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83.01% Thorns, Fangs And Ice / Chapter 44: Chapter 44 – City.

Chapter 44: Chapter 44 – City.

With my next destination in mind, I began heading straight to the Greyway city.

If I want to grow stronger, I got to hunt stuff there and maybe I will register as adventurer.

Anyway, I can run on all fours in my monster form, allowing me to run quite fast, but I had to make sure that I was staying out of anybody sight while traveling.

It took me some time, but I managed to get to the Greyway city.

 (Wow. This place is quite big.) – though the monster while walking towards the city in her human form.

(Well, this place is probably much, since right now I only see its walls.)

(Anyway, this will be the first city I will ever enter in this life. I wonder what its looks like?)

(But I should be carefully. I was able to fool humans with my human form, but will it be enough in here? What if they have any means of checking me out?)

(Not only that, there is also possibility that I may or may not be forced to show my monster form.)

(And if somebody sees me, I will have to kill them and that will obviously make me appear suspicious to some people.)

(At worst case scenario, I maybe forced to commit mass genocide. AND THAT WILL DEFINITLY NOT GO UNNOTICED!)


(As soon as something is wrong, I'm running away.)

The little girl approached the entrance of the city and was immediately stopped by guard.

"Stop. Are you alone? Where are your guardians?" – asked the guard standing near entrance.

"I'm by myself. I don't have any guardians." – said the little girl.

"…. How old are you?" – asked the guard.


(Well, I'm 1 year old. But to register as adventurer I need to be at least 10 years old.)

"And may I ask you why you came to the city?" – asked the knight.

"I came here to register as adventurer." – said the girl.

"I see. Well then, the adventurer guild is this way. If you ask some people around, you will find it no time."

"By the way. People below age 12 don't have to pay the entry fee."

"I see. Thank you for the help."

After thanking the guard, the girl entered the city through the gate and as soon as she did, she found herself on the streets that were filled with people and stands.


(There is a lot… A LOT of people in here.)

(I can also see some short people, but not like short people. Thie body build is different from human. Are they dwarfs?)

(I also see some elves. They are probably not from that forest, since the elves from that forest are know among the parts where I lived as egoistic narcissists bastards that do not want anybody entering their territory.)

(So maybe these guys are not big cunts like them.)

(Anyway, lets go to the adventure guild already.)

The girl began exploring the city a bit, before finally finding the adventurer guild.

(According to the information I got, this place is an adventurer guild.)

(Not only that, the symbol on the building matches the symbol of the adventurer license those young adventures guys had.)

{{A symbol of googles, shield, wand and sword.}}

(I should-)


(Wait a second.)


"This is an adventurer guild license. It's both a means of identifying yourself as well as showing your rank." – said the young party leader.

"Oh. I see!" – said the little girl.

"But what happens if somebody steals it? Won't they pretend to be you?"

"Hahahahah! Don't worry. Those cards are special. The adventurer guild will register your mana waves and other stuff as well as take some of your blood to make this card, meaning each adventurer license is special and nobody will be able to fake them." – said the archer.

"Not only, even if you lose your license, if you register your adventurer licenses in any country, they can check you and your identity and after coming some stuff, they can make you new one."

[End of flashback.]



(I don't bleed!)

(Even in my human form! I don't have any blood or anything!)

(Why the fuck I remembered it only now?!)

(Not only that, they can check if I registered or not in the past and they can check me, unless I move to the different country.)

(Fuck me… I fucked up big time.)

(Can I make some fake blood with my plant creation? Like a fruit juice… No. it will not work. They probably have some means of checking it.)


(What now?!)

(The plan was to register as adventurer so I can gather informations!)

(But since I can't bleed, they cannot take my blood to make me the adventure guild license!)

(What do I do now?)

(Gather informations as a little girl? Fuck that!)

(Who would even tell me anything!)

(I doubt I will find any work in the city for a kid like me.)

(I can try my luck with some bars or inns, but even then, they will probably not talk to me.)

(Fuuuucckkkk If only I had older appearance or something!)

(I fucked up like idiot because I fuking forgotten about one important detail.)



(I guess I will return to just being a monster.)

(But if I want to gather any information, I need to stay in city, even if it little bit.)

(But if I want to grow, I will have leave the city, but people will question where would a little girl like me go!)

(Fuck…. The situation is hopeless.)


(Fuck it. I didn't wanted to do this, but I have to give up on the city.)

(My fuking child like appearance is giving way too many trouble!)

(I guess I will have to live in woods like before.)

(It will take some time getting use to, since I was living a long time like a normal little girl some time ago.)

I left the city and quickly made my way to the forest.

I did had to avoid some people and some adventures, but I wasn't seen.

After making sure that nobody was nearby, I took on my monster form.

(Honestly, getting seen in my monster form isn't a good thing. But it would way worse if they saw my human form while I'm in the forest.)

(Oh well, its not like I'm out of options yet.)

I made my way into the deeper parts of the monster territory where E+ rank monsters where appearing.


Waiting game.

I didn't came here to hunt, but instead to wait.

Wait for my victims to come here themselves.

After an hour passed, I found my victims.

"Say, these pigmans warriors. How are they different from regular pigmans?" – asked the girl with two daggers.

"Well, you see- "

Suddenly, a bunch of roots sported from the ground and tied themselves around the girls.

The girls tried screaming, but their mouths were covered.

"Don't worry. I won't kill you. As long as you tell me all the stuff I want to know!" – said the monster while revealing itself to the girls.

(I may not be able to gain information from the city, but I can still kidnap and torture people for informations!)

"By the way, I made sure that nobody is nearby. So, screaming won't help you and will only lure pigmans here."

"So, nod if you understand."

The girls desperately began nodding their heads over and over.

"Good." – said the monster before snapping its fingers, removing the roots that were wrapped around girls' mouths.

"Now. You will answer my questions and based on the results, I will let you go or die."

"First question. Who is the strongest adventure in that city?"


"Hey. Do you really want to die from get go?" – asked the monster.

"N-no! Its just that we don't know!" – replied short haired female.

"Exactly!" – said the long haired female.


"Explain." – said the monster.

"W-well… There are 2 different adventurer clans in the city."

[Adventurer Clans.]

[They are a special organization formed by adventures.]

[Simple put they are guilds you see in games and other stuff.]

(I heard about them from those guys and I get a gist of it.)

"So, there are two powerful groups of adventurers in the city?" – asked the monster.

"Yes. The first one are [Hounds]. They are a guild that consist of humans and beastmans." – said the short haired girl.

"Their leader is known as Hound. He is a demi human as well as C rank adventurer."

"The second group is called [Haters] and they are consider of many different races."

"Their leader is a guy named Phoe. He is human and he is also C adventurer."

"Honestly, these two groups are not in good terms and they often fight with one another."

(2 C ranks? Fuck me.)

(The difference in power between ranks that are between H to E+ isn't that big.)

(But starting from F rank, the difference in power between each ranks is very noticeable and the higher the rank, the bigger the difference is.)

(I can say without a doubt, I will lose against one of these guys no matter what.)

(Not only that, they are probably veterans while I'm still a newbie who lived for 1 year.)

(And well, I spend 8 months just learning about this world.)

(So yea. Nope. Fighting them is out of my league.)

(Not only that. I need to avoid fighting D rank adventurers as well.)

(I need to train more and understand my body and other stuff.)

(I also need to research and understand bit more about creating monster and stuff, since I may need them in near future.)

I took the two girls to the remote place where nobody would have bothered us and I been interrogating them for few hours for informations.

Honestly, this strategy was worth it.

If I stayed in the city, getting this amount of informations would take days or maybe weeks.

I guess being a bad person has its own benefits.

"Hm… I see. No more questions." – said the monster.


"Then- "

Before short haired girl could say anything, the monster bit the entire girl head before then eating it.

The second girl tried screaming, but the monster instantly grabbed her by her head, shutting the girl instantly.

"You honestly should have seen that coming." – said the monster before crushing the girl head, killing the long haired girl in instance.

"Now then. I shouldn't leave anything behind."

"Well then. Thanks for the meal." – said the monster before starting to eat the girls' bodies.

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