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100% The Game's Villain's POV / Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Dorms [2]

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Dorms [2]


A loud, involuntary yawn ripped through me, the sound echoing strangely in the dark room.

"Man, what the hell..."

Disoriented, I blinked a few times, the world dissolving out of blurry focus.

"Ah, still in this world,"

I mumbled to myself, as I felt my lips curving upwards slightly.

My gaze drifted around the room.

Despite the darkness, surprise flickered within me.

My belongings, neatly unpacked, sat on various surfaces.

I could have sworn they weren't there when I first collapsed onto the bed.

But then again, I was tired and not paying much attention to the room and exhaustion could warp memories.

Glancing over at the clock by the bed's side, it was nearly midnight.

Great, my sleep schedule was officially mangled.

Not that it mattered much.

I mean what could I do?

I had trained without sleeping and was than thrust into a battle with god knows what ranked Emma. 

'I'll check it later...'

I hope she was at least ranked 100, because that fight... 

I don't want to experience that ever again...

But than again, was it really that bad?

I was sure, the reason I went up a rank to F+ and acquired a new skill was because of the fight. 

I'll think about it later because right now, I need to take a shower.

A steaming shower was the first order of business.

I headed towards the washroom and damn, there's both a bathtub and a shower. 

Of course, I picked the superior option, a shower.

Stepping under the cascading hot water was pure bliss, each drop washing away the tension and fatigue.

Afterwards, as I brushed my teeth and examined my reflection in the steamed glass, a flicker of frustration crossed my mind.

Sure, my acne was clearing up, but I couldn't ignore the lingering bulge around my midsection.

This was one of the reason, why I was so exhausted and felt drained. 

I wasn't fat at all...

Well, before I got here anyway.

Diet and training, I decided, were priorities I shouldn't neglect.

Stepping out of the bathroom, a wave of calmness washed over me.

As I began unpacking, a simple black t-shirt in hand, suddenly my blood ran cold.

There was a figure, clad in black and white, stood frozen near the door.


My breath hitched in my throat, a primal fear gripping me.

I felt vulnerable, I was stripped bare after my shower, and now this?

My mind raced, searching for a rational explanation.

Cardboard cutout?

Misplaced clothes?

The lack of my glasses offered no help.

I felt my heart quicken and my eyes-widen, I stared at the figure.

No, what is that?

'A fucking demon?'

Silently begging it to be anything but what my racing heart suspected.

It had to be some trick of the light, a figment of my exhaustion.

But then, it moved.

'Oh no, please...'

It was a humanoid figure..


So cruel!

After all I went through, I'll face that thing naked?

What type of joke is this?


A-A mouth, a flicker of movement from that thing...

N-No stop! Don't come any closer!


A scream tore from my lungs, an ear-splitting shriek that I heard echoed through the dorms.

'Help! I need help, save me!!!'

Wait.. fuck..

I realized even if the maids and nearby cadets, who were well aware of my reputation, wouldn't dare intervene.

'Ah, this is how it ends?' 

Whatever horrors I faced from now on, it was a problem I had to solve alone.

* * *

As I blinked to focus in the dim light, the figure by the door came into clearer view.

My heart was still pounding, but the details were becoming more apparent: it wasn't a demon or a shadowy intruder, but a woman in a maid's uniform.

She had a playful smirk on her face, her blue eyes.... 

They seemed to be laughing at me.

Her uniform was pristine, black and white with lace trimmings, fitting snugly on her tall, slender frame.

Her blonde hair was styled neatly into a bun, but a few rebellious strands framed her face, softening her sharp features.

She looked like she was in her late 20s or early 30s, and her smile hinted at a personality that enjoyed a good laugh, especially at my expense.

"Well, good night, Lord Aren?"

she said, her voice dripping with amusement.


"I must say, you have quite the scream. You could wake the dead with that."

I could feel my face burning as I clutched the towel around me tighter.

"W-Who are you?"

I stammered, trying to regain some semblance of composure.

"Oh, forgive me for startling you," she replied, her tone not exactly sincere.

"I'm Clara, the head maid here at Phoenix Halls. Since you weren't supposed to have a personal maid, the duty falls to me."


I understood somewhat as I originally wasn't supposed to be in class A nor this dorm but...

"W-why are you here in my room, without my permission? You should be fired!"

Truth to be told, I was relieved that it wasn't some murderer or monster but I was angry as I have never felt as violated as I am now.

"Well, I did knock, but you must have been too lost in your dreams—or your shower—to hear,"

her eyes darting to the towel and back to my face.

I tried my hardest to hold the undone towel at my waist.

She was clearly enjoying my discomfort!

"But don't worry, I didn't see anything... compromising."

"G-get out!"

I yelled at her, I was sure, I did not appear threatening, given the state I was in and sprawled on the floor clutching the towel covering my lower body didn't help either.

As expected, not taking me seriously, Clara chuckled, a soft, melodic sound.

"Of course, of course. I'll give you some privacy. Just thought I'd introduce myself since I'll be helping you out with chores and preparing your meals."


She turned on her heel and made her way to the door, her movements graceful and composed.

"By the way, nice scream. Very... heroic,"

she added with a playful wink before closing the door behind her.


'Great, just great. Here I thought with my reputation, I was practically unapproachable.' 


My heart can't take it anymore..

First the language and now I don't even know the etiquette of this cursed world.


No, I was sure maids could come and go in the dorm rooms as they pleased, since cadets wouldn't be here all day. 

Even if they were in their rooms, if they do not respond to the maid's call or knocking, what's stopping them from entering and doing their work? 


Suddenly the door to my room flung open and that maid came back with a food cart with lots of food, but.. 

"Again, you didn't knock!"

"Is it necessary?"

"Necessary? No, it isn't."

I replied sarcastically, like what do you mean is it necessary?!

"Very well, Lord Aren." she said with a slight bow.

"Ah? No, wait.." 

She's doing this on purpose this witch...

"I'll be around if you need anything. And don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

"What secret?"

She didn't see did she?

Without saying a word, she simply made a zipping motion over her mouth and closed the door behind with a click.

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