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Chapter 18: Chapter 17 - Search

----------------YANG'S PERSPECTIVE---------------

As we navigated the bustling city streets, Shigure's ominous words continued to reverberate in my mind, weighing heavily upon my thoughts. The individual she sought was a master-class martial artist, and the prospect of potentially encountering this formidable figure filled me with a sense of trepidation. If I were to locate this elusive target before Shigure, would I possess the necessary skills and fortitude to subdue him, or would I foolishly risk my own life in a misguided attempt? These unsettling questions persisted, no matter how fervently I tried to suppress them. The stakes seemed high, and the potential consequences of failure loomed large, casting an ominous shadow over the path that lay ahead.

However, despite my status as an Expert Class Fighter, a relatively strong one at that, I still felt a lingering sense of unease. Even as an Expert, I was far from being a true master, which left me with a persistent feeling of vulnerability. Fortunately, I would be working alongside Takana during my upcoming shifts, and his presence would provide an additional layer of protection and vigilance. Yet, I couldn't help but worry that Shigure's apparent prioritization of her mission to apprehend the Master Class fighter might come at the expense of the rest she needs to maintain peak performance in her role as a bodyguard. The demands of these overlapping responsibilities could potentially leave her fatigued and less than fully prepared to handle any threats that might arise.

However, as a seasoned Master, she should possess the necessary skills and resilience to handle herself effectively, even if she does not receive the optimal amount of rest. Yet, as my mind continued to wander, I observed that the limousine had come to a halt. Peering out the window, it became apparent that we had arrived at what appeared to be a residential property. Based on the briefing we received, this was likely the home of the Politician whom our client was financially supporting.

The plan was elegantly straightforward in its design. Each shift would take responsibility for guarding the client for approximately a third of the day, though this schedule remained flexible to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. This thoughtful approach ensured around-the-clock protection for the client, with ample time allotted for the previous shifts to rest and recuperate between their guarding duties.

As we exited the car, we were escorted to the guest house that would serve as our accommodations during the stay. To describe it as simply large would be a vast understatement. This impressive residence boasted an extraordinary six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, and an additional five auxiliary rooms. The sheer scale of the property was unlike anything I was accustomed to, a true testament to the lucrative salaries enjoyed by those in the political sphere. Fortunately, the generous compensation promised for this bodyguard assignment would ensure that my efforts were well rewarded, provided I successfully carried out my duties as required.

And with our arrival, the first shift commenced, with Shigure and one of the High-Class Disciple leading the way. They departed to attend to the client, while the rest of us took the opportunity to kill time before our own respective shifts began. Alongside Tanaka and Kyao, we decided to use this window to familiarize ourselves with the layout of the guest house and the surrounding property. This allowed us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the environment and better prepare ourselves for the tasks ahead.

Over the course of a diligent three-hour investigation, we were able to thoroughly survey and examine the guest house in meticulous detail. The comprehensive assessment revealed that the property boasted an impressive array of approximately 13 potential points of entry. This included the two main doors at the front and rear of the house, as well as a window in each of the bedrooms and four additional windows situated in various bathrooms throughout the residence. While the ventilation system was also considered as a potential access point, a careful examination of its design and configuration led us to conclude that it would be highly unlikely for anyone to be able to squeeze through, given the confined and restrictive nature of the ductwork.

The property in question was surprisingly well-secured, with an impressive array of video cameras and surveillance equipment installed throughout the premises. Most likely, these security measures had been implemented by the property owner to ensure the safety and protection of the location. The surveillance room, where the camera feeds were monitored, was situated within the main house, but access to this area was strictly limited. Unless one was tasked with guarding the client or explicitly ordered to do so by the client, entry into the security room was prohibited. This restricted access meant that the full extent of the security system's effectiveness remained unknown to the us, but that was going to be something we would need to work around.

The property's perimeter was enclosed by a standard metal fence, which stood slightly taller than my own height, but was by no means an insurmountable obstacle. In fact, given my proficiency in the martial arts, I could effortlessly clear this fence in a single bound. This meant that other skilled fighters would also be able to replicate such feats. 

However, despite the demands of our duties, there was still ample opportunity for the three of us to unwind and forge a deeper connection. With some time to spare before Myself and Tanaka's next shift guarding, I proposed a light sparring session with Tanaka. This would allow us to familiarize ourselves with each other's fighting styles and techniques in a safe, controlled setting, without risking any serious injuries. The chance to engage in this friendly practice was a welcome respite, enabling us to grow more comfortable and in sync as a team, while still maintaining the professionalism required of our roles.

As we trained together, my sparring partner Tanaka took the opportunity to elaborate on the unique martial arts style he had been cultivating. He explained that it was known as the Tenchi Mushin Ryuu, an ancient fighting technique that his master had painstakingly revived and passed down to both him and his wife, who was herself a master of the style. What was particularly surprising was the fact that his wife was only around eighteen years old, the same age as my partner, suggesting he had married at a remarkably young age. The essence of the Tenchi Mushin Ryuu, he elaborated, was its remarkable adaptability and flexibility. Rather than rigidly following a predetermined set of techniques, this ancient art was designed to seamlessly change and mold itself to complement the individual fighting style and preferences of its practitioner. This dynamic, ever-evolving nature of the style piqued my interest, as it sounded like a truly unique and versatile approach to the martial arts.

As he continued to converse with me, I skillfully blocked his strike, demonstrating my own proficiency in a variety of martial arts disciplines. I proudly shared my knowledge of Karate, Jujitsu, Boxing, and Taekwondo, the styles I have diligently trained in over these years. To showcase the strength and precision of my Taekwondo techniques, I performed the Mikeyopuchagi, a rapid-fire series of powerful kicks targeting his torso. Despite our mutual restraint in withholding our full strength, the intensity and speed of my Taekwondo kicks were palpable, even though they ultimately did not land..

"What powerful kicks, even when you are holding back a normal Expert Class Fighter would find defending against those difficult!" Tanaka would respond to my series of kicks with his own calculated attack, which he referred to as the Wooden Neck Cross. This maneuver involved Tanaka launching himself into the air and unleashing a powerful knife-hand strike aimed at the side of my head. However, I recognized that this initial attack was merely a setup for a subsequent follow-up strike, and I knew that I would be unable to properly defend against it from that angle. Forced to evade, we exchanged several more blows before disengaging and creating distance between us once again.

"You shouldn't sell yourself short Tanaka. At this rate, I believe within a couple years you will be a master." As we approached each other and firmly shook hands, I felt a deep sense of appreciation for the experience we had just shared. Though this was merely light sparring, the encounter had taught me a great deal. The style that Tanaka employed was truly splendid, and I found myself captivated by its elegance and effectiveness. I knew that by closely observing and studying this technique, I would be able to incorporate some of its fundamental principles into my own fighting style, allowing me to grow and evolve as a martial artist. This exchange had been an invaluable learning opportunity, one that I would carry with me long after the session had ended.

But before I could dwell further on the newfound insights I had gained, Tanaka and I both received an urgent text message from the client. The message informed us that the guard shifts were about to change, and that both Tanaka and I were now scheduled for guard duty. Despite my lingering concerns about the powerful Master Level Fighter that Shigure was seeking, I felt reassured knowing that Tanaka and I would be working together to protect our client. With our combined vigilance and capabilities, I was confident we could effectively safeguard the client's wellbeing during this critical transition in security personnel.

Mightiest_Disciple Mightiest_Disciple

Hey guys! So I realized that I am not showing off Yang's other martial arts as much as I should be. So I will be trying to make a point to show off more than his Karate. Anyways, hope you guys are enjoying the story and thank you for all the support!

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