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2nd stage.

<General perspective>

While Cipher was training in the VR world, Ava looked at the report Katie had created after analyzing the strange metal she found in the meteorites.

[Metals: Unknown]

[Properties: It can absorb or suppress energy and release it. When used properly, after absorbing 20Wh, it becomes 20 times tougher than diamond for a whole minute. Other properties are still under study.]

[Composition: It's a circle that looks like an octagon with a complex structure.]

Ava created a holographic image of its atomic composition and started analyzing it.

(Pic in the comment)

[Weakness: It needs energy to sustain.]

[Other: Under study.]

After analyzing the structure, Ava said to herself, "It's the most unscientific structure I've ever seen in my life, and it's more complicated than before. It's like magic."

Katie said, "Miss, the most interesting thing is that I found the quality of this metal differs at different layers and locations."

Ava frowned and thought, 'So we still don't have more information yet. Still, I'll order Katie to use this metal's properties to make a prototype glove. Wait… if those meteorites are full of this metal and its quality changes at different layers…'

Ava asked, "Katie, does the quality increase as we go deeper into the large meteorite?"

Katie replied, "Yes, Miss. I used a simulation to determine the structure of the whole meteorite, and I found that you are correct."

Ava said eagerly, "Katie, use 40% of our drones and find the main core of the meteorite. It might be the source of this metal or the best quality metal."

Katie said, "Got it, Miss."

Ava thought and asked, "Katie, is the prototype gauntlet made from this metal ready, as I instructed?"

Katie replied, "Yes, Miss." One of the lab's hatches opened.

Ava approached it and saw a gauntlet inside. She picked it up and wore it on her right hand. As the gauntlet started covering her whole arm, blue lights appeared on it. Ava felt as if the gauntlet was a part of her body, but she had designed it to work that way.

(Pic in the comment)

Ava said, "Stealth mode on." The gauntlet disappeared, leaving only Ava's hand in sight.

Ava looked at Cipher, who was training in the virtual world, and said, "Katie, inform me one minute before her training is over."

Ava then opened a portal to the fighting ring where Deckard and John were sparring.


In the fighting ring, Deckard was full of bruises while they were healing, and John was standing in front of him, unharmed with just his suit slightly torn.

John looked at Deckard and said, "I think that's enough for today."

Deckard looked at the fighting ring, which was totally damaged by his and John's fight, while John held back a little.

Deckard nodded with a sigh and said, "I still haven't landed a hit on you, have I?"

John shook his head and said, "Well, if it was me before I met Ava, then I might have lost miserably."

Deckard nodded with a smile and asked, "Well, I am also enhanced, so it's the same, right?"

Before John could answer, Ava stepped out of the portal and said, "No, you are not equal to John, bro, because he has been enhanced three times."

This surprised everyone in the room, as they only knew of two genetic serums that Ava had created. Even John was surprised by it.

Ava looked at everyone's expressions and said, "Well, the third enhancement was John's own accomplishment. He hasn't mastered it yet."

Everyone was still confused. Ava sighed and said, "Anyone who wants to know what I'm talking about, follow me."

Ava then opened a portal to her lab in the Amazon forest. Everyone looked at each other, while John followed Ava, saying, "Well, I want to know about my body."

Deckard followed John, and everyone else went through the portal one by one. When they saw the lab, they were surprised and shocked at how huge it was, with a large holographic Earth in the center.

After everyone had arrived, Ava closed the portal and said, "John, do you know what happened to your body after that factory incident?"

John thought about it, feeling more powerful since the incident, and said, "I don't know much, but I am feeling more powerful than before."

Ava asked, "Then, did you try your heat ability after that incident?"

John shook his head and said, "No, I didn't, as it was never needed."

Ava nodded as a holographic image of John's muscle tissue appeared on the panel, next to an image of Deckard's muscle tissue.

Ava said, pointing at the screen, "If you guys know anything about the human body, you can see the difference between these two muscle tissues. Both of them belong to enhanced or superhuman individuals."

Most of them didn't know much about the human body, except for Deckard and John, due to their professions.

As they didn't know much, they started roaming around Ava's huge lab.

Ava continued, while zooming in on the image, "Well, John's body went through a second stage of the Extremis serum, which made him reach the next level of evolution."

John asked with a frown, "What do you mean by the second stage of the Extremis serum? How many stages are there?"

Ava thought for a moment and said, "Well, technically, there are two, and if you include me, there are three."

Deckard asked, "You mean there's one more stage after the second?"

Ava nodded and said, "Yes, there are three stages, and I'm on the third. My muscle tissue is more powerful than both of yours combined, and I can't even use 20% of my body's strength."

This surprised everyone, as they knew about Ava's strength. If her strength was not even 20%, then what if...

Ava continued, "Let's talk about John's stage. He can only use 50% of his total strength, as his nervous system doesn't allow him to use more than that due to the body's safety mechanism."

John said, clenching his fist, "I think that's enough strength. I don't need more."

Ava removed the stealth mode on her gauntlet and said, "This gauntlet is the new prototype I ordered Katie to create. It can suppress your strength and increase it to the point where your body can handle it. Let me show you, but before that."

As an armor appeared from the floor, Ava said, "This is MK-2V, the new armor I created. It has an inbuilt energy shield."

(Pic in the comment)

An energy shield appeared around the armor. Ava took a normal handgun and shot at the armor. The shield stopped the bullets effortlessly.

Ava then used A3-Z to shoot a concentrated energy blast at the shield, which absorbed the blast.

Everyone was looking at the armor in fascination. Regina looked at Ava and asked with a cute face, "Babe, can I have one of those armors?"

Ava was a little surprised that Regina had an interest in armor and guns. Ava nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make one for you that will be even better."

Elena looked at Ava and asked, "Ava, you said you would show us how the gauntlet works." She wanted to see the gauntlet in action as it was the most fascinating thing she had heard about today.

Ava nodded and said, "Okay, for that, we need to change locations as I don't know how much damage it might cause."

Ava then created small portals under everyone, and one after another, they fell through them. The armor also fell through the portal.

As everyone landed in the combat room where John and Deckard had fought earlier, Ava also arrived. Everyone glanced at Ava with a blank expression. Ava replied with a weary smile, rubbing the back of her head, "I thought it was a fast way."

They just sighed.

Ava approached the armor, which was still standing even after a three-meter fall with the energy shield on. Ava adjusted the release limit to 60%, then clenched her right fist with the gauntlet on it as blue lights started glowing on the gauntlet.

Ava looked at everyone and said, "Can you guys stand at least five meters away from me?"

Everyone nodded and moved five meters away from Ava.

Ava punched the energy shield, creating friction between the shield and her fist while a loud noise erupted as the energy shield shattered like glass and disappeared. The armor still felt the impact of Ava's fist even after the energy shield took most of the damage, crashing into the wall but remaining mostly intact with just a small tear on the chest.

Everyone in the room felt the shockwave created by Ava's punch. They looked at Ava in shock, as that punch could have been deadly, even though the armor remained intact.

Ava looked at it after placing the gauntlet on the ground and muttered to herself in dissatisfaction, "I should have used 80%. The armor is still intact."

Hearing Ava's comment, they felt a shiver down their spines.

Ava looked at them and said, "Don't worry, guys. I'm going to create a suit version of this gauntlet. It can suppress your strength to that of a normal person, so you don't have to control it all the time."

To be Continued....

[Author's note: As you guys suggested, I will try to adjust modern family in the story.]

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