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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

As Jon contemplates on what to do next, his door bursts open and a liitle ball of energy by the name of Arya Stark runs upto him and jumps on top of him.

"Happy Name Day Jon!" She screams.

As Jon tries to regain his composure from Arya's unexpected entrance, he can't help but smile at her infectious enthusiasm. He quickly goes through the original Jon Snow's memories to confirm that it is indeed his birthday today.

"Thank you, Arya," he says, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "But how did you manage to open my door? I know for a fact that I locked it last night"

A mischievous twinkle sparkles in Arya's eyes as she flashes a knowing grin. "I have my ways," she replies cryptically, her tone teasing.

This girl was sneaky!

"Enough about that!" She pressed, changing the subject quickly, "Come on, there's something I want to show you."

With that, she grabs his hand and pulls him out of his room, leaving Jon to wonder what surprises Arya has in store for him on his Nameday.

As they sneak into the kitchen, Arya reveals her stolen treasure with a flourish. "Ta-da!" she announces proudly, presenting Jon with a plate piled high with lemon cakes. Jon's eyes widen in surprise and delight.

"Arya, you're amazing," he whispers, touched by her thoughtful gesture.

Jon chuckles nervously, his expression turning slightly apprehensive. "Arya, you know your mom would blame me if she found out you were stealing from the kitchen," he whispers, glancing around as if expecting Lady Catelyn to appear at any moment.

"Let's just make sure to clean up and leave before we get caught, okay?" Arya shrugs, unconcerned.

"Don't worry, Jon. I've done this plenty of times before," she assures him, popping another lemon cake into her mouth with a mischievous grin.

Jon shakes his head with a smile, resigning himself to yet another adventure with his spirited younger sister.

They share a conspiratorial grin before indulging in the sweet stolen treats.

Just as they're about to finish off the last of the lemon cakes, the sound of footsteps approaching the kitchen startles them both. Arya's eyes widen in alarm, and Jon quickly gestures for her to hide behind the kitchen counter. Holding his breath, Jon prepares himself for the inevitable confrontation, hoping against hope that they won't be caught red-handed.

"I hope you left some for me!" Robb Stark calls out, his voice full of mischief.

Jon exhales in relief, his tense shoulders relaxing as he recognizes his brother's voice.

"Robb!" he exclaims, turning to face his older brother with a sheepish grin. "We might have indulged a bit too much, but there are a few left. Care to join us?"

Robb's eyes twinkle with amusement as he strides into the kitchen, his smile widening at the sight of the half-empty plate of lemon cakes.

"I thought I smelled something delicious," he teases, grabbing a cake and settling in beside Jon.

Arya emerges from her hiding spot, shooting Robb a playful glare before joining them at the table, and together, the three siblings share a moment of laughter and camaraderie in the warmth of the kitchen.

As they finish the last of the Lemon cakes, Robb turns to Jon, with a smile.

Robb's smile widens as he turns to Jon, his eyes sparkling with warmth and genuine affection. "Happy Name Day, Jon," he says, his voice filled with sincerity. "You're not just my brother, but my closest friend and confidant. Winterfell wouldn't be the same without you."

Jon's heart swells with gratitude at Robb's heartfelt words.

"Thank you, Robb," he replies, his voice filled with emotion. "I'm grateful for your friendship and for being a part of this family."

With a shared smile, they clasp hands, their bond as brothers strengthened by the love and support they share.

Robb's smile turns into a mischievous grin as he stands up from the table, indicating it's time to head for training. "Don't think I'll go easy on you just because it's your Name Day, Jon," he declares, his tone playful but determined. "If anything, I'll make sure to give you an extra challenge today." Jon chuckles, accepting the challenge with a nod. "I wouldn't expect anything less, Robb," he replies, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Let's see what you've got." With that, the two brothers make their way to the training yard, ready to spar and hone their skills, Name Day celebrations momentarily set aside in favor of the rigorous discipline of combat training.

As Jon slips into the padded training gear, he decides to begin assimilating the Taskmaster character card.

"Hestia, it's time to integrate the Taskmaster abilities," he instructs, his voice firm and focused.

Hestia processes the command, initiating the assimilation process.

Jon checks out his stats

Player Name: Jon Snow (Daemon Targaryen)


Bastard of Winterfell

Gacha Points: 0

Characters Assimilation:

Fully Assimilated


In Progress

Tony Masters/Taskmaster (Marvel Comics) 1%

Characters Summoned:



Dragonlord Heritage (Blood of the Dragon)

Fire Resistance (Blood of the Dragon)

Strong Leadership (Blood of the Dragon)

Swordsmanship & Combat Skills (Blood of the Dragon & the First Men)

Northern Resilience (Blood of the First Men)

Warging Abilities.(Blood of the First Men)

Equipped Items:


Non-Used Cards:

Character Card: Selina Kyle/Catwoman (DC Comics)

Wakandan Shield (MCU)

Kaer Morhen Armor (The Witcher 3)

Dawnbreaker (Skyrim)

Night Fury Egg (How To Train Your Dragon)

Wiggenweld Potion x05 (Harry Potter)

Pepperup Potion x05 (Harry Potter)

Power Boost Card x10

Weakness Removal Card x10

Jon can feel a surge of anticipation as the Taskmaster's skills and instincts begin to merge with his own, preparing him for the challenges ahead in the training yard.

With newfound confidence, he steps onto the training grounds, ready to test the limits of his newly acquired abilities against his brother, Robb, and whatever challenges lie ahead.

As Jon steps onto the training ground, he's met with Theon Greyjoy's taunting smirk. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Bastard of Winterfell," Theon sneers, his tone dripping with disdain. "Think you can actually hold your own in a real fight, or are you just here to play pretend with your fancy gear?"

Jon's jaw clenches, but he remains composed, refusing to rise to Theon's bait. Instead, he meets Theon's gaze with a steely determination, ready to prove himself on the training ground.

"I'm here to train, Greyjoy," Jon replies evenly, his voice betraying none of the anger simmering beneath the surface.

"And I'll show you just how real my skills are. I'll wager that I can beat both Robb and Theon in a swordfight," he declares, his voice steady despite the tension crackling in the air.

Robb steps forward, concern etched on his face.

"Jon, this isn't a game," he warns, his tone pleading. "We're here to train, not to settle bets."

But Theon, always eager for a challenge, scoffs at Robb's words.

"Afraid your Bastard brother might show you up, Stark?" he taunts, his smirk widening. "I'll take that bet. Let's see what the Bastard of Winterfell is made of."

Jon's jaw tightens at Theon's words, his resolve hardening.

"Fine," he agrees, his voice unwavering. "Let's settle this once and for all."

With a determined nod, the stage is set for a showdown on the training grounds, the stakes higher than ever before.

With a steely focus, Jon steps forward to face his opponents, Robb and Theon, on the training ground. Though he possesses only a fraction of the Taskmaster's powers, he channels every ounce of his newfound abilities into his swordsmanship.

Robb and Theon exchange a glance, their expressions a mix of skepticism and curiosity as they prepare to engage Jon in combat. With a nod from Winterfell's Master-at-Arms Ser Rodrik Cassel, the clash begins.

Jon moves with fluid grace, his movements a precise blend of technique and instinct honed through years of training. Despite facing two opponents, he holds his own, parrying their strikes with skill and finesse.

Robb and Theon, initially underestimating Jon's abilities, soon find themselves hard-pressed to keep up with his relentless assault. Each swing of Jon's sword carries the weight of determination, fueled by the desire to prove himself against his adversaries.

As the duel rages on, Jon's confidence grows with each passing moment. He pushes himself to the limit, drawing upon the Taskmaster's powers to anticipate his opponents' moves and counter with precision.

As the duel unfolds, Theon's taunts grow more relentless with each exchange. With a smirk plastered on his face, he launches into a barrage of insults, aiming to provoke Jon into making a mistake.

"Come on, Bastard of Winterfell, is that the best you can do?" Theon jeers, his words dripping with disdain. "I expected more from someone who thinks he can take on two opponents at once."

Jon grits his teeth, his grip on his sword tightening as he fights to maintain his composure. He knows Theon's tactics all too well – baiting him into losing focus, into letting his anger cloud his judgment.

But Jon refuses to take the bait. With a deep breath, he pushes aside Theon's taunts, focusing instead on the rhythm of the fight, on the dance of steel against steel.

With each clash of swords, Jon's determination shines through, his movements calculated and precise. He deflects Theon's strikes with ease, his concentration unbroken despite the relentless onslaught of insults.

As the duel wears on, Theon's frustration mounts, his taunts growing increasingly desperate as Jon continues to hold his ground. But no matter how hard he tries, Jon refuses to let his emotions get the best of him, his resolve unyielding in the face of adversity.

Finally, with a swift and decisive maneuver, Jon disarms Theon, leaving him sputtering in disbelief as he stares down at his empty hands. Theon's taunts fall silent as he realizes the depth of Jon's skill and determination.

With Theon disarmed and momentarily stunned, Jon swiftly turns his attention to Robb, his movements fluid and decisive. Despite the intensity of their training, there's no animosity between them, only a mutual respect and understanding born from years of brotherhood.

Robb, still recovering from the shock of seeing Theon defeated so swiftly, readies himself for Jon's next assault. But Jon presses the advantage, his blade a blur of motion as he closes the distance between them.

With a series of precise strikes, Jon quickly gains the upper hand, his skill and speed overwhelming even his seasoned older brother. Robb fights valiantly, his swordsmanship formidable, but against Jon's relentless assault, he finds himself outmatched.

In the end, Jon's blade finds its mark, disarming Robb with a swift and calculated maneuver. Despite the defeat, there's no bitterness in Robb's eyes, only pride in his brother's skill and determination.

As the duel draws to a close, Jon lowers his sword, his chest heaving with exertion but his spirit soaring with triumph. Turning to face Robb and Theon, he offers them a nod of respect, acknowledging the hard-fought battle they've just shared.

As Jon catches his breath, he feels a surge of exhilaration coursing through him, accompanied by a newfound sense of power and confidence.

Taking a peak at his stats, he notices that the Taskmaster character assimilation progress has increased to 8%, a testament to his growth and progress in mastering its abilities.

A sense of determination burns within Jon as he realizes that there's still much more to unlock and discover within the depths of the Taskmaster's powers. With each passing day, he's one step closer to fully harnessing its potential and becoming the formidable warrior he knows he can be.

From their vantage point above the training grounds, Catelyn and Ned Stark watch the duel unfold with a mixture of pride and concern. As the clash comes to an end and Jon emerges victorious, a shadow of anger darkens Catelyn's expression.

"I can't believe that boy," she mutters through clenched teeth, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "To think that he would dare to challenge Robb and Theon like that, and on his Name Day no less."

Beside her, Ned places a reassuring hand on her shoulder, his expression a mix of understanding and sympathy. "Catelyn, you know Jon. He's always had a fire in him, a determination to prove himself," he says gently. "And today, he's shown us just how far he's come."

But Catelyn's anger simmers beneath the surface, her maternal instincts overriding any sense of pride. "He's still a bastard, Ned," she retorts, her voice laced with frustration. "No amount of skill with a sword will ever change that."

As she watches Jon stand tall amidst his defeated opponents, Catelyn's heart is torn between her love for her son and her lingering resentment towards the boy who bears the mark of her husband's infidelity.

As Ned watches Jon's victory on the training grounds, a wave of bittersweet memories washes over him, carrying him back to a time long ago. In his mind's eye, he sees the face of his beloved sister, Lyanna, her voice echoing in his ears.

"Promise me, Ned," she had whispered, her voice barely a breath amidst the turmoil of war. "Promise me that you'll tell him the truth when he comes of age, on his 16th Nameday."

Ned's heart clenches with the weight of that promise, a solemn oath made in the dying moments of a loved one. For years, he had carried the burden of that secret, protecting Jon from the truth of his parentage, even as the whispers of his bastard status followed him like a shadow.

But now, as Jon stands victorious before him, Ned knows that the time has come to fulfill his promise, to reveal the truth that has been hidden for so long. With a heavy heart and a determined resolve, he takes a deep breath and turns to his wife, Catelyn, her eyes filled with concern.

"It's time, Catelyn," he says softly, his voice heavy with emotion. "It's time for Jon to know the truth about who he is and where he comes from." Catelyn's eyes widen in surprise, her brows furrowing in confusion.

"The truth?" she echoes, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "What truth, Ned?"

Ned's heart sinks as he realizes that he can no longer keep the secret from his wife, that the time has come for the truth to be known. With a heavy sigh, he reaches out to take her hand, steeling himself for the difficult conversation ahead.

"It's about Jon," he begins, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "About his true parentage, and the promise I made to Lyanna all those years ago." As he speaks, he can see the shock and disbelief dawning in Catelyn's eyes, a storm of emotions brewing beneath the surface.

And as they make their way down to his solar, Ned asks his Steward Vayon Poole to send for Jon and Robb.

Ned knows that after today their family will never be the same again, that the truth will bring with it a reckoning that will shake the very foundations of their world. But he also knows that it's a burden they must bear together, as a family bound by love and honor, no matter the cost.


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