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Chapter 952: 22

Chapter 22: Renewing Old Ties

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Reading the memorial to the gate of Rashomon causes my ancestor to stir, anger welling up again at the memory of his battle with Tsuna. The anger starts to bleed over to me through our connection, crashing through the awe I held at the teleportation. Instead of focusing on that, I smile at Suzaku, giving her a shallow bow whilst shoving down the raw rage that is billowing up. "Thank you for bringing us here. I know our journey hasn't been without its rough points," I ignore the flat stares I receive and push on, "but it was still nice to meet you and I hope I'll see you again."

From the look on Suzaku's face, I'm not certain she agrees with the sentiment. Luckily, before she says anything Shuten pipes up. "Well, I hope I don't have to see you again! Attacking Onee-sama like that, hmph. You're lucky she's merciful!" She punctuates her statement by sticking her tongue out at Suzaku.

Shuten yelps when our mother reaches down and pinches her ear. She gives Suzaku an angelic smile with her eyes closed and expression serene. "What my daughter meant to say is that it was lovely meeting you Suzaku-chan, and she would love to see you again should the opportunity come up. Right, Shuten-chan?"

Shuten glares at Suzaku as she rubs her sore ear but her resolve crumbles when she feels the malicious aura pouring off our mother. I valiantly hold back my laughter as Shuten grimaces and gives Suzaku a bow that mimics mine. "Of course Mother." Our mother for her part just pinches harder on Shutens ear causing my sister to turn to me and pout. Poor Yaeko laughs, being the first to break down, and I know Shuten will make an excuse to punish her bodyguard later.

"It was… nice to meet you as well. If we run into each other again I will make sure to show you around the city. Sadly, I need to depart, my clan is expecting me back now and it would be impolite to make them wait." Suzaku, having said her goodbyes, takes off to the North, into the city, and toward her home. This leaves us inside the city with no real direction as to where we should go. Ideally, I would have asked the person who knew where the Youkai hang out! It's things like this that cause me to sometimes be stunned by the fact I've survived to adulthood, twice. Thankfully, I'm the only one who knows that I just screwed up so I can still maintain my air of wisdom. What I decide to do now to rectify my error is expand my senses out into the city.

The city of Kyoto was built using Chinese feng shui and follows the model of the ancient Chinese city Chang-an. Knowing this I had expected the city to feel different than both Toyota and the small village had. What I hadn't expected was the magnitude of the difference. Feng shui is used to situate human-built environments and attune them to good Qi; to direct that Qi and facilitate its flow through the environment. The feeling of the Qi in the city took my breath away. It's beautiful. The city itself takes in the Qi from the atmosphere and deep within the earth, following that, with clever use of the Eight Trigrams the array flows the Qi through its various elemental states to purify it. Each shift in Phase removes another portion of the taint. The Qi enters the cycle from all Phases though, so no single Phase carries more corruption than another.

I can feel the locations of the Principle clans based on the density of the elemental alignments in those areas. Once the Qi goes through all five phases it's directed to the center of the city then dispersed outward, a wave of pure life spilling out over the city. Based on the concentrations of elemental Qi, I'm fairly certain that the Guardian Beasts that the Principle Clans employ are actually tied to the purification array to maintain the city. Not entirely, I can tell that much but enough that the bearers of the beasts would have to return to the city once every… decade or so to maintain the flow of Qi. The cycle also means that in those areas any use of the corresponding Phase is significantly empowered. To my senses the Himejima clan's compound isn't that far to the North, which is obvious in hindsight, especially considering that the gate of Rashomon is at the southernmost point of Suzaku avenue...

While I could go attack any of the clans, I have no doubt they're heavily defended in their compounds. Not only that but I have no information about their strength. Sure, I fought Suzaku, and came out on top is something that gives me data to utilize but that isn't enough to risk it.

Instead, it makes more sense to search out the West Youkai Faction, integrate myself, gain their trust, and gain their resources. If there's anyone who knows about the Onmyouji, other than themselves, it would be the Youkai they've fought against. I'm fairly certain that Yasaka will be in power at this point which is good because I have some measure of her character. I am, however, frustrated that the Youkai were so under-represented in canon; mostly due to the fact it gives me less to work with.

My memories from my past life indicate that the Youkai faction in Kyoto is inside a dimensional barrier called Urakyoto. I don't personally know enough about dimensional barriers to locate or even enter one without permission and neither do my family or Yaeko. That is why, once I refocus on my immediate surroundings, begin to walk to the center of the city while detouring around the Himejima compound.

One thing I noticed after walking around the city for an hour is how boring the mundane world is now. Watching humans mill about as they rush to their jobs or what have you seems so futile. Just now a businessman, judging from his attire, tripped as he was rushing to the station. I was close enough that I could have caught him, especially since he was so slow; but what would have been the point? Instead, I watched as his foot caught, his weight shifted, and his briefcase slipped from his grip. I watched as his eyes widened in realization and his breath stuttered, the certainty of the ensuing impact crashing into his mind. He slammed into the ground and I watched as he slowly picked himself and his briefcase up, the crowd parting around him without even bothering to check on him. He swore and started running faster after he got back up, quickly disappearing into the throng of people.

They aren't even aware enough to see the predators in their midst. In the blink of an eye, I could slaughter them by the dozens. I could tear through hundreds before they noticed what was happening! If it weren't for the cameras all over the city I wouldn't even need to be caught to do it; I could just unleash a wave of fire that swallowed everyone around me. The media would probably even write it off as an explosion. All humans aren't this lacking, Suzaku was an excellent opponent. So why have the rest become content to wander through their useless existences?

The worst part of them is that they all felt so similar and bland to my senses. If I delved deeper with my Ki sense or wrapped my soul sense around them I could feel the differences between each of the humans, but without that, they were so muted. A cursory examination under Ki sense was like looking at a murky puddle, just small and dirty, with no refinement or depth. This was the same for most people we passed. Occasionally someone who clearly took pride in their fitness passed us and I could tell the difference in their Ki. The same could be said of those with unnaturally strong wills or the elderly with clear wisdom in their souls. The problem was that those special mortals who were a cut above the chaff were so rare.

"Onee-sama?" Feeling the tug on my leg I look down at Shuten and give her a smile. It's only her and our mother with us right now as Yaeko decided to head off on her own and have fun. I told her that she would need money to do anything but she just shrugged and took off. I doubt there's much that could bother her so I'm not concerned. Even if she does run into someone interesting she'll either kill it, learn something or die; it really doesn't matter which.

"It's nothing Shuten-chan. Did you need something?" She opens her mouth to answer but before she can a fierce growl echoes through the area. I tug her up to protect her and search for the threat only to notice everyone around us is starring in our direction. Shuten, meanwhile, has an atomic blush and it is in short order that I realize the growl was her stomach. I laugh at the embarrassment clear on her face, our mother joining in. "If you were hungry you should have told me earlier."

"Ibaraki-chan, you do realize we don't have funds for food, correct?" The smile I give my mother is feral and upon seeing it Shuten starts to cackle. Something about my smile must have hinted at my true nature as the humans around us start to give us a wide berth, their more primal instincts warning them without them truly noticing why. My mother for her part just rolls her eyes and shakes her head with a smile of her own.

"I can solve both the food problem and the money problem in one fell swoop. All we have to do is find some scum. The question is, do I hunt molesters or Yakuza? Hmmm, I probably shouldn't be picky since that would teach Shuten-chan bad habits. What do you think, Mother?" As she thinks about what kind of person we should go after, I glare at one of the humans who doesn't have enough instinct to walk far around us. The woman, who was talking on her phone, pales and fumbles her phone. Now I know why gang members heckle civilians, it's so fun to watch them panic.

"Since we are all here together it would be more beneficial to target a group." Mother cocks her head to the side while thinking and I realize that I'd copied that habit from her. "We could lead them into an alley and I could cover us up with an illusion so nobody notices what's going on."

Since everything she said was along the lines of what I was thinking we head off to look for our next meal. While we search, something that has been bothering me lately plagues my mind. I'm worried that the way I act and how our family came together is having a negative impact on Shuten's development and the balance of authority in our family. As it is now Shuten looks to me for answers nearly as much as she does our mother. That isn't too worrying since I am her big sister but the main issue is in power levels. I'm undoubtedly the strongest out of the three of us which causes Shuten to look up to me as a role model more than our mother. Also, Shuten herself is quickly approaching our mother's strength. When she surpasses our mother I need to ensure Shuten respects her enough to listen. I don't want to ever have to choose between the two of them.

I'm going to make sure Mother continues to grow stronger, even if I have to personally direct her training. If I can get her to Ultimate Class then not only would I be less scared of her getting kidnapped or killed by the myriad of factions, but she would also be able to command Shuten's respect. Thankfully Shuten doesn't have any interest in gaining as much power as possible at this point, being content to slowly gain power and learn whatever tickles her fancy. Shuten as well needs to be brought up to Ultimate Class. That can probably wait longer since she won't be traveling unsupervised, with her being a literal child after all.

I soon found a group of Yakuza; more specifically, Tekiya or peddlers, hanging outside a store harassing the customers. They probably extort the shop owner for 'protection' money and sell their 'goods' out around the back. There are four of them and from looking at them they're likely entry-level members, ones that won't be missed. My mother and sister are, according to the plan, waiting behind the store already. It's my job to lead the victims around back. To that effect, I've done some shapeshifting to make myself more interesting. Changing my body's coloration to be natural for the area; black hair, brown eyes, and less pale skin tone. The biggest changes are in the size of my assets. I normally keep them small since I don't want them getting in the way in combat but for now they're sitting around an F cup, with the nice wide hips to match. The shift in my center of gravity is annoying, luckily I won't have to wait long.

"Hey lady, want to come and join us for some fun?" I'm already beginning to regret this course of action. Their leers are disgusting and I know the only thoughts running through their mind are how they'll enjoy my body. It's fine Ibaraki, just focus on the part where you get to kill them. Rather than glaring at them as I want, I flinch and curl inward, staring at the ground attempting to walk past.

"Oi, Aniki is talking to you bitch!" I tamp down on the rage that billows up as a hand roughly grasps my shoulder.

'Why even bother with the charade? Just kill them and devour them in the open. The strong don't hide, the world hides from them.'

'Ya because that worked out so well for you and the rest of your friends in Mt. Ooe, huh?' My control slips slightly as a pair of hands squeeze my chest and I have to clench my fists to hide the claws that shift into existence. Luckily I was able to stop my horns from popping back out or else the charade would have been over. "Ha, she's not even keeping these in a bra! Bitch is basically asking for it. Hey Aniki, let's take her around back and enjoy her for a bit."

"Please don't," I whisper, adding a quiver to my voice. I have to turn my head as I'm slapped so they don't break their hand on my face. It takes more willpower than I expected to not laugh at how weak the strike is. Even the weakest in the village would scoff at that hit.

"Who said you could talk?" Their 'Aniki' steps up and grabs my face, pulling my eyes up to meet his. I must have managed to act scared enough because he just chuckles and nods at the thug beside me. "Good idea, I may even allow you a turn for suggesting it."

The little weasel thanks his superior and I put up a token struggle as I'm dragged behind the store. Once everyone is inside the alley I feel Mother's illusion take hold over the space, watching the air shimmer as we become cut off from the outside. At the same time, I'm thrown to the concrete and the thugs start to laugh. They're rightly confused when I start to laugh as well, although no levity is present in mine.

As I stand my form shifts back to its natural state. I'm glad to drop the facade as it was far more uncomfortable than I had expected. The form itself wasn't too bad but the attention it received was far beyond what I anticipated. I sincerely doubt I'll be using this specific method in the future. Three of the thugs are clearly shocked by my change, their 'Aniki' however simply narrows his eyes at me. "Oh? Are you not scared yet, mister?"

"Tch, as if. You don't get to any significant position without learning about the hidden world. Besides, nobody who's truly strong would be stalking normal humans like you are." I flush in embarrassment because that's exactly what's going on but he continues talking not noticing my reaction. "You clearly don't have any support either. If you take us out then the boss will hunt you down for interfering in his business."

"Take us out?! What are you talking about Aniki and what is she?!" The grunts finally realize the position they're in once they understand the words of their superior. The realization causes their hands to shake and they take a step back, each turns their head scanning for an exit.

"Keep it together. She's clearly not human but she doesn't look like anything I've heard about." He calmly rolls up his sleeves and draws a knife that was slid into his pants. He knows enough to not pull a gun at least; the others, not so much.

The first shots go wide, something I derive great amusement from, and their superior barks out not to waste their time. The men are too scared to heed his warning and keep firing, their rounds pinging off my skin. I knew it would happen but it still causes me to pause for a second. The idea that guns, or at least handguns, are ineffectual against me is exciting. In my past life, a gun was this nebulous idea that was essentially guaranteed death if it was fired at you. Intellectually I knew even then it was possible or even probable depending on circumstance to survive but the idea built up was different than the reality.

When I recover from the shock, my manic grin causes one of the thugs to drop his gun. Laughing happily I pluck one of the bullets out of the air after it pings off my skin and throw it at the man who fired it. The flattened bullet slams into his head, the hole already drooling blood as his body goes slack.

"Ojiro! You bitch!" Finally realizing their guns were useless they charge me, their Aniki sits back and studies me, not that it will help

With a shout, the first one attempts to punch me in the face. I say attempts because I can't call breaking your hand on someone else's face anything other than a poor attempt. He sinks to his knees clutching his hand and whimpering. His friend, seeing what happened, stalls confused about how to approach. Taking a step forward I backhand him, feeling his shoulder basically disintegrate. Since I'm not using Touki or sword intent the swing is too blunt to cut through him. Instead, he's launched into the wall, his blood splattering across the point of impact, and the grunt with the broken hand throws up. Their leader finally shows fear, the emotion shining brightly in his eyes. Admirably he manages to only grimace and takes a defensive stance with his knife.

"You still can turn that knife around and kill yourself, you know? Might as well spare yourself some pain." The grunt with the broken hand is sobbing beside me, a sound that is swiftly getting on my nerves. Since he won't shut up I fire a thin stream of flame out of my palm that burns through his skull. "You don't actually have a chance to survive, or do you think someone is coming to save you?"

My acute senses pick up the sudden spike in his heart rate as he realizes the futility of what's about to ensue; I watch the sweat drip down his neck and his throat bob as he swallows, his mouth suddenly dry; The bones in his hand creak as he holds the knife in a death grip. He swings his knife at my throat the moment I enter his range. A flex of my Touki causes the weapon to shatter on my skin with not a wound to show for it. The shards of metal bounce, a few ending up embedded in his arm, and he grunts in pain.

Credit where it's due, he recovers fast and jabs at me with his other arm. Curious what his plan is I brush it aside. Undeterred he kicks at my leg and I have to step over it so he doesn't end his chances already. The leg sweep is followed up with a side-kick, this one I catch, pushing his leg upwards and causing him to fall to the ground. Watching him scramble backward gives me a thrill and it helps me understand why vampires would play with their food, it's so fun.

"Y-You don't have to do this. As long as you let me go you can still be forgiven. I'll vouch for you with the boss and you can be on your way!" He was probably expecting something other than me to start cackling at his suggestion. What do I have to fear from a Yakuza boss? Crouching down over him I pull out one of the shards from the knife, examining it in my fingers. He flinches when I bring it to his face and drag it along his jaw.

"Hmm, I'm not sure I can trust your word. Does your syndicate practice Yubitsume? Ah, I suppose it doesn't matter. How about this, you cut off your pinky finger with this shard and I won't kill you. Good deal, right?" The blood drains from his face as he looks between the dull shard of metal and his hand. As I suspected he nods shakily instead of choosing an honorable death. I sit and watch as he saws at his finger with the fragment, the movements becoming faster and more frantic as I sigh dramatically. He whimpers when he breaks the skin and he has to hammer at the piece of metal with his other hand to break through the bone. He's too focused to hear Shuten's giggles in the background and when he finally gets all the way through he's on the edge of tears.

Handing me the finger as his penance he smiles hesitantly, although it's more like a grimace. His eyes hold a heady mixture of utter terror, rage, and resignation. "I can go now?"

I examine the finger and give him a smile that is too pure for the situation at hand. "Of course, you've always been free to go. Don't worry, I won't hurt you anymore. Run, little rat, scurry away."

He manages to push himself up with surprising celerity, only stumbling backward for the first few steps to keep his eyes on me before breaking into a full sprint. He doesn't get very far as he slams into the barrier Mother cast. I hear his nose break on it which incites another bout of giggles, the laughter lasting until he manages to bang on the barrier a few times. "You said I could go! You said you wouldn't kill me!"

"I haven't lied and it hurts that you think I would. I won't be killing you, she will." Mother flickers into existence beside him and he doesn't have time to scream as she slams his head into the barrier hard enough to crush his skull.

"I hope you had fun Ibaraki-chan but you shouldn't play with your food too much." I pout as Mother scolds me. I'm sixteen! I don't need her to tell me that!

"That was great, Onee-sama! That one guy looked like he was going to piss himself." She sniffs the air and pinches her nose while gagging. "Never mind, he did piss himself."

Rolling my eyes I start rooting through their wallets, taking any cash I can find. "Just avoid those parts and take what you want to eat. I'll burn the rest."

The generation of -and control over- fire is a wonderful ability with some surprising utility. Well, if you're fireproof that is. Actually, I should probably amend that; I'm not fireproof so much as fire-resistant. Mundane flames and those I create aren't able to hurt me, I assume stronger supernatural fire and the type of temperatures scientists can generate in a lab setting could hurt me. The sun isn't worth mentioning of course.

It took a bit to develop enough fine control over my flames when I was younger but the practice has paid off. Filling my throat and mouth with flames burns away any remnants from my meal, making it so the coppery stench of blood doesn't sit on my breath. The same process is applied to my hands and face to ensure not only do I look clean but any germs are burnt away. There's no better sanitation method than killing it with fire.

This incident also gave me a new prejudice sadly, one that I had never foreseen. People who get tattoos are really rude! Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the idea of marking your body with art, nor am I stating that the people who use tattoos are rough, unsavory people. What I am saying is that you shouldn't dye your skin with toxic materials! You don't see cows getting stamped with toxic dyes. Those bastards almost poisoned my cute little sister! I doubt any of us would've gotten sick but it's the principle of it.

They made amends by carrying a fair amount of cash on their bodies but trying to poison us after dying was truly too far. They should be happy to serve as a snack, like good meat! I made sure to curse them in hopes they would have a terrible reincarnation or be stuck in a crappy afterlife. Not a magical curse mind you, since I don't have the capacity at this point, but I said some angry words as I burnt the leftovers to ash.

Holding back a laugh I watch as Shuten kicks up a fuss while Mother cleans the blood off her face. "Stay still Shuten-chan! Honestly how? There's even some in your hair! I know I didn't raise you to be this messy when you eat."

"Mom! I can clean it myself. Stooooooop, you're embarrassing me!" Shuten squirms as Mother wipes the blood off around her mouth, growling she snaps at the offending limb. Mother deftly avoids Shuten's teeth and boops her nose in retaliation.

Once she's certain her daughter is presentable she drops the illusory barrier that's keeping the alley concealed. In a sing-song voice, I take a moment to heckle my little sister, as a good sibling should. "Hm, is that some leftover meat on your clothes? Mother, I think you missed a spot~."

Shuten leaps at me growling and I dance out of the way. I wink at our mother as I duck under another pounce from Shuten. "Too slow sis~. Maybe if you didn't shirk on your training you'd be able to catch me."

Mother sighs, in faux annoyance if her smile is any indication. "Oh my, so childish. Where did my mature daughters go?"

"Excuse me." At the mouth of the alleyway are two people, a man and a woman of similar height, with the man being the one that spoke. The man is dressed in a kamishimo, a samurai outfit consisting of a formal kimono, hakama, and a karaginu. He has dark brown hair that has a reddish-brown tinge, sharp facial features, and based on his stance alone I can tell he's trained to fight. Of course, the katana at his waist is an even better indicator. The woman is dressed like a Miko complete with red hakama, a white kosode, and white hair ribbons. She isn't visibly armed but I know better than to assume she isn't a threat.

I keep walking toward them while putting myself in between them and my family. I look them over with my Ki sense before stopping a few feet away. The man's ki is stable, strong, and finely honed, but the quantity is nowhere near mine. The woman's ki is focused but in all directions, something that's confusing to me; other than that it feels weak and lacking substance. Her stores of ki are also dwarfed by mine yet she still feels odd enough for me to be wary. Beyond their ki, however, I can also feel the stores of Youki inside them; this of course means they are some of the local Yokai.

I give them a warm smile, an expression that is at odds with the tension in my frame. I don't see a reason for them to be a threat but at the same time, I can't let my guard down. It would be one thing if I was alone. With my family here though I need to be vigilant. "Hello mister, miss, can I help you?"

The man snorts and rolls his eyes, his partner smacks him on the shoulder lightly and smiles back before answering my question. "Actually you can. We would like you to accompany us away from here. While the barrier you placed up was good for keeping normal humans away, the Youki used was leaking out into the city making it quite easy to find."

"I fail to see why that would be a problem." The man barks out a laugh and shakes his head.

"You wouldn't kid. I can tell you're pretty strong, that won't matter when the Onmyouji arrive. They won't react kindly to you killing humans here." Frowning, I actually consider waiting for them to arrive and just killing them. Growling, I shake off that idea since this is exactly what I was looking for. The fact that I considered ignoring easy access to Urakyoto just to kill some Onmyouji is proof of how much my ancestor's rage is influencing my thoughts.

"I'm sure they'll be happy to follow us. Don't be so grumpy Fujiwara-sempai." 'Fujiwara' huffs and looks away, it's only then that I realize he's wearing giant geta meaning he's actually far shorter than the woman beside him. He has to be under five feet tall; so short! "You all must be new around her. How about we lead you to our side of the city."

Mother walks in front of me, carrying Shuten, and pats me on the shoulder "That would be lovely. If you would be so kind to lead us, my daughters and I shall follow. Thank you for your assistance Fujiwara-san, Miss…"

"Ah, forgive me, this one is Yume. It's a pleasure to meet you." The woman bows. As she stands again she stiffens. "We should leave now to avoid any unpleasant meetings, Onmyouji from... the Doumon clan will be here in… fourteen seconds. If you'll follow me."

"Tch, damn tortoises shouldn't be so fast." Fujiwara leads us out of the alley and down the street setting a brisk pace. For a half-hour we walk, occasionally taking sudden turns, jumping across rooftops, or cutting through an alley. Every once in a while Yume tells Fujiwara to take a different path, and each time I get a little closer to figuring out what she's doing. It's something based on Youjutsu but it seems to be a racial ability rather than a cultivated skill. The reason I assume that is because of how little it taxes her reserves to do whatever she's doing. Some form of divination perhaps?

"We are clear, Fujiwara-sempai. Now, I believe our guests haven't introduced themselves yet?" I narrow my eyes at the easy-going expression and complete relaxation of her posture. Even though she looks relaxed I can tell she's watching us like a hawk; something completely unsettling since her eyes are closed.

"My name is Ibaraki, well met, Fujiwara-san, Yume-san." Yume doesn't react to the name but Fujiwara stills and eyes me appraisingly.

My mother breaks the tension by introducing herself and my sister, "Thank you for being our guides to the city, my name is Asuga. This little one is my second daughter, Shuten-chan."

Yume coos at Shuten as she's presented in a Lion King-esque fashion. Shuten, already resigned, just pouts as she's held aloft. "She's adorable, how old is she?"

Shuten hisses like a grumpy cat and my mother glows with pride. "She's three years old this year!"

"Forgive me if I'm being impolite but what sort of Yokai are you and your daughters Asuga-san?" Mother waves off the question not understanding why it would be impolite. The answer causes confusion for Yume and a different reaction for Fujiwara.

"Don't concern yourself with propriety, we're Oni and don't stand on ceremony much. It's not really in our culture." Fujiwara, having already sized me up, ignores my mother and stares down my sister unblinkingly as if watching a rabid animal.

'That one is near my age, brat. I'm sure he's very familiar with the issues Shuten-sama caused while he lived. Your names are too recognizable for him to ignore. Your mother on the other hand is weak and of no consequence.'

'She may not be of consequence to you but she matters to me, bastard. You'd do well to remember the outcome of our last fight before you speak up.' He snarls at the insult, as it has hit too close to home. Thankfully, he heels, like a good dog.

Fujiwara's fingers drum the scabbard of his katana and he hums idly. "It's been… well, a long time since your kind appeared. It was thought that you had all been killed by the end of the Heian period. I trust that you'll be able to control your appetite now? That was after all the reason behind your downfall. The fact you had to 'sate your hunger' already does not bode well."

I roll my eyes at the accusation sitting in that sentence giving him a sharp, toothy grin. "I'm sure we will be able to. It's hard to buy food when your village hasn't interacted with the outside world for centuries. Besides, nobody is going to miss some scum; Isn't it better that something useful comes out of their lives?"

He shrugs, seemingly taking the explanation at face value. I don't miss the interest alight in his eyes though. I'm sure we'll have to explain the details behind that later.

Yume coughs daintily into her sleeve to get our attention. "Are you ready to enter the hidden city now?"

I look around searching for anything while also spreading my senses out. To my chagrin, I find nothing indicative of a secret entrance or even the presence of a boundary. "Yes? I thought you were going to lead us to the city though."

She laughs brightly, a clear and vibrant sound. "Of course we are, don't be silly. Did you think there was going to be a large sign saying 'Urakyoto here, Yokai welcome.'"

Shuten laughs along with the woman, likely just to embarrass me for doing the same to her earlier. Fujiwara places his hand up in the air and I feel his Youki pulse, the energy intertwining with the air and touching on a barrier that I hadn't been able to feel until now. A golden gate swirls into existence in front of him and his ki flares, glowing the same gold, centered at his heart chakra.

When the portal stabilizes it's like a whole different world pictured through the gate. Yokai in all their forms are bustling down the streets or floating through the air. Some are nearly human, others look to be a mixture of humans and animals, while others still are purely animal carrying human mannerisms. People of all shapes and sizes travel down the street giving a chaotic feel while still looking natural. The buildings are all old-fashioned, much like the village I grew up in, and being here makes me realize that I actually kind of miss being there.

Yume and Fujiwara walk through the portal, Yume turning around and gesturing grandly. "Welcome to Urakyoto!"

Yume and Fujiwara took us around the city showing us the sights. Well, I say that but it was mostly Yume showing us the city with Fujiwara being a grump. It was amusing how different the two were, though I suppose it may just be a difference in maturity. While my ancestor remarked that Fujiwara was quite an old Yokai, I get the feeling that Yume was not much older than I am. If I had to guess I'd say she was in her mid-twenties? A far cry from the thousand-ish years old that her 'Senpai' was.

"There is one more stop we need to make." Yume looks a bit sheepish as she says this. "I confess, most of the tour we gave was killing time until Yasaka-sama was ready to see you."

"Don't sugar coat it kid, Yasaka-sama wanted Yume-shoujo to keep an eye on you until her meetings were finished." Yume glares at him when he says 'keep an eye on us' and he just chuckles at her indignation. "I'm here to keep you in line if you're a threat."

"Thank you all the same for the escort, Fujiwara-san. My daughters and I have no wish to cause trouble here." I gape at my mother's betrayal. I'll cause trouble if I want to! As I go to voice that, a stern look swiftly banishes those thoughts.

"If you say so, Asuga-chan." My mother giggles at the form of address, cheeks pinking slightly as her eyes crinkle in delight. Gross Mom, don't flirt with this shorty bastard, he's literally a relic! My sister and I glance at each other and nod resolutely; there is no way this older-than-dirt-midget is going anywhere near our mother.

We're saved from the nausea-inducing scene by Yume clapping happily. "Yasaka-sama will see us now."

Yume takes us up to Urakyoto's mirror of Gion Shrine, or Yasaka Shrine as it's also known, something that I hardly am able to not laugh at. I wonder if it was renamed Yasaka shrine because of her, or whether she was instead named after the shrine?

When we reach the court I'm in awe of the beauty of the setup. The dance stage that is present in mundane Kyoto is missing here; instead, there is a garden with white cherry trees, pristine tile covering the spaces between them. Stone lanterns are alight with ghostly blue flames dancing eerily within. The Komainu aren't sitting on pillars but instead are flanking the second most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

Upon the dais, looking out over the court on a throne is Yasaka herself. Her golden hair is tied in the same crown she wore in canon and her eyes gleam with power. Her outfit is based on the typical shrine maiden design but elevated into something that shows her position as leader of the faction. The coloration is a mixture of white, yellow, orange, and red, set upon a sun motif; a clear nod to her patron Amaterasu if I ever saw one. Yet it is still understated, showing that while she follows her goddess, her will is her own. Her stance radiates pride and confidence with such ease that I feel out of my depth. I think I just realized what it meant to be a faction leader.

Various members of her faction are aligned in opposite rows in front of her, facing the center of the court. The entire setup is enclosed jinmaku, curtain dividers, that make this seem like a room rather than a courtyard. I hadn't thought that this was a big deal until now, that I would be able to just walk up and talk to Yasaka. Suddenly it becomes clear that I'm essentially a foreign emissary in this court; Yasaka's court.

Yume and Fujiwara approach ahead of us and as we stand behind them they address the court. Yume kneels with grace and Fujiwara kneels like a warrior, both showing their deference and respect. They hold that position for a few seconds, only moving and looking up when Yasaka speaks. "Lord Fujiwara, this court is glad to see your task was successful. We trust that you acted with discretion befitting your task?"

"Yes, Yasaka-Hime-sama. We evaded all prying eyes and our guests had already cleaned up any mess left by their activities." When he mentions guests Yasaka's gaze shifts to us. Somehow she manages to look dignified, kind, and poised, while at the same time carrying a predatory edge to her.

"Wonderful. We would like to meet our guests, should they be amenable of course." The court all kneel onto their cushions simultaneously. Yume stands off behind one of the courtiers, likely being a retainer of that noble. Fujiwara moves to stand behind Yasaka, placing his sword on the stand near her.

We move to the position Yume and Fujiwara took and kneel on the cushions. Before doing so I bow to Yasaka, not too shallow to be disrespectful but also not so deep to imply subservience. Thankfully, Shuten understands the atmosphere enough to not act out, I don't need more pressure. Well, Kunou should be five-ish right now so seeing Shuten might soften Yasaka.

"Greetings, Yasaka-Hime. This one is Ibaraki, Leader of the Village Hidden in the Sea of Trees. My companions are my Mother, Asuga, and my sister, Shuten. We come seeking sanctuary under the aegis of the West Yokai Faction for our village and our people." There are a few quiet gasps when the names of my sister and I are said aloud. Yasaka's eyes narrow so slightly I barely perceive it, and Fujiwara leans forward, whispering something in her ear.

"Welcome, Ibaraki-dono, This one is Yasaka, Leader of the West Yokai Faction, High Priestess of Amaterasu, and Protector of Kyoto. This one is wondering what need you have of an alliance with us? Surely, seeing as we have not heard word of your people for centuries, you could remain hidden from the world." There are murmurs among the nobles as they process the interaction but Yasaka isn't done.

"We of the West Yokai Faction are interested in your people, what with the ties the Oni used to have with us; Yet you have not shared our struggles for the past millennia. Yokai as a whole, along with our allies the Shinto, have been forced to combat the encroachment of the Biblical factions without the strength of the Oni. We've lost pieces of our homeland while our enforcers have hidden themselves away." I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from retorting angrily. My ancestor is cackling in my head, finding amusement in the verbal dressing down I'm receiving for something that's his fault.

Snapping the 'leash' taut in my mind causes my ancestor to shut up so I can focus. "You come to us bearing the names of calamitous beings that, we had thought, brought about the end of your race with their recklessness. Yes, we know well the tales of Ibaraki and Shuten-Douji. We have sought to not repeat the mistakes they made. You come seeking succor, what do you have to offer in return?"

I meet her gaze evenly, refusing to be cowed by the weight of the accusations. I will not end this day in failure, nor will I become a servant. "Respectfully, Yasaka-Hime, I am not beholden to the shortcomings of my forefathers. I come to you not to renew an agreement but to forge a new one. None from my village have seen the world outside till this month. No Oni that lived in those times of old still lives today. Sixteen years I've stood upon this world, breathed its air. In that time I've known loss and gain, suffered and felt joy, went from weak to strong."

I take a breath and calm the beating of my heart, "You ask what I offer? What do my mother and sister have to offer? What my people offer?"

Looking at the assembled nobles, attendants, and Yasaka herself, I see I have their undivided attention. "We offer kinship, as we shared in days of old. We offer strength, to suppress the enemies of our people and protect our homes. We offer unity, for we have been divided for too long. What are the other factions before the might of us all? You have lost the edge to your claws but ours have been honed for millennia in solitude. Above all… above all I offer myself. I propose myself as Kyoto's vanguard to Yasaka-Hime as her guardian."

"A bold claim. Are you not aware of the strength of those factions that assail our lands? Without the power granted by the Leylines of Kyoto, I fear I would be unable to hold back our foes; Yet you believe you can push them back on your own?" The question, while possibly able to be thought of as rude, holds no malice. There is no real bite or condemnation in her words, instead, there is simply pure curiosity.

"Not as I am now. My raw power is bountiful but I've not had the experience to focus that into a proper weapon. My life has been a race since its beginning to accrue enough strength to overthrow my grandfather." Protests start to come out, the assembled nobles seeing my words as a foreshadowing of future treachery. Yasaka quiets them all with a wave of her hand.

"His cruelty was beyond the pale and I was broken down daily as a child in the effort to build a strong legacy. Is it wrong to seek freedom in such circumstances? To strive for the freedom of myself and those I love? To rid our village of the tyrant that suppressed our people and slain all those he thought a threat?" I almost smile at the naked sympathy in Yasaka's eyes. Sure, it is a true story I'm telling but I am also manipulating her with this. Sue me, this is too important for me to hold back.

While the sympathy is fine, the murmured words of pity I can hear from the crowd is unacceptable. My goal is an alliance of equals under the umbrella of the faction. My village has to be a peer to the West and East Yokai factions underneath the Shinto Pantheon. I'm fine with being considered below beings like Amaterasu, and Susanoo; For now at least.

My smile becomes more feral as I sweep my gaze over the assembled nobles, I already know that none of them can match Yasaka or I in strength. Even Fujiwara is behind us in raw power, even if he's the closest. What I say next starts soft, yet my words hold an edge to them still. A small amount of my presence leaks out from within, enough to cause those with a lesser will to pale. Yasaka smiles behind her hand but shakes her head slightly. A rebuke but one her heart isn't in. "My grandfather was cruel, and I did suffer under him. Make no mistake though, I am no mewling child. My grandfather suffered soul-rending agony for days before he died. I stripped the flesh from his bones and the bones from his frame, healing him each time. I impaled him to the ground with his own ribs as I rooted around in his chest. I used my own hand to force his heart to beat in order to pay him back a fraction of the pain he gave my people."

"Think me a foolish youth, perhaps I am, but never think me weak. Do not see me as a supplicant seeking mercy. My people and I aren't searching for anything less than an equal spot at the table. I, while being the strongest am far from the only worthy combatant we have to offer. Our race's entire seclusion was to breed a powerful society. Feel the aura of my sister if you need proof, she's three years old and already has reached High-Class." I know that my words have startled some, even to the point of threatening relationships with the more moderate. Still, so long as the majority begrudgingly accepts us I have all I need. The real crux of this is Yasaka because, through her, I speak to the Kotoamatsukami. Therefore my next statement is to answer her question, ignoring the ones who can't match our power.

"In my haste, and without a teacher, I lack the skill to truly consider myself Ultimate class. With time and assistance from our people and our allies… Yes, I believe I can be strong enough to pose as a deterrent for the other factions. This is my impassioned plea to you and your people Yasaka-Hime. For the futures of not both our peoples but our people, I ask this of you." I punctuate my statement with a bow of my head, not a full supplication but more an acknowledgment of the situation. The humility of the action draws surprise from Yasaka's court. A calculated move since Oni aren't known for their humility. I've shown my strength with my words, now with my actions, I show my willingness to work together.

"Please raise your head, Ibaraki-dono. I speak for all of us when I say your words have engraved themselves in our hearts. It would not be right to stand by while our old allies stumble into this dangerous world? Please, for the time being, consider yourselves citizens of Urakyoto. Together, I hope that we may enter a new era of prosperity!" Hearing her words I smile, and it isn't even fake. I'm truly grateful that my plans are coming together.

And the Oscar goes to me.

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