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Chapter 7

As Jon and Ser Arthur Dayne approached White Harbor, the bustling port city loomed into view, its sprawling docks and bustling streets a hive of activity. The salty tang of the sea filled the air, mingling with the sounds of sailors shouting and seagulls calling overhead.

As they made their way through the crowded streets, Jon couldn't help but feel a sense . After three days of hard riding, they were finally nearing their destination—the port city where they would catch a ship to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and continue their journey to Castle Black.

With each step bringing them closer to their goal, Jon's thoughts turned to the series of events happening at Winterfell.

Though he had entrusted Ghost to Robb's care, it seemed that fate had intervened to ensure that his loyal direwolf remained close to where the action was. The unexpected action of Ned Stark to keep Ghost constantly by his side was surprising, but it provided Jon with an opportunity.

With Ghost nearby, Jon knew that he had a powerful ally and a means of keeping a watchful eye on events unfolding at Winterfell. The bond between Jon and Ghost ran deep, allowing Jon to warg into his direwolf's consciousness and see through his eyes, even from a great distance.

As he passed through the gates of White Harbor, Jon mulled over the contents of the letter that Catelyn Stark had received from her sister Lysa Arryn. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. He knew all too well the truth behind Jon Arryn's death and the sinister machinations of Petyr Baelish, who had orchestrated the poisoning under the guise of Lysa's command.

The letter, with its thinly veiled accusations against House Lannister, was nothing more than a ploy to sow chaos and discord in the realm, and Jon understood the danger it posed. The fragile peace that had held the Seven Kingdoms together was now threatened by whispers of conspiracy and betrayal, and Jon knew that action needed to be taken to uncover the truth and prevent further bloodshed.

As Jon contemplated how to deal with Petyr Baelish, known as Littlefinger, he knew that uncovering the whereabouts of the wealth he had acquired through deceit and fraud would be crucial. Littlefinger's cunning and manipulative nature made him a dangerous adversary, and Jon understood the importance of neutralizing his influence before he could further destabilize the realm.

Indeed, securing Littlefinger's ill-gotten wealth would provide Jon with valuable resources to further his plans and strengthen his position in the realm. With access to such vast sums of money, Jon could finance his endeavors, rally allies to his cause, and implement strategic initiatives to safeguard the realm and pursue justice.

However, acquiring Littlefinger's wealth would not be without its challenges. Littlefinger was a shrewd and cunning adversary, and he would undoubtedly have taken measures to protect his assets and conceal their whereabouts. Jon would need to use all of his skills, resources, and allies to uncover the truth and seize control of Littlefinger's wealth.

As Jon contemplated his next move, he recognized the importance of sowing discord between Catelyn Stark and Petyr Baelish. Knowing that Catelyn considered Baelish a dear friend due to their shared childhood, Jon understood that disrupting their relationship could weaken Baelish's influence and aid in exposing his treachery.

With this goal in mind, Jon devised a plan to subtly use the information he had of Cannon events in undermining the trust between Catelyn and Baelish. Indeed, the revelation that Baelish had spread false rumors about deflowering both Tully sisters alone would sow seeds of doubt and suspicion, casting a shadow over their relationship and tarnishing Baelish's reputation in Catelyn's eyes.

The accusation would strike at the heart of Catelyn's trust in Baelish, causing her to question the authenticity of their friendship and the sincerity of his intentions. It would also create a rift between Catelyn and Lysa, as the revelation of Baelish's deceitful actions would inevitably strain their sisterly bond.

However, Jon knew that patience and cunning had to be his greatest allies in this endeavor. Sowing discord between Catelyn Stark and Petyr Baelish would require careful planning and precise execution, but Jon was determined to see it through to the end.

Another complication had come a week ago, as Jon had found himself caught warging into Ghost by Ser Arthur. He had felt a surge of apprehension at the prospect of explaining his abilities to the renowned knight, as warging was a closely guarded secret, and Jon knew that revealing the truth could have far-reaching consequences.

Gathering his thoughts, Jon took a deep breath and prepared to divulge the truth to Ser Arthur. He knew that he could trust the knight to understand the gravity of the situation and keep his secret safe.

"Ser Arthur," Jon began, his voice steady as he met the knight's gaze. "What you witnessed just now... it's called warging. It's an ability that allows me to enter the mind of animals, to see through their eyes and share their senses."

Ser Arthur's expression shifted from surprise to curiosity as he absorbed Jon's revelation. "Warging," he echoed, his brow furrowing in thought. "I've heard tales of such abilities, but I never thought I would witness it firsthand."

Jon nodded, relieved by Ser Arthur's understanding. "It's a rare gift," he explained, "one that has been passed down through the Stark bloodline for generations. But it has been dormant for a while."

As Ser Arthur pondered Jon's revelation about his warging abilities, a seed of curiosity took root in his mind. The mixing of Stark and Targaryen bloodlines had never occurred before, but it was one that held the potential for unexpected consequences. While warging had long been associated with the Stark lineage, it was a gift that had grown increasingly rare in recent generations.

Could it be, Ser Arthur wondered, that the infusion of Targaryen blood had somehow reawakened this dormant ability within Jon? The Targaryens were known for their connection to dragons and other mystical creatures, and it was not unheard of for their blood to manifest in unique ways.

With each passing moment, Ser Arthur found himself growing more intrigued by the possibilities. If Jon's abilities were indeed a result of his mixed heritage, it could have profound implications for the future of House Stark and the realm as a whole.

But as Ser Arthur contemplated these thoughts, he knew that the truth behind Jon's warging abilities would remain a mystery for now. Whether it was a result of his bloodline or some other factor, one thing was clear: Jon Snow was a force to be reckoned with, and his abilities would play a crucial role in the events yet to come.

With a sense of determination and purpose, Ser Arthur resolved to stand by Jon's side and support him in whatever challenges lay ahead. "Your secret is safe with me, Jon Snow," he assured him. "I understand the importance of discretion, especially in matters such as these."

With Ser Arthur's pledge of secrecy, Jon felt a weight lift from his shoulders. Though the revelation of his warging abilities had been unexpected, he knew that he could trust Ser Arthur to keep his secret safe as they continued their journey to Castle Black.

That night, Ser Arthur expressed his curiosity about witnessing warging firsthand. Jon recognized the opportunity to demonstrate his abilities and deepen their trust and camaraderie. With a nod of agreement, Jon focused his mind and reached out to connect with his black steed, Shadow.

Closing his eyes, Jon allowed himself to become one with Shadow, feeling the rhythm of the horse's breathing and the powerful muscles beneath him. In an instant, their consciousness merged, and Jon saw through Shadow's eyes, experiencing the world from a new perspective.

Ser Arthur watched in awe as Jon warged into Shadow, a look of wonderment crossing his features as he witnessed the ancient bond between man and beast in action. The sight of Jon and Shadow moving as one, their movements fluid and synchronized, filled him with a newfound appreciation for the power of warging.

For several moments, Jon and Shadow remained connected, exploring their surroundings and sharing their senses with each other. The experience was exhilarating, a testament to the unique bond between them and the strength of their connection.

As Jon emerged from the warging trance and forged a deeper connection with Shadow through their warg bond, he felt a surge of power and vitality coursing through him. The bond between man and horse grew stronger with each passing moment, granting Jon new attributes that enhanced his capabilities and strengthened their bond. He had gained Enhanced Speed, Heightened Senses, and Increased Stamina from his Warg Bond with Shadow

With these newfound attributes, Jon gained another step to becoming an unstoppable force.

As Jon and Ser Arthur traversed the lively streets of White Harbor, the air thick with the mingling scents of salt and commerce, they found themselves greeted by Ser Wylis Manderly. His presence was a welcome sight amidst the bustling crowd, and his warm demeanor bespoke a sense of camaraderie that instantly put Jon at ease.

"Ser Wylis," Jon responded with a respectful nod, acknowledging the Manderly knight's greeting. "It is good to see you as well. I appreciate Lord Stark's foresight in informing your father of our arrival."

Ser Wylis smiled warmly, his gaze filled with genuine hospitality. "Indeed, my lord," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of pride. "Lord Stark holds your family in high regard, and he wanted to ensure that you and your companion were well taken care of during your time in White Harbor."

Jon nodded in appreciation, grateful for Lord Stark's thoughtfulness. "Please convey my thanks to your father for his hospitality," he said, his tone sincere. "We look forward to our stay in White Harbor."

As they rode on, Jon couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that simmered beneath the surface. White Harbor was a vibrant city, teeming with life and opportunity, and Jon found himself eager to explore its bustling streets and bustling marketplaces.

Ser Arthur, ever observant, cast occasional glances at their surroundings, his sharp eyes taking in the sights and sounds of the city. Despite the liveliness of White Harbor, there was an underlying tension in the air, a sense of unease that lingered just beneath the surface.

"Something troubles you, Ser Donnel?" Jon inquired, noticing the knight's thoughtful expression.

Ser Arthur paused, his gaze focused on a group of merchants haggling over goods in a nearby market stall. "It is nothing, lad," he replied, his tone measured. "Merely a sense of wariness. In times such as these, it pays to be vigilant."

Jon nodded in understanding, accepting Ser Arthur's explanation without pressing further. He trusted Ser Arthur's instincts and knew that the knight's wariness was well-founded, given the uncertain times they lived in.

As they continued their stroll through the bustling streets of White Harbor, Jon couldn't help but marvel at the city's vibrant atmosphere. Merchants peddled their wares, children played in the cobblestone alleyways, and the salty breeze from the harbor filled the air with a refreshing tang.

As they passed by a row of colorful storefronts, Jon's thoughts turned to the challenges that awaited them.


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