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Chapter 5: Chapter 4

It had been three days since Ned had revealed the truth of Jon's parentage to Robb, Jon and Catelyn.

Robb, Jon, Bran, Theon, and Ned were all riding on their horses. Two Stark bannermen galloped on their horses towards Ned. "My lord, we have found the deserter. We tied his hands in order to make sure he doesn't escape." Ned nodded.

As Jon surveyed the scene, his excitement at the prospect of finally meeting Ghost was tempered by the weight of knowledge that this was the start of the TV show Cannon. He pondered how he could leverage his foreknowledge to navigate the complex web of alliances and betrayals in Westeros to his advantage. But amidst his strategizing, he was also aware that he needed to find a way to get away from Winterfell at least till the time of Robert Baratheon's arrival.

Currently he possesses 230 points. He had received a lot of Gacha points after meeting the rest of the Stark clan, and a 100 points from reading the letter from Lyanna Stark alone, so he knew that if he was present when the King arrived, he would receive a lot of points.

However, my progress at assimilating the Taskmaster had stalled at 11%. I had come to the conclusion that this was due to me facing the same opponents constantly, hence me not challenging my abilities as a swordsman.

The plan was to somehow get to spar with either Ser Barristan Selmy, Jaime Lannister or both of these legendary swordsmen, to get the most out of the Taskmasters ability to mimic his opponents. However, I still wasn't at the level I needed to use his Photographic Reflexes. I believed that 25% was the threshold I needed to cross inorder to get that ability.

So, the plan was to get away from Winterfell for a few weeks, go to the Wall, maybe fight some Wildling raiders, and take care of a few things that I felt needed to be taken care of along the way. And today's events would give me the perfect excuse to go visit Uncle Benjen at the Wall for a couple of weeks.

He watched his Uncle Ned approach the deserter. Jory forced the man to kneel before a large rock, neck out. "Anything you wish to say?"

"I know I should have returned to the Wall and warned them of what happened and what I've seen. The white walkers... they've returned."

He grabbed Ice and closed his eyes, saying the words. "In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die."

Jon leaned over to Bran "Don't look away. Father will know if you did." Bran nodded.

Without flourish, Ned hacked down, cleanly slicing the neck.

"You did good Bran.", he spoke.

Bran took a deep breath. "Do you believe what he was saying about the white walkers returning?"

"Aye, I do." Bran was shocked after Jon said this to him.

They were traveling through the Wolfswood. Jon was looking for the place where he knew they would find the Direwolves, and upon spotting the dead Direwolf surreptitiously guided his uncle there. Jon winced at the sight of the dead female.

"A direwolf," said Robb.

"A dead direwolf actually," said Jon

"There are no direwolves south of the wall," said Theon, shrugging. "We best be killing the pups then," said Theon. Jon kept his hand on his blade in case Theon got closer.

But the scene played out like in the show. "No don't," Bran shouted.

"Put away your blade," Robb insisted.

Jon jumped in at that moment. "Stand down Greyjoy."

"I take neither my orders from the two of you - especially you, bastard," he sneered. "Only from Lord Stark."

"Lord Stark, there are five direwolf pups. One each for my siblings. They were meant to have them."

"Yes, father, can we please keep them." Bran looked expectantly at him.

"Fine," he remarked. "You'll feed them yourself and if they die you bury them yourself - if you let them die, bread and water for a year."

As Robb, Theon and Bran were looking at the five baby Direwolves, Jon turned around and went behind a tree. He spotted a white direwolf with red eyes, and picked him up.

Theon laughed. "That one is yours, Snow." Jon's smile only widened.

"Why are you smiling?" Asked Theon.

"No reason." Jon looked at Robb and nodded, tickling little Ghost's belly, which made the pup squirm and nuzzle into his touch.

"What will you name him?" asked Robb quietly.

"Ghost." Ghost peered up at his new poppa.

As Ned, Jon, Robb, Theon, and Bran entered Winterfell Castle, the weight of the direwolf pups nestled in their arms was palpable. The air was charged with anticipation, but Catelyn's reaction was far from what they expected.

Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the furry creatures, and a surge of anger coursed through her. "Ned, what is the meaning of this?" she demanded, her voice sharp with reproach.

Ned met her gaze with a solemn expression, understanding the gravity of her reaction. "Catelyn, these pups are a gift from the gods," he explained, his voice calm yet firm. "They are meant to be a part of our family, to grow and thrive alongside our children."

But Catelyn's anger did not wane. "They are omens, Ned," she countered, her tone tinged with fear. "The direwolf is the sigil of House Stark, but to bring them into our home now, in the midst of such turmoil... it is reckless."

Jon, standing silently beside Ned, felt a pang of guilt at the tension in the air. He knew the significance of the direwolf pups, not just as symbols of House Stark, but as companions destined to play pivotal roles in the lives of each Stark child.

Robb stepped forward, his voice steady as he addressed his mother. "Mother, please," he implored, his eyes earnest. "They are just pups. They mean no harm."

Theon and Bran remained silent, watching the exchange with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.

After a moment of tense silence, Catelyn relented, her anger giving way to resignation. "Very well," she conceded, though the unease in her expression remained. "But mark my words, Ned Stark, these creatures may bring us more trouble than we bargained for."

Ned instructed the boys to show the direwolf pups to Sansa, Arya, and Rickon. With a heavy sigh, he turned to Catelyn.

Together, they made their way to Ned's solar, where Maester Luwin awaited them with a letter in hand. The tension in the room was palpable as Catelyn took the letter from Luwin and began to read its contents.

Ned watched her closely, his heart sinking as he saw the color drain from her face. "What is it, Catelyn?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Catelyn's hands trembled slightly as she lowered the letter, her eyes meeting Ned's with a mixture of shock and sorrow. "Jon Arryn is dead," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.

Ned's breath caught in his throat at the news. Jon Arryn, his old friend and mentor, gone. The implications of his death sent a shiver down Ned's spine, reminding him of the fragility of life in the game of thrones.

With a heavy heart, Ned reached out to Catelyn, seeking comfort.

"That's not all it says, Ned!" Catelyn further stated "The King would be arriving at Winterfell in a few weeks, a month at most!"

Ned's mind raced with possibilities. The sudden visit from King Robert Baratheon could only mean one thing: a summons to serve as Hand of the King.

Ned's brow furrowed in thought as he considered the implications of such a request. The position of Hand was one of great honor and responsibility, but it also carried immense danger and political intrigue.

Turning to Catelyn, Ned's expression was one of concern. "Are you certain, Catelyn?" he asked, seeking confirmation of her words.

Catelyn's gaze met his, her eyes filled with a mixture of apprehension and determination. "Yes, Ned," she replied, her voice steady. "It is the only reason the King would come all this way."

Ned and Catelyn exchange a meaningful glance, before he turns to Maester Luwin.

"Could you be kind enough to fetch Robb and Jon for us?"

"Of course, my lord," Maester Luwin replied with a nod before turning to leave the solar.

Alone with Catelyn, Ned's expression softened as he turned to her. "We must discuss Jon's presence here," he began, his voice filled with concern.

Catelyn nodded, understanding the weight of their conversation. "Yes, Ned," she replied, her tone serious. "It's a risk to Jon's safety having him here when the King arrives."

After learning what she had two days ago, a wave of regret had washed over Catelyn. The realization of Jon's true parentage cast her past treatment of him in a new, harsh light. She couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for the coldness she had shown him over the years, for the distance she had maintained out of resentment and suspicion.

Catelyn's heart ached as she recalled the times she had turned a blind eye to Jon's longing for acceptance, for a sense of belonging within the walls of Winterfell. She couldn't erase the years of estrangement between them, the silent barriers she had erected between herself and the boy who had grown up under her roof.

With a heavy heart, Catelyn had vowed to make amends for her past mistakes, to bridge the divide that had grown between her and Jon over the years. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, that trust and forgiveness would take time to rebuild. But she was determined to try, to offer Jon the acceptance and love he deserved as a Stark, no matter the circumstances of his birth.

Ned's jaw tightened slightly as he considered their options. "If someone were to recognize him as Rhaegar's son, it could mean danger for him," he explained, his voice heavy with worry.

Catelyn's brow furrowed as she processed Ned's words. "But if he's not present, that too will raise suspicions," she countered, her tone thoughtful.

Ned sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "It's a delicate situation," he admitted, his gaze meeting Catelyn's with concern. "We must tread carefully."

Catelyn reached out to grasp Ned's hand, offering him a reassuring squeeze. "We'll find a way to handle it," she said, her voice filled with determination. "Together."

Ned nodded, grateful for her support. "Thank you, Cat," he said softly, a flicker of gratitude in his eyes.

As they awaited the arrival of Robb and Jon, Ned and Catelyn braced themselves for the difficult decisions that lay ahead, knowing that the safety of their family hung in the balance.

As Robb and Jon entered the solar, Ned's gaze met theirs with a mixture of seriousness and concern. "Robb, Jon," he began, his voice steady but grave, "there's something we need to discuss."

Robb's brow furrowed in confusion, while Jon's expression remained impassive, though a flicker of apprehension glimmered in his eyes.

Ned gestured for them to take a seat before continuing. "We have just received news that Jon Arryn is dead, and King Robert is on his way to Winterfell," he said, his tone somber. "But there's a complication regarding Jon's presence here."

Robb's eyes widened in realization, while Jon's jaw tightened imperceptibly as he awaited further explanation.

Ned continued, his voice tinged with regret. "It's not safe for you to be here when the King arrives," he explained, his tone heavy with concern. "If someone were to recognize you as Rhaegar's son, it could mean danger for you."

Robb's expression hardened with determination as he processed Ned's words, while Jon's jaw clenched slightly as he absorbed the gravity of their situation.

"But if you're not present, it will raise suspicions," Catelyn added, her voice filled with concern as she glanced at Jon.

Ned nodded in agreement with Catelyn's assessment. "We need to tread carefully," he emphasized, his gaze shifting between Robb and Jon. "For the safety of our family and for Jon's sake."

Robb and Jon exchanged a meaningful glance, silently acknowledging the weight of Ned's words and the challenges that lay ahead.

"I may have a way out of this conundrum." Jon explains, "How about I go and visit the Wall to discuss the matter of the deserter with the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, and return with Uncle Benjen when he leaves to come to Winterfell? That way I can avoid being present for the arrival of Robert Baratheon, and yet be present here in time for the feast."

Jon's suggestion hung in the air, a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty that gripped the room. Ned and Catelyn exchanged a meaningful glance, silently acknowledging the wisdom in Jon's proposal.

"It's a risky plan, Jon," Ned said, his voice tinged with concern. "But it may be our best option."

Catelyn nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting a mix of apprehension and gratitude. "If you're willing to take that risk, Jon," she said, her voice soft with emotion, "then we will support you."

Jon met their gaze with determination, his resolve unwavering. "I'll leave for the Wall immediately," he declared, his voice steady. "And I'll return with Uncle Benjen in time for the feast. I was planning to ask your permission to visit the Wall anyway, this just makes things easier."

Ned's brow furrowed in curiosity as Jon mentioned this. "Is there another purpose to your journey, Jon?" he inquired, his voice tinged with intrigue.

Jon hesitated for a moment, weighing his words carefully before responding. "Yes, Father," he admitted, his voice steady. "I wish to meet the Maester at Castle Black, Maester Aemon Targaryen."

Ned's eyes widened in surprise at Jon's revelation. "Aemon Targaryen?" he echoed, his tone filled with incredulity.

Jon nodded solemnly, his gaze unwavering. "Yes, Father," he confirmed. "Maester Aemon Targaryen is the younger brother of Maekar I Targaryen. He is over a hundred years old, and I am the only family member he has in Westeros. I would like to meet him, so that he knows he's not alone anymore."

Ned's surprise turned into a mixture of understanding and admiration as Jon revealed his intentions. "I see," he said, his voice softening with empathy. "It's a noble gesture, Jon."

Catelyn's expression softened as she listened to Jon's explanation, a flicker of warmth replacing the tension in her features. "It's important to honor family, no matter the circumstances," she remarked, her voice gentle.

Jon nodded, grateful for their understanding. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I believe it's the right thing to do."

"I'll come with you Jon!" Robb offers.

Jon shakes his head with a grateful smile. "Thank you for the offer, Robb, but you must stay," he said, his voice firm yet appreciative. "As the Stark heir, you need to be here when King Robert arrives."

Robb nodded understandingly, his expression reflecting both admiration and respect for Jon's sense of duty. "I understand," he said, his tone filled with sincerity. "But know that I'm here for you, whatever you need."

Jon clasped Robb's forearm in a gesture of gratitude. "Thank you, Robb," he said, his voice tinged with emotion. "Your support means everything to me."

"I would asks you to wait a day and leave tomorrow, Jon. There is someone I have invited to Winterfell to meet you."

Ned's interjection caught Jon by surprise, and he turned to his uncle with a questioning look. "Someone is coming to meet me?" he asked, his brow furrowing with curiosity.

Ned nodded, his expression serious yet tinged with a hint of anticipation. "Yes, Jon," he confirmed. "I've received word that the visitor is on their way to Winterfell, specifically to speak with you."

Jon's mind raced with possibilities as he tried to fathom who this mysterious visitor could be. "Who is it?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Ned shook his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I cannot tell you that, Jon," he admitted. "But I believe it's worth waiting a day to find out."

Jon nodded in agreement, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected news. "Of course, Uncle," he said, his voice filled with anticipation. "I'll wait."


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