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Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - Jump of a Life Time!?!

----------------YANG'S PERSPECTIVE----------------

As I laboriously rose from the ground, a throbbing pain echoed through my head, a sensation far more intense than any previous impact inflicted by my supposed master. Observing the ongoing skirmish, it was evident that Miu and Umeda were attempting to collaborate in their attack against the agile martial artist. Alas, his movements were executed with such finesse that he effortlessly sidestepped and parried their every strike. His defense was so impeccable that it appeared effortless as I hastened to intercede in the unfolding altercation.

The unfortunate sequence of events unfolded with Umeda carelessly colliding into me, resulting in a chaotic collapse involving both of us. Swiftly disentangling myself from her grasp, I rushed to aid Miu, who was evidently overwhelmed and in dire need of assistance. Effortlessly leaping into action, I endeavored to deliver a decisive blow to the Boss in a valiant attempt to turn the tide of the situation. However, my well-intentioned kick was promptly thwarted by the gangster's swift and forceful counterattack. The sheer impact of his retaliatory strike sent me hurtling backwards through the air, only to miraculously land back on solid ground with unwavering resolve and determination.

Umeda hastily dashed past me, frantically trying to connect a series of Muay Thai strikes, yet failing miserably as her blows only met empty air. The question lingered in my mind: just how powerful was this Yakuza figure?

Based on my assessment of his skill level, it appears that he is potentially hovering around the high disciple class in terms of his fighting capabilities. However, it is important to note that my assessment may not be entirely accurate. The physical prowess demonstrated by this individual was indeed remarkable and truly a spectacle to witness.

I appreciate you sharing this intriguing text with me. It seems like a dramatic scene where the boss encountered a strike from Umeda, leading to an unexpected turn of events where he used her as a human bat to slam into Miu. As I looked on, it left me wondering about the suspense and uncertainty surrounding how Umeda, Miu and I would strategize and ultimately take down this formidable Foe.

However, amidst the intense moment, I keenly observed that his attention had effortlessly shifted from me to both Miu and Umeda. Sensing a fleeting opportunity, I courageously attempted to take action by launching a surprise attack from behind with a precise punch. Regrettably, my tactic proved ineffective as he astutely detected my presence and swiftly evaded my strike, causing an unexpected collision between Umeda and myself. Our valiant attempts to confront him inadvertently resulted in our strikes unintentionally intersecting with each other in a whirlwind of chaotic energy.

"Watch where you are swinging Weimin!" Umeda made an attempt to shout, but before any argument could ensue, I swiftly and skillfully rolled out of harm's way to dodge a knee that was swiftly descending from above, directly aimed at my head.

Before the Yakuza member could even attempt to utter a single word following his violent and despicable act aimed at causing harm, Umeda astutely seized the fleeting moment to swiftly and decisively deliver a forceful blow with her elbow, resulting in him skidding dramatically along the ground in a rather humiliating manner. Despite managing to maintain his stance, he shamelessly gazed at her with an arrogant grin arrogantly plastered across his face, displaying a blatant disregard for the consequences of his actions.

"Not bad little girl. That actually hurt. But I am going to make you regret that." Abruptly propelling himself off the ground, he aggressively charged towards her with a ferocity that was both alarming and brutal. In a swift and ruthless manner, he delivered multiple forceful strikes upon her body, propelling her backwards with great force. The impact of his blows nearly rendered her unconscious as she crumpled to the ground, though subtle movements indicated that she still clung to consciousness.

"NO!" I observed Miu's dramatic entrance, filled with rage and determination as she swiftly entered the room. With a fierce glare in her eyes, she unleashed a forceful kick towards the Yakuza, who foolishly attempted to retaliate with a punch. To my astonishment, Miu's unbridled anger fueled her strength as she effortlessly overpowered his feeble attempt and delivered a punishing kick directly to his face. The intensity of her fury was palpable as she followed up with a powerful fist that struck the Yakuza's chin with precision, then swiftly seized his neck and delivered a brutal knee to his chest. In an impressive display of agility and combat prowess, Miu continued her relentless assault by spinning around and driving another forceful knee into the Yakuza's head. With remarkable grace and speed, she leaped above her opponent, maintaining an airborne position akin to that of a skilled acrobat. Her body spun like a whirlwind at an astounding velocity, resembling a lethal drill as she executed a devastating leg strike straight into the Yakuza's chest.

Blood violently spurted from the mouth of the menacing Yakuza boss, painting a gruesome scene of brutality. Yet, as Miu relentlessly launched another assault, he swiftly intercepted it with a ferocious slam of his fist into her delicate features. The sickening sound of bone nearly shattering echoed through the air as he ruthlessly struck her arm, though miraculously it remained unbroken. Miu's anguished cry pierced the tense atmosphere as she was mercilessly sent hurtling backwards from a forceful kick to her vulnerable midsection. With a cold and calculating gaze, the Yakuza boss ominously surveyed his surroundings before locking eyes with me, signaling an impending storm of chaos and violence.

As I awkwardly assumed my fighting stance, a sense of foreboding crept over me, signaling that something was amiss. The malevolent aura emanating from him was palpable, instilling a deep-rooted fear within me. This unsettling encounter marked the first time I faced a formidable opponent whose sinister intentions to end my life were matched by their undeniable skill and prowess. My feeble attempt to retreat only seemed to amuse the Yakuza thug, as he erupted into mocking laughter at my futile display of defense.

"You really are just a child! You have never been in a fight like this huh? You can't even remain calm, that is the basics of fighting, remain calm. You don't even deserve to live if you can't even do that." He commenced his approach with a smug expression plastered across his face, sending shivers down my spine with each calculated step he took towards me. The mere sight of him closing in filled me with an overwhelming sense of dread, as his menacing presence loomed closer and closer. Despite his attempts to soothe my nerves with words that reverberated in my mind, the sheer terror of the moment made it impossible for me to quell the fear that gripped me tightly.

In a moment of desperation, the recollection of Master Yao's Kata crossed my mind. I found myself pondering whether such a practice could truly aid in my endeavor to regain composure. With no other viable alternatives at hand, I reluctantly resolved to experiment with it as a last resort.

As I took a deep breath, I painstakingly replicated the intricate Kata movements that had been demonstrated to me. Every motion was executed with meticulous precision, and I could sense my jangled nerves gradually subsiding. Nevertheless, amidst my focused performance, I couldn't help but observe the Yakuza's evident bewilderment at the unfamiliar spectacle unfolding before them.

"What is that kid? Some kind of last resort move? Do you really think a Kata is going to beat me? Jeez you must be stupid or something." He uttered, releasing yet another hearty laugh. Nevertheless, I persevered through the Kata stages with unwavering determination until I finally reached the anticipated movements. Through the meticulously executed circular motions of my arms, I skillfully activated my Seikūken technique. My mind achieved a state of tranquility, allowing me to keenly observe and decipher the Yakuza's fighting rhythm with precision and acuity.

With unwavering focus and precision granted by my Seikūken, I was resolute in my pursuit of victory. The thought of failure in this critical moment not only spelled doom for myself but also entailed the dire consequences of sealing the fates of both Miu and Umeda. Such an intolerable outcome could simply not be entertained, regardless of the circumstances at hand.

"So, you think you can take me on now? Ok then kid, let's see what you can do!" With a sudden burst of energy, he emphatically declared his intentions as he swiftly surged towards me at the onset of round two.

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