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30.76% Night, Fight, and Light / Chapter 3: Brawl With Gang Bangers

Chapter 3: Brawl With Gang Bangers

It was already quite dark out so we found benches near some lamp post so we would have some lighting while we were eating.

We made some small talks and joking around, like when I told them that Furuichi looked excited when Anna was looking down on him like he was dirt, causing him to fluster and defend himself earning him some disgusted look and laughs from us.

After eating our fill we were getting ready to leave when we heard some motorbikes near us but we didn't pay it much mind as it was probably just some bike gang meeting up or something.

Bike gangs aren't rare here because even Toman the current gang ruling Shibuya is a bike gang.

As we prepare to leave not paying attention to the noise of the loud motorbikes we heard a desperate scream from what sounded like a girl that caught our attention. 

"Stop! Please let me go!! Nooo!"

Right after hearing that scream we made our way into the location of the scream.

Oga and I arrived first as we were faster and much more fit than Furuichi and Anna. And I was glad we did because I didn't want Anna to see this disgusting scene, groups of men were beating up a guy on one side while on the other was men forcing themselves on a girl and based on the bruises on her face they hit her too.

Gritting my teeth from anger at what I was seeing I told Oga to take care of the guys side and I'll deal with the ones on the girls side, likely be the girlfriend of the guy.

Acknowledging my words with a single nod we dashed from where we stand and headed on our dedicated sides.

Reaching the side of the girl, before the gang members even realize I was near them I grabbed the hair of two of the gang members ogling at the exposed breast and penetrated pussy of the girl and planted their face on the ground knocking them out cold in one swift motion.

Surprised by my sudden appearance and taking out two of their members they panicked for a second, however I did not let them react on time as I sent front push kicks and back kicks on four other members before they realize what was happening.

Regaining their senses and understand what was happening the remaining standing delinquents went to get some steel pipes and bats ready for a brawl.

Two members rushed at me swinging there weapons only to miss as I weave my body to dodge all their attacks, followed by twisting and rotating my body and from the momentum generated from this I sent a kick to the temple of each of there heads. As the remaining three members and the other one with his pants still down whos dick was still inside the girl was too shocked to move from what he was seeing.

Rushing at the guy with the exposed dong as I dragged him out and threw him the the remaining three with my monstrous strength knocking them down. After regaining there bearings and standing up again I rushed at them and used the momentum of my dash to delivered a double lariat from both my arms to the four of them to slam down to the concrete floor again, and before they even try to stand up again I stomped on each of their heads making them loose there consciousness.

'Looks like wrestling moves from WWE aren't all fake'

Arriving at the scene Anna was shocked at the scene and after seeing the girl with a disheveled clothes and lying on the ground crying while trying to cover herself with her torn clothes she could only imagine the horrors of what happened.

After getting her attention I called for her as I start to remove my hoodie. "Go to her and cover her with this, it's better if a girl approach her after what shes' been through" after giving her my reasoning I gave her my hoodie as she approach the girl and comforting her to calm her down as she assessed how the girl was.

The girl was still a little scared of Anna since she looked like a delinquent as well but slowly warmed up to her as she cried on her shoulders.

"Furuichi call for an ambulance, cops too while your at it" Nodding his head at my words he started making his calls.

Turning my head to Ogas' side of the fight and seeing him almost done with his fight I walked to a guy that was likely the leader of this group.

"You sure have some balls, how low is your self-esteem that you'll have to resort to rape to get good with a girl"

The man shook as I approach him, recognizing who I was all he could do was shake in fear while looking down on the ground as he sweat from panic. Each step I take resounded to him like torture as if death was approaching to him.

"Raise your head" Stopping right in front of him I ordered him in a cold voice that will tolerate no defiance.

As he raised his head and looked at me in the face all he can see was the shadow that was casted on my face and the glint of gold from my glaring eyes as I was looking down at him.

I know that this event was going to happen but I didn't pay too much attention to it since it wasn't my problem. I was no hero that could be at all the place all the time and I don't have that of a strong sense of justice, I was rather selfish and self-centered from both lives as I only cared for those that were close to me moving only if it was to my benefit. You could say opportunistic was one of my traits in my previous life.

I'm guessing "Notification" sensed this so it did not update me of this event. The "Notification" is not all powerful, I'm guessing it uses my interest as a basis of what to notify me. The notice about Takemichis' first Time Leap was probably because I was with Hinata before the event, followed by my curiosity of when the Canon event will start. Since I cared so little to no care at all about Pahs' friend then the notice was not given to me. 

Don't get me wrong I felt sorry for them but this was an era of gangsters and he was friends with one so it was really only a matter of time before something happened.

"He was just unlucky and got the short end of the stick from all of this"

'But seeing such a thing happen right in front of me makes me feel disgusted'

Lost in my thoughts as I continue to stare on the leader like I was looking at a dead man causing the man to panic and pee himself out of fear of what I would do to him.

Smelling the pee that reached my nose I was brought out of my thoughts, seeing the pee stained pants a disgusted face appeared on my face as I swung my right leg like a whip and hitting the leader right on the chin, rattling his brain and loosing his consciousness. 

'I should make my interest to my surroundings and events at neutral so I'll be at least be notified of occurring events that I'm familiar with'

Making my interest neutral should broaden the reach of what events will be notified to me.

Finishing up with his last opponent after trying to bury them all faced first into the ground Oga went to the beaten guy to check up on him.

"Mikoto" as Oga finished his assessments he walked up to me to tell about the condition of the guy "They beat him bad, fractured arms and leg as well as broken ribs"

Nodding in confirmation of his assessment we waited to hear the siren of the ambulance and police before we left the couple. The guy had regained some of his senses while in pain, I carried him near his girlfriend to comfort her. We left after telling them that the cops were near, they thanked us as we bid our goodbyes.

Looking from afar as we see the police taking the gang members into custody as well as the couple being taken to the ambulance.

"What gang were they from Furuichi?" I asked as my eyes did not leave the leaving ambulance.

Of course I already know who they are but since Mikoto didn't really show any interest in any gangs, It would be weird knowing who Moebius was.

"They're from Moebius based on their uniform and there territory is at Shibuya if I remember correctly"

"Their odious reputation is known that's why me, Honoka and Natsuki stay clear from them even with the pin badge you gave us" Anna said with concern

"They had conflict with me before but they're the one that started it" Oga chimed in about his connection to Moebius.

Sighing after hearing this I proposed that we head home for now. Splitting up partway since Oga and Furuichi were from the opposite of where Anna lived, I would have joined them too since my house is also from the same direction but I told them that I would walk Anna home since I know she was still shaken from the events that happened and I didn't really want her to walk alone after that.

As we were walking I asked Anna about the pin badge I gave her and her friends.

"It's right here" she pointed inside her bag where the pin badge was located "I put it inside since it snagged on something a while back and almost lost it so I just kept it inside" she told me as she was caressing the badge with a smile on her face.

"You should wear it, so people can see it, you know the purpose of the badge is so that no idiots don't come near you with bad intentions"

With a smiling grin on her face she looked to my side while saying in a teasing tone "Why? you worried about me?" 

"Yes, so don't be stupid and wear it" as I replied instantly while looking back at her which caught her off guard from my answer as she became flustered as she answered back to me.

"O-ok I'll w-wear them from now on"

Satisfied with her answer I gave her a sweet smile and a head pat as we continue on our walk.

Arriving at her home we happen to came across her mom who was on her way to throw the garbage.

After noticing our presence she looked at me for a while and then Anna before looking at me again.

Since this is the first time I sent her home this was also the first time I met her mom.

'She looks like a mature version of Anna'

As I was thinking of how similar the mother daughter was Annas' mom gave her a teasing smile which greatly embarrassed her.

After greeting her mom I bid her goodbye and I went on my way home as well.

Ending my day with a few stretches and a quick bath as I soaked on the bathtub to remove all the dirt from all the fighting I did before going to bed. As I was about to sleep a panel appeared before me, a "Notification".

[ Ai Hoshino will have initial contact with Hikaru Kamiki within the following days ]

Sitting up immediately after reading the text in the panel, rereading it over and over again a hint of anger was plastered on my face as I think of the star eyed idol.

"I should try to meet her somehow, since she's an idol then it'll be hard to have any reason to meet me especially since we don't know each other and a delinquent with bad reputation added to that" with a frown on my face I lay back again on the bed as I try to form up plans on how I will look or meet Ai.

After a couple of minutes of thinking I slowly drift into sleep ending my first day on this world.

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