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50% Uniqueness Emperor / Chapter 19: Iron Will Arts

Chapter 19: Iron Will Arts

"I think I am gonna stay here all night long" And so, Seichi returned to his training, after the pain in his arm disappeared.


After five hours of training

"Iron Will Arts: Knight Gauntlet" a gauntlet that seemed part of a Knight's armor formed around Seichi's right hand with his Genetic Energy.

"Let's try if it works" Seichi said, throwing a punch at the solid wall. It deserved a punishment for hurting his handsome face "Take this"

Upon the the Genetic Energy gauntlet and concrete contact a loud thud, huge cracks forming on the latter while the former shattering.

"W-what happened?" The loud sound woke up Kumiko, who fell asleep while reading her book. It could be seen by the saliva under her mouth.

"I did it! I did it, Kumiko-nee!" Seichi's eyes shone with excitement "I finally understood the first special move of the Iron Will Arts"

"Ah, yes?" Kumiko was still half asleep "Then spar with Miyuki"

"Actually..." Seichi began, sweat covering his divine like face "She went home one hour ago"

"How did that girl dare to go home so early!?" Kumiko now was completely woken "Doesn't she know that we have an important competition in less than a month?!"

"Kumiko-nee, it's nine o'clock in the afternoon, actually" Seichi informed the older woman as she didn't seem to know it.

"Cough... cough..." Kumiko dispelled her embarassment with a fake cough "She should have trained longer, but i won't pursue this matter this time"

"Then, what do you think about me as a sparring partner" Kumiko offered to the handsome lad.

"What?" Seichi was confused.

"Yes, but don't worry i'll go easy and i'll be using the Iron Will Arts as well"

"I guess it can do then" said the white haired boy, as he charged at the older woman with a blinding speed "Here I come!"

"I have to say that you have learned the basic footwork really well, but..." Kumiko praised Seichi for his achievement a little bit "You can't even dream to hit me with that insignificant skill"

She dodged his attacks one after another. If Seichi throw at her a punch, she would dodge it or just parry it, sometimes even catching his arm and throw him across the room. And the same was for the kicks or any other type of attacks that he tried to do.

"You're talented, Seichi, so i'll go harder on you" Kumiko said, suddendly rushing at light speed at the handsome boy.

"Shit, she's fas-" but he didn't even have the time to think that he got sent flying away. He was about to hit the wall, but he acrobatically landed with his feet on the wall as if he walking on it and then put a lot of his Genetic Energy on his leg to power up them. He flexed his leg and then jumped towards Kumiko with a speed that he never thought possible "Iron Will Arts: Knight Gauntlet!"

The gauntlet made out of Genetic Energy appeared around his fist again, but it was caught by another Genetic Energy gauntlet on Kumiko's hand, despite Seichi's speed and strength gained from the jump "You can't beat me with tricks like that"

And then he was thrown away again towards the same wall, from where he repeatead the same trick, this time not towards Kumiko, but towards one of the other three walls, bouncing on it to another wall, repeating the same process again and again. The power that was generated by the continuos bouncing was then released on Kumiko as Seichi rushed at her "Take this!!!"

"As I've said, those tricks of yours won't work on me" Kumiko said, watching Seichi coming at her without a hint of worry on her eyes "Iron Will Arts: Paladin's shield"

A huge shield made with her white Genetic Energy appeared in front of her "This is another special move of the Iron Will Arts, let's see how you'll act against this now"

"Knight Gauntlet!" Seichi covered his fist with his Genetic Energy, forming once again a gauntlet with which he hit Kumiko's shield. Huge shock waves were created upon the two's contact, even the entire school's gym started shaking by the sheer power.

Unfortunately, Seichi's power wasn't enough to shatter the shield and so he was sent back flying again towards that damn wall. He was starting to fricking hate that wall.

He landed on his feet again, sticking to the wall, but immediately after he saw Kumiko rushing at him "Now it's my turn! Iron Will Arts: Sword of Justice"

A sword made out of Genetic Energy appeared in her hand as she charged at him even faster than she did before, the sword pointed at him "You better dodge it or you'll die!"

"I'll do better!" Exclaimed Seichi, as a shield materialized on his left arm "Iron Will Arts: Paladin's shield!"

He rushed at the sword's direction as if he wanted to suicide, but then deviated the sword with the shield and threw her a fist "Iron Will Arts: Knight Gauntlet"

Yet his attack was once again grabbed by her hand "You seem to have forgotten that i have another hand too"

And he was thrown away once again "Shit, she's too strong for me..."

'This guy is so talented' Kumiko thought as she watched Seichi lying against the wall, exhausted 'He was able to execute the Paladin's shield after seeing it once'

"Seichi, i guess that our spar can stop now" Kumiko said, really proud of the handsome boy "You can't beat me, I am an A rank Genetic Warlock"

"T-too bad" Seichi struggled to say as he lied on the concrete, all of his body in pain "I really thought that I had atleast a chance"

Kumiko approached Seichi and helped him to get up "Don't worry you'll have time to improve"

"And when you'll do it, i'll be eager to spar with you" Kumiko said, a great smile on her face.

"Sure" Seichi replied, he too had a smile on his face. be continued

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