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92.85% The Game's Villain's POV / Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Aren vs Emma [4]

Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Aren vs Emma [4]

The explosion roared, debris peppering my back as I scrambled backward. My heart pounded a frantic rhythm against my ribs, fear a cold fist gripping my insides.

But worse than the stinging debris was the sight of Aren back on his feet, his gun trained on me with an unnerving glint in his eye.

His single, malevolent eye glowed a sickly white, and before I could even register the movement, a speeding projectile streaked towards me.

It wasn't a normal bullet.

Instinct screamed at me, a primal urge to survive.

"Mana Shield!"

The words ripped from my throat, the familiar blue barrier erupting around me just as the projectile slammed into it.

The shield shattered with a deafening crack, the force of the impact sending me flying backward.

But it bought me precious milliseconds.

As I rolled to my feet, adrenaline coursing through my veins, I lashed out with Wind Blades.

Jagged blades of compressed air tore through the ground, speeding towards Aren.

With a grunt of exertion, he was forced to abandon his position, rolling to the side just as the blades ripped past where he stood.

A shallow cut marred his cheek, a streak of blood trickling down his face.


He was clearly exhausted, gasping for breath.


But under no circumstances would I underestimate him again.

This wasn't just about brute strength; he was a cunning opponent, setting traps and throwing me off.


I clicked my tongue in frustration.

Here we were again, locked in a tense stalemate.

Every advantage I thought I had – speed, agility – felt nullified.

My gaze darted around the arena, searching for any sign of another trap.

There had to be a way to turn this around.

My mind raced, replaying the fight, searching for an opening. Maybe... just maybe... there was a way to exploit his reliance on those glowing eyes.

* * *

I felt something drain from me as I used Sharp Shooter's Precision. 


was the number of times I felt like I could use Sharp Shooter's Precision. 

Aiming directly at the Emma, I pressed the trigger. 


'There goes my 2nd mana bullet.' 

I had bought only 3 of these and I did not want to rely on them fully. 

Compared to a normal bullet, they were faster and more destructive. 


But even that wasn't enough to stop no even stun her for a second. 

'How the hell did she dodge that?!'


A bullet! You literally dodged a bullet!

I had no time to complain as she was showing her true colors. 

That's right, since she couldn't take me down with her rapier she begin relying on witchcraft. 


As what I assumed were magic circles began to form and terrifying pressurized white slashes were hurling towards me. 

'Fuck, of course she can use magic.'

Dodging those wind blades had taken the last dregs of my energy.

My vision blurred at the edges, exhaustion threatening to pull me under.

Biting my lip hard, I forced myself to stay awake, to stay focused.

Emma's eyes darted around the arena floor, searching frantically.

I only have a few smoke bombs and bombs not sure what she was looking for but...

It was clear she was rattled. Maybe the win wasn't coming as easily as she'd anticipated? 

Seeing no immediate danger, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

It was almost as if she was about to sacrifice herself.. 


I do not like where this is going.

With determination of a soldier ready to sacrifice himself, with her rapier held high, she rushed towards me.

Scary but, predictable. 

Another green vial in my hand, now in her direction. 

The swirling green smoke should cause temporary disorientation. 

But Emma wasn't surprised. 

With a flick of her wrist, a gust of wind dispersed the smoke before it could even reach her. 

My cover was blown, but I expected as much.

I than began to quickly load the third and final mana bullet in the gun as she was within a few meters away from me.

But I wasn't worried, because..


She stepped onto the bomb I dropped between me and her and..



With a burst of agility, she leaped back, the explosion catching only the hem of her cloak. 

She wasn't surprised.

Debris were flung everywhere once again, but they weren't anything that'll trouble either one of us.

I than aimed my gun at her, well..

This shot,

how are you planning to stop it?

Looking at her, she didn't seem to want to defend. 

No desperate parry, no mana shield. Just defiance burning in her eyes. 

A shiver ran down my spine, a primal sense of unease. 

'She definitely has something planned, perhaps a..' 


Before I could react, a magic circle materialized in front of my hand, a shimmering portal of swirling wind.


From it erupted a blade of compressed air, slamming into my wrist with a sickening crack. 

The gun skittered across the floor, clattering to a stop several feet away.


* * *

The wind whipped around me, carrying away the last tendrils of green smoke. 

I surged forward and just as I predicted, a flicker of movement betrayed Aren's position. 

He'd planned another explosion, another cheap trick.

This time, I was ready. The ground beneath my feet shifted ever so slightly, a familiar sensation. 

With a burst of agility, I leaped back just as the trap detonated, a harmless explosion compared to the fear it had instilled before. 

Aren's face, etched with a mixture of shock and frustration, was all I needed to see.

My mana thrummed through me, responding to the intricate mental command.

A magic circle materialized in front of Aren's wrist, a portal of swirling wind. 

From it erupted a blade of the wind, wind slash, slamming into his wrist. 

The gun skittered across the floor, clattering to a stop several feet away.

His most potent weapon gone, a look of pure panic flooded his features.

'Got you now!' 

With the opportunity seized, I launched myself at him again. 

In a panic, Aren threw a green vial through the air, but this time, I held my ground.

The smoke bloomed around me, obscuring the arena in an emerald haze.

I couldn't see him, but I knew where he was. 

I could feel a faint presence, a flicker of movement in the swirling fog. 


I slashed through the smoke, aiming for the silhouette I perceived.

The clang of metal on metal echoed through the arena, followed by a sickening silence.


What? No... 

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the sudden stillness.


I ripped away the smoke with a gust of wind, revealing a horrifying sight.


It wasn't Aren I'd struck down. 

His discarded coat lay in shreds. 

No, crap! Where was he?

Before I could do anything.. 


A cold metal barrel pressed against the back of my head answered my question. 

The blood drained from my face. 

A guttural voice rasped in my ear, sending chills down my spine. 

"You lost."

I slowly turned my head, meeting the vacant eyes of a complete stranger. 

His face showed no reaction, his eyes devoid of any human emotion.

A fry cry from the opponent I was facing.


The gun pressed up against my head.. 

Can I somehow... 

I shook my head at such thoughts

no, It wasn't worth it.


With a heavy sigh, I relinquished my grip on my rapier.

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