back.


The two of them and Shiera continued to kiss the three of them together for several minutes until Jon regained his composure and got out of bed to the surprise of both women.


"Is something wrong?" A nervous Ashara asked, but luckily Jon shook his head.


"No. I have heard your tale, now I want you to listen to me. Throughout this journey, my friends and I have seen and done incredible things, I have seen, and learned so much, I am not the man I once was, Travelling to these lands is a blessing but it's not the most significant part of my journey, Was to meet all of you especially you Ashara my Maiden of starlight "Said Jon opening his heart completely before the older Ladies.


"Jon…" Ashara tried to speak, but Jon silenced her with another kiss.


"I never believed that in life there could be room for so much happiness, praise the mercy of the Valar, I grew up as a bastard without any hope of being something or someone, from my beginnings in the North to my time in Highgarden ... everything was a struggle to find a place in a world that seemed to want me out of it ... That is why I never believed I had real "love" in my life, I did not meet my mother, and my uncle could not show me true affection least he earn the ire of Catelyn and my brother Robb and my sister Sansa I only knew them for a few years, the Tyrells were like a second family for me and even Loras's sister, Margaery was my first love, my first lover. .. She was my shining light the one good thing in this horrid world ... And she left, then I had nothing left, nothing and no one to fight for except my brothers in arms "Jon said with melancholy when he remembered those days.


"Jon, you don't need to talk about this," Lady Ashara said as she saw the look of misery and sadness on Jon's face.


"I must, you told me your story my Lady ... Now I want to tell you to mine myself ... Those days after being betrayed by Margaery and her family ... I didn't know what to do or where to go. I thought about venturing north to find Robb and join his ranks, but then Lord Manwë appeared in my dreams and told me to come to Middle Earth and join "The Faithful" ... He told me that I also had to find Arianne and Daenerys because they were part of my destiny, but on the way, we found you two, Rhaenys and ... My grandmother "Jon doesn't speak anymore because he held back a laugh.


"What is so amusing?" Shiera asked.


"You are by far the smartest of the group, and you know very well the relationship between Arianne, Rhaenys, Danenerys and me ... and you still wish to be with me, it is as if all the misery of my life is at an end, "Jon said with a smile.


"And that bothers you?" Ashara said arching an eyebrow.


"No, it's just that now I realize that the more I have, the more I want, I am not as honourable as I thought and I am selfish too, I am a Targaryen, I am a conqueror and I shall take what I want, and what I want is all of you, "said Jon looking at the surprised faces of both women.


"Do you desire all of us? .. Do you want a harem? .. Lustful little dragon" Ashara said with a satisfied smile.


"It's more than that ... I want everything from you, I want you as lovers, yes, but I also want your hearts, I want to love you as you love me, and that's why I'm selfish because I can't choose one over the other, I have shall have you, each of you shall have a place in my bed and heart, with Arianne, Daenerys, Rhaenys and you by my side ... I feel complete, so I swear to you that if you accept me ... I will spend my days ensuring your happiness never shall I let you be held captive by misery nor sorrow I shall honour and love you from this day till the sun and moon are extinguished", Jon said with the grace befitting a dragon lord of Valyria, leaving the two ladies shocked by his confession.


Jon's words, his charisma, his voice, his passion echoed within them, Jon's confession filled them with joy and excitement, his words left them happy and excited, in front of them was a young man who confessed to loving them and three other women, both Ashara and Shiera knew that they should be offended by his offer, but truthfully they were joyful. They both threw themselves at Jon, trying to claim his lips at the same time.


"I've never heard of a confession of love like yours Jon .." Ashara said competing with Shiera's tongue in Jon's mouth.


"Neither have. You certainly know how to reach the heart of a lady, Or her small clothes" Shiera said humorously.


"I only said what was in my heart, it is true, each word ... I love you both and the others, I don't know how or when I started to notice you when I met you I was surprised like the others, and yes, I was captivated by Shiera's beauty, I will not deny that ... But, going from desire to love? ... I cannot say, maybe it was when I was stargazing with Lady Ashara or when Lady Shiera and I comforted each other after discovering Numenor's fate ... But, really ... That doesn't matter ... I love you, and I want you both by my side ... Can you do it? Can you share my love with other women? I don't want to deceive you, much less force you into an unhappy situation. "Jon couldn't speak anymore because Ashara silenced him with a withering kiss.


... He desires love more than sex, he wants to love but more wants to feel loved ... Ashara and Shiera thought at the same time with a smile and tears in their eyes.


Both Ladies understood that this was sadly expected, love is something that Jon has known few times in his life, his first family sent him away, the second betrayed him, and even his first love rejected him for the promise of a crown. .. That thought for a moment dismayed the Ladies.


"You talk too much Jon, we have heard your confession and this duel of tongues is the proof that we have accepted your offer ... We love you, and we want to be by your side as long as you have a place for us, "Ashara said looking at Jon with passion and lust in equal measure.


"I love you too Jon, but I think we can leave that for later ... I can't wait anymore and less after knowing that I'm practically in a harem now," Shiera said with desire and pulled her cloak off revealing a sight that caused Jon to blush.


The Lady of the Sea did not wear anything under the cape standing before Jon naked as the day she was born, her skin was white as alabaster, and without flaws, her long, thick silver hair fell in ringlets to the middle of her back. Her breast were large even larger than Arianne's capped with rosy pink nipples, the light of the moon shone in the chamber and gave Shiera an ethereal glow if was as if a goddess of the freehold has manifested in the mortal realm. Now Jon had no doubt that all the poems and books about her beauty did her no justice.


... This is the proof that Ilúvatar still acts in the world, none save him could have created such a beautiful creature ...


Jon couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise to Shiera's satisfaction.


"What's the matter, Jon? Did you lose your voice? Come on Ash, let's see if you can give it back to him" Shiera said removing the cape that covered the body of her blushing lover, and if the sight of Shiera Seastar half-naked left Jon without In words, the sight of Ashara Dayne's naked body did not improve his situation.


Ashara Dayne's body was as beautiful as Lady Shiera's, with precisely the same proportions as the Maiden of the sea, with the only difference being her skin the colour of beaten copper and her hair akin to cascading satin. Still, her most beautiful feature were her eyes two brilliant orbs of amethyst that shone like the rising dawn those eyes conveyed love and lust in equal measure.


"Perfection ..." Jon managed to say after which both Ladies smiled with satisfaction and gave each other a look and then shared a kiss in front of the young dragon who felt that his cock would burst from the blood coursing through it.


. "Come on Shiera we have both waited too long..Jon, be nice to me after all you are my first in some twenty years," Said Ashara Dayne winking at him and taking Jon's head and giving him an intense kiss that left him as dizzy.





After consummating the act the trio of lovers were panting, sweaty and tired on the bed, which was covered in sweat and other fluids, Ashara was with her head lying on the right side of Jon's chest, and Shiera was lying on the left side both marvelling at the warmth of the young man's chest.


"That was ..." Jon said, still unable to articulate words.


"Wonderful, fantastic, the best you've ever had?" Shiera asked her young lover with a slightly smug attitude.


Jon just looked back at her and smiled as he nodded.


"Yes, something like that," He said, inclining his head to kiss his new Targaryen lover to which she gladly accepted.


As Jon and Shiera flirted with each other and kissed, Ashara just smiled as she stroked his hair and for the first time in her life she felt ... Complete.


She no longer had any doubt, she had found the two people who would give him the happiness that had been denied her years ago, Jon and Shiera are the missing pieces of her soul, just remembering Jon's kisses on her lips and skin, their bodies rubbing together ... It was magical and healing as if Jon's love had scrubbed her of the filth of Brandon Stark, for the first time since that terrible night Ashara felt truly free of his memory. With that in mind, she chose a comfortable posture and closed her eyes slowly lulled to sleep by the steady heartbeat of her dragon.


None of the three realized that a certain Lady of the Noldor had watched the entire passionate encounter.


Galadriel, daughter of Finarfin, "The Lady of Light" was in her room waiting for her hot water bath to be ready, her husband Celeborn went to discuss matters of vital importance with Gil-galad and Oropher, she usually would have accompanied him. But she was tired, and besides that night, she had her own fun.


One that made her feel guilty.


Ever since Jon Snow had entered her mind at the same time that she entered hers, she had seen his memories in her mind, sometimes while sleeping and occasionally awake, apparently that experience of sharing minds had forged a particular connection between the two, one that she did not understand.


She had discovered the strange bond between the two during the first week that the young man was in Tol Morwen and she told it only to her husband, who promised to help her break the connection or at least control it and to discover if it would cause an issue, but so far none of the two has been successful.


Galadriel knew that frequently seeing Jon Snow's memories was a consequence of their union of minds, and she thought that seeing his memories at random was the worst thing that could have happened to him. Still, later she discovered that she was wrong when the young man returned to Court the connection between them was strengthened, and it is that it is not only the memories of the young man that she sees, but sometimes Galadriel can feel what Jon is feeling at that moment.


When she is near Jon, and he is exalted, Galadriel no longer needs to read his thoughts, but she immediately perceives his mood and feelings ... As if they were hers.


But the worst thing was what happened the night he returned from Tol Morwen, Galadriel was on the balcony watching the moon, and thinking about what Jon Snow had told them about his experience on the island, including his encounter with her cousin Maglor, when suddenly Galadriel began to feel ... Anxious, she felt her body begin to heat up a lot. She began to bite her lip before releasing a moan of pleasure that she hoped no one would hear.


And that was when Galadriel felt that her most intimate area began to heat up and throb, unable to contain herself she brought her hand to her wet centre and discovered that her smallclothes were soaked, and as soon as her fingers touched her core covered with the fabric, she gave a groan even more substantial than the previous one with it her legs began to weaken.


... What is happening to me? ... What is this feeling? ... Is it lust? ... Finrafin's surprised daughter thought with great difficulty.


Making a great effort, she managed to reach her bed where she dropped down between moans and without realizing it began to take off her pure white dress, Galadriel making a great effort managed to regain some composure and concentrate hoping to discover the source of her newfound lust.


And she began to have visions of three women kissing and caressing her, Galadriel moaning then she understood.


... I re-entered his mind ... Just while he and his concubines are intimate ...


That was where Galadriel's consciousness was lost, and she surrendered to the desire of her body, she stroked her prodigious bust and her wet core, and every touch left her gasping ... until that she finally reached her climax.


Galadriel was panting and covered in sweat she realized that she was naked since at some point she had removed her dress and her smallclothes, as well as her hands, were soaked by her juices.


Galadriel deeply blushed and ashamed, put a hand to her mouth for the shock and quickly began to change her sheets because she could not let anyone discover what happened, not even the servants, tomorrow she would give them the sheets, but that night she did the work of changing them only to notice that her lust hadn't diminished.


... No, it's not mine, it's his ...


Knowing that her husband Celeborn would return soon and not feeling able to explain what was happening to her, Galadriel made the decision to take a cold bath hoping to calm down.


… I have to cut this connection between the two of us… This… This thing that happened… It was… Obscene…


Finarfin's daughter decided it was for the best, however remembering the kisses, the caresses the passion of their lovemaking, her desire was beginning to cloud her mind, she had always had such pure feelings and although Galadriel she knew there was genuine love between Jon Snow and his concubines ... The ancient elf was not at all prepared for these new sensations.


Her people lose interest in sex after having children, neither she nor her husband had much intimacy, but that did not worry them since the bond between them is much more than physical, it was of the mind and spirit. And for many centuries she thought she didn't need anything else ... But now ... Try as she might, Galadriel couldn't suppress that scene in her head, that of Jon and his lovers consummating their love.


That is why she decided to ignore what happened because she knew that nothing would happen because of it. No one would ever find out the effect it had on her that is why she decided not to tell Celeborn about what happened because the shame was too great, she trusted and loved to her husband. Still, she wanted to keep this to herself because it seemed so embarrassing to her, seeing mortals succumb to lust somehow made her own lust and curiosity for such acts start to return, Celeborn loved her and had a very high opinion of her. That is why Galadriel decided to hide this so that the image Celeborn had of her would not fade ... In the end, anyway, there was nothing and nothing would happen.


Or so She thought.


During the following days, Galadriel practised her magic to improve her mental defences to prevent another possible incursion into Jon's mind or enter her mind although it seems that that will not happen since his ability as "Skinschanger" although powerful appears to be limited.


Galadriel did not speak to Jon Snow again except for courtesies or something strictly necessary, and in general, she stayed away from him. His lovers, however on more than one occasion she had attended the battle drills of the westerosi and everyone showed to be skilled warriors, even the women. After one of those battle drills, she saw him shirtless and covered in a sheen of sweat that accentuated his muscle something that his lovers approved of greatly as the showered him with affection and praise, for some reason all those displays of love between them made the Galadriel nervous. She remembered the passionate carnal encounter between the four of them, and she could feel how the seed of curiosity began to germinate inside her.


That seed ended up growing a week later when she and Celeborn finished having a conversation with their daughter and her husband, in the end, Celeborn and Elrond went to discuss an important matter in the latter study, and Galadriel stayed with her daughter watching the stars.


"Is something wrong mother?" Celebrían asked something worried.


"No, should something happen?" Galadriel asked her daughter.


"No ... I just ... I feel you ... Different," Celebrían said, looking at her with concern.


Galadriel began to feel nervous in front of her daughter, but she hid it as best she could, what would she say to her beloved daughter? Since Jon Snow used his strange magic on her, there is a link between their minds? Or that thanks to that bond, she can feel his presence more easily than anyone else's? Or that thanks to that bond she was able to observe him and his lovers have a depraved and intense carnal encounter and that from that moment she could not get it out of her head?


"No, my daughter, nothing's wrong," Galadriel said, kissing her daughter's forehead. Shortly after that moment, Celebrían went for some tea while her mother was still on the balcony, while she was waiting for her daughter, Galadriel realized thanks to her magic that Jon Snow was in the garden and with her keen eyes Galadriel observed that he was with Arianne Martell, it seems that they were walking in the moonlight, there was nothing wrong with that until they began to kiss with such intensity that Galadriel she got nervous and her mind suddenly felt the desire, the excitement, the love ... that Jon felt for his lover.


Her daughter's voice pulled Galadriel out of her sinful and devious thoughts, returning with her to her solar over a cup of tea while trying to calm her spirit, certainly having a degree of success ... For a gruelling few hours ...


It happened that when she was taking a nice hot bath, Galadriel thought again of that image of Jon kissing Arianne and the feelings that Galadriel felt emanate from him, feeling too anxious and curious, Finarfin's daughter decided to lower her mental defences to see if Jon Snow and the princess were being intimate.


... nothing happening, maybe ... They are not doing anything, and I mortify myself uselessly ...


With those thoughts in mind, Galadriel surrendered to her curiosity and ultimately lowered her mental defences and searched for Jon Snow's mind, which she found almost immediately thanks to their unique bond.


It was instantaneous ... The warmth, the sweat, the moans, the hunger, the desire, the passion ... All of this enveloped Galadriel so fast and with such force that the noble elf could not stop them in time and could not help but allow herself carried away by feelings that were not her own, Galadriel once again explored her body for several minutes trying to obtain a release ... Until finally when Jon Snow and Arianne Martell found their climax, Galadriel found hers releasing a moan of satisfaction remaining immobile for several minutes revelling in her situation.


She had fallen into temptation, she who prides herself on being wise and knew how few among her people had been overcome by their curiosity and lust, what would everyone think if they found out about her weakness? Shame covers her like the rust of a blade, but at the same time she felt something she never thought was important .. Satisfied, she was completely satisfied, that was something she never anticipated, following the nature of her people she lost all interest in sex after having children and as a result, her carnal desires did not cause trouble or bother her again for centuries, until now.



Somehow the connection between Galadriel and Jon Snow had caused her carnal desires to return and with great force as if all those centuries contained had been unleashed and demanded retribution ... One that she after thinking about it and with resignation, decided to grant.


Galadriel could not hide or deny herself more what she desperately wanted, to see, she wanted to see that young Westerosi with his lovers, Galadriel wished to see them kissing, caressing each other, she wanted to see their sweaty bodies rubbing each other, she wanted to hear their moans and their cries of pleasure when they reach their climax to later see and continue to see them, the ancient she-elf did not wish to participate in such acts because despite everything she loved her husband, Celeborn. He was her love and companion in Middle Earth, and infidelity was not in her nature, she would only observe but would not participate in the act, anyway, she found that much more exciting, exciting and pleasant, to observe without being noticed by any of them.


No, she was too loyal to become an adulteress plus that was against the nature of an elf ... But that didn't mean she couldn't indulge in some pleasures.


... Nobody will know about this, that is for the best, sooner or later Jon Snow and his companions will go to meet Elendil ... Until then I will use them to calm my desires ... I hope that when he and his concubines return to the Gray Havens, my body's desires will cease ...


With that new resolution, Galadriel got out of her bathtub, and after dressing to sleep, she returned to her bed where she ended up falling asleep quickly and with a satisfied smile.



During the following week, Galadriel spied on the encounters between Jon and his lovers almost daily, and to her surprise, they were intimate practically every day. Galadriel had to carefully choose the moments when she spied upon them as not to be discovered.


During this time, she realized that her beloved aunt Írimë was developing a growing interest in the chosen of Manwë and had a vision in which she watched as once again the House of Finwe achieved glory at the cost of the suffering of her beloved aunt. , Galadriel felt that this was due to her aunt's growing interest in the young mortal. She tried to talk to King Gil-galad about this, but he dismissed her words, it was clear to her that the King was planning something. And that had to do with her aunt, and her interest in Jon Snow, Galadriel's heart told her that it could turn into something dangerous.


She could understand it. Certainly, the young man was intriguing and his life tragic for the most part, besides that for some reason both the "King of the Valar" and the "Lord of the Depths" held him in high esteem and endowed him with ancient knowledge, a ring of power and Ringil the weapon of the Great King Fingolfin, her uncle.


But her aunt Írimë's interest made her uneasy and filled her with fear and anguish that she could not understand, Galadriel decided to speak with her after telling her about her vision, her aunt promised to simply leave once her curiosity was satisfied. But that only made Galadriel feel like a hypocrite.


... Do I have the right to ask my aunt to stay away from him, when what I'm doing is much worse? ...


With that questioning in her mind, Galadriel mortified herself, she was not interested in Jon Snow as a lover, she was married, the only fixations she had with him were his position as leader of the Valar emissaries, and as the instrument with which Finarfin's daughter satiated her carnal impulses, there was no real affection there, so why was she so worried? Her aunt was not foolish nor some blushing maid to be so easily seduced by a man.


... Am I afraid that this curiosity will grow and my aunt shall share the fate of Lúthien? ...


"That must be ..." Said the Lady of Light retiring to her rooms to prepare everything to satisfy herself in case Jon Snow and his concubines had a night of passion.


Since then everyone began to notice slight changes in the "Lady of Light", she was more cheerful, emotional and open, which surprised everyone, including her husband.


Galadriel herself began to notice changes in her, particularly in the carnal, for example, women had never attracted her attention before ... But now she could not help being somewhat interested in women, elves and mortal women with buxom figures and curves.


On more than one occasion, She observed the Harlond maidens' training, biting her lip when she saw them sweat and seeing their attributes show despite their clothes.



That led to tonight, Galadriel had already been disappointed because it seemed that she could not satisfy her lust when she felt two presences knock on Jon's bedroom door.


... It seems that I was quick to judge ... Finarfin's daughter thought.


To her surprise, they weren't any of the Princesses, but they were the oldest women of the Westerosi group, Ashara Dayne and Shiera Seastar if Galadriel remembered correctly, as far as she knew they had no interest in the young man so what were they doing there?


A few minutes later, her question was answered when both women confessed their love for the boy, which moved the noble elf because she thought they would be more passionate that way but the emotion turned to compassion when Ashara Dayne told Jon about her youth and how was raped.


Though she felt genuine compassion for the noblewoman, Finarfin's daughter deeply regretted the thought of not being able to satisfy herself.


But he quickly left his sadness and went into surprise when Galadriel listened to Jon's wishes, he wanted to be genuinely loved by his concubines and his desire to form a harem.


... What a shameless and lustful young man ... Galadriel thought, arching one of her eyebrows in amusement, almost waiting for the moment when Ashara and Shiera would rise indignantly and repudiate him but to the surprise and joy of Finarfin's daughter, both women agreed to be part of his harem without hesitation.


... Very well, begin, by the Valar, start at once, I will not be able to resist for long ... Galadriel thought starting to despair feeling that her desire began to burn her without being able to suppress a moan when Jon, Ashara and Shiera began their carnal act.


While Galadriel's mind was with Jon and the others in her bedroom, her body was in her bathtub taking a hot bath, her muscles were becoming more and more relaxed and the "Lady of Light" constantly emitted moans of satisfaction from both the hot water as from what I saw and felt.


Her hands began to caress her skin which was very soft from the water, she began to caress her breasts with force, delighting how her hands could barely contain them there when she felt that her nipples became hard starting to scrape the palms of her hands.


Unable to contain herself, Galadriel twisted her left nipple with the fingers of her left hand, emitting an intense and loud moan of pleasure which the beautiful she-elf did not care at that moment if someone was listening.


Her right hand, on the other hand, descended to her vagina which was burning with desire and pleasure for the erotic spectacle she was witnessing since as soon as her fingers touched her lips the "Lady of Light" had an orgasm so intense that it almost closed the bond. Between her and Jon, Galadriel didn't want that ... not now.


The carnal desire of the beautiful and ancient elf was not satisfied only by that orgasm. Again Galadriel began to caress her wet centre which began to respond when her fingers touched her most sensitive point causing her to moan even louder, with renewed momentum Galadriel she bit her lips as she began to furiously insert her fingers into her most intimate area, she was utterly possessed by her lust, she could no longer think, she could not reason, she did not care if what she did was noble or not, Galadriel just wanted to keep watching Jon Snow lie with his lovers for all ages to come and enjoy the pleasure it gave her until Arda broke down.


The "Lady of Light" began to cry from pleasure to her surprise, Galadriel had never felt excited like now that she sees those mortals surrender to passion and they did not realize that she was watching them.


The pleasure she felt reached such a point that Finarfin's daughter brought her left breast to her lips and bit it while her tongue caressed her erect nipple so that Galadriel muffled her moans that were getting louder each time.


Finally, as she watched Jon Snow reach his final climax, Galadriel reached hers by releasing her nipple and letting out the loudest cry of pleasure, one so loud that she wouldn't be surprised if she broke the mirror in her bathroom.


When she felt her warm liquids flow out of her vagina, a curious Galadriel who felt especially adventurous recalled what she had seen Jon Snow's lovers do, she brought her wet fingers to her lips, and after reluctantly observing her glistening fingers she brought them to her mouth and tasted her own release.


Surprisingly she liked it.


... Hmm. I have a sweet taste ...


Now sated, Galadriel emerged naked from her bathtub and prepared to change not before giving one last look at Jon Snow and his lovers, who were also panting in her bed.


... Thank you, Jon Snow, for allowing me to feel these desires again ... And thank you for helping me satisfy them, although you will never know that ... Although it is a pity that these sessions end, it is necessary that they be so ... nothing good will come out of them, ... My heart tells me that we will see each other again ...


With that, the "Eternal Beauty of the Golden House of Finarfin" lay back on her bed with satisfaction but deeply regretting that those sessions of self-satisfaction that she obtained thanks to Jon Snow and his concubines ended.


The last thing Galadriel had on her mind before exhaustion overcame her was an image of the young Targaryen smiling at her and holding out his hand.


"Jon ..." "The Lady of Light" muttered with a smile on her face.



In two days they were all ready to depart back to the Gray Havens, their ship was being supplied and admired by the Court of King Gil-galad, as well as the King himself and the rest of the Lords of Middle-earth who were in awe the ship as it nearly rivalled the craftsmanship of the Numenoreans.


"It is a good ship, although its design is strange to me," Lord Elrond said, looking at the strange galleon.


"Indeed, it is remarkable that they have been able to create something like this in such a short time," Prince Thranduil said.


At that moment, all Westerosi with Lord Cirdan and Glorfindel at their head prepared to depart but came out to pay their respects to the King and the other Lords.


"My king I am afraid that the time has come for us to depart ... Mithlond awaits us, and we have already been away for a long time," Cirdan said, kneeling before his King,


"Very good Cirdan, this meeting has been ... Well, quite a beautiful experience, we have learned a great deal and had the opportunity to converse with one of the Valar ... Yes, we are indebted to them for giving us that opportunity ... Me in particular ... Go in peace Cirdan, "Gil-galad said helping the Shipbuilder to his feet and then the High King of the Noldor turned his gaze to Jon.


"Jon Ulmondil ... It has been ... Interesting meeting you and your family, seeing the gifts that your blood possesses have helped us understand how little we really know about the race of men and I hope we can learn more in the years that come on the other hand the gifts that you gave us will be in our history for all the ages to come, "Said the King praising the talents of Jon.


"Your words honour me, your majesty, I hope one day to return to Harlond and entertain you again with a song," said Jon bowing to Gil-galad.


"WAIT!" The sound of a familiar voice distracted them all when suddenly they all saw Lady Írimë arrive on foot with her servants carrying all her things.


" Írimë?" Gil-galad asked feigning surprise, but in reality, he was delighted because his relative did not plan to be parted from the young Targaryen.


"Lady Írimë ..." Jon said surprised by the presence of the Lady since she was not with the others and personally he believed that he would not come to see them leave.


"If you don't mind I'll go with you ... I'll go to Mithlond," The Lady said with authority to everyone's surprise.


"But my Lady has just arrived at the King's Court. It is not appropriate .." Glorfindel started to say but was silenced by a look from Írimë.


"I allowed it Glorfindel, my relative wishes ... To know more about these young Westerosi, their culture and the land where they come from." King Gil-galad said with apparent disinterest.


Hearing King Gil-galad Jon's explanation, Robar and Loras were surprised because they did not expect Lady Írimë's interest in the culture of Westeros to be so deep, while Jon's harem, as well as Queen Rhaella, Sansa and Arya began to view the beautiful daughter of Finwë with distrust as they did not believe a word of it.


Galadriel, for her part, looked at the King with distrust and began to sense his intentions.


... He wants our bloodlines to unite ... Galadriel concluded in surprise.


"This is sudden ..." Cirdan said in surprise.


"Is there a problem ... Lord Cirdan?" Írimë asked with an icy tone of voice, and the Shipbuilder understood that he was potentially in danger and his apprentices held back their laughter at seeing their intimidated mentor, even Glorfindel put on a smile upon seeing the scene.


"Not my Lady, none," The old elf said quickly.


"Splendid ..." Said the Princess of the Noldor, nodding to her servants who began to carry her luggage to the ship.


... I don't like this at all ... All the women of Westeros thought in turn, but they were unable to refuse a request from such a noble elf.


... Aunt ... Galadriel thought in dismay that her aunt didn't plan to control her curiosity.


"Well, in that case, I'm afraid we should leave's a splendid day to sail," Cirdan said starting to get on the boat.


"Yes, Aunt Írimë it is a pity that you will not be here any longer, but if you want to know more about the culture of Westeros I am afraid that you will have to accompany these young travellers," Said the King saying goodbye to his relative.


"I know, my dear nephew ... It's a shame," Said the daughter of Indis and Finwë barely contain her joy.


"Then have a good trip and may the Valar take care of you and guide you all, remember that here in Harlond you will always have a refuge," Said the King dismissing his guests who boarded the ship after bowing.


"On behalf of House Targaryen I thank you for your hospitality and advice King Gil-galad and you also King Oropher," said Queen Rhaella bowing.


One by one, all the Westerosi followed by Glorfindel, and Lady Írimë got on the ship, and when they were all in it, they raised the anchor and began to move away from the harbour. Being seen by all the elves of the city.


Everyone dismissed the "Sent by the Valar" with happiness and emotion.


All but Galadriel who remained impassive as she understood Gil-galad's intentions to create a new lineage of half-elves with unusual abilities other than elven magic.


... My vision tells me that this will fill my grandfather Finwë's lineage with Glory and love, but also with sadness and pain ... My poor aunt ... King Gil-galad I hope you know what you are doing ...


Galadriel continued to meditate on it without realizing that deep down upon hearing about a possible union between Jon Snow and her aunt Írimë, an almost forgotten feeling welled up in her heart, a feeling that was not worry or anguish ... It was a bitter sensation ... Finarfin's daughter could not say that she liked that sensation.


... He belongs with me ... A voice deep within her said weakly.


Once again thanks to my co-author great_red

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